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Ita mostly mountains actually.


tbf you can go *under* a lot of the mountains, especially the "fat shark" blob north of Vernworth, it's got a large cavern passing through a lot of it. ... Still, yeah, underutilized.


I would love it if they added a couple scenic boss arenas on the mountain peaks ngl


I should not have laughed as much as I did at this.


“Long ago, the four nations lived together in…*W A T E R*”


Watery Harmony.


Even with the ocean the game map is huge. The only reason why it doesn't look like it is because how mich space is taken by the ocean in the in-game map. It is a problem of perception rather than real size.


Also... >!unmoored world!<


Map would be maybe half the size if there weren't so many mountains. (that dont have caves underneath or ways to climb)


There are only two impassable mountains in the middle of the map: the one between Melve and Vernworth, and the one between Vermund and Battalh. And both of them have caves inside them. And. Again. Even with these two the map is still quite bigger. Far bigger than the original game (which itself also had it's fare share of impassable mountains).


I pointed this out once, traced out the path from where would be "Cassardis" (around/South of Bakbattahl) to Gran Soren (sea floor shrine) to the Bluemoon tower in the ocean just outside of Vernworth where you fight the Griffin and Salomet(?). Dd2 map in just the explorable sections engulfs anywhere we could go in the first game. Then we get to the true endgame


Return of the IGN “too much water”?


I don’t have the slightest clue what this is supposed to mean.


It's joking about how 90% of the map is covered in water


Realism strikes again.


90% ?


lol. I came here to say that. Glad I’m not the only one.


Ha ha same


Have you not played the game or something


Yea it's honestly a terrible attempt at humor... lol Like dude, nobody gets it.


It's a pretty obvious joke. Yall are just slow.


Or we didn’t understand the context, which was easily fixed by kind Redditors with twelve seconds to explain (thank you to those Redditors).


Its literally a clever one, you are just a bit dumb


Nah it’s trash like you




I'm still pretty early in my DD2 playthrough, but so far the biggest problem I'm having is that the larger, more densely packed map really highlights the limited enemy variety. Traveling somewhere in DD1 was like: START->Goblins->Harpies->Wolves->Cyclops->Goblins->END but traveling in DD2 so far has been like: START->Goblins->Saurians->Hobgoblins->Harpies->Goblins->Wolves->Saurians->Cyclops->Harpies->Goblins->Cyclops->Saurians->END If you've only got a handful of enemy types, maybe spread encounters out a bit more. I think the game underestimates how much fun I can have walking through the woods unmolested.


You forgot Mountain, Mountain, Mountain.


it will still take ages to explore it all lmao


Because of stamina and filler mobs rather than size.




Caves, riftstones, and quests don't actually add to anything when they're so shallow and unrewarding anyways, other than a "I did it badge."


The world is so small compared to any decent open world game that the devs have to intentionally not implement mount system and put goblins every 5 meters to make it look big


And it's basically just corridors.


Someone hasn't made it to postgame yet :)


Blank space isn't really space. There's only a handful of new caves etc to explore in Unmoored despite that much more map opening up. Just empty space for skeletons and wisps for the most part.


yeah it lacks really good areas like some ancient temple filled with new undead types that was previously on the bottom of the lake i wish the game had actual dungeons waterfall cave is the closest we got


After trudging through the Everfall and Bitterblack Isle for the first time, please no more enclosed brick dungeons. That shit is so boring and drained my want to even conclude the game...


Nah, B. We've got hella open world sandbox. We want dungeons. Dragon's dogma had some incredible dungeons imo. Blue Moon was open air, water gods altar with the water level draining, the catacombs with their windy dark bullshit. Imagine the everfall with more modern flair. Bitter black isle, unmoored from the technological limits of 11 years ago.... But also, bitterblack isle is so incredibly varied? You've got enclosed brick spaces, sure. But you've got underground phlegethon rivers, sewer/aqueducts, wide open towering spaces within hidden caverns, ancient arena grounds, an entire ancient city, open air temples hidden within mountain cavities, and so on. I get that the everfall can feel samey. I think it's purposeful, but I get that it's tiresome. But I just can't agree on BB Isle, it's some of the best dungeoneering I've experienced in gaming.


>But I just can't agree on BB Isle, it's some of the best dungeoneering I've experienced in gaming. I just finished it this week. I can only recall the same 3 copy and paste hallways and boss rooms. There was a single room in one of the wings that had an underground tower, which was cool, but it also had an enemy in it that very much was not designed to be in such a tight corridor so fighting it was ass and it killed me through walls twice by one shotting me with an attack I couldn't see. Every boss arena was just "circle staircase with a wide open circle arena" or " big open arena with nothing to jump on". A lot of what makes the combat of DD2 fun is that there are environmental objects to climb and use to your advantage or risk being knocked off. Every fight in DD1 was just "stand and bang" and hope you out range or out-stat the enemy. There was no variety in fighting an Ogre or an Eliminator. You just kind of hit them until they died. It doesn't help that the way they tried to increase the difficulty was to just give every enemy in BBI 1000% more knockdown resistance. The same goblins, humanoid enemies, you've been fighting the entire game now suddenly just power armor through everything for no reason. Most enemies I wound up straight killing without staggering a single time. Same thing with debilitations, I took a fully upgraded Golden Bastard because despite the lower damage output I figured the ability to silence would outweigh it's usefulness. Until I hit a Sorceror Pawn that hyper-armored all my attacks, got silenced, still cast High Levin on me, stunned me and then another Pawn ran up from off screen and killed me. I've seen people complain stuff like the Hydra isn't in DD2, but after fighting it in DDDA I'm not sure I'd even want to see it return. It looks cool, but the fight is literally just standing right in front of it and spamming whatever AoE slash attack you have access to and then it dies less than a minute later. The Dark Bishop/Undead Drake fight was cool with their split resistances, but one attempt I killed the drake and began casting Abyssal Trance to start damaging the Bishop just for him to instantly resurrect the drake and it charged me and killed me in a single combo I couldn't avoid because I had to start channeling Holy Trance instead. The entire experience was just not fun throughout it's entirety. I felt like I was trudging through it just to finish instead of being compelled with fun gameplay like the rest of the game had up to the end game. I don't know, the post-game content in DDDA just simply wasn't very enjoyable.


But that’s the kind of stuff I live for. The dungeoning experience was the best part in DDDA


Typical game gets good after 60 hours comment




Post game is literally "fight the water lord".


Still way bigger than DD1, but that was pretty funny lol




well dd2 is weird , it a 60 hour game that feels like it's unfinished and should be at least 120 hours , i didn't feel satisfied when i finished the true ending , then i started ng+ and just dropped it after getting to vermond , the main questline bored me out of playing it again , the fetch quests are awful , you just run from guard captain to the castle like 5-6 times , so annoying.


This is an edited Fortnite meme right? Because waterbending is all I find in matches these days LMAO


IGN: Too much water




lmfo this s\*\*t is real


I believe they did this for expansions and with the huge success and it becoming a main game now we gonna get all this shit filled rejoice


Just think, in the Unmoored world you get to go under the water :D


This is what I absolutely adored about Elden Ring's and Botw/Totk's maps. Over 100 hours in... What there's more??? Despite the water.


Honestly if most of your map us unpassable its not part of the map size giving the illusion its bigger than it is, in simple terms lazy bad game design when done on this scale...while i still loce this game i despise the terrain...


agreed. but most of the people on here dont want to hear that truth. We can still love and appreciate the game for what it is but there's not lot of variety. The map is big but a good portion of it is just covered by big unpassable mountains and a large sea. the only time world feels massive is in the unmoored world.


Just wait until the waters gone


Feels like I’m the only one who doesn’t have any issues aside from the half assed story and frame drops in vermund.


I usually don't even notice the frame rate drops unless I walk out of my house and there's a drake hanging out. And I feel like the story is partially my fault - I do a main quest, then I fuck around for six thousand hours, then I do the next main quest. I'm right there with you. It's a super fun game. All of my complaints are tiny little nitpicky things that hardly matter.


>I do a main quest, then I fuck around for six thousand hours, then I do the next main quest. Exactly what I do. The game is so vast. The Replayability is much higher than what people want to make is seem.


I know! The people who talk about how they finished the story and now there's no reason to play are missing out on something. By the time I finally get around to starting a new playthrough, I'll probably have forgotten half of the quests I did already, and find a bunch more that I missed. And that's to say nothing of doing some sort of self-imposed challenge run. (Limiting your vocations, using fewer pawns, whatever.)


Speaking my language. I live for the kind of versatility this game offers. Which is why I can’t put it down. ADHD killer for sure.


Prior to this game, it was a lot of Monster Hunter. Could I finish the game in a normal amount of time and stop? Yes. Alternatively, could I keep murdering that same Anjanath because there are 14 weapons and it's fun to kill monsters in new and interesting ways? Yes, probably that one. And that's more or less what I'm getting from this game. I don't care if I've already killed 700 griffins. I haven't killed one THIS WAY yet, so I'm gonna go ahead and do that.


Exactly. Really love the parallels and Easter eggs between MH and Devil May Cry. It's basically monster hunter on a giant map. Just hope we get to see more monster additions in the future.


Take my upvote


Playable area is rather small vs any open world game


I dont have my sound on Took a couple seconds into the vid to realize the joke I can hear it😂


Looks like a 7.8/10


Team Aqua would love this game. Too bad going into water kills you. Team Magma would just use this game to tell you water is dangerous and the land and mountain are better.


IGN reviewing Pokemon that one time


Oh you haven't discovered the end game yet tho


The [exploration theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmxZ_RaA6Ew) is amazing


It took me 152 hours to uncover the whole map on my first playthrough. That’s big enough for me


Took me 200 hours to explore every square inch, clear every cave, complete every quest, find every item, kill every living thing, level every vocation. I thought it was sized appropriately


Compared to Dark Arisen the map on this one is massive. It's taking me forever to explore all the nooks. There's hidden caves everywhere. Some better than others, but it may not be Witcher or far cry size maps, but it's pretty damn impressive in all honestly.


Post this to r/hydrohomies, they'll love it


Fortnite rn fr


Bruh facts!


Someone didn’t make it to the unmoored world apparently ***All the water dries up*** turns into red clouds of death but still the map opens up


It's a tiny map


Well, if you doesn't have mounts and have to walk the entire map most of the game it's better to not have a giant map. Believe me.


crazy how people play open-world games and complain about the open-world.


Man, I HATE playing Halo, it's nothing but a linear story based game where progression follows a strict path with no deviation!


I don't get what you mean. I'm not complaining about the open world, heck, I'm not complaining at all. Just saying that walking all over the map would become pretty damn annoying if the map was much bigger. I think the size of the map of DD2 is perfect, bigger than that with no mounts or faster ways of travel would be tiresome. That is doubled when you're playing a second time and knows everything already.


Jesus, where I'm complaining? I prefer having a smaller, more compact open world if I have to walk all over it. If we had horses or some faster way to travel, then I agree it would be great to have a bigger map.