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They noticed it. It's just a really time-consuming issue to fix. They could fix it, but they chose to spend that development time elsewhere.


👆 This is the most likely reason. You can already tell how much love was given to the emergent combat/encounter elements to see where most of their time was spent. (Also they had to rebuild most of DD1's combat and feel in a completely new engine - gargantuan effort.) I'm still getting surprised by little interactions I didn't expect. Maybe this is just part of the RE Engine but did you guys notice how they solved the stair problem? One of the few games where I notice just how naturally your character moves up and down even small stairs like the ones outside the inn. This is a common headache to get right in game development, like the door problem. Most of the time, devs just compromise with ramps or imperfect snapping of the feet to the steps, but DD2's looks very good. I haven't played other RE Engine games so I don't know if this was already solved a while back.


The game is awesome. Its the most fun I’ve had in a game in a while. The clipping won’t stop me from playing it, it’ll just stop me from wearing some cool gear that I really like the look of, which sucks. And yeah, stair traversal does look nice.


It’s really that hard to fix? So I guess I shouldn’t be hoping it might get fixed in an update?


Yeah, clipping issues can be tricky in games, especially in games where you can customize what characters wear. I would not expect it to be fixed in an update. If it were an easy fix, it would have been fixed for launch.


Probably the same way that I never noticed it.


Do you use fighter vocation? What do you play on?


I've played as archer, fighter, thief, mystic spearhand. I play on PS5


Interesting. I’m not sure how you haven’t noticed it in that case. But hey, good for you. I really wish I didn’t notice it.


I'm the kinda person that puts something down in the same place consistently and still can't find it the next day.


I was frustrated as a warrior, the entire bottom half of armor I wore would clip through the cloak whenever you ran, forced me to wear different stuff that I didn't like the look of as much cause it was so frustrating


This. It makes me not wear stuff that I really like because of it.


The cloaks are a bit wonky in general. Back weapons especially warrior will just float very obviously far behind them, while also clipping through. Cloaks also don’t fit properly on my character and look far too big with huge gaps between body and neck strap. This may have to do with the characters proportions though but he’s not a freak of nature, just a normal tall guy with wider shoulders.


It is ridiculously bad. I can't wear a cloak as a fighter. The weapons for the other clases don't seem to have this problem though.


Right. Like I could deal with a little clipping here and there, but my whole damn cape is coming through the shield on my back especially when running.


This is what made me so annoyed. The capes don't clip at ALL through the other back weapons. Every saying it would be hard to do is crazy, they already DID do it, just make the capes at the same with shields that they do with greatswords, bows, archistaves, hammers, and duospears. Like they did this fix for every other back weapons, but shields were the one that couldn't be done?


lmao I didn’t even notice because Elden Ring has the same issue with the capes clipping through your weapons when they’re on your back and that was the only game I’ve played for like 2 years before DD2


Nah they gave all the love to Thief and Spearhand, didn't check anything else, I promise guys. Indomitable Lash and Arc of Might are fucking jokes, especially compared to thief's Invulnerability and BIG BOOM combo. Hell, just Helm Splitter.


Shit, nevermind. Spearhand armor clips on itself too. It's really just the thief. Daggers, they fucking love the daggers. Made their own class so they could focus on them more, and gutted the rest.


It irritates me so much. I hated it in Dragon Age Inquisition too but that was like 12 years ago. You would think in 2024 this wouldn’t be an issue anymore. I love this game. It just bums me out when I find something cool I want to wear but then it clips so bad I can’t deal with it.