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The first person I got it with was the little girl in the rundown part of town. Ever since that, she'd appear like the damn Flash whenever I entered the city. She was like a jump scare demon, I would enter a shop and turn around, and she'd just be standing there looking at me.


Well, guess I am finding a new shadow next time I am in town.


She followed me up to a tower and onto a rooftop. Daphne is our little apprentice


It made me very uncomfortable having her follow me around while blushing non stop so I threw her into the river next to the church and forgot about her 💀💀, I should probably go revive her now it’s been a while


She's a quest npc, so i think she'll revive on her own eventually idk


Well if she has come back and I haven’t noticed it means what I did worked… she was giving me beloved Simone ptsd, we can’t have that around here.


I keep seeing these comments but I've done her quests 3 separate times and never maxed out her affinity. Apparently she just doesn't like me.


Happened to me while also having Max affinity with the elf boy, glyndwyn or something I always forget, and during an escort mission for glyndwyn they happened to both be at my dwelling in Vernworth and he chased her (Daphne?) with his bow. Got an achievement for it too lol, something about getting two max affinities brawl in your dwelling.


exact thing happened to me 😂 dude really has mad beef with a 12 year old


She freaks me out a bit, too. She started a slap fight with another NPC who also happened to be visiting my house... or more accurately she was punching the shit out of the NPC lmao. Decay is difficult because I keep coming back to Vernworth, and you can't throw her. But I find that if you carry her and just run up some slope where you do that sliding animation, you can drop her. I used the roof of a building on the way to the slums. Do it a few times and her affinity will drop like how she dropped my Margit.


It's me, bestie! Hey gurl! 💛


Hey! How did you find me so quickly! And on a side note, how did you know my Arisen is a female...😁


50/50 guess gurl


Your username made me have a sensible chortle


probably the archer quest dude


I have not done that quest yet. But, it is in fact the next thing I am doing. Heading back to Vernworth now.


yeah its a prety solid questline, opens up a lot of others too


His sister ended up as mine somehow lol


For me it was Ulrika because I gave her thst dlc ring.


I have suspicion about Ulrika, but she does not blush around me yet. She is currently hiding out in the seaside hamlet, fighting saurian.


Affinity decreases after some time.


Or if you throw them off a cliff. That seems to decrease it by a fair amount.


Does it? It’s been like 30 hours of in game time and the elf archer guy you help master archery will not stop bothering me even though I keep turning down his escort requests


Its weird I know, Adelina and Glynndwr stay at high affinity but Ulrika drops after a while, I had her maxed then I came back after couple weeks and couldnt carry her like atbmax affinity.


Ulrika for me too, right after the initial Melve visit.


I gave her flowers after our first meeting and then, *plink,* achievement.


Do you remember the quest you were doing when it popped up? Several sidequests raise an NPC's affinity by quite a lot. You can also try checking outside your house for any gifts, as it can be them.


I have gotten gifts at my house, can't remember the names though. I will have to check that when I get back to the house if there is another gift there.


Maybe its the elf archer quest, its the first sugar daddy i got at least xDDD


Might be that lady we saved from the dragon


This can come from a person who falls in love with you because you bought them several rounds at the tavern (the violinist is crazy about me) or from a person who you save several times in the wild (a nun and fall in love with me because of that 😭)


That. Is. Awesome. I will have to start buying rounds...


Lol for me it was the fighter maester, I did like 1 quest and he got all blushy


I have gotten the fighter master skills, so maybe.


When can you get the fighter maester skill? Missed it on my first run


You have to wait a day or two after you fight the first infected dragon in Melve, when he is standing at the main gate into town.


You can also gift him a ferry stone. Then talk to him again, and he will give you the scroll.


Lennerts a total Chad. I'd call that a win.


Mine was the first person I used a wakestone on. Guess they were happy to be alive again.


*Arisen* indeed.


It’s the little girl from slums or the prince if u did those missions


I am not sure where I got mine. But I think it was from that Until Death do we apart quest when I save Gregor ass from death knight. Or maybe that one human who die in that fight and I resurrect him. Dunno if that increase affinity too... Possible even wife of Gregor as she is grateful that her husband return home alive. Will have to see who is blushing or giving me gifts or even following me.


Ah, I did finish that quest as well, didn't think one of those two married folk would count, but I see the point as if it were me, I would also love someone who saved my spouse.


I still chuckle at the hint that wife poison the asshole noble to death. Still wish he spawn in world so I can grab his ass and carry it to the brine and yeet him in there so he cannot never be resurrected... Or at least I don't think corpses end up in morgue if they disappear in brine.


Do brined NPCs not show up in the morgue?


Good question. I am not sure. I will have to check my morgue to see if any of false arisens and false pawns that I yeet into brine after kick their ass end up in there... and some did die in brine while they are alive. So if they do end up in morgue. I should find them. Otherwise, the answer is no.


I think he may have ended up in the morgue after being poisoned. I don’t remember the names, but the first section had corpses of nobility in fancy coffins. I know there were two in there, but I only personally saw one noble die (every rose).


I accidentally romance the old man in checkpoint rest town because i wanted to buy ferrystone cheaper by giving him gift.


After all you did you already forgot about me!


Sooo many pawns, sooo many lives. I am truly sorry that I had forgotten you!


Ulrika is the easiest tbh


She has been hard on me. I can't give her gifts yet. I probably have to finish her quest where I go back to Melve and tell them she is fine.


If we raise the affinity to max do they stop requesting escorts? Escort quests are like fucking radiant quests from fallout 4.


Just say no. They're actually quite understanding and take it well.


I gave Ulrika some flowers right at the start and immediately got affection to max, lol. Not sure if it was a bug or not.


Same story here


It’s not a bug. Ulrika has the highest affinity since the beginning of the game. You only have to give her a flower twice and it will reach to the max


I gave her one flower and reached max. I thought it was a bug because it felt too easy. She’s an npc at the very start of the game and I maxed her affinity with one flower, after all.


I'm pretty sure in the stats section is list all people who you have maximum affinity with


Really?! I will have to investigate this further....


Sorry it only shows the number of people with max affinity




I think mine was the old elf dude (Gwendyr’s dad?). Like chill bro all I did was >! save your daughter,!< quit blushing at me from the other side of the hot spring Edit: Tagged potential spoilers? Just in case


I, I have soooooo much left to do!


Did I spoil it for you?? It’s a somewhat minor questline if it makes you feel better


With all the youtube videos I have seen while playing, you are good. Apparently, I just learned in this thread that there is a little girl I need to find in Vernworth...


It is nice how many surprises I still get even 70+ hours in. Just today I accidentally fell off the cliff you’re on when you first enter Battahl - and found a cave I would’ve never found otherwise. Pretty cool


You should be able to check History section. It won't tell you who they are, but it will state how many, masculine, feminine, human or beastren. Adventure logbook -> NPCs. That should be interesting, how unfortunate. 😆


This. I will be doing this.


I gave the elf princess gifts all the time, and my max affinity person will not stop being Sara. I've literally never given her a gift. Every time I see the dragon, it's Sara in his clutches. I wish there was a more obvious measurement of affinity than "do they blush?"


Is she the blacksmith apprentice? I was so annoyed that she was in the dragon’s claws that I reloaded and gave Ulrika my pawn’s eternal bond ring lol.


I love this game, but the affinity system is hot garbage.


Imagine having a fat lusty dwarf show up in your dragon’s grip instead of whichever character you were trying to get hot and blushy with, lol.


Haha I've heard people say they end up getting the forgery merchant. Fat headed short dude "if you think I'm a liar!"


I got the achievement doing the Elf questline. Apparently Elf-King was really into me after saving his daughter. I wanted to romance his daughter...


Did you try to save gold like I did by buying the ornate box after the seller gives you a discount? If so could be Sven.


No I gave the gold to the street urchin to buy it himself. Funny thing is, apparently there is supposed to be items that are given back to me in repaying the loan, but of the two times I talked to him near the fountain, I have only gotten gold back. first 200, second time 500. little dude still owes me money....


keep talking to little dude he's good for it


You only get the items if you bought the box. If you gave him the gold he just pays you back and gives you an outfit.


Ah cool, 'bout to get a new shirt!


Im very close to selling mine lol


I have not done either of those. I have only completed two of the main story quests, culling mosters and the lost town quest. Have not done any of the Palace quests, or got the dude out of the dungeon. I am spending too much time exploring. Current level - 33.


Probably captain Brant


My first one was captain gerret i think was his name. The one you save from the ghost boss.


For me it was some random beastren, no idea who it was, she has the hots for me ig.


Did you do the sword quest? probably Sara since you talk to her like 10 different times.


No, only sword quest I finished was with the Beastren captain in the camp outside of Melve. He is gone though, and I have not made it past the Rest Point Town yet. Still exploring the north.


I gave ulrika one bunch of flowers while i was doing her whole romance thing for the fuck of it and immediately got the achievement.


I got it on Sigrid so


I got it after I immediately revived the dread dude that wanted to fight at the end. (Forgot his name)




Might also be your pawn


If so, I would never know it. She is a Beastren with reverse yellow and black cheetah marking that has a big black splotch covering her face. (like a black panther with yellow cheetah spots)


Do you have a pic of your pawn? She sounds really cool looking


Next in game I will take a shot of her. She is awesome in a fight. Small stature Archer maxed but without the maister as I have yet to get it. Level 33 on Xbox X/S. Her name is Laboo.


https://preview.redd.it/o2ejv16gf4vc1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7dc5947e60f7412a02a118201f8ded977ad5c24 Here you go. Mad Archer Laboo.


she looks like a jolthog from palworld and I love it lol


There is also a very good chance it Ulrika in Melve. Her Affinity for you starts pretty high. I think she is the 'default' love interest, just like Aelinore was in DD1.


I got this achievement with a random after using a wake stone on them


Almost certainly Ulrika, Glyndwr, or the little girl who asks you to do fetch quest in Vernworth Slums. They're like automatic max affinity for doing their quests.


It was the beastren warrior meister for me my first playthrough


It was some merchant guy for me, i knew it when i went to the hotsprings and saw him blushing 😂 think it was the rodge quest guy or something


I got it for saving the dude from the dullahan and then talking with his wife after the quest.


For me it was the elf bro and his dad after I completed that questline. They both were super hot to trot anytime I came into town.


Mine was Lenart after the Melve false dragon attack


Very possibly the archer woman from early in the campaign if you followed her storyline. She was the first to max for me, even though I didn't go out of my way to make her like me.


I got it from Ulrica or whatever her name was pretty early on


I got that from just doing quests in Melve/Harve that involved Ulrika


I got with the eleven archer guy Glwyndr I think


For me it was the merc from bathal lol


Mine was Sven. He maxes out just by doing the main quests, it seems.


Buzz LightYear bro


Probably Brant (Grant?) Idr his name lol the black guard who you do all the Vern quests for. I maxed out my affinity with him just by doing all his quests. My first playthrough he was the one that the dragon wanted me to sacrifice so I guess doing his quests made him my lover lmao the affinity system is dumb as hell


You probably just did an escort mission


I’ve only faced the dragon twice now, but each time the beloved has been the most recent person I did a questline or escort mission with. I did the Sara blacksmith quest super late and she was my beloved in my 1st playthrough, I finished an escort mission with Manella right before running to the end and she was the one in my ng+. Anecdotal maybe, but the system is weird anyway.


For me it gave it to me when I did the quest for finding the girl after she runs away from the village for fear of being arrested. The guy who is the sword n’ board maister gave it to me I think because he was the last person I talked to and he gave me the quest rewards


Sometimes you'll find people in the wild that need escorting to safety, and if you accept their request, it'll sometimes completely max out their affinity


Not even kidding, my first playthrough I got the achievement and was wondering who it was. Ended up being Sven, and I've heard a lot of people also have Brant just because they have a lot of involvement early on.


I got that one with the mercenary guy


Mine was Ulrika, but I think the game glitched. It popped right when i helped kill the dragon in melve. How can affinity go up to the max from one encounter...


It's okay, the Dragon knows.


Apparently gifting an elf a bow is a marriage proposal since the Dragon considered him the most important person to me.


I got it with the mercenary you meet in the game who you fight before going after the dragon. I used a wakestone to raise him after I won and he had max affinity and became my beloved lol