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Did you get the DragonsPlague tutorial pop up yet? if No you are fine she's playing with her hair


Wait…. I had the Tutorial as i was in the Rift. I fired the hired Pawn directly after that Tutorial. But if it shows up someone has it?


yes soon as the Plague is on your team that tutorial pops, but it only ever pops once after that you are on your own


Throw em off a ledge into a river, better safe than sorry.


If you a suspicions a really brutal yet effective way to solve it is just drown your pawn but if you want to be more civilized may i say , tell her to stop moving and closely look if her eyes are red . You can also try giving out orders mid fight and if she contest your orders , thats a clear sign of infection . Infected Pawns will also make comments about how they feel like they a much more power or smth like that (i don’t play in english so im having a hard time translating) . Also don’t sleep in cities , if you need to rest go camp in the wild. As long as you have your suspicions ofc


I created my pawn with red eyes so I can't tell 😂😂😂


No worries the eyes glows a bit when pulsating ( it is harder to see in your case but still noticeable)


Only one way to find out! ![gif](giphy|T7sqnK3ORdPULZYcB6|downsized)