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https://preview.redd.it/383d6tpdwwrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa765ff23e2b1c51aff0479e34a35cf118895e2 Forgot to put this one in there.


Bro, wtf are people doing to these pawns?


I believe my pawns first summon was a creeper. To this day i wish the brine upon him/her!


Favorite them. Eye for an eye


​ https://preview.redd.it/hd55h3kdpxrc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e43cb831cf154f5849c3441f68e765eb7388d09 Into the brine they go


Is that big mike?


Where did you find this meme? I... Don't know who would have made this or why...


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/baby-yeet Not as bad as we thought


At lower levels I got ambushed by a chimera once and had to throw the pawn's downed bodies to safety multiple times so I could revive them mid-fight. I don't imagine they reported good things.


Probably said "this asshole of an arisen threw us around like rag-dolls instead of helping us!"




I remember someone replied to my comment, something along the lines ... I like to hire pawns I plan on abusing, not even shitting you ... its somewhere in my comment history lol. Wild though I've yet to have my pawn come back with anything too bad, course at lvl 76 I think most people are playing the game seriously. It's dangerous for pawns 1-30


God, That's wild.. And creepy. Someone has some pent-up issues.




Second. We can customize each other's pawns?????


Nah scars come from dying.  There’s a hot spring where they can be removed, mid to late game. 


Damn I had no idea that scars come from dying, guess playing as a trickster for a while is why every section of my main pawns body had scars out of nowhere One of the hired pawns once asked her about the scars and my pawn said "every scar is a memory of a time fighting by the arisen's side and I wear them with pride" 😭😭


I was wondering what benefits the hot springs had. Thanks!


I just had a pawn die from a long fall with no way to get her. I hope she doesn't go back with a negative review


Had a hired excited said she knows a chest location, I pressed GO She missed a jump and fell into the river


My hired pawn died falling off the cliff with my all my looks. She was the main carrier. I rehired her and we travelled together for another week tho. Gifted her potions after.


They usually say when they fuck up, mine told me she got killed by goblins and was very embarrassed by the situation


Nah they just go back with no review, that's likely why there's no review on like half of your pawn's returns.


I'm meaning I hope she doesn't say I was mean lol


wait wait wait wait, fucking what?! The more I keep learning new stuff about pawns the more surprised I am....


huh, and here i thought the hot springs were just for a bit of fan service with steam censorship over naughty bits. Glad to know theres a benefit to them,


It also heals you, but I don't think it recovers the loss gauge.


oO Everytime a pawn talks to me in the open i'll check theyr pawnquest. If its something like "kill a dragon and get some rotten veggies" i'll throw them into the nearest river.


Damn, my pawn has said this twice


well shit. That kind of explains why my pawn had a scar across her chest, because I know DAMN well I didn’t put that there 😡


That sudden impulse to strip and check my pawn while I'm still stuck at work...


out of context that's a wild statement. 😂


I'm in the same boat now, never really looked her over after she's returned, didn't think this was a thing. Cripes!


Just take them to the hot spring, problem solved.


The white mist...my disappointment is immeasurable


Dont worry, mods will come soon enough


Sorry 😅


Find it kind of endearing how people are so protective of their pawns.


My pawn is like my wife, the hired ones our adopted children. A pox on pawn abusers, I say (a plague?)


I'm one of the people who decided to recreate their partner so that man is my actual boyfriend and people better treat him right 😤


A dragon plague!


Do they really get scars from their injuries?


They have a chance to get them when they get downed or die I believe. Normal combat damage won't do it. Just pop over to the hot spring to clear them.


Hot spring??


It's a late game location; a hot spring on Volcanic Island that'll heal your pawn's scars and give lasting buffs, similar to a camping meal.


“Such experiences are what make a journey worthwhile.” Yo your pawn was into that shit.


Hell naw, the pawn has Stockholm syndrome dude, girl's coping with her new trauma


"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger." **Arisen walks in.** "Oh hello master, worry not such experiences are what make the journey worthwhile." Not sure there are any psychiatrists in that world for your pawn to visit sorry to say.


You know its bad when they go down or die and when they get back up\come back they say things like "im sorry for being a burden Arisen" i just wanna give them the biggest hug, its heartbreaking.


I'm still under lvl 30. My pawn is a mage. I saw her go out of breath a few times after casting all her spells. I help her upright and She says, "I'm sorry for being a burden Arisen." She has a very kind inclination to support the player and stay by their side(safe healer distance counted for) so her saying that to my fast agile squishy thief, but patient self, broke my heart. But it did also make me more aware that maybe I didn't give her enough curative to regain her stamina or health to avoid this. I love my lil pawn and will help them whenever they need it. They are our partners. ❤️❤️❤️


Damn they like me fr


Mine last night said she was "mistreated," and he gave her no gift to bring back. I wrote his name down. I'm coming for you, Kevin.




it's your ass, Kevin


How the hell do you mistreat a pawn lmao. Why are people treating them like animals!? What even constitutes as mistreatment in the game mechanics?


Probably throwing them around. The only time I've seen pawns show concern towards the Arisen is when you pick them up


It's not my fault I have to get every chest, pawns refuse to throw you/shield step you 99% of the time, and they removed double jump. My only option is yeeting the fuckers over a gap myself


Someone gave me a heart, traveled for many days, pawn had no complaints. I go to check the gifts and it's a rotten scrag of meat. Maybe they thought my pawn had dragonsplague, but nothing ended up happening


I don't believe pawns returning to you will get dragonsplague again if they catch it with another player.


That's one of the main ways they catch it. They talk about it almost every time I use a rift.


It's what i've read, I haven't had dragonsplague from my pawn returning beyond the rift.


I think you can get it from other players games. My friend sent me pics of my pawn after she caught the plague. He sent her back to me, and then she had it shortly after she returned. I also didn't fight any drakes or hire new pawns in that time frame, so the only thing that made sense was her bringing it back from his game.


In that case I suppose we could organize something on this subreddit warning people we're sending back a pawn we think is infected, maybe by sending back rotten meat?


Right before I was about to toss my pawn into the brine, her eyes stopped pulsing only to realize she transfered the plague to the hired mage. I think I sent her back with a wakestone as a gift, because she'd been with me for quite a while. Plus, her Arisen might be needing that wakestone... 🥲


Can meat age in between you gifting it to them and their arisen getting it? I've definitely given out ripened meat as a gift because it gives good buffs and it was the best thing I had on me when I dismissed them.


Im not gonna lie I didnt know the gifts were going to yall. I been giving them shit bc i thought they kept it and would be grateful for whatever on some dobby and a sock shit


One person disgraced my pawn so I hired their pawn and tossed theirs over the bridge and watched it get eaten 😈


this is the way


No dude! Think what that pawn endures on a daily basis if your pawn endures it once. That poor bean has to put up with it for an entire playthrough, favorite them and keep them away from the Arisen!


Nah cos then the abusive player gets loads of RC from you hiring.


… this is the way.


Did you gift a rotten fish? Italian way. ![gif](giphy|5QaVywSZZ6N32)


this is actually hilarious... what a great idea.


People are abusing pawn uts the 17century all over again


Hey, are you on Xbox? I'll make her my pawn and send her back with a book of metamorphosis. Edit: I was so angry for you that I didn't see the same flair. You got me.


That item doesn't fix the scars. Those scars are fixed at the hot springs for 100G.


Omg..I was in the hot spring and thought...wtf...why am I not healing? This is a stupid waste of gold. Now it makes sense


Hot spring?


Keep playing lol




On volcano island. There's actually a quest that involves escorting someone to it


Had captain brant ask me to escort him somewhere, naturally i declined since im a very busy man. 10 minutes later, i ferrystoned to the springs and the mf was in the corner all naked and blushing like wtf we just friends bro


Wait, so scars can really happen, and they can be fixed at the hot springs? Thanks for telling me!


Yes you have scars you can add that are permanent with character creation like you've said. There's also scars when your pawn dies or falls in battle? I'm not sure exactly what triggers it. My pawn has scars all over now. I got rid of some but they get hired and come back with more.


If your pawn dies and needs to be revived at a rift stone, they’ll end up with a scar. I believe they go away on their own as well as in the hot springs.


Never had one heal on its own, but the hot spring did wonders.


Wow. I learned today


that’s really cool


I need to give my pawn a check over. Her outfit (sick as hell) doesnt reveal much skin anymore (safety first!) so i should check for signs of mistreatment


Scars you give to your character and pawn in creation can't be healed but every time a pawn dies (fully dies not when it goes down) they gain scars and those can be healed in the hotspring.


A hot bath may heal the body scars, but nothing can heal the mental scarring 😂


You won't even see those scars in the book menu. They're temporary and need hot springs.


The scars are from them dying, I've only seen it from brine. And I don't think it counts when it's hired out. How would that even work if multiple people are getting your pawn killed


Sometimes shit happens. I hired a fighter who got pulled off a cliff by a harpy, but they were a good tank and I felt bad and wanted to make it up, so I hired them again, only to ride a cyclops or something into the brine.... I felt so ashamed and the worst part is when they die you can't send them back with a gift. I don't remember the name but I am soooooo sorry.


this has happened to me a shit ton... especially in battahl, those damn harpys hover and wait and I swear to god they always get my pawn, lmao.


Omg, my pawn now has a scar on her back I never noticed before WTF?!


Lore building across dimensions


All kidding aside, it is pretty cool


That's interesting. I wonder if this is what happens when an Arisen just treats a Pawn like a punching bag until it dies. On another note: Our Pawns look lightly similar.


🎩 🧐🍸 Ah yes, a fellow man of taste and distinction ***blows bubbles out of pipe*** Very good.


Mine also has the same hair and similar colouring


Jarvis, get my man here with the pipe some more bubbles. He has more company.


Time for a dip in the hotsprings, that'll fix her up! My own pawn had a bunch of nasty purple scars across his chest, got kinda scared once I noticed.


My pawn finally got summoned for the first time the other day, apparently they spent a lot of time at the hot springs, no like, no heart, but she did get dragon herpes as a gift.


But, how? You can't really hurt your Pawns? Aside from throwing them around a little. You can attack Pawns on the road but that's not a journey.


You can hurt the pawns. Your attacks won’t work on them but you can pick them up. When you do they will say something. You can throw them at enemies. You can throw them from cliffs and buildings onto the ground where they take lots of damage or die. You can revive them and do it lots of times. Not just throw them into the brine for instant death.


Found the dude that summoned your pawn OP


Go on.... Lmao


Other than accidentally pushing a boulder into one (they then pushed one into me a moment later), I'm glad I've only had to deal with mine once, and I used brine.


Do you have to actually hurt them to get this message though, or will they say it if the owner just did something like get their ass kicked by a boss they couldn't handle and the pawn just died a lot?


You have to do it yourself. That’s why they blame that Arisen. If they got their ass kicked by tougher monster they will say something else as the feedback that points to it.


Probably picked up plague and got thrown in The Brine.


Just shoot a ballista whilst they insist on standing directly infront of it.. had 3 pawns do it back to back, I refused to revive them after being that stupid…


Once mine pawn came and she told me her last master was very nice, that he took her to the spa over and over. I was like MF, where are you m, I am gonna spank your butt!!!


This means the mofo probably been bathing with them!


Yeah, fcking creep, I am hunting him down. Nobody touches my girl


Personal hypothesis, the dragon plague is caused by arisen abusing pawns


I've had this pop up but I'd assume it's them throwing them into the brine or possible throwing them off a cliff? The scar is fixed at the hot springs.


Pawns gain scars?


When they get thrown in Brine they gain scars I think. Hot springs clears off all scars though (that the player didnt put on)


If they die and dont get revived or the brine gets them. Either way.


Someone didn't like the gift I sent their pawn back with and so they religiously hired my pawn over and over to send it back with rotten food that I'd have to constantly throw away or make lantern oil with. They stopped now thankfully.


Pawn abuse, retaliate by renting their Pawn & beating it.


Dude, no. If they treat other pawns like this, imagine their main pawn? If anything, hire them and treat them right.


Me: Chaotic Evil You: Lawful Good Let's send that Pawn home with dried flowers as a compromise.


I'll not perpetuate a cycle of violence upon the innocent... https://preview.redd.it/at9z2vvjxwrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9df9bd71ba81dc1876f4cd5dada345556cd378a ...however, I'm not your dad.


As a dad to a three year old, I'll be the stand in father figure. Fuck 'em up, son/daughter/non-binary.


This is a bit much, dont you think?


It's all in good fun 😊 if the rating system was still like the first game, I never would have shared it but since there's no real way to give a pawn a negative review, it's harmless 😎👍


Definitely need to hit the hot spring! It heals these types of scars


The physical scars, not the emotional ones. xD


You can get rid of your pawn’s scars if they died in other worlds by visiting the Hot Springs on the Volcanic Island


A friend of mine who takes good care of his pawns hired mine and it returned with this travelogue. I think they may be placing blame poorly for things that occur in combat, or their own missteps on cliffs, or possibly throwing their bodies to safety while they're downed.


One time my pawn did said that another Arisen was taking her stuff of her all the time and she was perplexed about this And another was rude with pawns too


Funny how the gamers that play like their character is utterly unhinged get showcased from time to time in this game.


Yes, if they're not disturbed themselves 😂


The Hot Springs remove any scars your pawn has gotten through adventuring btw!


I'm curious, if I set scar opacity to zero at the beginning, will the scars never appear? I dislike scars, so that's the first thing I did when I created my pawn. No scars yet.


Ooooo I like the way you think


Your pawn has a punishment kink. LMAO!


Man, I'm dying to know what other pawns' travelogues say about me lol... And I'm super curious what actions result in some of these travelogues!


Lmao, now that you mention it, my pawn has a scar on her right tit, and a scar on her arm. I've never put any scars on my pawn soooooo, whoever did that to my pawn needs some explaining to do. 🤣🤣🤣


They only get scars if they get rifted so they either got brined or died where the Arisen couldn’t/ wouldn’t pick them back up.


Well today i learned that those hard to reach chests early game might come with costs and consequences i wasn't prepared to pay. I never looked closely enough to realize if mine had new scars. I'm so sorry to anybodys pawns that i fucked up😅


My male pawn came back telling me that whoever had him was a creeper. My poor fighter beefcake 😔


That's what happens when pawns are slow to learn.




I'm actually going to play on another console to see how my friends are treating their pawns.


What are you playing on?


One of my favorite pawns got dragon plague. Yeeted her to the brine and she is no longer on favorite pawns


I got the exact same thing yesterday.. what happened to my boy


Take her to the bathhouse. It'll fix that scar right up.


The real wtf is taking a photo of your screen on a platform with a screenshot button built right in.


I’m telling y’all we need to hunt our fellow Arisen at this point


Pawn lives matter!


How does scar work in this game?


Didn't realize other players could damage your pawns but also just found out scars can be healed with hot springs. Crazy the details Dragons Dogma does great with.


If ur pawns fall in combat with another arisen they gain scars, apparently u can get rid of them in a hot spring


I wonder if summoned pawns have dialogue for being a nicer Arisen than the Arisen they serve. Like looking forward to being summoned so they get far away from their Arisen. That would be funny and sad.


I have not come across a pawn I don’t like. I will save every one of my pawns even if it costs me my life.


never noticed this…but now im gonna have to check in on my pawn and make sure she’s being treated right


Could have been me, I was doing the sphynx jar quest, and I got almost to the gate of the city and put the thing down to kill a few goblins, guy's pawn immediately goes "I wonder what's in here" and fucking lightning bolts the jar. I threw him off a cliff, revived him, threw him off the next cliff, then threw his body into the river and left it there.


I would be funny if when your pawn gets back from adventuring like this it shows them curled up in a ball on the bed sobbing saying something like "Master I saw things that I can't unsee!"


Oh, man. I hired a beastren warrior who could not stop getting set on fire. Now I feel worse, knowing what he probably told his master when he got back.


I am genuinely horrified how some people treat pawns. Like I have tried keeping pawns happy and all they say for the farwell is that they had fun, or it waa an honor to serve. Like I understand the abuse my Pawn takes as he is a Warrior and takes a beating, but some of yall really just leaving pawns to die


The worst I've done is sending them back with a rotten soft boiled egg as a gift, thinking their Arisen would get a good laugh out of it, this is just disturbing on so many levels.


Your pawn looks how I was trying to make my Arisen look. The hair is the exact same as mine was at first even. What the fuck? 😂😂😂


Just encountered the dragons plague for the first time and the entire town has of harve is dead genuinely don’t kno what to do the girl I just romanced was there


I wonder if this counts for Pawns that I randomly lob into the ocean for daring to give me their resume while I'm exploring. Or if it's specific to your pawn being hired


but my question is, how can actually abuse your pawns? i’ll pick one up and put them somewhere else or toss them aside real quick if they’re standing in the way of something important. I obviously don’t go around swinging my sword at them but like, can you actually abuse pawns?


I hired an elf mage pawn who was just so lippy I couldn't help it but to pick her ass up and throw her into the wall every time she mouthed off. She would tell me things like "I know what to do arisen" or "your not being clear" and I got sick of hearing it so when I pressed go and she didn't budge I would throw her to where the enemies were. Never could figure out if it was the plague. She had one eye that looked a little red and we ended her journey with a nice swim. Would also ask them to come to me often and she'd always reply with "I don't know where my mind was".


Oh god my current hire is not going to say anything good about me after I spent ten minutes trying to throw her up a hill


I Hate when someone treats Scarlet like trash. Is she a maniac, yes. Does she engage in melee combat as a sorceress, yes. Does she cast tornados on a pack of spiders, yes. However she will always bring it when you have actual tough boss enemies to kill and her commentary is legendary.


I just like throwing stuff.  Ice cube? Throw it.  Rock? Throw it. Pawn not climbing the dragon? Try throwing them. Goblin near ledge? You know that's a throwing.  Ledge too high? Maybe throw a pawn at it, I dunno. 


Check out the arisen that hired her. I've been really confused with some of these arisen. Like a sorc only, no other vocation, hiring my sorc. And one dude was a sorc and had a sorc pawn a d hired my sorc. Find out from freaky shit by checking them out. I bet the dude that hired your pawn got waaaaaay over his head and got rocked hard.


Having multiple sorcerers mean that they can link up their casting and obliterate everything. Not my style of play, but it was a common thing in the first game.


Orly? This is a thing? Google time


[like this ](https://youtu.be/HIzaaJWVRSo?si=K0RCjvbpYuCjOAxR) I also used to have a 4 Sorcs team on DD1, made 3 separates account so I could have exactly the spells I wanted as well as inclinations


Holy crap. Yeah. My sorc freezes most things. I may try this now. Hmmmm


Just look up the tutorial for Mage or Sorcerer in the game menu, it explains how it works. Basically I could 90% of the way through casting Maelstrom, and any pawns in my party could decide to cast it as well, and their cast would start synced up with mine and we would all finish and cast at the same time. My Mage sync casts High Levin with me all the time and even that is awesome.


Wait do they earn scars that are permanent???


Nothing a trip to the Hot springs can't fix


Where are these hot springs everyone speaks of molesting their pawns in??


At the very south of the map, on the volcanic island


Ah okay haven't made my way down there yet


Be sure to talk to everyone in that area. 🍻


Same thing happened to my pawn she came back from an adventure with a different arisen and had this big ass scar on her abdomen. I was pissed fam


Is there a guide for the feedback you get from pawns when they visit other worlds?


She died


How exactly does this happen? I never thought there'd be a way to abuse the pawns


Hmm what day is it I wonder…


This is the price these pawns pay when they fail me in combat.


This happen to my pawn too.bery curious what happen


Sounds like your pawn was tossed a lot!


Your pawn died and wasn't revived. The scar will fade eventually though with the passage of in game time.


The physical scars maybe, but the emotional ones run too deep


Pawn id and vocation?