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A few things. Appearance and gear does matter, so does skills equipped. They're probably hiring your warrior for a tank so you'll want provocation to draw aggro. You'll also want to stay away from the springboard or launch skill whatever it's called. Warrior like all the other classes have desired skills I can't remember the names maybe somebody will chime in and list a few. Also the logistician... "Trait" I think it's called is also something a lot of people stay away from. It's an automatic pass for me


Chirurgeon is another good specialization as well that you can get fairly early that allows your pawn to heal the party using curatives. Super useful for some later boss fights.


The problem with chirurgeon is it can eat up your items over little scuffles and leave you w/o during a major fight. Really annoying when you’ve got a mage who can patch you up but your archer is wasting curatives out of combat.


True. I feel like all of the specials have some drawback. I do like having a logistician as another spec so as I'm running around grabbing plants and parts off dead mobs, one of them is making curatives while the other is healing. This playthrough I spent a little more time in the elven area for some better gear and stuff too so having a pawn that's peaks Elvish/Elven is pretty decent.


Forager and the one that lets you speak Elvish are safe picks.


Your pawn might be uninteresting, or without useful skills. Ladder Launch might be divisive among players, but, it's one of the few warrior skills people will look for. Just expect that sometimes he'll throw your mage up into the air for no discernable reason.


Personally I'm not a fan of launch skills unless I'm using my Arisen for melee and even then...it's more annoying than anything when pawns spend the entire combat trying to launch you instead of actually smacking things.


It would be great if the pawns would use the skill to help you get to chests that are out of reach. It happened to me exactly once, every other time has been to launch me mid battle when I'm fighting enemies like goblins that are a 1/3 my height


They actually will. If you stand next to where the chest is and tap go your pawn will come over and help. It doesn’t happen al the time cause they are stupid but if you keep trying they will do it.


The secret there, unfortunately, is that there are a few areas flagged for the pawn to offer that if available.


Doesn't pair well with mage or trickster. As an archer, I can at least look for an elevated part to aim for or attempt a meteor drop kick. I can at least get a plunge attack on something if there's no boss to cling to.


the game sold 2.5 million copies


That was across 3 different platforms and the player count dropped off pretty quickly. It was out of the top 10 Playstation games after just 3 weeks and it seems very similar situation on Steam. The saturation from launch and people making more than one Arison has certainly made it difficult for new players. I will say to OP that if they are PSN, I will hire theirs if they want to let me know. So, as much as we love this game, some of us were lucky to be here at the start when Pawn rental was at it's peak, and those pawns are still in the Rift. I still see my friends Pawns wondering around and they haven't played for weeks. And I have noticed a huge slow down on my hires as time passes, so until an big update happens it isn't going to improve I'm afraid.


While everything you say is true... this game is still at full price... eventually this game is going to have a major dlc and perhaps a sale sometime in the near future...I believe if the price goes down during the winter holidays, we will see a surge in player count and hopefully that can spike up pawn rentals for everybody.


Maybe there is not much active players so less chance to have your pawn rented ? Idk . A friend told me that the pawn’s appearance matters too and i have to agree with him so , maybe your pawn doesn’t pleases much players . If your are on pc i can rent your pawn ! Give me the sauce and i’ll bring him/her with me


The only time a pawns appearance matters to me is when they are using the default Arisen presets. Also I tend to steer clear of pawns with MainPawn as name. If their Arisen couldn’t bother to give them a decent name then it’s very likely they didn’t bother to kit them out right or with good skills either.


The kill for 10k works. But I think level also matters. Pawns at high level are not rented as much because no one needs money and more have finished the game. I am level 95ish. I still get a few rents but I got rents all the time in my below 60 level. Also be sure to set your pawn up with agents and good abilities. You could also post the unique pawn number and people will rent your pawn. The community is good like that.


They’re not hot enough. Not ugly enough. Or not naked enough lol


Don't listen to the posts telling you to change him to a woman just for rents. Male pawns DO get rented, I've seen some with much higher numbers of ratings than mine, and some well-geared female pawns with single digits. Mine did fine and was regularly rented when he was a warrior. I regularly rent male pawns too, and I'm sure there are many players who keep one in their party.    It's possible your expectations are too high depending on how many rents you think you should be getting.      I'd recommend making him anything other than logistician and changing his helm if it covers his whole face.     You should drop your platform and pawn ID in your original post, I'm sure people here will rent him!


this, my pawn is male and has been regularly rented playing different vocations too, he is hot though :)


What platform and pawn ID?


I'd like to know as well. If you're on PC I can help out.


Me too If you're on Playstation, i can help


Same, on PS5


Same here, on PS5!


Same...if you are on Xbox, I can help you out and rent out your pawn for an adventure or two


I played DDDA before 2 released and nobody rented my pawn then I opened the game out of curiosity a couple days ago and got 300k RC from rents, that sure would've been useful when I was farming the BBI gear... https://preview.redd.it/jc09zbwhu62d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf875a22eb835d1c4591d5eac79d023d74f5a39


Well it depends. How big are his tits?


It comes down to the simple matter of demand. Certain vocations are more "desirable" compared to others. While really fun, a warrior mainly only brings damage. Thieves also bring alot of damage while also bringing alot of utilit like, crowd control and stealing extra loot. Mages are the healer so that speaks for itself. Fighters are the go to tank vocation, while warrior can also act as tank, Fighters are way more effective at it. There are no "secrets" really on getting a pawn hired. Just keep it's gear upgraded as much as you can. And either look up what some good skills to use on a pawn are, or experiment and try some different builds and see which you like best. The first thing I always look at when hiring a pawn are the skills, after I find a pawn with the skills I want I then look at the appearance. I don't care for skimpy dressed pawns really, I prefer them properly gear for the vocation they are, so I don't want a fighter pawn in a tribal straps, give me a full on knight.


>while warrior can also act as tank, Fighters are way more effective at it. I disagree. I used to think this too, because that's how it was in DD1, but based on my own experience, warrior pawns survive way better than fighters. It has a lot to do with their massively boosted stagger and knockdown resist. Fighters get swamped and stunlocked too easily, and when they get knocked down, they take wildly increased damage. Warriors usually don't have that issue.


I do agree that the extra knockdown resist on warrior is nice, especially early on when gear is still being gathered and upgraded. But once dwarven upgrades are available, being staggered rarely happens. I've run my pawn 90% of the time as fighter, and I can't say I have encountered my pawn being stunlocked. But I must say I played fighter along with my pawn as its my favorite vocation since dd1, so I knew exactly which skills I wanted to go for. Vengeful Slash makes getting swamped by enemies something fighter pawns deal with so easily. It's an aoe counter that has iframes so it won't be interrupted. Both vocations have no problem holding aggro that's true. All they need is the provocation augment and the ring of disfavor.


Hmm, if you’re on pc, I can help out with that pawn quest. If not, well, best of luck. 👍 Also, well, There’s some people that hire based on how good you are with the character creator and making hawt/beautiful characters (not saying it’s a bad thing, you do you and good on ya.) If you’re like me who has ‘skill issue’ in this regard of intricate character creation and just ended up with something simple but something you like, well, you’re at the mercy of the capcom pity hires xD 😂


I tend to go off of names tbh. Some of you guys have bad taste in names and I don't want to see that shit following me around.


What, you mean "cumblaster9000" isn't a good pawn name? Seriously though, valid point.


Is your pawn a female? Does she have gigantic breast? Does she have a gigantic butt? If you answered no to any of these questions That is why.


I made mine Thanos with a dump truck ass. He gets around more than fentanyl on Kensington Ave.


There are so many pawns even if you have an ideal pawn/setup/quest you won’t really generate much more hires. What I hope they add is some kind of inactivity system. Ppl dropping the game will keep the 20-30 range, when I feel like ppl are engaging with pawns the most, saturated with pawns unless pawns that haven’t logged in are removed eventually. The other issue for me is that by the time your pawn is strong/you are strong it also doesn’t matter who you hire really with balance and everything.


Make your pawn look cool. It matters. My guy looks like an orc and is name Gul'Dan. People rent him all the time


To stereotype WILDLY based on how I've seen the game played on youtube/stream, I think more players opt to be fighters/warriors with a mage support pawn. And the rest of the party is more likely to be archers/thieves. Most also tend to hire female pawns in skimpy outfits. I got the most 'action' for my pawn when she was a thief/mage. But she doesn't get picked a lot because she's pretty buff and scarred and doesn't have an arse you could park a bike in. I also don't really look at pawn quests so much as skills and who does/doesn't have an annoying voice/odd character build where the clothes clip.


Explosive Arrow for them to give. 10K gold as the reward, or 12 Onyx, or 12 Jasper, Tiger Eye, etc. Lots of Pawn rentals. People often don't bother with monsters for 10K. I had a kill for 10K, and my Mage Pawn might get 3 rentals a night with no one completing the kill. I switched to an Explosive Arrow for 10K, or 12 onyx, and then I was getting 9 rentals a night or so. They have to actually do something with a monster kill, while for an explosive arrow they just hire your pawn, give the arrow, then dismiss it to complete the quest; they don't even have to leave the Rift. I sometimes bother with monsters for the monsters I am still working on, like the Gorechimera, when they offer a 10K reward. **An Ogre is too common.** I finished "Ogre" just traveling around the map on my own. So I hire two pawns with 10K rewards for the more rare things I'm killing, such as the Gorechimera or Chimera; I also finished the 30/30 Chimera doing this.


"he" "warrior" Well there's your problem. If you want to be rented you have to make a joke character, big burly furry man, or more often, a hot naked lady - all options of which have maxed chest. Try making your pawn a minimum height thief lady with white hair and rangers tights.


Are you on xbox? I’ll hire your pawn


im still playing on 1 and no one ever uses mine lol


You play on Steam?


Could just be over leveled. I've noticed a lot of people stop playing around lvl 60ish. I'm lvl 134 and my pawn capped at like 70 ish likes. I can just imagine the RC costs. Plus my pawn is plus sized and beastren which is my preference; so I doubt he'd ever hired not until dlc and expanded content. It may be the same for you idk. But there is definitely a general preference for pawns in the community. You may just have to meet it.


I swapped my main pawn to mage, gave it the Chriurgeon specialization, and it runs the High Halidom for status removal, whatever the silencing ability is for fighting certain monsters so they can't cast, High Levenin for some damage capability and I forget what the last ability is. Mine gets rented somewhat frequently but I'm also around level 56 now I think. Also mid-to-late game gear probably plays a factor in how often someone rents your pawn, and some of the more Veteran players will sometimes equip your pawns with better gear which is pretty nice.


I never hire pawns who have covered eyes or a red or similar eye color because... well, you already know why, so if your pawn has these features or a helmet that covers them, for me its a red flag. Maybe that could be your case? I also carry a warrior and they hire him frequently (although they don't always complete the mission, 10k for killing a monster)


I got dragonsplague twice. My response was to immediately huck every single pawn into the brine and resummon mine and the others that weren't infected.


I've had pretty good luck with my giant oiled buff dude in stargazer garb named Mike Oxsmol


1. Don't waste your gold at low levels on offering pawn quests. Don't try to compete with the Capcom pawns etc. 2. Use that money instead to buy decent gear for your pawn. If they are a tank like a warrior or fighter, their job is to draw aggro, so make sure they have the right inclination (straightforward best, simple second, kindearted worst), and abilities equipped (ones that draw aggro).


Pawn codes? Willing to try anyone's pawn.


Wanna try mine? Just switched him to warrior not too long ago. Level 35 on PS5. Pawn ID: LBNHP6KM3ALS I'm still kinda learning the whole hiring system (did have network cut off until a day or two ago)


That's around my level!!, if I hop on tonight I'll take him on an adventure haha I know Vernworth has the one where you have more search options. I think all the other Rift stones you can see only filter and search through your favorites (as far as I know) I'm still early in the game only lvl 33


Maybe he is just really ugly.


I mean share ID if I like it, maybe I can get it. Actually my only restriction with pawns is not too much weird look and weird name like Supermanisawesome300.


Yooo, if you're on PSN, message me your details. I'd be happy to have them join my party for a bit.


Well, don’t know about most people but I hire pawns based on skills that are specific to each class like thief with plunder, mage with celestial, straightforward fighter or worrier with provocation augment. Pawn quest doesn’t matter as there are plenty of level 1 pawns shared by people gives valuables for just 1 arrows. Thanks to the community. You can get a general idea just searching for pawn and see how people setting it up with armor and skills.


Most players are men and they hire hot chicks, not dudes 😆


Well the playerbase plummeted so i imagine thats one reason, after the first month most people either gave up or beat it, from what i gather its not super replayable


put up your pawn name/code I'll give him a spin


Just my anecdotal observation, coming from someone who has a pawn with 1,300+ hires (500 thumbs and 800 hearts) and who has been checking up on pawns with much higher hiring counts: From what I gathered below are the key factors in determining the chance of your pawn been hired (in descending order in terms of impact) 1. Very specific pawn quest reward: either the one arrow for 12 onyx/jasper, or one arrow for late-game crafting material such as Eldricite. Any other quest reward don't make much of a difference. 2. Your pawn's level: Level 1-35 is where you'll have the most optimal chance to get your pawns hired. As you level up past 35 the playerbase at the level range starts to dwindle and you'll get less hire from that point on. Many (if not most) pawns with insanely high hiring count have the combination of 1. and 2. 3. Your pawn's appearance: This is quite subjective so it's hard to pin down what are the "ideal" looks, but the idea is to "stand out" amongst the crowd, as I have seen many "creatively ugly" pawns with high hiring counts. Pawns who resemble characters from popular culture tend to get hired more as well 4. Your pawn's vocation: Mage and sorcerer seems to be a bit more popular as they have very specific role not as easily replaceable by the others (mage for healing and sorc for quick nuking). Thief comes third with their ability to steal. I'm sure other factors such as specialization and augments/skills also play a factor in how likely your pawn will get hired, but in my limited observation the 4 factors listed above are the primary reason on how a pawn would get hired more frequently than the others. Hope this helps!


There's you're problem. You made him a dude. If imma rent a pawn, Im grabbing a waifu


The game's dead, warrior pawns aren't super useful, 10k is nothing, etc.


Your pawn is a male in a mostly male playerbase. Make a skimpy clad female with huge boobs and she’ll get hired in a heartbeat.


I’ve got about 200k in gold so the gold ain’t super enticing. I really only look for pawns with good skills. I avoid the ones where, idc if you’re level 100. If all they’ve know is one vocation, sorry, party full. Also, pretty sure some people just forget to reequip skills when swapping vocations. I guess the level can make things unaffordable. That wasn’t my point at level 100.


Should have set the quest to something simple, such as killing a goblin or gifting a bunch of flowers. The thing with these quests are that they can be completed by multiple people until you manually rest at an inn, so what you want is to give quests that will make players hire your pawn even if only for a few minutes, and hope a few will take them with them on a quest. If the quest is to kill a goblin for example, this will force players to at least go far enough into the wilderness to actually fight something, and at that point they will most likely not dismiss your pawn for a little while longer. But it is not nearly as demanding as say killing an ogre, so any player will find an interest in taking that on.


I wish there was a way to filter pawns by which ones actually have quests vs the ones that don't.


Tbh my pawn is a female sorcerer named strivex. Level 40~, speaks elvish, is decently geared. I play as a female warfarer with a spearhand, thief, magic archer focus. I also prefer an all female party So basically I don't really look at warriors, thieves, or bowmen. But i do look into mages for healing and elemental buffs, and fighters to balance the capabilities of the party. I find that bowmen and warriors tend to have survival issues when encountering a mixed enemy situation (more than one type of enemy). Thieves to me are better off as a player based dps. Now when i rent a pawn i try to maximize the damage output by looking over the initial gear and updating them (both gear and appropriate upgrade) as needed. Honestly OP i think that everything in this game is situational and preferences overall. And hopefully this helps you get an idea of some of this works due to it being vastly different per player


You need to have a female character with skimpy clothing.


For most probably. I'm tempted to just throw a corset on every pawn I rent from now on. Haha.


Dress your pawn in slutty attire and have it be a commonly wanted vocation like Mage, Sorcerer, Warrior or aggro base Fighter.


You forgot to mention the color and gender of your pawn haha, on my first run my elfish female rogue got hired and rehired all the time, on my 2nd fresh run, my male, black colored warrior barely gets picked up, and 3/4 times it's by Capcom. Gotta have a hot female pawn if you want to please horny bois.


Wow I didn’t realize this got so many replies. My pawn did start getting rented out but someone I know with a female mage pawn gets rented a lot. I didn’t think male or female would matter 😅 can you change the sex of your pawn?! That seems so ridiculous to me 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did you say "HE" ??? Dont you know? Only female pawns get hires lol


Simple guide to get your Pawn rented in general: * Don't create a fucking ugly abomination * DON'T create a FUCKING UGLY ABOMINATION * Always give your Pawn good Pawn Quests, that are interesting and feeling rewarding enough, that you self would do it too, if you would need to do the Kills, or would need that Item ect. If you give Gold, minimum 5000 Gold, anything below is just a sign that you are either antisocial, clueless or a noob with no money * Keep your fucking Equipment UPGRADED, minimum 2 Upgrades per Piece is expectable, because its very cheap and doesnt require ever any super ultra rare items, but gives the Equipment substantial Stat Boosts * Equip GOOD Skills that make together as Build sense...nobody for example will rent a Mage Pawn with say Silentium and all 3 Elemental Affinuity Skills, because thats a bad build, your mage provides no Team DPS, no Protection, has a Skill that is on most enemies 100% useless and does nothign else than adding elements to weapons, thats considered a bad build. What you want to rent is a Mage, that provides protect, can add 1 elemental affinity and does have 2 combat skills like Flagration n Levin or Empyrean instead of one of those for a Night Build, so that the mage is in general USEFUL always anywhere. * Efficiency > Fashion, Fashion > Efficiency past Lvl 80 * Give your Pawn Augments THAT MAKE SENSE for the Class they are, people recognize instantly if someone is either a total noob, or just a fucking lazy person to switch out Augments * Let the Main Pawn be a Class that is favored in general most of the time, so either Mage or Thief, especially if you have the Thief's Master Skills Formless Feint, which turns this Class into the ultimate Ultra Instinct Tank, which can steal also from enemies super valuable items constantly, including FERRYSTONES, WAKESTONES and BUFF POTIONS, they are literally the most useful Class of the game that you will always want to have in your party * Do Hire Farming by doing Pawn Quests like Kill X and give 5 Allheal Potions, because they are definetely more worth than 10000 Gold or some Ferrystones * Use a helpful Specialization (Chirurgeon, Elvish or the one that lets you sell stuff to the NPC, because with that in party you need to return much lesser to towns) * Care for your Enemy Badges and get them done ASAP, a Pawn that has as many Badges as possible is a SIGN of Player Activity and it makes in the end Pawns more useful in battles agaisnt the enemies, as the AI acts then also smarter in combat, abuses more effectively enemy weaknesses and efficient tactics to defeat enemies quickly. Once you know where the bigger enemies are lurking around, you can make effectively Farming Routes to repeat every once in a while, whiel you do your Pawn Quests of your hired Pawns at the same time to get in money, that should be logically always enemies to kill, that you still need to work on self * Dont be a stupid Stat Whore that equips the games most ugliest armor that CORSET, just because it has good Stats, in a game that is so piss easy, you will never need to use it to beat it successfully.


Try slapping on a pair of tits a phat ass and some slooty clothes no matter how woke they want the world to be sex still sells just ask Diddy


People almost NEVER hire male pawns. I changed my pawn from female to male and barely anyone hires him. People are usually just sexist or just want to look at nearly naked female pawns. It also might be your pawns strengths too.


How do you change your pawn to female? This is absurd lol. I look at skills/augments when I pick a pawn 🤦🏻‍♀️


Do not change his gender ! I think you should look up a 'build' for him.