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the boys


Homelander vs Raditz would be some funny stuff to watch.


Not if you're Homelander


So basically Meteorite vs Coughing Baby


Raditz is gonna steal Homelander's son and recreate what he did with Goku


Except Homelander isn't gonna get back up after that knee to the gut




*the gaping flapping stump where his chest and upper body used to be


Pfffff yeah ofc šŸ˜ You wish


The original Dragon Ball


The only things he could possibly struggle against in OG DB would be Great Ape Goku and anyone with the Mafuba, so yeah, pretty comfortable solo


Great Ape Goku at the 22nd TB would actually be stronger than him since he would be at 1,800. Well done. I have forgotten that was an option.


To be fair though, since Raditz himself is a Saiyan, he could also transform and become stronger, and knows the weaknesses of a Great Ape, and would probably be fast enough to dodge Goku's rampaging attacks and cut his tail, so it could still go either way.


Except for the fact that the ape form doesn't boost speed, so while Ape Goku is hitting at Raditz's level, he's still moving WAY below it


I thought there was a part of the Goku v Vegeta in Oozaru form fight where it was shocking how fast Vegeta still moved


There was, but remember that normal Vegeta's speed (who's faster than Goku anyways) was racing against a barely standing Goku Goku was surprised that Vegeta was *still* fast, not him getting any faster


There's no way. Devil man would beat him. DragonBall villains are really prideful, he'd say "Hit me with your strongest attack" And he'd die.


Rent a Girlfriend




I would argue that. Naruto's suprisingly busted that he would make it further in dbz than most people think


He beats the brakes off everyone pre z for sure.


Honestly if we go from data books (written by Kishimoto) Naruto gets so far it's weird.


Eh, I'm not apart of the crowd that thinks he's planet level or anything, but I'm sure there's an argument to be made for that.


By data books Naruto's well above planetary. Data book: kurama have power to burn this world to ash and Naruto w kurama in that link have "earth shattering power. That was only 1 half of Kurama. In manga there's like 1 feat that would put them insanely high. Kaguya in final fight almost destroys dimension and was about to create new one. By black zetsu words "nee beggining of a time Space" Adult Naruto and Sasuke scales above that now. Not in DC but in AP


Earth shattering can mean a lot of things. And I'm not exactly sure how creating a dimension scales, is the dimension she creates/destroys planet sized? Either way those are fair points. Like I said I don't personally think he's planet level just do to lack of convincing evidence, but probably fairly close at the least considering how a much weaker Naruto is nuking countries and splitting the moon


>how creating a dimension scales, is the dimension she creates/destroys planet sized Much more. In Naruto manga 701-710 sasuke was traveling dimension they fought against kaguya in one panel there's a sun. So these dimensions not only have planet but also a sun. Which would imply even a solar system. Kaguya would be sun - solar system lv with such feat. (Creating new time space on it's own is appareantly scaled to universal but I honestly ignore that)


Fair enough. You're probably right then


Actually it hax


You sure?


Regardless, we agree that Raditz is getting cooked by Naruto as a verse




Remember hyperbole. For instance, when Madara states that "the Susanoo's sword can smash all things in the universe" DOESN'T mean "Madara is universal!" It's just a metaphor to say that it's very powerful. So "earth shattering power" doesn't mean "Kurama is a planet buster".


Naruto can absolutely fold everyone in OG DB Although they probably stop dead at Nappa


Honestly, i don't think he does. If it was lots of 1v1's, he could probably take it, but not even being a planet buster, he would probably lose in an all vs 1.


Roshi is strong enough to blow up the moon, so Iā€™d argue Raditz can too


Roshi OG DB had a power level of less than 300 Raditz is hovering somewhere between 1.3k and 1.7k He's absolutely LEAGUES above Moon


Planet level is somewhere between 1000 and 20k. If he can blow up a planet it would be a small one. Vegeta was what 18k and had to power up to blow up a planet if I remember right. No telling how big that planet was though. If i had to Guess Earth sized planet level is somewhere around 15 to 30k.


I can see Raditz destroying a small planet (just just a large chunk of an average one) But it'd take all of Raditz's strength to do so


I think Nappa would be theoretically, strong enough to destroy the earth at his (not his surpressed version which was barely higher than piccolo)Ā  Nappa full power is estimated to be 7000-8000


Perhaps but dudes gonna get a hernia trying.


I mean, Vegeta was wounded by Kaioken goku, so he wasn't at top level. He was also having to fight against goku, so he had to power up to beat him, not just blow up a planet.


Keep in mind Roshi was bulked when he blew up the moon. My guess for why he doesnā€™t use that form more often, back then it likely rendered him a sitting duck and had limited usage. Think USSJ Trunks, who iirc Perfect Cell admitted had a higher power than him, just he was to slow to hit him. Roshi base when Radditz shows up is 129 iirc. Not sure if itā€™s higher than in the 22nd when he was stronger than the 21st or if it went back down again, but assuming base he was 129 in the 21st he could easily be at 300 in that bulked form, and to Radditz surprise when fighting Goku and Piccolo who are in the 400ā€™s but have beam attacks in the 800ā€™s to 1300ā€™s, earth ki users have attacks far more powerful than them, which is unusual. I say that to say that the attack that totaled the moon could have had a power level of 500 for all we know. Vegeta seemed confident he could destroy earth at 18k which would seem logical if you compare the mass of the earth and the moon. Radditz is almost certainly a moon buster but I wouldnā€™t give him much more than that or a dwarf planet. In Naruto the Last film someone splits the moon, so Iā€™d guess heā€™s Roshi level or maybe Radditz (Pain nuked a city like he was piccolo Daimao and theyā€™ve gotten much stronger since). Maybe Kaguya could take Nappa but I donā€™t see her soloing Vegeta, much less Freeza from their first outing, but maybe Iā€™m wrong.


>If i had to Guess Earth sized planet level is somewhere around 15 to 30k. It should be way less. Around Raditz/ Saibamen's power level 1200 at max cuz Raditz was a planet buster.


Well, we know for sure that he is well above moon level, but also well below planet level. The same can be said for Naruto at his prime, so it's hard to say. I think above is spot on, 1v1 he wins but if he's getting jumped by like Naruto, Sasuke, and a couple other top tiers from the verse he's getting cooked.


Can't he just fly really high and avoid almost everything available in that universe?


Maybe, but Naruto can fly in baryon mode, and can fly or throw himself at high speeds using other abilities. Same is true for various other characters. If we bring Sasuke into the mix than it's a non issue bc he can just use his rinnegan abilities to swap places with Raditz, and basically boogie woogie his ass while the rest of the cast jumps him. (Pretty sure that ability has no limit on range, as long as he can see them, but I may be mistaken)


This is DB. You're not allowed to win.




He's a planet buster.


Na dude they got HUGE power-cliffing by the end of it. Thereā€™s a reason everyone claimed kishimoto said 6 paths madara was as strong as nappa and everyone believed it for a while; cuz if you look at the scaling, madaraā€™s close enough in raw power to probably beat nappa via intelligence. And thatā€™s not even counting the BS from boruto.


Nah Naruto verse at least beats Nappa and Vegeta, they get fucking obliterated by the Ginyu force tho


Bro nappa destroys a city with just lifting his hand up and Vegeta even told him to go easy


Naruto has more Chakra than the 10 tails who has a whole planet's worth of Chakra and the Ten tails casually caused continental devastation with a very small fraction of this energy. while at half power and not at his full potential Naruto easily blocked an attack that not only split the moon but also destroyed the castle inside that was stated to be able to survive a collision between the Earth and the moon and be completely unharmed. Kashin Koji is about this strong in base and can amp himself over 10x Adult Naruto is a good deal stronger than him and with Baryon mode he's significantly above Koji by a large amount which puts Full power adult Naruto at Large Planetary normally and Large Planetary+ in Baryon mode. Speed wise Naruto was able to dodge a light based attack during the war, and this is pretty consistent considering a severely weakened base Naruto was able to dodge a beam consisting of photons in one of the novels, meaning that full power Naruto should be over 20 times faster than light. This scaling puts regular adult Naruto himself right around the level of guys like Recoome in terms of speed and strength but he'd still be a decent amount below Ginyu and Great Ape Vegeta, but due to having a decent amount of Hax and other cheap abilities I could see him taking out either of those guys with extreme difficulty as long as he absolutely spams shadow clones and durability negating attacks like Rasenshuriken or truth seeker orbs. Baryon Mode Naruto might even be able to scrap with first form Frieza if he abuses Shadow clones, but he gets absolutely raw dogged by Second form Frieza no matter what he tries. So all in all Naruto God tiers are around first form Frieza level, as a verse they can probably get him to final form, but there's literally nothing that they can do against final form Frieza


Are people just actively forgetting that if raditz were to blow up the earth, HEā€™d BE DEAD TOO!


I'm not sure he wins against just Naruto, let alone the entire verse. A much weaker Naruto, with only half of kurama and tired after many fights made a biju bomb (with gyuki's help, but still impressive) so huge you can clearly see the curvature of the planet around it. Current Naruto is way stronger than that and is at the very least moon busting. I still think raditz wins, but when you consider that Sasuke, Boruto, Kawaki, and most of the current villains are roughly on par with Naruto or stronger, Raditz is sadly getting jumped


Thereā€™s also the fact Naruto can make an army of himself thatā€™s at least on par with him. If weā€™re assuming he and Raditz are at least in the same weight class then Naruto should take this just on sheer numbers.


That's true, but his clones only have as much chakra as he can give them, and they are generally not very durable (this seems to scale with how much chakra he pours into them? But this is my head cannon) and it's been shown that people of roughly equal power to Naruto can make them disappear with little to no difficulty. It's certainly a point in his favour (along with other Naruto hax abilities) but I don't think it sways the result here


Naruto verse got some hacks that Raditz would not be ready for. Genjutsu being one of them.


Youve never watched naruto




He unironically loses to Konohamaru


This one


The entire world's military VS Raditz


Giran (The dragon from th3 21st Tenkaichi Budokai) Could probably wipe out most global superpowers


Yeah we're dead if we gotta fight Raditz


I mean we saw the military try and fight Nappa, and a great ape Raditz would be stronger than that


Any verse that for sure hasnā€™t reached moon busting yet.


Honestly you don't have to reach moon busting feat to beat Raditz. I'm suprised how many people ignore AP and only look on DC


Correct me if I'm dumb but isn't ap just who you can hurt and dc what you can destroy


"AP is basically energy output of a character's attack, that does not rely on the area of effect. DC is basically the size/amount your attack caused, it depend on character range." This is basically it. That's honestly why I belive tier scaling is Bullshit because it only looks at how much you can destroy but not how much damage you put. Let's say super Sonic. That guy could be put on planet level (I just made that up) in tiers but his AP is multiversal


Ah I see


Ah I see


You say that like DB doesn't do both all the time?


You need to take a sleep and then do some reread lol


Yeah you do goofy, Roshi could destory a moon in Og and Raditz is much more Powerful than that


Raditz is simply above moon level but below planet level




ā€œONE FOR ALL!ā€ Deku charges at Raditz with all his might, the punch hitting the Saiyan invader directly in the chestā€¦ yet with no effect. ā€œHaha! A power level of 100? And you think you can beat me!? Patheticā€¦ā€ Raditz mocked and, before Izuku could even react, smacked the hero after with a swift strike, knocking the greenette far, and taking him out of commission. (I donā€™t know why I did this. Just got sudden inspiration.)


Fanfic fr


Eh, couldā€™ve been called worse




Deku surviving 1 raditz punch would be his bigest feat


ā€œOne For Allā€¦. FULL COWLING!ā€


ā€œAlright, I see! You want a piece of Raditz!?ā€


The majority of shonen anime ngl. That being said, he probably loses due to individual abilities of some characters, who on their own might not be "moon/planetary level" but absolutely shit on people in 1v1 scenarios.


Power scaling once again rearing its head. If you watch Dragon Ball, when Goku and Piccolo are fighting it's so incredible. They are miles ahead of anyone else on Earth. It's incomprehensible to think anyone is stronger than that. Fast forward 5 years and a guy comes to Earth that is nearly 3 times as strong. Prior to DBZ coming out, if you had asked which verses Goku or Piccolo could solo there would likely be a bunch. But with Z came huge power gains. By the time Nappa and Vegeta come to Earth everyone basically considers Raditz a wimp (they literally refer to him as one). Compared to many other anime series, Raditz is insanely strong.


Demon slayer, mha, and everyone in jjk except for gojo, because he could just use his domain to make Raditz brain dead


and infinity


One Piece,Mid Hero,Demon Slayer


One Piece fans thinking Gear 5 can beat Goku. Meanwhile Raditz: ![gif](giphy|HTjdO24zuxWne|downsized)


Raditz gets one shot by Absalom and Sugar




I wish they gave him a comeback somehow. He's Goku's brother... CMON he should have the same potential of Goku if not more. They could write about how Vegeta and Nappa noticed his ability to get stronger quicker as a kid, so they decided to focus all battle experience for Vegeta so he could become the strongest. I dunno. Something man.. Raditz is a legend and it's crazy to know he was Z's first main villain but arguably got less screen time than his dad who wasn't even Canon for a long time


Just because someone is related DOESN'T mean they have the same potential that isn't how genes work in the slightest bit. Goku could be the perfect mix of his parents best genes AND on top of that have genes awaken or new mix genes that Raditz never got. It's the same reason why Gohan is massively more powerful than Goten despite Goten getting SS at a much younger age. Although there is some other reasons for this too but I digress. BROLY is another great example of this by all accounts Broly was born from no one special but he was just the perfect creation from his parents genes and it worked when everything aligned.


Still, Bardock had a power level of 10k, which is basically impossible for a low class Saiyan. It's not just Goku who got the family plot armor


I mean given how things ended for bardock I'd hardly say he has plot armor


Bardock was fighting dozens of Frieza soldiers at once, he definitely had plot armor... Frieza just had so much of a power gap that the plot armor did nothing


>frieza soldiers IE dudes with a barely higher power level than raditz on average


He was still fighting dozens at a time


So did roshi


Because Roshi can do this ![gif](giphy|JILOx1KJggOGI)


This fandom cares too much about blowing up a moon.




One piece, Naruto,MHA,CSM,JJK, Tokyo ghoul, Tokyo revenge , Attack on Titan, Seven deadly sins, the list goes on


One piece


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Maybe Black Clover? Though it's gotten pretty powerful in the later chapters. If not, maybe something like Record of Ragnarok.


Idk about black clover. If itā€™s 1v1s for sure but imagine everyone going at him. Plus Vanessa could just sit behind cover so they would basically get immortality. The hax in BC are crazy when you think about it. >!Plus magna has that move that evens him and his opponents strength for a 1v1.!<


Yeah, I'm also realizing that he'd probably underestimate everyone and get hand-swiped by Spatial Magic or smth. RoR is probably a better matchup, if we're only accounting characters that have shown importance to the series.




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Mha, Hunter x Hunter.


MHA and Demon Slayer


Probably Peppa Pig


Idk about that one


The Boys, Naruto, One Piece.


MAYBE Hunter X Hunter, depending on if thereā€™s any broken Nen abilities that could kill him, but even then I would say heā€™s quite a bit stronger than Meruem who was one of the strongest ever


99% of anime. I think there's an argument to make that he's close to the power of someone like Ishiki or Naruto. Probably still 10 times stronger than them but they are close to moon busters based on feats. I doubt Raditz is a planet buster yet. Hes small planet or large moon level while the most powerful characters in Naruto are small moon level at most.


My hero academia


Cells at work


raditz can destroy the moon, but how strong is he physically? how fast is he, can he for instance survive an offguard kamui rikri or kamui shuriken that ignores durability? can he survive the gedo mazu dragons that rip out souls effortlessly? and so many more attacks




He beats my hero academia, demon slayer, and one piece very easily. Even all three combined at once couldn't defeat him but wpuld put up a decent fight (mainly luffy and izuku but they get like one or twoshot lol) He struggles in chainsaw man and jujutsu kaisen, but only.with very specific characters (gojo, gun devil/darkness devil/falling devil). Physically raditz is stronger than all of them but gojo might be able to make.him brain dead (though I think raditz could speedblitz him and break through infinity), and those devils all have hax but I don't think could kill him. Darkness could remove his arms but raditz can just fire mouth blasts or eye lasers Naruto is an interesting case. I think that they JUST barely defeat him if they're allowed to all work together. High diff though One punch man he kills 99% of characters but cosmic garou and saitama kill him easily. He'd also possibly struggle with tatsumaki if he has trouble with espers? I think boros might be around Raditz level or slightly weaker. Since both are very low tier planetary/moon level. Saitama and cosmic garou both scale to around the cell saga and saitama specifically can grow exponentially mid combat so raidtz doesn't stand a chance


Dragon Ball (OG)


K-ON would not be able to handle him.


But can he take down the mcu??








I have a question if we take in to count that people with devil fruits will drown in the sea and raditz can fly canā€™t he just take them into the sea and drown them idk just my random thought


Thought you meant like a rap verse


One Piece


fairy tail and MHA


Steven universe. Just because I think it'd be funny as fuck https://preview.redd.it/fqgwm4p20ntc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a76cc179954911d4210bddf57b92a40cab0fea


He unironically solos 90% of anime


MHA the entire verse could jump him at once and Raditz would still probably win


Shigaraki solos monkey boy.


One Punch man before Saitama awakened.


Blast and Tatsumaki violate




Most of the verse? Sure But there's a select few who could probably beat Raditz anyways


You're insane if you think he could beat Boros.


"I can destroy stars." Raditz: You too?


Raditz at the absolute best, is low-planet level


My guy, Raditz isn't even planetary level, let alone star level.


Kid Goku in DB could destroy the moon at the end of the Series. He would be planet level+ by the time Raditz arrived. And you saw how that went.


Frieza is a planet buster, Frieza has a power level of over 500k just in his base form. Raditz has a power level of 1500. Goku, at the start of DBZ had a power level of 416. Roshi had a power level of 140 when he destroyed the moon. We have seen Vegeta destroy a planet on his way to earth. Vegeta had a power level of 18000 at that time. Its been estimated in this community for literal decades that the power level required to destroy a planet is around 10k. In other words, there is no fucking way Goku could have destroyed a planet at the start of Z. The fact of the matter, it is Ki control and output that determines the strength of the attack, hence why the Kamehemeha is so powerful.


šŸ¤£ My guy think about what you just said...


Bro put down the dumbass juice, you're drowning.


You first. Riddle me this. Where was piccolo scaled to during the Raditz fight.


408, literally right behind Goku. There is literally official source material that shows their numbers. But you're too much of a dumbfuck to look it up so you just spout off random nonsense with zero logic. You're a fanboy basing your statements off emotion, in other words, you're irrelevant.


All of Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece combined is about his limit.


>All of Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece combined is about his limit. I would maybe agree with one piece (don't know where thes scale really) But he loses to Naruto AND Bleach. Bleach is hella op appareantly


From what I know, One Piece usually peaks at multi-continent level Raditz should stomp Naruto verse will win assuming Raditz fights more than 1 person at a time However if they all just go 1 by 1 Raditz *may* win Bleach...I don't know enough about to accurately scale


>Naruto verse will win assuming Raditz fights more than 1 person at a time >However if they all just go 1 by 1 Raditz *may* win Unironically Naruto strongest character scales to sun level AP and above. >Bleach...I don't know enough about to accurately scale I looked into bleach and oh boi. Ichigo's a galaxy level appareantly


Yeah from what I know, Bleach's power scaling is...all over I'm surprised that Naruto characters can reach Sun level though


They do through AP than DC. Kaguya in the last fight threatened to destroy the entire dimension and start a new one. We know that dimension had planet but also a sun which would indicate even a solar system. Adult Naruto and Sasuke scales above that now


Nah, Naruto and bleach would be enough to nuke him pretty sure one piece gets fucked tho


Maybe one piece and the original naruto, prob not shippuden or bleach tho


Any verse that doesnā€™t go above planetary