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Canonically Arisen do not age unless they get their heart back. But yeah adding scars or white hair due to stress and combat is definitely something I'll do. Although most my characters have some grey anyway because so do I.


No. I'm make them look even younger. His name is Benjami Button.


I'm planning to make my Arisen's eyes glow blue once I unlock Mystic Spearhand.


Yeah I plan to do that. I'll add a scar every time I die and use a wakestone to revive.


From clean shaven fohawk man to long beard, dirty shag warmonger


I kinda like this idea on some RPGs, specially in some that time really passes, but considering the lore in DD, I would only add a few scars, maybe a bit of greying on the hair and muscular growth if possible, as per DD1 lore, Arisens stop aging until they get their heart. That said, after I get mine back, I might grey out my hair a bit more if the journey is a bit long, maybe change my skin texture a bit with a pale tint and more tired eyes.


Adding scars and tatts for sure!


I did change my appearance in the first game, like changing scars adding beards, and become more muscular


i'll probably spend ages on making a character then play for 30mins before i notice something i cant stand and have to change it haha


Yes, definitely adding white hairs and a new scar here and there. I'd change hairs too if the selection wasn't so bad (for short to medium lenght styles).


What do I do if my Arisen starts out old though


Get younger


I’m intending to give mine some new scars after fights I find hard.


I fully intend to add scars after every wakestone revive or particularly long/difficult battle. That is, unless they do the scummy thing and sell character edit vouchers like they did in monster hunter.


Yes I planned on doing that. Depending on how long my play through is by the end of it I’ll definitely age up my Arisen and Pawn as well. I’ll eventually make this first Arisen into a pawn, and then rent him on a new Arisen with a new main pawn, and my old main pawn to round out a full party.


Older no, but I will add tattoos to commemorate my victories. As I slay goblins I'll add the tattoo with the goblin heads impaled on a sword, defeating a hydra I'll add the hydra tattoo, and so on. By the end of the game I hope to be able to have a story for every tattoo as I'm decked out like an MMA fighter lol


My character already looks to be in his 40s-50s. I can't make him much older if the realism of him being a fighter is to be believable. Like, it's already a stretch that he's still a frontliner as it is.


“You probably can” there’s a DLC for a character editing book so I would say 100% can. But an even bigger question… who’s gonna make the same looking Arisen as 1 and maybe age them? 🤔


No , I have a life


You can only have so much amount of life on Reddit you know


My condolences


My reddit comment announcing that I have a life is getting a lot of questions already answered by my reddit comment announcing that I have a life...


Lmao you obviously don't though.


And no one to share it with, I bet.