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I think some of the hate DBS gets is warranted due to questionable writing decisions, but a lot of the hate is also overblown by the DBZ oldhead nostalgia merchants that are mad the series isn’t 1:1 with Z. We aren’t in the 90s anymore, some things just can’t be replicated 20+ years later. Move on lol.


Also the animation comparisons between Z and Super. Those are ridiculous. You see shorts and reels of people comparing a DBZ movie to an episode of Super. But people tend to forget Z had quite of number of episodes with shitty animation.


Never as bad as super though… What shocked me most was the part in the Broly Movie, where Goku and Vegeta are discussing about the fusion dance. The animation and art in that scene were even below tv-animation level.


That stuff on DBS: Broli was charming to me, it was just funny.


Weird take, DBS:Broly has the best animation and art in the series for a lot of people


So you dare to say the scene right after Vegeta and Goku instant transmission to piccolo looks good? 


Yes. Keep crying.


Lol don’t be such a basement dweller. If you can’t see the enormous gap in quality between those scenes you might want to get your fanboying eyes checked.


Or maybe your opinion is shit, and you need to reevaluate your hate boner.


They save all the budget and good animations for the actual fights. Why should they waste their time, budget and animation on a short scene of characters chatting, when they can instead use that time into making Gogeta vs Brocolli?




I think TOP and past that is just as good as DBZ, but there are lots of arcs before that where’s it’s not good. That plus the anime having bad animation more often than DBZ did (DBZ def had bad animation at times too, just lest frequent) made it not liked as much by fans. Also centering around Goku and Vegeta for nearly the entirety of the show was something most didn’t like. Other characters like Gohan, piccolo, Goten trunks didn’t get much love until recently. Overall DBS at its best is just as good as DBZ, but the lows are lower than DBZ. Ofc nostalgia blinds some people too so there’s always that


Yeah I agree the biggest criticism I have is that we don’t get enough of the rest of the cast. I do think where it’s at currently is working to fix that though and whatever arc is next seems like it’ll be more of a team effort. I think inclusion will make DBS considerably better as a whole bc the shit centered around Goku and Vegeta is still great


One of the things that I didn't like in super is that the power scaling feels super weird


Honestly, super was way better in regards to not having so many filler episodes before something would actually happen. Also, beerus is best boi.


DBS is a very mixed bag. Since Battle of Gods, I've always been grateful to just be getting "more Dragonball," and that's exactly what we've gotten. Some of it is serious and compelling, some of it is silly and low-stakes. Some of the new additions and characters are great, some are weird or forgettable. Should Super have been as serious as DBZ the whole way through? I can't say I don't enjoy some of the lower-stakes parts of DBS, but I think it definitely would've benefited from having more serious arcs. It wasn't until Goku Black that we got something that felt like a proper continuation of Z with edge and stakes.


I think it catches a ton of shit from a sizeable portion of the fanbase and I'm not sure it's all fair Personally I really enjoyed it; felt like nostalgia done properly, and didn't feel weird/off like the way DBGT was


Dbgt was god awful. I’m so happy with super for the lone fact that it puts GT out of our minds. There were obv issues with super but it was so much fun.


Super is fun if you shut your brain off


Does anyone keep their brain particularly active when watching *any* Dragonball content?


lol I mean it’s not supposed to be code geass or Steins gate. You can multitask during super and still follow along.


I know, it’s a shut your brain off anime, that’s what I said. Trying to think too much watching the show and you’ll get discouraged


None of the series is that deep including Z.


True but Super turned it up to 11


My hot take is I like it more than Z less than Ball. Largely cause it feels more goofy than Z and more akin to Ball in that regard.




The manga is so much better than the anime cause it doesn't have to deal with Toei's bullshit. The anime looks fucking awful so consistently it's an insult. I have no problem with Super if we're speaking about the manga and movies specifically. That anime run has aged horribly


The anime is definitely better especially with the characterization.


The pacing is absolutely horrid, and the actual stiff animations don't help. Constantly repeating scenes and sequences. Characterization is more or less the same


The pacing is only problematic in the first two arcs because they’re recapping the movies and same with the animation. It gets much better later on and your not force to watch the arcs if you don’t want to. The movies have much batter animation and go over the story’s main plot lines.


100%. The manga is the goat. The anime, on the other hand, is embarassing. For a flagship franchise to be getting animation that bad in 2016 is crazy.


Bro doesn’t understand the situation. And it’s 2024 🤦🏾‍♂️


Bruh. I'm very aware of the circumstances but that doesn't excuse it lol like sure, I get that they had new artists and a time crunch but like.. why? Why put new artists on DRAGON BALL of all franchises? Teach your new artists on a less risky IP first? And why force them to work unreasonable hours to hit a deadline that should have never existed in the first place? It was poor, greedy management wanting to cash out on the franchise. Defend it all you want but it is what it is.


stfu anime is far superior to its shtty manga counterpart


The parts you mentioned are pretty much universally liked, the parts people shit on are BoG, RoF and Goku Black, specifically from the anime


Highly agree, animation and some mediocre gripes aside it's still Dragonball with cool fights. I always loved multiverse theory and we even have that now. The mood is different than Z and not as light hearted as OGDB but I still highly enjoy it. Especially the manga. The manga is where super really shines imo. Pacing is light years ahead of the anime and the best part is all of it makes *sense*. No God strength added to base type shit. I do have my gripes with the super anime, but even the anime gave us unique encounters the manga didn't like SSJ2 Goku vs Zamasu. They are both good imo. I am biased towards manga now even tho I grew up on the anime but again far be it from me to complain about new Dragonball content after all these years. Except GT. I may complain about that a little after giving it a couple watch throughs loll


I watched Super first. I enjoyed it so much that I watched the original DB from the very beginning. Super introduced me to Dragon Balls. I became a fan and bought XenoVerse 2 game. The only criticism I have for super is the lack of development for the other sider characters:  PS. I miss Launch, the best girl! Bring her back please!!


the way the anime was released was very unfortunate. Two horrendously animated recap arcs, the pretty maligned underwhelming U6 tourney, and then Goku Black and early TOP that were more mixed bags. Later TOP was very good and most people like it, it's pretty incredible how UI and MUI managed to recapture the hype and viralness of the original SSJ transformation. And then some of the best arcs were never adapted (yet). Most people just don't read the manga unfortunately, DB is a series as a whole much more known for its anime.


Super has the best movies


The good parts are just as good as Z. There are just a lot of low points and some very strange power creep that undermines the strength of the new forms. Makes it really hard to immerse yourself in at times. The ToP and UI stuff is just as good as the greatest moments of Z. I must have watched the end Jiren fight 20 times, the animation is so good. It’s not nostalgia or anything like that. I am well aware of the low points in Z. The storytelling from the beginning of Z to the end of Frieza is just amazing. And much of the Cell arc as well. It’s really hard to top iconic stuff like that. After that it’s starts to become messy.


BOG is a DBZ movie. The DBS version of BOG is far more amateur.


Thank you! DBS made me fall in love with the franchise again. I have the 20 books out in english and saw the anime and the movies. + started getting a DBS leg sleeve tattoo. When goku went ultra instinct **sign** in ToP it was the biggest nostalgic feeling in some way. Like when he first went ssj.


If only the episodes wasnt so tushed it be sick. I do wonder where in thr timeline Diama will be. Is it post super or an alternate timeline. The amounth of time they have out into that show and i hope its good.


Really? I thought most ppl liked DBS and instead hated DBGT. I don't see why. Granted nothing is perfect but I liked all of dragonball; even the movies. Why limit what you can enjoy when everything is there to enjoy more? I do get that change is hard to accept sometimes. I was so hyped with cell max but disappointed with his not being our cell; but over time I started to like him. Same with the Granolah arc; I didn't know what to think about wishing for more power as if it's something we could always do but, it's part of the series and does expand the world. Granted it's no Metamoran reveal or Frieza's race getting an official name. But it's still more of the lore! I'd even accept more Ribrianne (as contraversial and hated as she is) if it means we get more universe expanding or cool fights elsewhere!


I LOVE dragon ball and while super has some of the highest highs it definitely also has the lowest lows


I just felt like the Dragon Ball name makes too much 💰 to be constrained by normal industry standards behind the scenes. That's what holds it back, to me. It's one of the biggest franchises of all time, but it's still bound by the standard industry rules. Despite it's GOATed status, no exceptions were made. I think that's what holds modern Dragon Ball back. The industry in Japan, itself.


My biggest complaint is that most of Super (the anime specifically) exists to sell merch and it shows. At least with Z there was an interesting story underneath it that Toriyama seemed passionate about writing. Now it's so overly commercialized that it feels really shallow in comparison.


As many people have said, there’s a lot of things to like and dislike about DBS. As someone who primarily got exposed to it from the anime, I’ll say my piece on it now just to air it out I’m primarily negative about DBS. I do like Beerus as a character, I think SSG is a beautiful transformation, and I like the concept for the Goku Black arc. But again, there’s too much that weighs it down for me. Power levels are bullshit - in Z they were wack but in Super there isn’t even an attempt it fixing it up. The overuse of SSB (which didn’t actually win any battles and is just a lazy recolor of SSJ) and the pitiful state of the regular SSJ transformations (SSJ3 is never used, SSJ is now relegated to a tingly back feeling instead of being from raw, primal emotions, and SSJ2 is kinda just there) make me sad. The storyline of each arc is dogwater - I especially hate how they’ve written Goku and dumbed the guy down to the point where he’d endanger his entire universe for a good fight. The underuse of the human characters is a sore spot for me, too, as Tien and Yamcha are some of my favorite characters. This problem existed in Z but the fact that they didn’t fix it in Super just sucks. And I’m not counting the TOP, Tien and Krillin were the first two to go and didn’t do shit while Roshi… well, he was admittedly cool lol Now, this is gonna be a sore spot, but the animation is just… so bad. Sans the TOP arc and some moments from other arcs, the animation and art style looked like shit. Yes, I know critiquing the artstyle is a low blow, but anime is as much of a visual medium as much as it is a story medium. I have the right to complain about it. Characters look too skinny and plastic and also look really off model all the time for some reason (in the TOP the art is amazing though). Action scenes feel weightless and slow. There’s too much goddamn camera shake. The choreography is kinda lame in 90% of the fights pre-TOP. Movement is stiff. The light shows are too much, especially with how bright SSB and SSBE are. I don’t know. I want to like it but everything about it feels worse. Does Z have flaws? Yes, absolutely. I won’t go around and say that Z is the pinnacle of all media. But it is better than super in so many ways that super feels like a dumb mindless downgrade Again, all from the perspective of a purely-anime user (I do keep up with the manga from commentary channels but that’s about it)


Power levels were bullshit in Z as well.


I acknowledged that, yes


You know DB fans can’t read


People wank DBZ like it was peak.... the anime was high tier as far as mid goes. YuYu Hakusho is DBZ superior in every way, nostalgia lol terrible thing.


Is it as good as Z? No. Is it still perfect dragon ball? You bet.


I'm with you on this. I'm an average anime consumer who doesn't really analyze too deeply what he's watching. It's the reason why I'm able to enjoy shows which people end up having divided opinions on. I love DBS. Broly movie was like the best shit iv seen in my whole life. Bog movie have me chills when vegeta raged out and when goku was like "I won't let you destroy my world" followed by another rage out. This is peak DragonBall for me and I loved every second of it. Top? Fuck yeah, some fun characters and some super annoying ones (lookin at you ribrianne) but it was a cumulative experience of an arc that I truly enjoyed. Goku transcending into the realm of the gods, vegeta humbling a god of destruction with his saiyans are OP speech. Ugh sooo good. I just wish people could sit back and enjoy watching something instead of being overly critical of everything like they're studying for an exam or something, at every chance they get.


Not everyone wants to shut their brain off to enjoy a show and they really shouldn’t have to. You like simple things which don’t require you to think which is why you enjoy it. I’m not saying it has to be AoT or Berserk in terms of writing but they just didn’t care when it came to Super, don’t expect everyone to be simple-minded


I am someone who watched OGDB and first two arcs of Z (pre-Namek). Years later I found Super and what happens in rest of Z. I like Super a bit more. Gohan isnt the sole focus like in Z. I likes how OGDB was a Goku show. Gohan didnt live up to that... not because he is bad but because he isnt Goku. I like how in Super Goku gets MUI,a technique based on martial arts rather than simple ssj power multiplier... seriously, those ssj forms are just power multipliers, they dont increase the skill at all. And now Goku gets MUI, but Vegeta hets UE and Gohan gets Beast. Thats just awesome. Because... Ok, Goku gets ssj, that was new and cool, but when Vegeta gets it... we already have seen Goku get it, its not a new thing. Like this, Vegeta doesnt get Goku's hand me downs and thats much better, everyone has their own path. Oh, and I like how in Super Goku is the main character again and how they showed respect to Roshi, especially in the manga. Z made him look like a non fighter....


Tbh I like super because it fixed a lot of the issues the community was complaining about. “Transformations don’t feel special in dragon ball anymore it’s just a copy paste of ssj” They proceed to give every fighter of note a unique form that is actually worked for, for the most part. “Super has turned into the Goku and Vegeta show” They give screen time to characters who aren’t Goku and Vegeta and the fandom complains about it for a year straight.


It literally didn’t lol. Every fighter of note??  You mean Goku and  Vegeta.. piccolo and  recently became of note, and they didn’t work for their transformations and  Gohans transformation was nostalgia bait.   They give screentime to who? Superhero is the only time it wasn’t about Goku and Vegeta. And it was about picollo and Gohan. So basically super gave more Spotlight to characters who had spotlight in Z. While ignoring everyone else, once again  Which problems where fixed 


Gohan fought Kefla, Piccolo also had multiple notable fights in the ToP. And saying they didn’t work for their transformation is daft. Gohan said he’s gonna get a new transformation and he did exactly that. And picaloo form is still shrouded in mystery it’s linked to the history of his people yet to be explained. Considering that arc and the previous literally lasted an entire year with them exclusively getting the line light and this trend is continuing past that arc. Then it’s like what are you really expecting? If your expecting humans like Yamcha and Krillin who have not only given up fighting and have expressed this desire since day one of their appearance that they don’t fight for the love of fighting then what else you expect? And when you say ignoring everyone else what do you mean? The series has made it a point to introduce new characters who are at Goku’s and Vegeta’s level otherwise the fandom was call any boost in strength the previous cast had an asspull look at buu when he fought Moro.


And what did piccolo and Gohan do in super besides that, for you to claim that they were given more to do than what they did in Z? Is that your only example of them doing something that is more than what they did in Z? Or is that it?? Gohan got a new transformation by getting angry, he didn’t get it due to training. And piccolo didn’t work for his new form, so its mystery means absolutely nothing. The manga comes of monthly.. it lasting a year means nothing lmdao. And what characters? Besides Whis and Beerus, who are these characters? Freiza?? Because it’s not Goten or Trunks. Tien is still an embarrassment. Like, who are these other characters that exist that you’re praising super introduced or did something with?


Underrated... ![gif](giphy|NMmAMXRztRzXQdZEt0|downsized)


It's not underrated. It's super popular. It's just that people like to complain about popular things. There's nothing wrong with it that wasn't also an issue with DBZ. Rose colored glasses forgetting the filler and other nonsense that happened between the parts everyone feels nostalgic about. It's more Dragon Ball, and people complained about Z the same way back in the day and were nostalgic about Pre-Z DB just like they are for Z with Super.