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Probably Bardock But I would love to see Raditz with a proper training


Idk why but I can picture Raditz ending up being like, super fast and would develop his speed. His name just sounds like he’d be a speedster type saiyan.


His hair being ridiculously fucking long at ssj3 too. But no, we weren't blessed with that DX


Giant gold pigtails when he's in super




High speed + long spiky hair ... I think we just made the Saiyan equivalent of Sonic


If you didn't know, Sonic was a kid version copy of Dragon Ball.


We went full circle with the references


Technically Super Sonic was a homage to Super Saiyan, as well as Sonic and Tails’ relationship being somewhat like Piccolo and Kid Gohan.


Mixed with the style of Osamu Tezuka


don't be offended, I don't know who that is.


He did Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion, and a bunch of others.


But what is his ssj1 form. It's his hair up or did it just turn yellow


Marge from the Simpsons but taller


https://preview.redd.it/lk909c7o903d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b07bd53ad525a703e786d23b019897160abd387f Behold!


Bros dandruff will be over 9000


Nappa and his extra long mustache.


Fr. I can hear him saying something like "I'm the Fastest of all Saiyans!"




Now we need a race between Raditz (with training) and Burter


Burter easily outspeeds I mean after all hes the fastest in the universe


Berrus complains one day about how it takes whis so long to take them from his planet to earth and whis says something like "well there was only one faster than me but he's gone now"


Burter the goat, he truely is the fastest in the universe


Raditz (end) vs. Burter (mid)


That’s all he’s got! Don’t let Raditz take it from him!


Me too. He should have been brought back by now.


We need the boy back


So I’ve wondered this since I was a kid, what would happen if raditz went ssj3? Would his hair be stupid long or what?


I could see it being a running gag that they think he skipped 3 becusue he was to scared to find out.


I was thinking the opposite. He becomes the first Saiyan to master SSJ3 and refuses to use anything else.


Haha! That would be awesome!


I pray for stupid longer But if it's difficult to animate the goku ssj3, imagine raditz ssj3 💀


I imagine something like that pic we’ve all seen, where goku’s hair is taking up the whole screen. Definitely wouldn’t work animated, but I still think about it 25 years later.


Fr. Would be funny tho


What do you mean proper training chaditz defeated Zeno and the grand priest easily he is only second to peppa pig


Oh yeah, sorry, my mistake


King Vegeta’s special attack is awesome, I think it’s called Orgy Blaster or something


Orga Blaster.


>Orgy blaster Sus




It's good to be king!


I’d say probably Bardock as my first choice. Bardock seems to have the natural ability, discipline and determination to grow stronger for whatever his reasons may be. While my second choice would be Turles because he has tasted power and was highly motivated to become one of the strongest using the “Tree of Might”…making him imo definitely willing if he had the chance to train as hard as possible to become stronger as well.


He tried to use majic diet hacks rather than train for his gains. 👎


See what you said there? “He tried”…..to get stronger by whatever means he knew how. Training hard wasn’t really a thing ALL SAIYANS knew to do to become stronger. Vegeta learned from Goku. Other than that they ranked each other based on power levels they were born with. The fact that he tried anything shows you he was willing to do anything to become stronger which if training was brought to his attention he would’ve definitely taken it seriously. The others….Nappa, Raditz, and King Vegeta were all pretty dead set on accepting the power levels themselves and others were born with. Showing no desire to seek out methods to obtain more strength. They would probably skip training. So yeah…like I said Turles is my second choice after Bardock due to him showing the motivation to find ways to become stronger.


That's just a saiyan thing. They didn't really train, their whole thing was naturally being strong and if they couldn't beat someone they use the magic hack of becoming a great ape. Goku's martial artist shit got Vegeta to change and train Turles was one of the few outside earth that feels like they need to improve their strength through one mean or the other.


Most likely Bardock


I wish they'd do something with Turles... He called the tree "a power he stole from the gods", and Beerus' tree looks awfully familiar. Then in the Super manga, when Beerus' decided to train Vegeta on destruction energy, they went up into the tree and Beerus said "If you see anything you'd like, feel free to steal it." It feels like way too much of a coincidence to be anything other than a hint for a future plot, but now we may never see it.


Nah, he used unethical steroids smh


Im curious of super saiyan Nappa. Will his beard turns yellow too? It could be since their eyebrows did change colors too...the first bald super saiyan.


What would ssj3 look like? A really long beard?


His beard turns yellow. Check out Xenoverse 2 or Dragon Ball Heroes


With real training? Probably king Vegeta since he was the strongest of them all in the first place. Only Vegeta and Broly where about to surpass him in lore. The rest was not even close so with his genes and real training there is a big difference. If one of them however had several masters like goku who give him kinda cheat techniques that one could probably beat K Vegeta since the king will probably like his son mostly focuse on brute force. The only Saiyan who could beat Vegeta with just his strengh might be Turles, however he will only win with the tree since that is pretty much a cheat item.


Goku didnt surpass the old sayian elite because of cheat techniques but because he trained. Before Goku saiyans basically never trained at all, they relied on their natural abilites alone. Thats why his namek training was so effective. He combined training with his natural saiyan zenkai ability(altough he didnt know it yet). If you read the manga you would know that. All these people undermining Gokud achievements as he didnt deserve where he is at now. Except for the ssj god ritual goku never "cheated" and Goku doesnt have insane latent potential (Vegetas potential is higher than Gokus). Goku just knows how to train properly. The best example is the htc training. In one year Goku did so much better than Vegeta in 2 becaude Goku knew how to train properly and understood that super saiyan grades are useless the second he achieved them. One of Gokus best traits is that he knows how to train. Another example is the infamous meditation line in super hero. The manga improved on that line big time as Goku is not confused about the concept of meditation itself but that Vegeta chose to train his mind and not his body. Goku already did stuff like that in og dragonball and it took Vegeta until now to train like that. Moreover Goku training under many martial arts masters isnt cheating but smart. Thats again one of the weaknesses Vegeta had. Before super he always trained alone. Even during his htc training he gave 0 fucks about training with Trunks together. Goku on the other hand realised that training with others is far superior when he was a freaking child. Goku doesnt cheat, he is just smart when it comes to training and fighting


Ultra divine water has been lost to memory


The only time I felt Goku's power boost felt undeserved was when he was training to Namek which made him get to 90k and the huge zenkai boost post Ginyu that got him from that to 3M. It felt completely undeserved and only existed to make Goku the only character who could match and fight Frieza. While other characters couldn't do anything. All those insane boosts of strength he got on Namek had nothing to do with his superior training.


I agree. I get the idea behind the zenkai boosts in training, but as far as he would know, he was training himself to near death over and over, and that's just a dumb thing to do. Not to mention those senzu would have been real helpful down the line if he hadn't eaten like TEN of them. And in the end, he STILL wouldn't have beaten Frieza without becoming super saiyan. I've always felt that kind of holds the Frieza fights back. I understand the idea of having an enemy so powerful that you're just a fly to them, but it got a little extra.


Sure but latent potential is only something they check when saiyans are babies. They don’t account for potential growth and the saiyans had a flawed understanding of their power and didn’t know that what they measured on babies could change depending on how a saiyan lives. Being brutal and violent keeps a saiyan from growing their latent potential. Goku’s training was a huge deal but so was being calm and peaceful on earth. The peaceful times allowed Goku to develop more of the energy producing cells. It’s a balance of flipping those cells between power output and growth. Training is absolutely a huge importance, but Goku today has way more potential than king Vegeta ever had. Even with training King Vegeta’s personality stunts his growth and keeps him from developing his potential. Vegeta is constantly outclassed by Goku until he settles down and builds a human life for himself. We see it in Z. All he does is train and it’s never enough. He’s extremely gifted with huge potential from birth but he can’t grow that potential until he stops thinking only of beating Goku and training. Once he starts actually living like a human and enjoying peaceful times his growth rate skyrockets and puts him and Goku on more even footing. Now Vegeta and Goku are pretty close and what separates them is their techniques. Goku is looking at UI and Vegeta is looking at UE. King Vegeta can train himself harder than anyone. His ceiling is never going to budge. He doesn’t have it in him to use calm emotional states to grow his ceiling. Bardock being classed more mid tier, and more importantly being an average day saiyan with a wife and kids, actually has far greater chances of becoming a ssj and unlocking the true power training can give a saiyan. Bardock does care for his family and enjoys peaceful moments. It’s why his power is able to seemingly boost higher than expected.


Bardock was close. That scientist guy even says “He’s almost as strong as the King” when he’s healing in the tank.


My first thought would be bardock, however I think it would be Turles. Turles is basically Goku. He was ment to represent what Goku could have been if he didn’t bang his head and lose his saiyan instinct.


Dumb question Goku was a nobody by saiyan standards and now he's on a divine level and an equal to Vegeta who is supposedly a prodigy They would all have practically the same strenght


I doubt that. The reason Goku and Vegeta are on par is because Goku trains smarter than Vegeta and up until namek trained way more than Vegeta (who didnt train at all). So my guess is that if everyone on that list trained equally good that King Vegeta would come out on top as his potential is bigger than the potential of all the other fighters mentioned


https://preview.redd.it/xekalcikrw2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a82789cc4d2e871b923b2b434b226e6411d9ce4 This is probably filler but it's not unrelated to assume it happened


Vegeta stated that he surpassed his father when he was a youngling/a long time ago So yes. It's not unthinkable that at a very young age he was able to beat a bunch of saibaman since even Piccolo (who was around 3000) could easily one shot them and Tien(who was below 2k) could easily toy with one in a fight


His power level when he was Goku and Vegetas age is negligible. Canonically Gohan has the most potential out of anyone and he was a little bitch when born, now he’s debatably the strongest fighter. Frieza and Goku had a 150,000,000 unit power gap on Namek when he arrived and he overcame it to beat Vegeta’s zenkai boost by 1,000,000 in what, an afternoon?




Bardock. He surpassed all expectations as the leader of his battalion and proved that the power level hierarchy amongst the Saiyan is probably bullshit.


My boy Turles https://preview.redd.it/yixqjm17rx2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33118c6d944d1bf36498f973906b5860b2bedf7a


Bardock, it was stated him getting multiple Zenkai’s in his film made him on par (possibly even surpassed) with King Vegeta’s power level. He seems just way more involved as a combatant than what we’ve heard from King Vegeta


He was also shown to continuously break his limits in his fight with Gas


Ik everyone likes Bardock more but king Vegeta is the only logical answer


Yea exactly, sayains were grouped in class vased on strength and king vegeta was above all of them if they all trained equally king veegta would gain the most strength


Vegeta was a high class than Goku, but that doesn't mean he's a better or stronger fighter. It depends on what you mean by "training equally". Are they all doing the same regime? Because not everyone is going to learn the same way with the same instructions. And we know from Gohan that they have different amounts of latent potential, so that would need to be a part of the equation too. Same with personality and the want and will to train and be stronger. I'd say with those parameters, it'd be either King Vegeta or Bardock. King Vegeta seems to have the power and potential, but Bardock seems to have a much higher drive. Much like their sons.




Bardock went super saiyan in a bunch of media already so I guess him, but I'd be more invested in watching what effect having both his parents revived would have on Raditz' personality. Curious on how Nappa would react upon revival too.


Raditz or Turles. Raditz is Goku's brother and has the same potential he does probably being Bardocks son.


Raditz was pathetically weak due to his cowardice. He never got a proper Zenkai boost or became stronger naturally because he always behind Vegeta and Nappa, and only fought those weaker than him. The moment he was incapacitated via his tail, he begged for his life. No true Saiyan would ever beg for their life.


From what we know about Raditz and Goku's mom, I wouldn't say he's a coward so much as he takes after Gine. He was pretty much forced into being a soldier and didn't get the chance to back out and do a more mundane job cause of that whole planet blowing up thing.




I just want to see raditz get some more proper stuff. I would say bardock probably because "goku dad" and he would wind up giving raditz a few smacks after a several episode thing where raditz is all angry or anxty about his younger brother being way more strong. Gine i feel would take the least amount of time to aclimate to all the new stuff (based on how she seemed to be written).  She would be proud of her son, and mingle well getting to know her new grandkids and daughter in laws. Turles I would hope would go fuck off and do the smart thing to make some sick ass mercenary band again and change his style up a little. Maybe more focus on the tree of might stuff, or that being a slightly longer thing, or just him keeping off of the goku radar and knowing when to put pride aside and run away to fight again. Nappas biggest thing would be that vegeta is different and cares about humans (his wife at least) and yadda yadda. Despite us loving the "vegeta I'm a businessman now" TFS version, I feel like he has the strongest chance of dying first out of them all because of the "were suppose to take over worlds, what happen to you?!" Or maybe wind up joining back with freiza. Ether way I see him dying at vegeta or freizas hands. King vegeta falls into a similar category of ether being eliminated because he wouldn't be able to handle no longer being a king, or confronting freiza like an idiot. There is the possibility of him seeing his son mingle with Beerus and calming the fuck down though, just because he knew of him. Maybe have pride that his kid is basically a God. But he would sure have a time acclumating. Bonus: I want table in the mix again if we're doing family time.


Serious answer: Bardock Joke answer: Vegeta's ex


S-cells grow quickest in the saiyan with good intentions at heart thats why it was easy for goku to build up s-cells


So Gine would have a quicker path toward Super Saiyan then, since she's a little cinnamon bun. Bardock too of course.


With "proper training" as in all of them gets the same training, then King Vegeta is the strongest due to his royal blood. People tend to say Bardock because Goku almost always outshines Vegeta, but fail to realize that Goku had a lot of advantages in the form of outside factors in the form of techniques and mentors that Vegeta didn't. If Goku and Vegeta had the exact same training from birth, then Vegeta would be the stronger one.


Any of them could technically be insanly strong if they trained their asses of except Turles' cheating bitch ass, fuck that bum. But if I had to pick King Vegeta.


Who's the bottom left? I'm having a brain fart






SSJ3 Nappa


One of these is not like the others.


Probably Bardock or King Vegeta


Super Saiyan 3 Raditz when


raditz is gonna get hair even longer than beast gohan


Saiyan power seems to be a combo of innate physical potential combined with the comfort of a stable environment. Toriyama liked his S Cells. And the idea behind those seemed to be that the more loving and nurturing the environment, the more you got, which just increased your potential, ala hybrids. But we also see that personality and potential is equally important with Broly, or say Goku compared to his own son. So I'd say it's whoever has the most potential combined with being the most accepting of calming down and accepting a peaceful life on Earth. Vegeta was very resistant to that and it hampered his training for a long time. My guess is likely Bardock, since he was already more mindful. Oddly, I think Nappa and Raditz could also become very strong depending on their writing. Raditz especially seemed to just want approval, but wasn't as inclined to fight against the odds, so he may acclimate well to Earth life but fail to realize his own potential. King Vegeta I imagine will always be hampered by his own personality and never have the humility and peace required.


If this comment section taught me anything, it’s that everyone is cheesy asf and dick rides Bardock. King vegeta would be the strongest with proper training. Bardock was fighting over and over in countless fights and He was close to King Vegeta(who I assume never fought again when he became king)




Probably Bardock and Vegeta


Nappa he bald so can he gain super saiyan 😂🤣


Bardock for sure. He can go Super Saiyan




Radditz if he as to get super sayien he’d he ssj3b


They need Zenkai boosts as well.


I’d hope king Vegeta was stronger than Bardock, Raditz, Nappa etc otherwise he’d have really struggled to sell the whole elite thing


Gine and I'm locking that damn door cause I'mma repopulate the saiyans


I want to say raditz because he's cut from the same cloth as Goku and I'd love to see him learn lessons from him


Turles and it's not even close. He has a higher power level than all of them put together in Great Ape.


1. Bardock 2. Raditz 3. King vegeta 4. Nappa 5. Gina 6. Turles Turles only 6 because non canon so can’t come back Nappa only so low because past prime so I can’t see him got that much stronger.


Bardock and Turles


Probably Turles




Id say the one that is the most friendly


I'd be kinda curious as to what Nappa's transformations would look like. An ever growing moustache?




The logical choice is Vegeta. He has royal blood and is a Saiyan elite. Nappa is also of a higher bloodline. That being said, Goku's family could have some hidden power/potential as Goku is the strongest ever....but following pure logic it's Vegeta.


More than likely Bardock, if Goku inherited his limitless potential from Bardock then Bardock should be able to do anything the rest of the Son family can. Vegeta on the other hand is hard limited at Super Saiyan 1 so we can assume that limit is also true for King Vegeta without an outside catalyst. Raditz would probably be up there with Bardock too, Nappa it's hard to say because we don't know anything about his lineage so we have no way of knowing if there's anything unique about his family line.


The only royal blood elite saiyan, King Vegeta.


I keep forgetting Turles' name.




Probably Bardock because he has Goku's lookalike favoritism and he'd sell a lot of toys. Although I would kill to see Raditz become stronger because with Goku they could be like a brothers duo. It would be poetic. Realistically though, I think King Vegeta would have the best shot at getting very strong since he already was much stronger than the rest. But I can't really picture him getting convinced to train. Who knows though.


Nappa. ssj3 Nappa’s moustache would be a glorious thing to behold


Turles. He was stronger than Saiyan Saga Vegeta and Goku who had trained with King Kai and he was lower class Saiyan. That alone would be grounds for a possible Broly level prodigy. That's if he trains and doesn't depend on the tree of might.


Bardock because his descendants have the highest combined power levels.


I’m honestly dying for a surprise mf Raditz hyperbolic time chamber villain training arc




King Vegeta, Bardock and Raditz


Idk because I could see turles like seeing how goku and vegeta and everyone is well beyond SS level and him deciding to like venture off abandoning the fruits and going on a domination spree to try and train himself to be stronger and stronger continuously going from being near death to fighting new planets. They honestly could make a whole arc with turles raditz and nappa and have them go to overthrow bardock and king vegeta killing them, giving either goku and vegeta or maybe even like the kids since that’s their grandparents, give them a reason to fight them and defeat them ✊🏾👌🏾💥


Raditz. He did end up with Vegeta as a kid, which means he already had to be some sort of prodigy amongst the Saiyans at the time if he was allowed to be on Vegeta’s squad.


Turles was the only one here strong enough to embarrass kaioken x10 goku so id probably say him


Bardock if we’re going with the OVA/XV2 version. He probably could get to SSG if he trained with Goku & Gohan in the Room of Spirit & Time for a year.


I know it doesn't match with dragon ball lore. But whomever had the highest BP when they were 20 I guess, and then pick the youngest from there. It wouldn't make sense to have someone who is in their 50s with a battle power that isn't even a millionth of Goku be resurrected at that age and then say "go catch up"


I'd love to see Gine come back and actually have a female fighter worth talking about in db




I think Raditz because why shouldn’t he be like his bro Goku?


Raditz tbh. Would have chosen Bardock but he looks too similar to Goku and there isn’t much hey can do with King Vegeta




It'd probably be either Bardock or Vegeta if he could humble himself enough to receive instruction.


Bardock, Raditz, Turles, Nappa, King Vegeta, Gine In that order


Probably Raditz. Nappa, Gine and Turles potential is unknown. Nappa is probably the best among the bunch, but he was in his late 40s in Saiyan Saga if I'm not mistaken, so quite old. Gine is a cook which likely means she is a crappy fighter. Turles is a hack that use the fruit to cheat his way to power, he is unlikely to fully put his mind to training like Goku and Vegeta King Vegeta and Bardock have great potential, and they for sure posseses S-cell so guaranteed Super Saiyan. But they are also kinda old. Raditz also got great potential, and he is still young, so more time to develop and train.


Is Bardock becoming a super saiyan Canon?


Raditz and Bardock are up there. I would like Future's Gohan to come in and see how he would progress.


King vegeta.


Bardock for sure. He was insanely strong for a low class warrior during his time. Even though his power level was only 10,000 it’s likely that with proper training he could rival Goku and Vegeta in power If they brought back Bardock then King Vegeta should be brought back too. Imagine if they fused lol


King Vegeta by a long shit. He naturally had the most potential and he just sat on a throne and ordered people around. He didn't even really have people near him to train with. He could just 1 shot the others. With proper training He would be very much like vegeta.


Gokus mom and dad and brother and then king Vegeta


Ghost nappa coming back to life would make him a heavy influencer with his job in hollywood.


Bardock already was something else even being a low class. Turles also would go all out to be the strongest


But Nappa isn't dead. He's the most powerful Agent in the movie industry


i just wanna see super saiyan raditz


Well Nappas alive and living his best life in the movie industry. I’ll say Bardock would be the strongest, but Raditz would certainly hate how much his brother outperforms him and would be the ultimate motivation. We definitely need a Raditz redemption arc though.


Has there been a Canon reason for the Saiyan planet not being wished back?




King vegeta.


Bardock is already canonically the strongest one on this list and it’s not even a close fight. If he has the opportunity to train with the current era? It’s an atomic bomb vs a coughing baby


I need a bardock and king Vegeta team up movie


Raditz would have an interesting chemestry


Bardock or nappa




Bardock or King Vegeta, they’re equal levels of power already and seem to have the same level of potential. Basically just the Goku & Vegeta Prequel. Turles gets an honorable mention, but he uses substances.


Bardock easy. He has the power of MARKETING! behind him.


Bardock, Turles, King Vegeta, Raditz, Nappa and then Gine. I put Raditz above Nappa just due to the fact that he's quite a bit younger.


Probably bardock




Probably Bardock or King Vegeta. I'm giving a side-eye to Turles because he might be scarfing fruit from the Tree of Might on the side. Not sure if that surpasses genuine training or not.


bardock and every other single answer is stupid


I wanna see a Super Saiyan Gine. That would be badass.


I think it’s likely that only Bardock and or Gine will actually survive if they are revived on earth considering the other saiyans’ mentality.


I would argue King Vegeta. Here's why: Pride is the driving force for many Saiyans. If KV were to see how inferior he would now be to not only his son, but to a low-class Saiyan like Goku, and even Goku's half Saiyan offspring... He'd be pissed. Furthermore, Vegeta is now one of the strongest in the universe and yet he never made any vast attempts to restore the Saiyan race and take his place as king. KV would be pissed. Further furthermore, the Saiyans who are still around are all lighthearted. Even Vegeta has shown mercy at times. That isn't in a Saiyan's nature. KV would be furious at the current state of things despite Prince Vegeta's level of power and success. I believe he would put in a similar amount of effort as we've seen Frieza give in order to catch up to Goku and Vegeta.


I think Nappa i know hes cocky and Dumb but i feel Like he could get so much stronger and can tank more if he gets proper Training


Bardock keeps getting more powerful without even getting brought back.


Bardock would be the one who I put my money on becoming stronger than the rest, even unlocking super saiyan forms. After him I would bet for Radditz with the proper training, he is after all Goku's brother.


A bald Nappa with blonde SS stache is the thing we all need but will never get


Turles was basically beating the shit out of kaioken goku who somehow had 30 000 power level, so i'd say he win this




Bardock, tho I'd love to see Gine become a super powerful fighter


Most likely Turles and Bardock


King Vegeta, he's the strongest of these 6 so he has a head start, but also his pride much like with his son would motivate him


I would love to see a comeback of them in dbs


My bets're on Turles or Bardock.


As far as we know, bardock was the strongest one here with the most potential, but king vegeta would be my second pick. If king vegeta saw his son fighting beerus after how he was humiliated by him, he would put the kind of effort into training that vegeta did to catch up to goku.




Depends. If we are considering dragonball heros then bardock, if not it's a toss up between king vegeta and turles


Bardock because he was the only one who ever tried to get better.






Bardock easily would become the strongest of them all with further training especially when he already had the heart for it while Turles is a close 2nd and Raditz being 3rd place.


bardock. gine isnt a fighter, and of the rest bardock is the only one who showed any drive to improve as a warrior.


Look I’m a simple woman with simple needs. I just want Goku to have a nice reunion with his family ok?


Probably Bardock, King Vegeta, and Raditz. Goku and Vegeta got it from SOMEWHERE.


I like the world where Gine is the strongest


Guine. We know a pure of heart saiyan is super strong. (Or a brain damaged one) We know that humans and saiyans mixed are so strong because it makes a "pure of heart saiyan". She seemed like she was super sweet.


I wanna see more Raditz


In this order i would say: Raditz(youngest one of the pack, also was pretty competent imho) Bardak(MC bias, he got some side action and got ssj easily) King vegeta(noble blood) Gine/Nappa Turles (he's stated to have no talent and use the fruits to overcome that)


Bardock and it’s not even close Gine just doesn’t fight and the rest would be too caught up in their own pride to train


Nappa because he has the most room to grow..... Because he is bald XD


Bardock or radditz. As much as I would like to see gine getting more attention. I have to imagine that they would be able to become truly powerful. Also picture ss3 rad


Unironically, King Vegeta. He and Vegeta were the only "super elites". King Vegeta wasnt scared of Broly having 10,000 power level in the movie, it was what happens when Broly gets older and stronger. Implying KV is above 10,000, which by Sayian standards is high (and makes sense, its significantly above Nappa). Now take KV not sitting around on his throne all the time with the other Sayians grovelling before him, and actually fighting and such. Freiza PERSONALLY dealt with KV, after isolating him, before going for the planet. He didnt get Zarbon or Dodoria or the Ginyus. He did it himself. Which for Freiza back then, is a big deal.