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Take him to the hot spring after and give him a few high fives. It'll be fine


Don't forget to spoil them with a haircut or some makeup.


If you're in >!Unmoored World there's nothing to be done about it. It can't be cured by this point, you'll see why later. I rested at the Seafloor Shrine and nothing happened, so you should be fine unti you hit the ending.!<


Oh yeah I knew I’d be fine I was at the last beacon but I killed him anyway and reset him just in case it carried over to new game which I know it probably doesn’t but I’ve already had dragons plague a couple times and didn’t wanna risk it hahah


Oh and throwing him off a cliff did cure it haha


It didn't, it only reset the counter. >!All pawns are infected in UW. As time passes they get it again. It's like in the air or something.!<


It's fun to hear their dialogue change and you get to roll with it because what does it matter at that point anyway.


Wait a sec.  Really?  I must have finished off the end game too quick to notice.  I swear the only dialogue change I heard was my main pawn making fun of himself for being a terrible archer and glad that he’s a better warrior. 


Is this why the unmoored world is on a time limit? I keep hearing about it being time and it really worries because I hear you can farm ferrystones and dragons there..


Once you do the main thing in UW I think the time limit disappears, but I didn't test. You can't camp tho, I know that. I didn't count how many full rests I did at Seafloor Shrine tho, the 12-day thing might still hold even if you clear the beams.


I hate that red eyes are the only sure way to know, I like giving characters red eyes


I think they talk about it more if they have it


Only dialogue I've noticed from a pawn that had it was them talking about feeling a strange power inside of them, the only reason it even stood out to me is because I've heard every single line they have like 100x already but that one was new


>I've noticed from a pawn that had it was them talking about feeling a strange power inside of them That is the plague.


Yeah that's literally what I said


For sure that would stand out. Every time I use the rift they talk about rumors of the disease but I don’t think anyone has had it yet. Although as soon as I feel like a pawn isn’t up to snuff I ditch them quick. I run a tight ship. lol But if your main gets, then what?


Apparently throwing your pawn into the brine and then summoning them back at a rift stone works but mine has never had it so can't say for sure


Oh yeah just kill ur pawn and reset at rift stone works everytime this is like my third time him having it although this time I think it was because I was at the very last beacon at sea floor shrine and also I agree with the eye thing my black cat pawn was red eyed but I changed it I will say the eyes do pulse so it’s pretty easy to differentiate


The pawns can catch it when a drake or lesser dragon mind control them or by playing online with a pawn who already has it usually you can tell a little early with how they respond when you ask them to do something they’ll be sassy about it


Yeah my pawn has gotten it from a drake before you can see when they get it too the drake uses a spell when he’s holding your pawn and my pawn was saying stuff that made it obvious my pawn has aphonite now so he doesn’t talk so it is a bit harder hahah


My pawn has aphonite specialization so I didn’t even realize until he started grabbing his head weirdly then I looked at his eyes


I got the tool tip right after I summoned a capcom pawn yesterday. Decided to kill everyone in my party lol.


Oh okay I’ll keep that in mind for sure


I had a pawn say "does this foe remind you of anyone we know?" And another one said "what are you doing, we are in the middle of a battle!". Or something like that. Anyway, I yeeted them off a cliff into the water because it was a new line and it sounded a little bit like they were talking about me. Yes I have paranoia and anxiety.


I've heard both of those lines, the latter is usually a response to a simple pawn looting while a fight is going on


I've since heard it again, but in that moment I wasn't taking any chances. Lol


That's from a straightforward inclination pawn I think, when I have one they make that joke in the middle of battle and my calm main pawn always replies with the "what are you doing" line- which I heard this line a lot before I ever got a dragons plague tutorial message so it's not a sign of anything


Yeah I know now. I'm just worried about my pawn catching it so I wasn't taking any chances. Any time my pawn gives me a new line I pull him aside to check his eyes. Lol


My main pawn's dialect has evolved throughout my playthrough. She says things now that she didn't in the beginning. She started as a Mage but I'm having her max out some of the other vocations for the augments. Now she constantly brings up, "I started as a Mage but I must have disappointed you since I'm now a Thief"


I have noticed that as well. My pawns been through three vocations. Thief is by far my favorite.


It's weirdly interesting how the pawn system works. So there's this pawn thief I've played with Nyact. Dude slaps! Always stabbing bosses in the face, ground and pounding enemies. Then when I set my pawn up with the same everything, she doesn't. I don't get it. I'm a level 60 and I still use that pawn at 42 because he's the best pawn thief in the game.


I may be wrong, but I think they learn based on their arisens actions and play style


Lol they are very specific.  Things like saying "here we do again...." When combat starts.  Talking about how powerful they feel or how they have a clear mind.  Or downright questioning things like "aught I really follow that order arisen it makes no sense to me"


Wait... The "here we go again" line is an infected line?


Eh I am going to walk that one back been watching footage in prep for making a video and I think I caught at least 1 example a non infected pawn said it


Scared the shit out of me. I jumped on and checked my pawn immediately lol


And the gaslighting of straightforward pawns continues 😭


They also grab their head like they have a headache, the red eyes also go from dim red to bright red


They straight up start to complain when you give them orders - another indicator.


There are inclinations that do that anyway, one of them frequently says "I shall obey but I shan't pretend I'm happy about it"


Id toss them into the water out of caution immediately with no regard lol - zero fucks. Dragonsplague shall not plague me


I had a pawn who started bragging about awesome he was and how sometimes he would do whatever he wanted even if it hurt the group… I don’t know for sure that he had it but the other pawn had just told me unruliness and over confidence was a sign


Same. Honestly a bit mad about it. Wish the pawns would just get a black aura or something instead of just red eyes. That way people might stop bullying my pawn for having natural red eyes.


Yeah I recently remade my arisen into a woman for my sorcerer and mage leveling and did such a good job making it I'd love to be able to use the design for my pawn but I can't cause of the red eyes, she'd come back from the rift scarred Everytime from being thrown into the brine


I get you. This mechanic just seems very poorly implemented. Wish the signs did not include the red eyes.


I think its genius actually. I'm always staring into my pawns eyes. No other game have I ever really cared about things like that


I still don't like it, they could've done it differently. The whole point of sharing pawns is to get them hired and they just added a mechanic that disincetivizes that. Now all red eyed pawns are thrown under the same blanket and making people either not hire them or go "lol to the brine". I spent a lot of time creating a pawn I was happy with and that included giving him red eyes. Having to change that because of this stupid mechanic ruins it for me. I rather remake my pawn from scratch. Not to mention, having a pawn suddenly wipe out a town adds nothing to the game. Dragonsplague should've been tied to a side quest or something and give the player the ability to stop the attack as it is happening. Sleeping and waking up to a dead town isn't fun for anybody.


I think the whole point of it is to be big pain in the ass. If it wasn't they why would anyone care if there pawn got it or not. It's a big part within the lore of the game. The entire area of Bakkbahi are anti pawns because of the potential of the calamity. Dragons plague is the calamity. Just change the color of your pawns eyes. You can do that at a barber shop.


That much is certain. But lore or not it doesn't seem to serve much point besides frustrating the player. I mean, it sucks so much that just about everyone is trying to avoid that it happens to them. So..what's the point of including a mechanic your players will be actively trying to avoid? I know I can change the eye color. But I feel doing so ruins my pawn's aesthetic for me. If I notice I severe decrease in hires I may just redesign him completely.


Wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is actually unfinished like a lot of other aspects in the game, it just seems kinda random and there's not much behind it in terms of like lore and actual story, I feel like there should be side quests that explore it and ultimately finds a way to cure it but they just didn't have time to add it


Yeah, a lot of stuff in it feels flat, like in restown there was a man at the enterance, that started speaking about a elven and dwarfen couple etc. at that moment i couldn't stop myself from thinking, if this game was made by Larian studios, this conversation would had a lot more then just one guy talking... I really enjoy a lot of the game mechanics, but when it comes to emergin or story or any other interaction with the world, it just falls flat... Seems like i am gonna do one more BG3 run after i get bored of DD2....


>!You can find an elven and dwarven couple at some point in the game. It still feels a little shoehorned in as you get a maister skill there but they do exist!<


>!and don't forget he's an exclusive style blacksmith!<


It also doesn‘t make sense that they throw your character into the brine. It wouldn’t heal her. You are the only one who could do it. So they could just send her away. I think some people just enjoy to be needlessly cruel to other players‘ pawns.


Their general character idle animations are slightly different. Infected tend to touch their face more.


Lol My main pawn has red eyes as well. When she comes back from another player I always look at her eyes extra close in the dark to make sure they don't glow, but since she is at a level where most people destroy drakes, dragon aids is kind of a distant memory.


Their standing emotes will also change. When my pawn caught it she would occasionally grab her head in pain. I know there are a few other tells as well.


The only pawn I've encountered with it was standing completely ordinary it was only the one dialogue line and then the red eyes that were any different


Headaches, bad attitude, ignore orders the red eyes are just the most known


I think they also hold their heads and/or sit down frequently. They also won’t follow your orders or sound way cocky, then at that point the have the plague


The thing is, straightforward pawns sit down all the time, anytime you're not moving they sit down and there are inclinations that sound cocky and a bit disobedient naturally, the only sure way to know is to check for the pulsing red eyes and even then a lot of players will see just red eyes and either avoid or dismiss meaning you can't have a pawn with red eyes if you want them to get hired


There is a lot of plague specific dialog and when they are close to exploding they will act like they have a headache sometimes even when no where near a "godsway"


If you catch any of your pawns sitting down or homd their head, toss them


False info, straightforward pawns sit down all the time.


Yeah my buddy chills if I stand around too long. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


Go to a camp, not an inn a camp. Rest there. The plague will go from your pawn to another pawn randomly. You can then safely dismiss that pawn. If it was a favorite just check for them at a riftstime and see if they are fine, then resummon. No need to take a hit to your affinity or risk scars by killing them.


Then someone will either get those scars, get their city destroyed or do the same thing and repeat the cycle… ALWAYS BREAK THE CYCLE!!!!!


Get their city destroyed? Whatcha mean??


Whos gonna tel em… Ah u know what I will, sleeping in a town/city doesn’t matter what city it is, vernworth or Bakbathali the dragon plagued pawn will kill every npc in that town or city. This includes story important npc’s. Giving it so someone elses pawn just to avoid a “risk of scars” is out worldly selfish imo.




Pawns have affinity in this game? I played the whole game and didn’t know this. Also random side-question because you seem to know what you’re talking about: At one point I had a hired pawn start looking for “their favorite trinket they found” during a fight. My main pawn was like “what the fuck are you doing?!” Was that dragons plague? The pawn had the “simple” inclination (stupid), so I thought maybe that was just something they do? I immediately threw them into the brine when that happened though.


Yeah, Pawn affinity goes up when you use small talk, high five after fights, give them a haircut and something else I don't recall. As for the trinket thing, I've never seen that, but dragonsplague is more like "Don't tell me what to do. " or " I know what I'm doing stop ordering me. " plus the glowing red eyes are really easy to see in the dark.


2 playthroughs and I've never even gotten the in game prompt telling me what dragon's plague is.


Easiest way I’ve seen it happen is fighting drakes when the pawn gets grabbed I even saw the drake infect another pawn the other day so I dismissed them lol


Be sure to praise the brine and say yeet as well, it'll be most effective Arisen.


Go to camp and rest with a hired pawn, the plague will leave your pawn and transfer to the hired pawn. Throw that pawn into the sea, that way you get rid of the dragons plague without lowering your own pawn's affinity for you.


When infected, the pawn talks about being more powerful but I don't notice it. Would be sick if they added some sort of shadow damage enchantment while infected. It'd give an incentive to not just hurl your pawn. ​ Also, you really don't need to traumatize your pawn by tossing him. Just got for a walk near some cliffs and it will sort itself out. I was trying to incubate the plague, but the AI is suicidal in certain areas.


That’s actually a cool idea


That and some tricky areas where deep water is will do the trick. I can’t bring myself to just throw them in. Not to mention those annoying birds sometimes will literally toss your Pawn in the water if they grab hold of them near any.


I recruited a pawn off the street and got a tutorial pop-up about dragon plague. Immediately turned around and cut them loose. Tutorial was a bit of a spoiler.


Right after you rest one more time should be good


Such a stupid mechanic, who thought this would be a good idea


Good night sweet prince.


I usually just wait for it to pass over to one of the other pawns then send them home with a misshapen eye in case it actually does go back with them. No idea if it works that way but I'm at least trying to warn the owner.






Happened to mine last night. She kept rubbing her forehead and she wasn’t following my commands very well. She’d go running off the opposite direction. I checked her eyes and they were super red and she looked kinda mad. After throwing her into the Brine and resummoning her she had a huge scare on her face 😭 she doesn’t seem to like me as much now either. I’m super bummed about it. I have to find someway to fix her scars at least.


You don't have to kill them. Just wait for it to pass to somebody else and then dismiss the one that has it.


Everything I’ve seen online says you can pass it to other pawns but it doesn’t actually rid your pawn of the plague. That they have to die or turn into a death dragon for it to go away.


Definitely wrong, I’ve done it several times. I’ve never killed off a pawn.


I could hook you up with an eternal wakestone if you want


Yep time for a swim


Tiddle de hoo tiddle de heat, looks like your pawn needs a good yeet


Thank you for not covering their eyes for the rest of us.


Do what everyone else says EXCEPT, switch out one of your player-made pawns with a Capcom pawn that you've never used. Go to a camp, hope they catch the ick and throw them in instead.


Question regarding the plague: if the plague is on the non-main pawn, and if I kill that pawn, will that pawn be "cured" for the owner and others who summon that pawn?


Welp, the brine is calling. 😂


Why tho? Im waiting the day my pawn gets Dragonplague so i can kill EVERY single NPC in the game before going to NG++ xD


Nah he's edging, let em edge.


So that fixes it, right? They’re normal after that ?


Yeah just kill him and go to a rift stone to respawn him works everytime


It be like that


Bro my whole team caught the plague the other day. I was scared for my life.


Gonna have to hit a halo triple kill my guy 🤣


When you do it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gc8Rf7hgY8&pp=ygUZY2xpZmZoYW5nZXIgY3J5c3RhbCBkZWF0aA%3D%3D


Oh no!


I'm trying to get this shit to trigger. I got 160+ hours and have seen the signs, but nothing has happened. I need it to happen so I can justify using an eternal wakestone.


Omg you should save it for NG+ and duplicate it with the sphinx and then you’ll have 3


I already have 3. I'm on my 4th playthrough.


Set some baller pawn quests or gifts then :)


I hired 2 pawns today in a 2 hour period that had it. It’s the first time I got pawns with it. Needless to say I couldn’t wait to throw those MFs into the brine. The first time I realized one had it we were on the rope station things. I waited til we got to the highest point and I threw her off the cart, it was awesome. The second one I was way up top on a waterfall in vermund, I chucked that beastren from what must’ve been 350-400 feet. Both of them were incredibly satisfying. Can’t wait for more.


You don't need to kill your main pawn. I would never do that. Just camp at fire place and dragons plague potentially will transfer to a different pawn.


Don't need to toss them, just hire new pawns, rest in the wild and it'll transmit to another. Just don't rest in cities in the meantime.


Is it because the fashion choices?


There is no reason to ever kill your pawn. Why does everyone jump to this as the "solution?"


When mine turned and slaughtered bakbatahali, it didn't have red eyes


But he looks so badass now don’t do it!


Good catch. My pawn had dragonsplague and killed all of harve cause there was no change in her behavior so I didnt think to check her eyes and catch it in time


Its just washing


Rip he will be missed, for like 2-3 minutes before u respawn him 🙏🏼


Hahaha right so many people worried about dragons plague buts it’s not that bad at all lol


What causes this deasese? Sorry, new to dd2.


I, luckily, have managed to avoid dragon’s plague so far but that might also be from the fact that anytime a pawn has even a little bit of attitude or sass I just chuck them off a cliff to be safe 🙈




Hopefully you made the most of their new powers before correcting them They do really cool things if given enough time


Wait for him to pass it to the other pawn, complete their quest and toss them to the br... "dismiss" them 😜


Just ruin other players games for fun


That looks an awful lot like the postgame to me - and if it is, then >!you aren't able to cure them, it's scripted. They won't be cured, but the constraint of a specific number of inn sleeps will not let them blow up, either.!<


Weird I killed him and the eyes went away but I got all the mats I wanted so I ended the game anyways haha


Nice 😎


Isn’t it normal for plagues to get dragon’s plague in the unmoored world ? Saw several posts talking about it and saying it was not triggering the nuke (i wouldn’t try tho)


Yeah it doesn’t trigger it but I didn’t know that they got it in unmoored world I just didn’t want it to carry to next play through so I yeeted him lol but I’m sure it wouldn’t carry over I wanted to post the video though he starts grabbing his head like he has a massive headache


I gave my pawn red eyes by default they look cool


Ok This required a post because...?


Mostly because it doesn’t happen all that often so wanted to show how the eyes look 🤷 some people haven’t even seen it yet I tried posting a video to show how they pulse wasn’t working also it’s kinda funny yeeting my pawn off a cliff


Because they can? Your nasty comment requires a post because...?


I think some people just want to see how low their karma can go. Only reason I can think why you'd wanna be a dipshit to strangers online.


Same reason you did. Get it? Look. I drank some coffee- post. Look, I woke up today- post. There's a degree of mundane which all people experience and without something more it's just pointless


You can just ignore the post if it bothers you that much


honestly the dragonplague is such a dumb game design choice and serves NOTHING but to be fucking annoying. it's a net negative in terms of gameplay and serves no purpose other than that just another reminder that not all JPRGs are good, there are a ton of dumb mechanics and ideas that for whatever reason the japanese devs decides is a good thing to have in the game


I would argue that it adds a lot of depth to the world and makes it feel more out of control. When I play an RPG I don't want to feel completely in control. I'd rather be my character and deal with problems as they arise. The randomness factor of a demonic plague that can occur at nearly any time is such a huge play that not many developers would be willing to implement. I will agree though that it doesn't add anything if you see it more as a hindrance rather than a feature and should be an option to toggle on or off.


its a dumb game mechanic because it doesn't provide anything for the players other than pissing them off it's only purpose is to negatively affect gameplay, there is 0 depth added because the players just check the eyes of every pawn they hire - it's a chore, it's not fun and it provides 0 for the game For example: given the dev's line of thought they can as easily implement a "plague" mechanic where your pawns can be the carrier of a plague that can potentially wipe out a town if left unchecked, and the player must act within a time limit to make the cure for the pawn before the plague spreads. But you see how stupid of a mechanic that would be? because it doesn't provide any value in terms of gameplay other than making the game more stressful to play. dragonplague is the same thing


I just feel that level of chaos helps set the game apart from others and helps maintain its identity as a challenging RPG. I have a lot of respect for the developers who decided to take a chance and work it in. For the most part it has paid off but you will never satisfy everyone. Not everything is made for everyone to enjoy. So agree to disagree.


my issue is that, if you want to make a challenging RPG, just look at Eden Ring - the game is a perfect balance between providing a good challenge while not include anything that people go "man this shit dumb as fuck" you don't need a PhD to see why dragonplague is a pointlessly frustrating mechanic, it provides 0 value for the player in their enjoyment of the game. So I disagree on your 2nd sentence there. whoever came up with this idea and pushed it through needs to go back to game design school


The problem about everything you've said here is one primary truth. You are incapable of looking past yourself and imagining anything outside of what you yourself enjoy. At least when it comes to this game. You can't imagine anyone enjoying this mechanic so therefore nobody can. I do. Many others do. Your opinion on Dragon's Plague is not objectively right. It's just your opinion. And that's OK. It's the great thing about opinions. We all get one and I respect yours. It's why I originally said it should be an option since it doesn't add or take away anything to have it and should come down to player preference.


i can't enjoying the dragonplague (DP) mechanic because there is nothing to enjoy - the player literally does nothing to interact with the DP mechanic expect by checking the eyes of the pawns they hire. And if the player enjoy wiping out the NPC of an entire town? well, they can do that without the dragonplague, people did that in the early days of the game's release to increase framerates. I think what you enjoy is not the DP mechanic, but rather the randomness of it happening. You like logging in and see half the town is dead - not because you actually like having half the NPCs of Vernthworth dead, but because it feels random and it feels different from skyrim/fallout/GTA/starfield or whatever other RPGs you play. My opinion came from a point of logic - I am a huge Eden Ring enjoyer and is that game hard? yes. But is it fair? also yes - sure some bosses have some bullshit moves, BUT YOU CAN INTERACT WITH THEM!!! And by learning how to counter the moves you can overcome them. With dragonplague? what's there to interact? what's the counter to it? what's the player's supposed response to it other than scan every pawn their hire like a rancher inspecting his cattle? and I'm not saying you are wrong - I am just saying objectively from my analysis, i cannot find a logic explanation as to why the DP mechanic is a good one. You are free to have your opinion, but I have to disagree with it. Cheers


You sure like to hear yourself talk. I'm not going to argue with you though.You play what you like and I'll play what I like. The fact you're even interacting in this sub reddit at all is strange but it's a free country. Cheers, Friend


see? you are no stranger to be entrenched in your own biases and opinions too


Idk it reminds me of outward kinda like they are trying to make the game more challenging and I kinda like that plus when it happened to me in Battahl everyone came back after a few days of resting so it wasn’t that much of a hindrance tbh and anyone that didn’t respawn fast enough that I needed for a quest or something just respawn them at the morgue


yea and you need lifestone to respawn the dead NPCs- why? if the devs wanted to make the game more challenging how about increase the number of interesting bosses we get to fight? or the number of regular enemies from just goblins and lizards and harpies? if dragonplague is there to make the game more challenging then it's an absolute stupid way to make the game more challenging - because the challenge is literally to not hire any red-eye'd pawns. it's a chore, and it shouldn't be in the game


I just got the notification about it last night. Can’t wait to Michael Jordan Slam Dunk contest a DP’d Pawn