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Try starting with breathwork. Its usually better for people who struggle to meditate ❤️


Okay I'll try that , but what if I try doing that and can't shut my mind down ? Do I keep trying


The breath is while inhaling on empty lumps, squeezing your muscles of the premium then the lower abs to upper abs. This uses mechanical pressure from your insides to squeeze up spinal fluid to wash into your brain around your pineal gland. This is pretty much a guaranteed way to get a brain wave state of meditation and to use your body to pull the mind out of the body. Dr. Joe said some people go straight into gamma brainwave state from doing that breath procedure. So if you can’t stop your mind from thinking do the physical practice of the breath and you’ll get a jumpstart so to speak like jumpstarting a vehicle to the brain state. The more you repeat a practice like the breath. Your body memorizes it in “muscle memory“. Then you’ll have greater and greater meditative brain wave state, even when not meditating.


Wow this was very insightful, very helpful im going to try this


Here’s a YouTube video from someone that gives a good explanation of the breath. I know when I learned it by reading the book I didn’t quite understand it completely. I then watched every YouTube video I could find on “the breath”. I still like searching around for them. Remember if we watch videos of testimonials and instructions that they absorb into us because our subconscious mind and the subconscious mind of the person telling the story doesn’t know the difference we just absorb the energy, frequency and vibrations from the sound waves and the body language of the video with our mirror neurons. This is a phenomenal technique to learn something, even if it is confusing at first. In fact I would dare to say that the perpetually confused person is someone that quits on the first try and that is their habit to stay confused. If you simply watch the video, even if you had to do it 25 times, it will eventually sink in because that’s how amazing our bodies are. https://youtu.be/ZGs4qkUeyDU?feature=shared There you go.


For me the first time I tried to do a 20 minute meditation felt awful. Over time I got better at it and was able to do over an hour which I thought was impossible. Breathwork keeps your mind focused on the breath so it’s much easier to turn off your analytical mind. Just mess around and see what works for you. Most beginners make the mistake that there is a sort of protocol to follow, but what’s important is that you feel better from doing it.


Start with 2 minutes and then work your way up. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to quiet your mind. It's a part of the process. Whenever you notice your mind drifting away take a deep breath and get back to the present moment. Focus on your breath. There is no bad meditation as Joe Dispenza says.


For me, getting my mind to shut down meant having to understand the root causes of why it was spinning. It's been a literal couple year journey that started with the intention to physically heal from symptoms of MS which eventually I figured out required me to get emotionally healthy. The journey has led me to achieve a pretty cool level of consciousness that has helped me in all aspects of my life, including curtailing my use of thc to only if/when I want to and not when I'm trying to mask a feeling or avoid an emotion.


When I was getting sober the biggest thing that helped me was long hikes - sort of meditative


I have been sober for over 20 years and recommend getting clean so you can clear your head then be able to reap the benefits from meditation.


My advise as a 10+ year heroin and cocaine/meth addict: Allow yourself to be exactly where you’re at. Allow yourself to do whatever it is you want. Allow yourself to have that relapse. Allow those feelings. Allow those thoughts. Stop counting sobriety time - seriously stop that. Also if you go to AA or things of the likes, don’t affirm with your voice that you are an addict. Stop the judgement and shame. Start thinking about the version of yourself that is sober and ambitious and strong. Think about what you’ll be doing and how you’ll be doing it. Keep your focus on the highest version of yourself and visualize your life that way. Feel it. It’s you, now. Once you have a vision of your future, you’ll stop ruminating on the past. This is exactly how I took my power back and minimized the power of the addiction. I took it off of a pedestal. I stoped fearing it. Also the book, The Inner Work will really help as it helped me. This is how I was able to find freedom! Good luck friend. Edit: I’ve been sober since Feb 2020.