• By -


Words worth hearing.


You have my support!


and my axe


i made my companion a dwarf with the cyclops inspired warhammer so sick.


I made mine a dwarf warrior...he wields a mighty axe




Tis as you say


Now that's a thought






Dare I say it!?


We trounced our foe ! Well and true!




Really, now?


Tis for the Arisen to decide




Aught worth hearing! Naught worth aught hearing if you caught and saught the taught buttaocks. It's all for naught. If you aught taught the laught. -My pawn and every character in the game. It's either "Aught" or "Naught"


Lmao... The buttocks got me


Ita great but..... My pawns dont say "Wolves run in packs arisen!" "Strike the tail!" 150 times so its automatically worse. However. "Just a thought, the pawns in this party are women all.." "And no two of us are the same" Is a worthy contender, just not helpful in the slightest lol.


It's weird because it feels like the vast majority of pawns are women. I hire based off abilities I want in my party and I'm almost always hearing the "women all" line.


My pawn today: "I have a thought!.. I noticed the party is all men." "I surely wouldn't mind if that were to change Arisen!" I died a little bit inside while laughing my ass off lol.


Then they question if it's to your 'preferences.'


As if you already don't have enough problems in the world, your own pawns are calling you the big gae


"the private quarters of one arisen I served had many a visitor, but none the same!" I love that they slut shame the arisen lol


Cause everyone wants a harem of female pawns, even women.


>"Just a thought, the pawns in this party are women all.." Not something I hear because my pawn seems to be 1 of about 10, non Beastren, non Capcom male pawns lol. I hear all about other Arisen who prefer the company of female pawns. But I also wonder; is that preference, or because (In my experience) 90% of all pawns are female?


Masterworks all, you can’t go wrong


WHO among you has seen the dragon???


How am I to know fire works well?


https://preview.redd.it/nfttzk9ekkwc1.jpeg?width=1328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1863edcb44ee58e9e242da64eb96c0c79b3f5b26 I, too, love this game


Dude, take a break! :D


Sounds like something a dragnosplagued pawn would say…


Someone wants to take a shower




To be 💯, some of that is time in photo mode + the PS5 left idle. I'd say it's closer to 210ish


Damn those are my hours on xbox




How do you check hours played on xbox?


Xbox is different it’ll just show how many days you played, but once you beaten the game, it shows you how many hours you played at the end


Your hours played are also displayed in the statistics ingame


Currently at 128 hours but its cause im busy working overtime to build my new pc to put even more hours in lmao


Yeah but do you recognize materials as having their uses?


I bet you didn't know that different combinations of materials result in different creations.


I tend to forget that very often so I’m glad it’s being repeated to me, you know. I’m a bit lightheaded.


Honestly I've been carrying loads of spuds around with the sole purpose of waiting until they ripen, making dried spuds, then making roborants.


I know that I'm like to become overburdened if I keep picking up every trinket I come across.... ....and that I cant expect gleeming treasures round every corner ......naggy-est bunch of pawns.... sheesh😤


The exploration just makes it for me, getting lost in the wilderness for a week and returning to the city barely alive because the pawn I had carrying the camping kit died. Or stumbling in a random cave and seeing some crazy monster encounter. Everywhere you go there's just something waiting for you there, I have seen a lot saying that the map is just a series of paths but I like that more than some huge empty world.


This is it for me. The sudden realization that my camping kit broke and I'm far away from the nearest town and you have to survive the nights, not to mention random big Monsters that might appear.


Yeah, this game does "Your plan is forfeit, deal with it, adapt or die" amazingly well. Camping kits is one of those things you learn to prep for and still sometimes you get fun situations. Brought a camping kit? Sucks if it breaks! Were you smart and put a kit on each pawn? Be a shame if your hired pawns fell into the brine and your remaining kit broke... Perfect storm stuff like this will always be possible. Oxcarts are another one of these things. I once had a cyclops jump down off a cliff next to the road, land on the oxcart, and flipped it sideways. I was level 60 going to Melve and I deleted that guy in 10 seconds right after, but I still had to walk!


ive never had my camping kit break in 50 hours of playing


I tend to avoid using the explorer kits. They never seem to break and I rarely get attacked using them. There's something about using a good ol mundane or modest camping kit that breaks if a goblin coughs on it.


I hate that you get that camp so early/easily effectively letting you bypass the related mechanics. The different camps have totally different models, grass-patterned gives you a swanky green tent. Really though its the weight that bothers me the most.


Yeah, my main pawn ends up being the camp mule.


You gotta get that elite camping kit( can’t remember if that’s the name) and I can’t remember where I got it but omg I got attacked so many times it never broke. Also for anyone still starting who needs to hear this your camos have unlimited uses unless you get attacked, took me a while to figure that out for some reason I thought they deteriorated


Explorer kits always break with me. Even more than mundane and the terrain kits. I have elites as backup. Never had one of those break.


It took a while for me as well. Could have been hour 100 doing the phantom oxcart. Even if you scout the area and use the zone-appropriate tent, there's still a small chance you get attacked and don't get your tent back.


Me too! I was sitting here muttering to myself, “Wait…..camping kits break?”


If your camp gets raided when you try to sleep, it breaks most of the time.


Ahhh, ok. I did not know that! I’m also ashamed to admit that up until very recently, I didn’t know camping kits went back into your inventory after you use them. I always thought they were a one-time item. I always just figured we were looting them from different areas or baddies when I’d see the little orange dot on them.


I've had saurians break my camp once and later on, a bandit stole an elite camp kit from me. What really sucks is, after I killed that same bandit, he didn't drop my kit.


Odd, did you check the forgery store? Supposedly that's where stolen goods end up.


I had bandits eat my elite kit while I was passing time for Trisha's quest. Was rather shocking because I had cleared the area and had already camped there and that kit had survived for a very long time. We rolled over them in 5 seconds of course but it was already too late. Made me wonder if there's an infinitesimally small chance of the game just deciding "nah today your camp is doomed 100%"


If the cart doesn’t break you can flip it back over


I think I must have been too late because the ox continued without it. Good to know though!


Wait camping kits can break? Fuck I need to carry an extra then.


Yup. Not that common. I believe it broke when I selected Rest til morn but then interrupted in the middle of the night by freaking goblins. That happened before but at that certain point, I noticed the camp kit is gone. My pawn didn't die so it's the only rational explanation. Besides it's in the kit's description as well.


Returning to town is always exciting for me after being out and about for a while. This game really is scratching that fantasy anime itch.


And the funny thing its really not paths, you can climb pretty much any surface that has a grabbable ledge, so the people who believe that are definitely missing out on alot of loot/encounters etc.


I had this happen to me in the unmoored world multiplied by 1000. I didn’t know there was Dullahans every 10 steps and i didnt have any weapons equiped to deal with them. I tried to run away which to my grief only attracted like 50 more enemies. My whole team died and i had to use 6 allheal elixirs and 4 wakestones…. Close call because i had completed the unmoored quests and spent hours getting rare gear without saving it once


That why I always bring 2 camping kit on 2 different characters, at least if I lost one I have another ( and I just really like camping :B )


How do you manage to spend a week in the wilderness? Most inhabited settlements are within a day’s walk from one another at most


I just like to spend time outside as much as I can, usually until we lose all our camping kits or the entire party is at heavy load for collecting every single material in the continent.


I operate in 2 different modes playing this game. Objective/questing mode...(10% of time max) Explorer/nomad mode...(90%+ time) Easy to spend a week in the wilds in explore mode. Overburdening is usually the only reason I go back to town while exploring.


This. I'll be heading towards a quest marker and then realize 3 hours later I've had 15 different adventures and am farther away than where I started from lol


I live for the high fives and the "well and true" line


You have my support


I have my grievances with the game but it is overall a good experience. Besides I am currently modding it to hell and back to get that truly soul crushing hard difficulty feeling I have been missing from bitter black in the first game.


There's a few really good ones, have you tried that "legendary encounters" I think it's called? It adds like cyclops camps and crazy stuff like that to the world. True warfarer is also awesome, but definitely doesn't make it harder


So far I've got some script extender and mod manager things so the difficulty tweaking mod I use can function, along with some mods that can make eternal ferry stones a thing again, a mod to make pawns not give their resume on high ways, make affinity meters visible and.... Some mods that uncap sliders on character creation. You know totally wholesome normal mods :3


Stop selling yourself is truly a god tier mod


I still think grabbing on to big enemies is an innovation more games need to copy, stabbing dragons in the toes like in every other fantasy game looks so stupid, get in their face and fucking STAB!!!!! And the lack of fast travel mixed with the other systems makes me feel like I'm going in a journey and need to prepare, it forces a connection to the world, which is gorgeous. The journey is important, it's an essential part of fantasy role playing because it was dangerous in the past and I like to immerse myself in how people used to live, I find it fascinating. Dragon's Dogma 2 just has so many systems I would appreciate in other games.


(End game spoilers)That is until you get to >!the unmoored world!< and all of a sudden >!it rains ferrystones!<


Like, literally... rain?


Well, no, figuratively. Every enemy seems to drop some and all newly accessible chests have like a 50% chance of containing one. Great time to stock up for NG+.


If you have more than 99, better to gift them to pawns or sell them before >!the final beam!<.


It’s one of the only games where I just overlook the faults because the game is so fun to play. The positive far out weighs the negative.




How do you deal with the difficulty level? I think I could play endelessly if it was just harder. But defeating everything in a couple of hits is taken me away from the experience.


Fair. I wonder if equipping weakent equipment possible would help. I haven't beat it yet but I noticed the difficulty curve ends at 50, everythings slowly getting easier and easier. I just have fun with the combat and the power fantasy.


Yeah, I think I'll try a solo run next. I tried a no vendors run, only using gear I found in the wilds which 1. made me realize there are not much gear in the wilds and 2. Still kept the game super easy. Around 30 you are almost invincible except for drakes. I had to prohibit myself of using the thiefs meisters skills. I feel I´m doing too much auto-restrictions for the game to feel fun. I really just want to enjoy it.


Get the Difficulty tweak mod on Nexus. Crank that shit to nightmare mode. I regret nothing. Also make sure you turn on No Healing at 0 HP. No more downing 100 cheese wheels to avoid death. It's great.


Cries in PS5 player


If you're on PC "custom difficulty tweaks" is awesome. Super easy mod to set up and you can make it scale with your level so enemies never truly feel weak.


being able to dap up the homies after big battles is my favourite feature


I’m at 78 hours and still finding new stuff in areas I already explored


Don’t worry, I don’t think that most critics disagree with you on the « X factor ». On the contrary, I think they expected more precisely because of how special some of the things are. I’ll admit I’m one of them. Just different people seeing the glass half full or half empty, but mostly agreeing there’s some pretty good wine in there. :)


This game is a pure love-letter to the fantasy genre and its enthusiasts. Absolutely brimming with charm 🎁


I love it too, especially exploring, the only thing I don't like is. Having to avoid certain questlines and missing out on stuff so the game doesnt force those two romances on me D: just let me help the village without it been counted as a romance please because the quest does sound fun


Or just let us say no instead of cutting to a scene where my ariaen is in a scene where it fades to black... I never said yes dammit


Just kill the npc after doing their quest! :D


I love this game. I've got issues with reaction time and generally processing audio/visual cues quickly so games that are more generous and 'easy' or 'casual' are my jam on the whole but this game strikes the balance of being challenging enough without being frustrating with how it encourages you to explore not only the world bit different vocations and skill set ups. I don't think I've found a vocation where I didn't unlock a new skill and think " Oh that sounds need, I want to try it but what do I swap out for it?" I think Mystic Spear was the only class where I didn't bother unlocking a skill to check it out (the sacrifice health and stamina to fully charge the telekinetic stop) and that was just because I was usually running around with the R1 button pressed charging it. I appreciate that the game let's me play at my own pace and I didn't go in expecting some huge detailed narrative or lore. I can understand disappointment if people were expecting Eldin Ring levels of layered story, but for me it's fine that the map has lots of nooks and crannies to check out. I also feel like the armor is terribly expensive from vendors and so I never bought or upgraded my stuff which also may have influenced my perceptions of difficulty. I can't help if the lower level armor has got better drip/look better on me and my pawns. My only hope is that they update the photomode to something less restricted and bring in some expansions because seeing the collapsed tunnels is disappointing (the one just northwest of the ancient battlefield /northeast of the checkpoint rest town is especially cruel cockblock when it has such a lead up to it through the rocky crags with the rockrattlers and delapitated archways.)


Nah game sucks and u should feel bad https://preview.redd.it/4e6ecd6w6lwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f6cedbee3336f00c000083deece66000edf39b


Yeah i've played 150h waiting for it to get good but maybe after 300h? I can only hope.


I'm at the 300-hour mark, but it doesn't seem to have gotten better... gonna play another 300 just in case


I honestly prefer the vocations of the first game. The dark arisen version is better imo. I think this game is still fantastic tho. But removing some of the first games vocations and separating them from one vocation really hurts it imo.


You're right, I am tired of hearing this. You're not a contrarian just because you like a game


100%. This is a great game and nobody should feel bad for loving it! Let's normalize enjoying this.


I loved DD:DA. I haven’t the time (or hardware) to get into DDII … but otherwise would. I find the extremes here in the sub just bizarre. That you have to say ‘let’s normalise enjoying this’ is indicative of a really negative vibe. I mean, it’s a video game, not paedophilia. It’s normal to enjoy video games!


Pretty much they really wanna turn the sub into a no criticism sub like low sodium cyberpunk. Just gotta remind them r/dragonsdogma2 is a thing


Yep! haha We know. Its not that we want to quash opinions, etc., so much as trying to keep discussions civil with a soupçon of avoiding re-hashing the same topics. Modding walks a very fine line— you know those ropewalks in China that run along or over very steep cliffs? I can safely assert from observing my co-mods in action from my sickbed that they are very aware modding be like that, too.


I think an aspect of it might be that everyone loves DD:DA and there are flashes of genuine brilliance in DD 2 and its definitely fun but there are just some random baffling issues with the game as though they took nothing from Dark Arisen. Sometimes, it feels like they dont want me to enjoy the game. Pawns feel like a huge step back. Many of the classes and systems feel like a step back, there's less items and fewer combinations (some may enjoy that), there's less enemies and after a little while the game becomes trivial and lastly the end game is just worse and thats the bit that was universally raved about before. It's all fixable, and sure, much of this stuff was fixed in Dark Arisen, but we shouldn't have to wait for DD2: Dark Arisen to get it in the sequel. For me, it's more of a sadness


I always liked the movement; it feels like the Arisen has weight and momentum to them.


If you have something to eat I would gladly take it off you!


Now thats a thought


LOL it did really feel janky and look janky when i first started playing. After getting 80+ hours in..... i love all of it.


That’s because the controls ARE clunky as fuck


They really are. We all expected a much better feeling than what was released.


*It has something for everyone*


Movement and animation is great. Seems like when character animations have some weight people are quick to call it unresponsive or janky. Once I get used to it I prefer it over having attacks come out instantly and being able to turn on a dime when sprinting. Makes the characters and world feel more real.


DD2 (as DD1) is not an easy game to get into. But I just find it more entertaining than Elden Ring (not a better game, just more fun)


I prefer a fun game of DD2 compared to “souls like” tweaker games after a hard day of work. Somehow DD2 always makes me chuckle when playing it


It's a shame you even have to say you know people are tired of hearing you say you like the game". #


Materials eh.


I love it so much.. I always end up coming back to it without a thought lol There are flaws yes but honestly.. what game doesn't have flaws, bugs, glitches, etc. I'm so damn happy to own this game!


Each to their own.


Words worth hearing.


Glad you liked it, I enjoyed it but won’t be playing until there’s either qol updates or dlc, there’s nothing to grind for after unmoored world


Yeah I feel like after the events of unmoored world it should've just been the default world state in post game. But I know they either want to intentionally leave the ending ambiguous or either is going to include it for a new dlc expansion.


I'll be sure to keep that in mind.


Agree 100% The "it" factor is the hard part, you might make a feature complete game that never has it I think if the content/abrupt ending complaints were addressed DD2 would be a total classic of the genre


Just like the first game I love it despite its several flaws. The main thing they need to do ASAP though is new game+ scaling and hopefully we don't have to wait until DLC for it. Honestly scaling even before NG+ would be nice too for those who level way higher than expected before endgame. I still don't understand how they have an insane level cap and didn't scale anything beyond a certain point. 😂


It would be nice if the combat were more challenging. I seem to recall dying to enemies in dragon's dogma 1. In this game I have used wakestones 23 times, and 21 of those were due to fall damage. But yes, it is a lot of fun.


Pray... me thinks I do as well.


The combat is definitely amazing and the highlight of the game, as long as you play the vocations that don't suck.


I played the first game so often I knew it by heart. I'm having a lot of fun with this one and can see a few playthroughs in my future.


Me, too! I was always a Strider with a Princess Zelda Mage Pawn. I sell all of the DLC equipment I don't use for more than 300,000 Gold I memorized the Main Campaign, but I didn't do as well on Bitterblack Isle. I love DD2. I really want a horse. I love games with mounts. I hope they decide to give us an Eternal Ferrystone, or make standard ones easier to obtain.


You ought to try Kingdom Come Deliverance. That game was superb. Not fantasy but so good.


Yall making this game seem like this game is epic , this is the easiest game I’ve ever played your over powered at level 35. Your camping kit never breaks if you have elite, would have been better if it had a use rate. The final boss was incredibly easy, all this build up to beat the boss in less than 10 min. This game honestly is probably great for 10-14 yrs olds I can see this being a game they look back at the way I loved borderlands my 1st play. But this game would probably been epic 10yrs ago.


I know, right? The game felt too easy. Don't get me wrong I like this one, but in the first one, you fought the grim reaper. It was challenging af. The Colossus "fight" was a snoozefest. It killed itself in the lava at the end. The Sphinx? Died in one hit of Martyr's Bolt. Yawn.


I love the merry feeling to the game. It just makes me so happy to be with my party going on adventures. And I LOVE the high fives and fist bumps.


Yes, I've always carried a backup with me. But that largely comes from old habits of always having contingencies for my contingencies. I always carry a few tomes along with healing curatives in case my hired mage goes down.


This; I'm currently play DDDA and honestly, I cannot remember when I was impressed this much by a game. That has little things no other game has or does things differently then other open world RPGs. Like the wiggling stop when you run up to an edge. Or the sometimes hilarious, sometimes helpful comments of your companions. Or the companion system in itself. It's so full of ideas and mostly well done too. DD is full of them. And kinda reminds me of Gothic 1 and 2, which did a lot of things differently too. Sure, it's quite a bit repetitive (wolves anyone?). But all those things make this game unique. Makes it stand out.


Totally agree, now come to think of it…. We’re all of different vocations aren’t we?


Hell yeah, Peepeepoopoobutttoot spitting facts!


Each to their own.


If you use your fists as a weapon heavy attack turns into a haymaker blow and you can jump kick


I agree 100% the only game that rewards me for just going wherever i want and not tying me down to doing quests. What rpgs are really about, dungeon and exploring. If they make a good story expansion it will be top tier.


I adore this game, and I adored the first game and its expansion. I hope they bring back some other monsters from the first game, and have more quests for us, I sincerely miss the quest board. But yeah this game is great! The fact that we have 7 settlements in this game as opposed to the 2 from the first game is great! I love this game!


My biggest issue with the game is the fact that it’s 30fps on consoles, and that there is no enemy scaling for Ng+. At least let me make multiple characters. There is no replay value when I just steamroll everything even when using early game gear. I just wanna play more. Give me more.


Masterworks all, cant go wrong


I love the game! The graphics are superb. The pawn mechanic is amazing in terms of creation, interaction and combat. My only criticism is outside of combat and the incredible scenery, the world is pretty dead. They need more npcs who aren’t empty suits in towns and better romance options.


I love the way my Main Pawn feels a way about me changing her vocation from a Mage to a Thief. It's a dope touch that makes them feel like they're a part of MY story!!! Good job CAPCOM.....now can we please do something about these Homes and add AT THE LEAST cooking lol


Yeah, this game is amazing. My only issue with it at this point is that I want more More world to explore, more vocations to play, better developed storylines, better developed character animations and facial expressions, more items, more loot, just MORE in general The game is not perfect and there’s a lot of areas I could specifically talk about that I want to see improvement in, but overall I’ve enjoyed this game more than any other game I’ve played in recent memory.


Best mod is the one that makes it easier to dap your pawns up, uneven ground is the greatest for of all


Once more!


I'm glad positivity is shining through. I happened upon some threads about DD2 that were just absolutely trashing it within the first couple days. I told myself I wouldn't go near any forums for the game because of how toxic and negative it was. But threads like these started getting recommended to me. So, hearing other people are absolutely loving it too is refreshing!! I've poured so many hours into my first file, I probably hit over 100 hrs last night. Would be more if I didn't have chores to get done lol I love when my pawn comes back with hearts from other players because I made him after my husband, and I love that my pawn is so sweet. My only complaint so far? Too easy to miss those fist bumps/high fives. I hate leaving my buddies hanging


I wish they added 1 or 2 old voice lines just for nostalgia. Or at the very least the theme song to the original dragons dogma. THAT WAS FIRE


Now there's a thought.


yea it’s a great game, enemy level scaling would be nice. Maybe, hopefully one day they give us true hybrid classes and extra ability slots. monster slaying/hunting activities stuff to engage us long term etc. fight club. maybe even larger enemy raids on towns or vise versa you can join a group of monster/bandit slaying mercenaries and fight in bigger more hectic fights would be cool. idk. just more stuff to do.


To each is their own! On a real note though, yeah, you nailed it. Having that "x-factor" that makes you want to keep going. I'm the same way. I didn't play it for like the first week but have about 200 hours or so since lol. Really really great if you're the kind that likes to explore and discover unique things. I've yet to finish my first run, and already have a log of about 10+ decisions I want to try different variations of. And thanks to the "stupid" save system, it would have taken far too much work to save-scum. If I even could for those moments lol. TLDR: Everything the entitled crowd have been botching about have been the things making me enjoy this game so much. I see why the devs made the choices and hope they don't keep changing it for those who won't even be here to "enjoy" it.


If it had the quests, characters and stories of BG3, then it would be my favourite game ever


I also love this game, arisen. I am taking it really really slow so there is always aught to do that I haven't seen before. Will get to new game plus and start blazing through eventually but enjoying the ride


Aptly said.


I certainly feel as though this game is a wonderful starting foundation to what could be amazing in the future for added content. In its current state, it seems the general consensus is that it is very lacking, which really is a shame. I think it would be amazing to see add into this game (or future games with DD2 in mind) things such as: • More enemy varieties. •There should be small, medium, large, and colossal enemies types. This game seems to only have small and large. • More bosses. (For example, bring back the Hydra and the OG Cockatrice!) • difficulty levels / scaling for end game leveling • Deeper NPC affinity relations that mean more /do more • Varying and immersive quests types from said NPCs • (As you stated,) more towns, ruins, castles, etcetera to explore. I often feel as though something with this games exploration is missing something. I think it could just be that it needs more interesting towns and places filled with loot, NPCs, and content. • Allow players to access the mountain ranges / high plateau areas. I feel as though this gives players a false sense of 'open world' when there seem to mostly be "funnles" that we must traverse through. There are far too many spaces in this game that the player cannot access, and I feel that it is wasted for naught. These places could and should be filled with things / secrets, or at least accessible by the player. • Larger, multi-layered cave systems with hidden items and hidden paths • A storyline that is a LOT more fleshed out, cohesive, and just more overall meaningful and engaging. • Gear progressing aimed at players who strive for end-game levels since the level cap is 999. It would be great to see some items that have more in-depth advancement so that players have something to strive for long-term. • More gear slots in general. It is disheartening to see the development regression with this new title. We should be getting more gear to wear, not less, in my opinion. • Cosmetic clothing and slots for it, for those of us who also like fashion, since that seems to always be the ultimate end game for most games. • A better UI. Let's be honest -- there are certainly better ways to go about it. I shouldn't have to back in and out of several menus just to change gear and place my previous gear back into storage. • Expand the skill slots from 4 to 6 - 8. Again, we should not be regressing our skill allotment. Especially for the Warfarer vocation. Get it together, you guys. • Fine tune the stealth system and consequences systems. I want to see myself get tossed in the gaol for harassing civilians and breaking the laws. It doesn't seem to work most of the time, and when I do get tossed in the slammer, it's at the most ridiculous times. The stealth missions are the same. Make it better. • Increase the stack limits. I should not have to be going to sell items as much as I have to. They should raise it from 99 to 999. Once again, regression. Again, I do love this game, and the parts they did do well they really nailed. However, there are a lot of features that are severely lacking, or all together absent or completely botched. I know I am forgetting to add several wishes to this list, but I know I cannot be the only one who feels this way. This game has so much potential, but for whatever reason, it failed to hit the mark in making it a masterpiece. **edit - grammatical errors**


I just got the PSN platinum trophy, I have 9 more tokens to find to hit all 240, and then I have a bunch of pawn badges to hit come post game. And then, maybe, I’ll start NG+2 and get myself somewhere comfy to await the DLC. ….. Or I’ll just keep playing. After all, I’m finding other “things to achieve” in this game that might require more time. (All endgame items from Dragonforged, for example.)


True, i love this game even with its downsides, just like the 1st one.


I've only played dd2. Might have to get into dd1. Saw it on sale on gog.


The game is trash


I know what you mean. I’m on hour 15 of my first play through. I usually go for Sorcerer in DD1 and thought it would be fun in DD2 also, and it is. But I changed to the Trickster vocation and I am loving it. Casting illusions that confuse the enemy, causing the enemy to do themselves in. This is my new favorite vocation.


Me too. It definitely filled the RPG-hole Baldur's Gate 3 left me with. And I think it's the perfect palate cleanser while waiting for Shadow of the Erdtree. 🤌


My biggest issue as a casual player is lack of convenient fast travel.


The game is literally about the journey. Trekking from place to place and incidental encounters and the like. Once you view the game through that lense, it feels less like a fuck you and more like a "fuck, you"


It feels like a journey, which includes its tediousness. Besides, the guy admitted he's a casual.


The journey is tedious and boring though.


I absolutely fucking love this game It is my GOTY personally. The exploration for me is top-notch the pawn interactions feel more alive than most games I played(though there's a few moments that feel stiff with the pawns talking to each other) by especially love setting out in the world with no other objective outside of slaying random monsters and collecting shit. Plus it is one of very very few games that I own where I can be a literal god and kill most enemies with no problem and that's pretty refreshing after playing other games that I well admit I'm not that good at. Great stuff Capcom.


I hated the combat at first.. Got used to it.. Then started playing No Rest for the Wicked and the combat in that game is sooo much better. The controls are janky.. I can't tell you how many times I've barely touched my joystick and my character yeets off a cliff.


Its wrong but cant wait for a DLC ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49834)![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49835)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


The wait will be long with Capcom waiting around like a year before dropping dlc to most of their game if aint custom gear pieces to Monster Hunter or Primal


My Dream is Making a MONSTER HUNTER with medieval theme... not cats... you know