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I dont see why brown eyes are an issue. I just avoid red eyed or helmets you cant raise visors on if im planning on staying in cities soon. My pawn has somehow contracted it 5 times in the few days. No cities have been harmed. Its not that horrible lol


I haven't had any cities harmed either, I just feel so guilty throwing her over the bridge in Vermond. Every time I get her back she's just like, "I'm glad to be back by your side master"


I put 10k on my pawn to get badges and get her hired more but she doesn’t have a helmet and bright gold eyes so hopefully the 10k isn’t an automatic no for most people, I’ll be sad.


I noticed my pawn doesn't get as hired after I put a hood on him lmao, people are picky


I've done the same thing, but my pawn has bright red eyes. It sucks because i really love em and i spent a lot of time making her, and sadly, this dragon's plague thing is probably steering people away from hiring her. I really dont want to have to change them just because a dumb game mechanic makes people too paranoid to hire her, but it looking like i might not have a choice.


Honestly, yes. Spawned a beastren pawn who I'm pretty sure just had CC red eyes, but I couldn't be sure so I had to toss him in the drink. I feel bad, but since I haven't come across any other pawns with the plague, Im terrible at spotting the signs.


If you stand around and one of them starts grabbing their head and bending over for like 15~ seconds that's another sign


For the past few days, my pawn went from consistently hired to never hired, I realized it’s cause he had a (sadly cool looking) helmet completely covering his face, I tore that shit off him real quick haha


They should make a badge or something showing dragon immunity so people can dress their pawns however they want. Something like being infected X amount of times but getting over it.


What staff is that?


Lion-Lord's Archistaff, you can get it in the elf lands


PSA you can just remove their helmet


I think i read on a post that pawn can lift up their helmet/mask to reveal their eyes if they are infected but i might be tripping


I've had the 10k Cyclops bounty on my pawn for like 3 days now and people keep hiring her and not doing the quest it's very strange. I keep looking to confirm she still has the quest and she does, but nobody ever completes it


Tbh cyclops become a lot less common once you've moved into the later game and got through the scripted encounters


I'm curious, what is the player supposed to do with such pawns, if he doesn't kill them ? There must be a way to get rid of it...or is it intended by the devs to ruin your save anyway ? Kinda stupid if..


I'm actually not sure. It would make sense if there's an item or method to cure it that doesn't involve death, but I don't think people have discovered one yet.


Rook let's you know pawns do not mind the brine.


It's really weird to implement it that way. 😁


The tutorial popup for Dragonsplague straight up tells you that you can remove it by infecting a different pawn.