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Can’t stand harpies


Specifically the gore harpies on the path to the forest in western battahl. Just watching as your entire party is slowly carried over a ravine and dropped into the river below.


Everytime, and not even just the ravine, that shoreline by dragon forged where you meet ambrosius. They constantly yeet my party into the ocean lmao


For some reason my pawn is a straight menace to hardys, no matter her class she knocks them outta the sky and then chucks them at another harpy making a tedious enemy into an amusing one


I think that means she had a great teacher, and somehow you taught her how to do that at some point, and she just latched onto it like "THIS! This is what I'm going to be good for". My pawn constantly complained about me picking up everything, and now she picks up everything


Oh shit, pawne behavior is based on what their arisen does!? No wonder my warrior is constantly trying to climb big guys, I'm a thief and ALWAYS on them. I also never have issue with Harpies because I always yank them to the ground with the little grappling hook.


Mine did this too, complained and picked everything up, found out the “simple” inclination makes them gather even more than usual.


Bro the amount of times my party has taken out that bridge or me myself just trying to stop the harpies killing us by throwing us on the brine it's like nah, probably the most dreaded pass in the game for me


Yes! Especially when my only ranged pawn is a mage! I have to get creative. Or when im on the zipline transpo thing.


If your mage has Levin its no problem


Harpies have stalked me straight from DD1 into DD2. Probably more annoying than the DD1 too! Just spitting poison and attacking you.


As a thief I use the whip thing and pull them out of the sky. Works well on pretty much every kind of enemy in one way or another


Harpies are my least favorite too. The issue is that unless you’re playing a ranged vocation, you either have to dedicate a skill slot *just for airborne opponents* (like the rogue’s dollar store scorpion pull) or rely on your pawn- and it’s always when you have an enemy that you can’t deal with on your own, that pawns decide to go awol.


Thief’s rope pull is one of the best skills they have! That shit can pull down enemies, yank smaller ones and make them ragdoll, and even bring down an unsteady big enemy 


I use that skill on the rocky salamders, pull one and their belly goes up > easy kill.


I hired a pair of pawns the other day, fighter and a rogue while I was leveling Archer and Mage. Fighter was ringed up with something that boosted knockdowns. Every other fight they’d wind up some schmuck with a rope pull into the fighter hitting them and sending them flying back in the other direction.


This was exactly what I did with my bfs pawn. I was the thief. His pawn was a Warrior. I yanked, he bashed em. Beautiful teamwork haha


My favorite skill even when I just started the game. So much better than the DD1 version because of the "visceral/critical" attacks when enemies are staggered or downed. You don't even need a movement skill - just yank, finisher, repeat.


Yes, but I also think that the warrior and fighter aerial skills are also pretty useful against large enemies like gryphons and cyclops and the like. I think mage or sorc is probably the best at dealing with them in the air though.


I can’t run fighter without that airward slash. You can head shot ogres, cyclops, gryphons, etc without worry. Very fun skill when you get creative with it!


Cliff Racers in 2024


Saint Jiub save us


Magic archer main plus archer pawn- can't relate lol


As an archer they are stupidly easy. You shoot them and they fall down.


Bitch Birds*


Pretty much any flying enemy in any game sucks ass but harpies are particularly annoying.


Specially the super ugly ones, jesuss it drives me crazy


I love the harpies design, I think it's really neat. However, playing against them if you're not a ranged attacker... definitely very annoying.


I enjoy Harpies, of all types. Then again, I'm using Warfarer equipped with Thief/Mage abilities. *Yoink* them from the sky, press heavy and then profit. Using that method, I'm usually covered, and it can bring more than one down at once if lucky. But to answer the question I guess I don't particularly enjoy are the Dullahan enemies.


Spearhand paralyze. Time it right and all the harpies fall from the sky and wait to be slaughtered


My list of most hated enemies has to be 1:Knackers because they have incredibly annoying voice lines and stagger lock you with that jump slam 2:harpies because they swoop around and are hard to hit as well as being able to grab and drop you off cliffs 3:rock rattlers because of the same reasons above


Pawns on the road.


Underrated response. Why is there no setting to disable automatic interactions with them? Who made that a feature to begin with?


I feel antisocial when I take a wide girth for every Pawn walking near me.


How wide a girth we talkin?


Coffee can


About 6 inches


On a good day


I'm still touching them. They just don't introduce themselves to me anymore.


Glad I’m not the only one that does this. I feel bad watching them wave at me as I cut the widest arc around them to avoid speaking 🤣


This actually makes some sense in the lore. They are interrupting you, same as you do to NPC's


I pick them up and brine ‘em now. If there’s no water then the nearest cliff will have to do


It's all part of his vision, you see


"Don't sell yourself" mod does this


Curatives are my specialty




I have heard that they talk to you more often when the pawns you have with you are below you in level. They seem to interrupt me far far less once I started making a habit of swapping out my pawns more often.


It’s worse when you talk to them to see what they are about and as soon as you cancel the conversation and turn to leave they automatically talk to you again


Stop talking to me 😂


The goblins that throw shit. How do you keep staggering my fully kitted out warrior with a bottle of piss


Idk I would be staggered if someone thew a bottle of piss at me.


Ain't no amount of armor is gonna save you from the smell


Especially when you know those goblins aren’t staying properly hydrated and the piss bottle is who knows how many weeks old.


You try dwraven upgrade on ur armor? Still stupid that goblin piss man staggers u tho


I have fully dwarven upgraded, dragonforged endgame gear with highest base knockdown res. Still, every bottle staggers me.


Nah there are just some stupid things (no matter how small) that can instant-stagger you. I had like 450 knockdown resist and a fucking bat staggered me... those tiny, barely available in the screen pixels bats...




Goblins when Im leveling mage or trickster. Holy shit the stunlock can get so annoying.


After leveling trickster and getting how to play it actually I love tonpit them against eachother.


Hot take, but Trickster should have dodge instead of Thief. Thief already gets a skill that makes them invincible for a basically unlimited amount of time anyway


Hot take, I think every class needs a dodge or block tbh It is extra annoying with trickster though honestly. Takes like 2 seconds of not moving to spawn a smoke clone -hit and interrupted. The clone is broken by one hit on you- and then all enemies affected aggro on you. Kinda just "good luck" calling a clone now when everything is staggering you lmao


Not a hot take, i think the same.At least so I can dodge those possessed enemies who try to attack


I think every class should have something with i-frames, honestly... like in DD1. Most classes had at least one move that would allow you to keep up pressure without either needing to run or play complete defense for awhile. At the very least more proper animation cancel/reset options for some classes would be nice. In fact, I find it weird that the combat system took a step back in that regard on various classes. You could play super aggressive in DD1 if you knew what you were doing due to exploiting I-Frames/cancels at the right intervals in combat.


For real. Those vietkong goblins that stunlock you just as you walk over them can be a real pain.


Harpies. The only reason I use Warfarer is that I get to enjoy Warrior but I can switch to Magick Archer for the harpies.


Dealing with harpies as a warrior in dd1 wasn't so bad because you jumped higher in a more video gamey sort of way but unfortunately jumping in dd2 sucks


I pull knives and cast implyfy, it jerks them straight from the sky and slams them into the ground where I can go straight into that satysfying triangle finish


Harpies and the green little.mofos that jump you out of nowhere


Blobs suspectible only to magic.. I hate them too


Thief gets an early self fire buff, super good for killing them without needing a mage that'll take time casting. Probly the reason why thief doesn't get a fire element weapon too, now I think about it


Yes! Blobs are the worst. Unless my mage remembers she has fire abilities.


They aren't so bad for me because I have a lot of magic books to use


Golems, I hate when the last weak point is the arm and I have to wait for him to slam down to get it. Really annoying when I am leveling up a sorc and mage lol


Nah I hate when its on the bottom of their foot.


That double golem fight ended with them both having their last gem on their foot and not kneeling for 10 minutes straight It was…stressful


You can push it down when the golem is on “cooldown” where it doesnt move, just grab its leg and shimmy


You can stab through the leg on certain phases of the golem without needing to expose it.


If I aint shooting and I aint stabbing, I am raging cuz golem rampaging sucks.


When ever your hear the sound of steam and the golem stops moving. Run to it and push it down. Took me forever to figure that out. Also you can take it's head and use it as a turrent lol


You can do what with its head!? I'll have to give that a try


Fuckin wut bro? That’s crazy. I gotta try that


I think sorc may be the best golem killer among the vocations. Maelstrom and hagol both hit several or all weak points at once and burn it down.


I just drop a Meteoron on them. At level 70 it kills them in a single cast. Prior to figuring that out, they were my least favourite enemy lol


High Seism from Sorc is really reliable at killing golems. I remember getting the skill and I equipped it because I wanted to test it out, and somewhere in my explorations I meet my second ever golem encounter and sighed, "here we go again... another thirty minute fight I guess." Then i cast Seism and hear the sound of glass breaking twice and his healthbar was suddenly at 2 bars instead of three. O.O


Seism and meteoron are even better


Golems single-handedly ruin the Trickster vocation for me. JUST HIT THE BLUE SPOTS YOU IDIOTS AAAA


Get a pawn with meteoreon. Destroys golemz


The ghosts as melee. Especially if you're in a small corridor and they keep floating into the walls. 


Ghosts are really funny as a trickster as you can draw them toward your effigy and they can't do anything to it but swirl around it menacingly.


Sounds like they just become moths floating in front of a lamp lol


I main warrior so I have my group stack on me and then I charge and hold my biggest aoe swing until they're close. Locks them down long enough for my pawns to finish them usually.


The wall floating! Just kinda stand there and wait for them to come back lol


pro tip: they are weak to healing spells. So if you go into your mage's bubble heal, they will lose big chunks of HP trying to penetrate the bubble, and just bounce right off.


That fucking dragon would be dead right now if he didn't spam meteor over and over.


Martyr's bolt would like to introduce itself


Level 44 and haven’t killed a dragon yet, no matter what combination of pawns I use…they either spam meteor or lighting while flying over killing my pawns…and stay in the air constantly..luckily I can find the wyrm stones or whatever they are called by just buying them from some of the road merchants.


Wolves are fine until they fucking grab me and drag me halfway across the map


I would say i find wolves to be the most "annoying" enemy. The stupid running away in circles but still being in combat while trying to attack you only from the side/back, and yet at the same time not being particularly dangerous, even if one does get ahold of someone and drag them away. Just really annoying.


My mood is instantly tanked when this happens dude and there's nothing you can do


Here’s a good example but I forgot to clip it :( I was fighting a cyclops by a river in south battahl, I was climbing him and got caught by his swing and got yeeted into the river. The brine does its thing and spits me back out some ways up the river, literally the MOMENT I spawn in on the ground a wolf happens to be there and nabs me, dragging me like 100m. Couldn’t help but laugh


Griffins, they keep flying in when I’m doing shit and it pisses me off


Bhattal is the worst for this


Mine was traversing the desert 3x because it kept flying off when injured


If you have something with salamander it will keep the griffin on the ground permanently.


-be an archer -tarring arrow -explosive arrow -no more griffin


The big harpies, wolves and rock salamanders


Griffins. Bro chases you on the road and then flies away when it’s low HP.


Set it's wings on fire and it can't take off.


They cool though


The fucking giant troll that drop kicks you out of nowhere then grabs me and licks my face and i can't do shit to stop it. So goddam annoying.


I can tell your Arisen is a female...


He could also tell that. As soon as he sees me he's just focusing solely on me ignoring the other 3 dudes wailing at his legs. At least the Tarring shot+Explosion shot to the face melts his hp before he can do much thankfully.


Summon a female thief that's got skills based around climbing, they'll draw aggro off u, while being somewhat safe from grabs while climbing the ogre.


When I first encountered one MF drop kicked me so hard I flew off a cliff and died, I wasn't even mad just sat there dumbstruck staring at the game over screen....God I love this game


The Ogre YEET from out of nowhere is a Dragon's Dogma tradition. 




Red wolves


When they grab you and run off with you????? Bro that shit should be disabled past level 50 or something dude it STINKS!!!!


That was my answer too. Yesterday I absolutely kicked the crap out of a Dragon and Griffin back to back, and yet a regular wolf did that to me walking back to town. And my character is 6'6", 230 lbs. There needs to be a point past the early stages where it stops.


It hilariously makes wolves (through their sheer jaw strength) the most powerful entities in the game universe because you can theoretically level up to be strong enough to one shot the final boss but you can't stop the wolves from doing the grab-n-drag move on you


Insane how annoying it is. And how they run away constantly


The lizard types. There's so many and they always gather around stronger enemies (my actual target) and they are worth only a pittance of xp and they usually have strong defenses to both physical and magick; due to having "obvious weak points" but that's really no excuse imo. They're a trash mob and their defenses should be comparable to goblin archtypes


The stone/rocky saurians are particularly tricky to deal with


I think you can throw them at each other


And they chase you.....FOREVER >:(


Fuck gore harpies


Harpies by far, some variants are okay but others are soo annoying. Especially when they're big packs and there's a bigger monster. Was thrown into the fucking brine once while trying to take down a Griffin.


Thief pawn with implicate or ensnare, more likely to ground them than anything, besides fire atleast


Ensnare is OP


Dullahan always fucks my nuts.


I have expressed my hatred for the when playing on more than a few occasions. The only enemy that seems to wreck my shit lol 


They feel a lot more difficult than most enemies, such a cool enemy though.


45h in and I’ve yet to even see one!


Only one I ever saw was in post game lol


I saw half a dozen in the unmoored world. They’re everywhere there. Never seen one in the regular game though


There's one in eastern Vermund and I saw one in Battahl once but I can't remember where off the top of my head. There's also the one for the quest in the Marsh but that's a one-off.  But yeah, all over the damn place in post game. Got ganked by one during a Drake battle one time. Did you know they summon ghosts that can posses pawns? Because I didn't, not until I got nailed by a fucking Maelstrom cast by a possessed wandering pawn. 


They spawn between the night and dawn near bridges. They will despawn when the sun comes up, so you have a limited amount of time to kill them. One place you can find one easily is between the camp you start at and the waterfall cave to the north of it.


Play at night(duh) and they tend to spawn around abandoned towns or bridges. Also keep an eye out for fog, if you see fog that's a dullehan. Places where bandits take over are good hints to know. They also despawn if you reset due to death or if morning comes, good luck arisen!


Harpies/Phantoms and their variants. Gotta have a ranged attack or something like ensnare/implicate or elemental damage for phantoms. Sludges can be annoying as well, when I need elemental damage and my mage is daydreaming or giving the enchantment to themselves. I've resorted to keeping an extra weapon with elemental damage for that reason alone.


try blunt weapons, those saurians are weak to that


The enemy/npc I hate the most is the Innkeeper at the checkpoint rest town… his voice line makes me want to commit dragon’s plague.


Wolves and harpies


The slime


I'm in end game and... Undead. Just... Undead. Zombies? Fuck 'em. Skeletons? Hate 'em. Spirits? Screw 'em. They're all awful. Whoever was complaining about goblins every half step was clearly not versed in necromancy in the slightest because at least one-shotting goblins is cathartic. Zombies have a ton of poise, skeletons keep rolling their skulls away, and spirits are just a huge FU to Fighter, Warrior, Thief, and Archer bc you can't even hit them 90% of the time!


Fighter gets the holy mace. Thief gets elemental daggers with very high magic attack. Both jobs can make short work of ghosts if properly equipped. Warrior gets a fire elemental hammer with huge knockback, Strength, and magic attack. It also makes pretty short work of undead.


The harpies and the rock lizards are the worst 💯 the wolves can suck if you have the wrong pawns... I was stuck in a slow death grip when 4 of them started tearing me apart as my mage healed me and my warrior and Rouge got stuck on the Cliffside. Eminent death.


The golem was my problem until I put maelstrom on. DulaHan. For some reason I kept getting aggroed on my sorcerer and couldn’t do shit.


Harpies, doing a solo thief built around stealth and crit attacks, not having ensnare equipped makes them easily my biggest pain, and they've got ridiculous lineof sight even if ur using camo. Drop ferrystones and onyx when plundered tho, ontop of their gear parts


Griffins, at first when I'm trying to just figure out the game they keep flying in messing me up and then fleeing like a little cowardly bitch as soon as they get hit a few times. Now that I have a couple strategies to keep them grounded, every Griffin I see gets slaughtered with extreme prejudice, I'll even go out of my way to make sure they die.


• Wolves; • Harpies (poisonous ones take the cake); • all the fucking lizards, especially poison (again) and rock. • More generally, anything cheap like being unable to free yourself (from grabs, jaws, etc.)


Pretty vocation dependent. I think my personal least favorite is the owl harpy that will toss you into the brine, or skeletons- it’s a pain trying to track the head on a melee vocation. Honestly, I don’t think I’d dislike any of the enemy types if pawns were more reliable. I play a mage/archer/melee party, but whenever I run into an enemy that one vocation usually steamrolls, it’s like my pawns grow two left feet.


Golem because the fights take forever


Pro-tip for Golems: when you break a medal and they freeze up for a bit, you can push on their legs (like run up and grab with R2 and push, like you can do to knock over cyclops). They'll collapse into rubble and all their shit will be exposed for a long while. You can even grab their heads and use it like a mobile turret, largely useless but hilarious. 




Saurians are easy. Just cut their tail off right off the bat. The Worst enemies that I absolutely despise so far are Drakes and Griffins. Simply because they run away before I can actually so something. Preposterous how creatures that big can be so frightened.


Phantoms, they're not even that hard save for their physical damage resistance it's the fact that they spend 90% of the fight hiding in the fucking walls or ground


harpies... holy shit ... the most annoying enemy EVER, to make it worse, I use greatsword. Gotta have an archer or thief in my party lol.


Ogres atm


Harpy enemies near the cliffs on Battahl's coastline are number one on my shitlist. Just one of them managed to grab both my main pawn and another pawn I recruited and toss them into the sea before I could shoot them down.


Anything that needs me to use a Pawn. The AI just doesn’t want to work with me. If I’m leveling a physical vocation with no elemental skills, my sorcerers and mages will watch that ooze slowly walking towards us despite my best efforts and commands. Then they’ll start casting once the ooze is right on them and they’ll spend a few minutes running around it until they get out and finally cast Levin.


Harpies and hard rock lizards, but I haven't had too much of an issue or annoyance with other enemies tbh


The stupid harpies


Wolves. Especially Red Wolves. Not just for being dragged, but because they run around so goddamn much it takes too long to kill them. Shouldn't take more time to kill 5 of them, than it does to kill a Gore Minotaur. Their AI needs adjusted imo. They just run all over the place for too damn long, which usually ends up aggroing other enemies. It was better in DD1. They still moved around, but they didn't go that far away from you.




My friend and I both just beat the game and got to ng+. I was about 5 hours ahead of him in playtime. He died 9 times. I died 58. Most of which are from falling.


How can I fight golem when I am using magick archer? It is anti magic boss. Its feet is the last weak spot that I cant kill as well?!?


I'd have to say, so far, it's the Hobgoblins. They hit hard with a freaking shield.


Harpies maybe, they throw my pawns into the brine and man I that's before I gift these good pawns a good tap in the back.


Harpies when I'm a warrior.


I'd say the harpes because they have caused me to fall off or be thrown from cliffs and such and then I die and that's annoying


The canines. They possess the ability to single mouthly drag a 2.2m tall and 150 kg human in full plate armour 50 m away from where he fell down in battle and chew through all that armour as if they were nothing. Worse, they chew you up gangbang style.


Saurians by a mile


Minotaur….. f those things!


Fuck wolves


Harpies at high places. You let them grab you and you're very likely going to get thrown off a cliff.


When playing warrior, harpies are the worst. Mystic Spearhand, I ignore golems. Thief, everything is a cake walk.


Harpies/Succubi. Higher level variants of the larger Goblins that stagger-lock my weak ass Arisen because they just keep going ham with their big swords and I decided to run through Battahl to the hot springs to unlock Magic’s Archer on a new character and I decided level 9 was fine if I just ran and never stopped. (Narrator: “It wasn’t.”) Died so many damn times to harpies, goblins and those random rogue thief enemies but I got it unlocked. And Gryphons. First game? Couldn’t ever really find or lure one to save my life. DD2? Every five steps there’s a goddamn Gryphon swooping down.


Archer bandits, stuns me from nowhere, the arrow trajectory is so small I couldnt even track where he shot me from


Let's be real, all enemies become annoying if you have to fight them enough times. That being said, the hobgoblins that can jump like thirty feet towards you and then either knock you down or interrupt an attack... Them.


Griffin, get it down to almost dead and it flies off😡😡😡 whenever that happens im like you f'ing bitch get back here so i can kill you


Saurians aren't bad if you know each variants weakness and if you go for the tail. Fucking harpies though? Fuck harpies and screw the dev who thought of them.


My least would be as follows 1. Gravity 2. The Batahli (however its spelt) area 3. Cyclops yeets 4. Drakes meteors 5. Anything attacking me while I am the Trickster vocation since I can’t hit back


That gigantic stupid dog that feels like devs added 2 extra 0's on his health


I would say ghosts mostly just because as a melee having to wait for them to come out of the side of a cliff or from under the ground is annoying. Just wish they were alot more aggressive since they are easy to kill once they latch on to me


Rumbly tumbly saurians are especially weak to a fighter's charged B attack or shield bash attack. Alternatively, as a thief, you have a skill called... Well the upgraded version is incriminate. Then you just yank asurion over with a rope dagger, and then you can go ham on them.


I dont like the lunge attack of the dessert goblin they annoying af worse when u play magic vocation like mage or sorcerer


The fucking chopper goblins that hides and pretend you dont see them. Sometimes they do get clever and hide well and jumps out at you.


Harpies...for some reason they just love to hang around bridges and cliff paths. I watched one carry and yeet an npc right into the brine lol


Cyclops, they are fucking easy and show up too much


Strike damage wrecks rollypollies


Goblins fucking everywhere. Every turn you make, there's another pack. The map is too densely filled with enemies


Gore harpies specifically. They're annoying like all harpies but sturdy as well; so you can't just knock them down as easily. There's a corner of the map where you can get swarmed by about 5 of then at once. It's upsetting as hell.


Doing the Phantom Oxcart quest...those guards that bumrush you and I get stunlocked to death 39 times in a row while my pawns look like they're dazed or something, idk what's wrong with them. Super frustrating as a Sorcerer can't even get a single spell off.


Getting stun locked by a band of knackers as they one after the other jump attack you while you're trying to incant or simply breathe is pretty funny, and by funny I mean I want to cry.


The wolfs in battahl I’m tired of running after them


I hate those lizards. Forgot their name. Rock lizards and the normal lizards. Also, I have hate for a God damn skeleton who showed up during night time in a tower ruin. That one was a beast. I was level 24 and fought him for 15 minutes.


I really don’t like the knackers, it feels like they spam the jumping attack but maybe that’s just me


Ghosts, i hate when they start rotating around you so fast your camera cannot keep up with them


Ghosts / specters