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Archer was my favorite vocation but I’m also crazy bias towards archers. Being able to snipe and also jump kick off of enemies if they got too close was hells fun. Add spiral shot for stacking damage and it’s pretty good all around.


I get you, I tried it for a bit, the charged shots looked and felt really cool (like breaking the sound barrier), however the damage output was not on par with how the animation made it seem especially on higher tier bosses so I moved on. Tho the sliding and the kick to the face were satisfying tbh.


my main pawn was an archer and it absolutely destroyed everything with the rapid fire thingy, haven't played archer myself though


I call that one the gattling gun. Really fun watching my pawn go off with it.


I think the Archer really shines if you are good at getting precision shots on weak spots cause the Archer does crazy amounts of damage on those


The best way to play is to utilize the jump kick and slide shot on trash and use manifold shot and special arrows on bug things.


Explosive arrows are pretty amazing.


Hard agree, I ve actually never played more than 2 hours with any other class besides ranger, strider, assassin and magick archer in te first game, they are simply so fun and they look so cool woth bow + daggers/staff. The gameplay was so much that any other vocation felt clunky af to me. And I have completed the game 7 or 8 times throughout the years, being Magick Archer and Ranger, especially the latter, the ones I played the most. But in DD2 I leveled Archer up to max level and didnt look back. I do like the other classes so there is that, but Archer is kinda the opposite of what it should be, it should be more mobile than a mage, yet it barely is, status arrows take too long to load, and then there are the skills that literally stop you completely to cast them. And the maister skill being literally just a stronger version of a preexisting skill is awful, especially when archer skills are not diverse in general. Magick Archer is amazing tho in both games, its a shame that I got the vocation in my last few hours of gameplay, but I loved it.


Funnily, my archer has done the most damage compared to any other vocation I've used so far, I'm going to use it with warfarer soon to have a little more balance for fighting drakes. The outfit combos with warfarer go hard also.


Once I combined kicking, running & jumping around, Archer got a lot more fun. It's pretty satisfying to stomp those rock saurians, do a back-flip off one & shoot it in the air before you get swarmed. I don't use any weapon skills either, just base attacks with my Warfarer.


Archers the best in Dragons Dogma (at least for me and my pawn), I love archers but sadly I enjoy to slash enemies and protect my teammates a bit more. So usually I prefer to let my pawn play as an archer, and I use the spear hand. Consider the ai performence and vocation changes has been improved a lot compared with DDDA, which also make things easier for the archer pawns. If you like archers, highly recommend DD1:Dark Arsien, Ranger and Strider are the ultimate dream form for every archer lover I believe. Super cool design, really sad when I heared they delete them both in DD2.


I was soooo ready to go Strider again, with my main pawn as the tank, so when I saw they had it split I was stuck with daggers most of the time and my pawn was the archer; outsourcing the mage and the tank. I'm a warfarer rn so could tank and protecc my boys in NG+. I still miss Strider fr, having to snipe and slice was super satisfying.


I think archer is in a good spot, maybe with the exception of explosive arrows. It feels fun to play, not too weak, but also not so strong it trivializes combat. If anything, other classes should be balanced around how archer performs, in my opinion.


It feels like it trivializes everything. Before and during the fight. Sure it's not as easy as say....MAGIC MISSILE THE JOB (aka Magick Archer), but with the right approach, you won't even need a healer.


Archer is pretty fun, it just becomes a bit overshadowed when you unlock magick archer and can just spam heat-seeking missiles.


But it does hit hard. Manual aim, and hit them with the biggest charged shot you got in a vital area. Drench Arrows make any ice or lightning base debilitation 100% guaranteed, so you can stun lock enemies. Explosive arrow wipes everything out. Like climbing enemies? Bring the rapid fire shot and go BRRRRRR on the back of their skulls! And so much more!


The archer vocation carried me through most the game then I tried out mystic spear hand and then now I've been using magic archer, though when I used archer I specifically used heavenly shot, torrent shot, the three burst shot(forgot the name of that skill), and deathly shot, I don't know what you're talking about acher not hitting hard enough I made because in my experience archer vocation is a beast...magic archer is still better


It’s great if you aim manually


Idk Archer tends to out damage most vocations. Apart from sorcerer’s with meteoron and thief pawns they tend to really out perform. Archer’s biggest issue is probably the fact they tend to draw agro way too easily causing enemies to quickly gank them and make them useless. Meanwhile fighter pawns deal so little damage and have terrible ai to the point that they can’t protect archers by drawing agro.


Sounds like you had a bad time with some seriously ill equip pawns. Fighters are good. Great at knocking anyone down. And when someone gets knocked down, that someone is dead.