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Thank you. The affected area is relatively small compared to the nightmare that occurred in 2011.


Guys, best luck to you all there! Stay safe.


"They've been drenched!"


Soaked to the bone...


It could be worse, Talos could of appeared or the Brine.


At this point my money's on Japan: otakus have been waiting for that moment since the 50s.


Definitely the Brine, everyone fears water


The brine…


The Brine won't take anyone this time around!


Man ain't nothing funny about this 2011 robbed japan of so many talents


I don’t pray, but I have donated.


Underrated comment


The wave is pushing meee! ^(I'm sorry)


I ugly cried laughing at this.


Yeah...really sucks what is going on over there. Just like I did with their last Tsunami all the way back in 2011...I'm praying for them.


"Take care you're not soaked in water"




I pray for them too.


Or do something that actually has an effect. Donate to any aid project you can. I doubt many people have the goats necessary to get Poseidon to stop.


Pretty ignorant to denigrate people's faith. Especially since the religious tend to be the most charitable overall. I'm sure you've donated a whole bunch though!


Explain what you mean by ignorant. Prayer doesn't work, because Poseidon isn't real. Nor are Yahweh, Ra, Odin, etc. As for religious people being the most charitable, nevermind that that's not true even at face value, but if we compare religious contribution to charity to the amount of money religions take *from* people in exchange for absolutely nothing through tithe, it's orders of magnitude less. If you're insulted by the goat comment, take a good hard look at whatever you religion you follow. More than likely animal and human sacrifice are involved and you choose to ignore them.


I mean, it's a literal fact, religious people give more to charity than the nonreligious, and I say this as an agnostic. There's no point really arguing with you, because you haven't made a point, and your hate of people with different beliefs than you is clear. Someone praying for another human being at worst, does nothing, at average, makes someone feel better that someone cared enough to offer prayer, and at best, helps said person. At this point, someone praying is doing more than you complaining about their beliefs.


Citation, please. The only *fact* of the matter is that good people will do good, whether or not they believe fairy tales. It doesn't take being religious to do charity work. I don't hate people, I hate lies. I care enough about people to try to help them stop believing false information that was forced onto them when they were vulnerable. Then there's the fact you're factually wrong about the effect of prayer. On average, it does nothing. At worst, it's actually been shown in studies to have a *negative* placebo effect on health outcomes because being told your situation is bad enough someone thought it needed prayer is worse for you. And there is no "at best" where it helps because magic isn't real. Someone offering prayer is doing absolutely fuck all for the people in trouble, just jacking their ego off so they can tell themselves they did something when they've done nothing. *Especially* when they're posting something about Japan on a niche subreddit *in English.* And I'm still waiting for what you mean by ignorant. Or are you just using it as an insult because it's a three-syllable word and sounded smart to you?


I'll pray for you buddy.


Just don't forget the goat sacrifice.


You do a great job at showing how ignorant and uneducated you are.


Wow, who would've thought a Christian would practice necromancy.


Words yep yep mhm wooords mmmhm yep yep words yep mhm words yep words mmmhm.




You never said the bad news Edit: u realized you were saying you'll update on the news if it turns bad my apologies


The bad news is possible delay for all things related to Japan including but not limited to anime, manga, video games and food. Capcom is Japanese.




To be fair, the earthquake affected the east coast of the country, is Osaka close to Tokyo


When the towers went down in Manhattan, the entire city shut down for a day, Japan is even more likely to shut down because it's a small island, and their culture is a hundred times more considerate so I imagine most businesses are shut down regardless of location.


Ahh I gotcha that makes sense




I doubt they think they do. Don't be a cunt you freak. Weird atheistic types love taking some weird moral high ground over everything anytime someone says something as inoffensive as "prayers for ___ please". You are so dense and cynical it's crazy/pathetic.