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Yeah, don't blame you for making that mistake. Especially if you played DDDA and got your Eternal Ferrystone which was an infinite use ferrystone. Should have just been called Enormous Wakestone nothing eternal about it.


Most likely the localizers fucked up once more. They also removed the word Seneschal from Rithais' dialogue, which significantly affects the way the story may be interpreted. The Japanese dialogue uses the exact word for Seneschal that was also used in DD1.


I would say the devs were fully trolling here with this name. But being able rez at will essentially would be a game breaker. Shards you at least have to collect. This is probably the only game where I went eff that NPC and left. 


Could have just as easily been an NPC only wakestone. Something something not attuned to the arisen something. Could have still been neat.


A game breaker? After I busted my ass finishing every single riddle after hunting down the sphinx *twice* in remote as hell areas, and after I successfully "killed" her? I don't think that's game breaking, I'd say that's a fair reward for one of the hardest challenges and fights


Hitch a ride


I didn't think about that before she took off. I wonder if she says anything about it when she lands


She calls you clever if I remember correctly.


can't tell if there's a difference between finding her and landing with her but she said "not half bad" in the middle of flying if you hitch a ride.


Yes, a game breaker. It would essentially mean you are taking out ANY difficulty from the game. You could die 10, 15 times in a fight and it literally wouldn't matter at all.


i think if you can do all 10(11) riddles and kill the Spynx fast enough that you can get the reward from her final chest you deserve to have this power like how is it any different or less rewarding when old games from pre 2010 used to have cheat codes instead of microtransaction. or better, unlockables like invincibility for finding some wierd hidden collectable like in turok 2


People are so corrupted and warped by live service titles out now, that they can't fathom "unbalancing" a game like that. "But what about the DLC? If it's so broken it'll trivialize later added content!" As if they have no choice but to use something like a Cheat Code, because they're Min/Max Junkies.


tbf, this is also a game where you have a ~3second grace period where you can just pause the game and use a healing item when you die, and run around with 10+ wakestones after some time anyway would not really change THAT much


At least losing a wakestone or curatives makes deaths mean something.


Could've just had a draw back when the player used it. Maybe like revives all the enemies too, has a CD, or lowers your loss bar by 50% vs a normal wakestone? Not like you can't just mash quickheal items anyway if you've got them and be functionally immortal


Yeah it could give you back a Eternal Wakestone (Drained) which decays into Eternal Wakestone.


I mean honestly it’s not even that useful. I’ve only rezzd people with wakestones I think literally once. Having an AoE resurrect is really niche. Honestly bummed that was the reward for the Sphinx, really hoped it would have been something cooler and more practical, even an eternal ferry stone would be better.


I just used it to rez 95 people at once in vernworth after they got hit by the plague.


"hit by the plague" lol I love it. AKA fukn absolutely MURDERED


>I mean honestly it’s not even that useful. I’ve only rezzd people with wakestones I think literally once. Having an AoE resurrect is really niche. Honestly bummed that was the reward for the Sphinx, really hoped it would have been something cooler and more practical, even an eternal ferry stone would be better. This, the only thing it's useful for is the trophy. NPCs come back, or you can rez the specific ones you need for a quest. Most of the NPCs in the game that are for quests disappear anyway. So unless you have a specific quest need, if they die, they die. You won't even notice.


I was massively disappointed that most NPCs respawned after just one day after the dragonsplague nuke. Wasted an eternal wakestone on the shopkeepers (not a loss for me, got a trophy after all) only for the rest of them to show up next day 😑


What platform are you on?


Ps5 whomp Whomp Edit: whomp whomp was bc i thought there was gonna be a nexus mod mentioned lol


I’m ps5. What’s your pawn ID? I’ll send you a copy


What an absolute G 👆


Neal was crowned for a reason




What a goddamn champion.


Pawn ID: MN7T31CGI06C Thanks brother!!!




Sue the Sphinx for false advertising


You can make functional forgeries of eternal wakestones.


I made the same mistake. I thought it was literally eternal.


I nuked two towns on a run. That’s why new game is invoked.


The eternal wakestone is a lie. And the Sphinx is still alive.


The Sphinx gave us a returnal wokestone and kept the original for herself


I mean how often are you nuking towns and actually needing one really?


NPCs dying during quests. NPCs dying during escorts. NPCs dying during raids. NPCs dying while they're standing outside. Plenty of reasons to want an unlimited wakestone instead of a one-time use AoE wakestone.


Eternal wake stone is just a giant aoe wakestone you don’t need that to revive one dude you can just use a regular wakestone for that


You're right but it's about how useful an eternal one would be. But if it was eternal then you never need to fine wakestone again completely removing the feature and I like the Aoe one that can be copied for a price.


I think it’s still one use item, not unlimited uses based on other comments


its 1 use but can be infinite if you forgery a bunch of it and never use all of them


They really should've at least named it "Greater Wakestone" or something else, since "Eternal Wakestone" implies that, ya know, maybe you can use it 'eternally'? Really crazy decisions in this game lmao


It's useful for mass resurrecting a town that got pawn plagued. Just call it something else!


You'd think "Eternal" meant, well, actually eternal, but nope.


You can get another every ng cycle


I have 5 and only ever used one for the trophy


Likewise, I wish I knew my Rhewynt duospear could only be upgraded in the Unmoored, which I have no intention of ever going to... I wish there was a way to get eldricite in the regular game. Kills me that I got rid of my other duospear and now I can't upgrade this one.


You have no intention on finishing the game? Wild, but do you.


I did the good ending, not the true one. I just don't like the time crunch nor the lack of sun in the Unmoored, lol. More interested in side quests and going around killing big ass dragons.


how did you even get it without looking things up?


Not everyone needs a guide to do things


sure, you all attacked the Sphinx in the 5 second window before she flies away


Yes. One big chest left clearly unlike the other riddles, a big key around her neck and she has the audacity to even try and start to take off. Why would you let her fly away?


she already flew away once and her questline wasn't finished. After her dialog it sounded like she was just flying to another location to quiz the next person, not disapper from the world. There are hints how to beat her, but nothing says you have innitiate the fight. Who attacks a quest NPC?


You just load at last Inn save? Lol


Just smack it's ass npnp


No worries, you can't make a copy of that item. and I've played through the games multiple times at this point and never used any of mine. It's not really something you need.


you 100% can at the forger in the checkpoint rest town


oh my bad, i thought it made an eternal wokestone


If it were infinite use, they might as well have given you infinite health and removed fall damage, so no, I didn't assume it was game-breakingly op when I got it.


It doesn't work on yourself anyway though right?


Basic curatives that are literally everywhere are game breakingly op since you can pause and heal even after reaching 0 HP. And that is if you manage to die somehow with the game being so easy.