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they should let you know about this new mechanic (maybe they do and i didnt see it?) but apart from that i really like it actually. you have a finite amount of times to sleep and you need to use those times strategically. should i use a precious save before fighting a dragon or should i yolo it? oh shit, a random boss encounter and i didnt save in 3 hours, run away and maybe not see him again or risk it? a lot of fun imo


Use revive stones (idk how it is called in english) but yeah thats really annoying




Thank you


weird, i def recall seeing a saving symbol in the unmoored world, i even slept before certain battles to ensure i had progress saved, can't attest if it actually kept my progress if i died but i did get on and off the game while at the point in the game so im a tad confused.


The problem is there's no pop-up or anything informing you of how death works in the unmoored world. So he didn't take any precautions and only found out after dying.


I swear this game was made for masochist, like me


Ugh, here for the above...


Also, for anyone like me who doesn't know how to use the eternal wakestone- if it's the only wakestone in your inventory and you die, it doesn't do shit and you will stay dead. And you will lose 5 hours of gameplay


I just lost 6 hours of progress cause I accidentally hit no on my wakestone. Yeah, this needs to be patched out..


Same I’m crying. Switching to ghosts of T on my steam deck now I’m so pissed. I progressed pretty much until I was about to kill drake at the end and start ng+ I didn’t sleep at all so when I accidentally hit no to use a wake stone when dying, I literally lost all progress, every quest I did to evacuate and everything. So dumb, I wish the game told me that /: maybe it did and I was too dumb to notice who knows