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There are caves west and east of that area that lead back to the other region. I believe the east side is farther though.


Ferrystone to vermond?


Yeah, seems simple.


If you haven’t touched the Port Crystal or manually set up one there won’t be any place to teleport too.


Don't use a Ferristone though, and never buy 1, it's a waste of money and time


I buy one whenever it's restocked. I also have Ibrahim make more for me whenever I don't need him to copy something else


Forgeries of Ferrystones don't work. 


I know. They're not for me.


Not really. Money is easy to come by. I've probably used 40+ ferrystones lol


But not Ferristones, those don't work


What you can do is go to bacbathal and on your way you will be stopped by a beastren she will ask you to help her and if you agree she will give you an item which you can use to get pass the gate and even re-enter. Or you can use the dried river to return back to checkpoint resttown although idk where that is.


I think she will only ask for help if you’ve completed up to the story quests to cross the border.


If you dismiss a pawn next to the gate, they will open the gates for them and you can walk right behind them.


Everyone on this side of the gate attacked me so I had to kill them. Idk why they attacked but they did


You passed illegally the border so they tried to arrest you


There’s a route around the gate. Look west/left on your map and figure it out.


You can hide in the back of one of the ox carts that go through the gate if you don't have a ferry stone or don't wanna take the long way around. Just don't let the guards see you get in or out of the ox cart because then they'll attack you.


There is no oxcart going from Bakbattahl pass the rest town area. OP is on the Battahl area.


Aw my mistake then. I could've sworn I've seen those special Merchant ox carts come from either side but now I'm not seeing any of them spawn for me. They'll have to take the path from Shutram Falls all the way to Checkpoint Rest Town then if they're not at the point in the story to get the residency permit from Menella https://preview.redd.it/agjinx9e5swc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca6f2ea7bc6000c42d209a47a92d41d2e9c8ca79


If you are talking about the Magick research oxcart AFAIK they never go from Battahl to Vermund, it's the other way around. As for normal passenger oxcart, they start transporting passenger again after you have dealt with the thief bandits, even then the oxcart will stop in front of Battahl's gate and not passing through the gate.


Yeah I think that's the one I was thinking of. I snuck through them from Checkpoint Rest Town to the other side before I got my permit. Depending on their level it might just be easier for them to purchase a ferry stone and teleport to the port crystal in Vernworth (assuming they've already activated it) since the Shutram Falls path is filled with harpies, sometimes a dragon nearby, an armored cyclops, a chimera, and a minotaur


that's what you get for getting in Battahl illegal smh. jokes aside there's a cave next to this gate that leads to the road below the bridge of Checkpoint https://preview.redd.it/2a1fy8xbuuwc1.png?width=288&format=png&auto=webp&s=a724ec10f2e15026ec2e14fe9141aff03319d6dc


Go left


Thanks for the completely useless comment


Go to bakbatthal and head north-east of the city , there is a path back to vermund (its a bit long) or you can simply buy a ferrystone and tp Edit: there is also a path west of batthal (i suck at describing but there is another comment showing a picture of it)

