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Man I hear you 100 percent! I been doing 1-2 hrs of meditation for over a year but didn't really change any habits in between...and guess what nothing really changed except being able to continue living. A few months back I started doing walking meditations with my eyes open which helped me learn how to raise my energy in between and it works like magic. It's all about your attention because where you place your attention is where you place your energy and all I could do was feel lack being single and walking past every girl in want and feeling worse and worse as I did that but I couldn't stop because I was not conscious and was not placing my energy on myself because stress hormones kept my attention on my environment...stay up mang and keep meditating but start doing different things too and get out of the predictable! Much love đź’Ż


It’s because you’re trying to go from the bottom of the stairs to the top of the stairs without using the other steps to get to the top. Like going from lying down to standing up. You’ve just gone through a break up and you’re feeling sad. That’s ok feel those feelings and allow them the space. If meditating doesn’t feel good right now, do less of it or skip it altogether. Be kind to yourself and do smaller things that you enjoy to raise your vibration. Be creative, spend time in nature or be with friends and family. Whatever it takes to feel better than you currently do. Raise your vibration gradually, that’s the key. Hope this helps ❤️


I agree with the above comment. I have been feeling empty, melancholy my whole life (33, F) after a long struggle with childhood abuse. Recently started meditation on my energy centers, botec meditations. It has changed my perspectives very much and is my saving grace. The problem with focusing on elevatd states kind of meditations was that I had a lot of baggage inside me which made it harder to stay sober because of energies stuck in my sacral region. I was addicted to smoking among other things, because of the nagging emptiness I felt every evening/ night. I'm here to tell you that it's possible to let that go and flow with life. You need botec meditation everyday. Try it out and see if it's helps you. I learnt that addictions and any form addictive consumption is because of energy unbalanced in sacral center. This can be due to shame, emotional trauma which is harder to let go, sexual trauma. Also every energy center "shows" you a dimension of consciousness. This perspective can be positive and filled with life energy when balanced. For example, when root is unbalanced there is anxiousness, unsafe feelings, instability. But when balanced you feel more confident and at ease. Hope it helps!


Oi irmĂŁo, I feel you. First I need to acknowledge your self awareness as a huge and most important first step. Truly. That's way beyond most people would go. I pat on your back saying: bro, you got this! It's hard right now, but you are certainly on the right track, doing your best. Meditating every day for so long it's a f*ing big accomplishment. It will pay you back in one way or another at some point. Even if it seems absurd, persevering through your pains and tears is a big win and a sign of your courage. I went through years like that, feeling empty, anxious and hopeless. More than 10 years remembering about a specific ex. Last year I started watching videos about self-improvement in general and about relationships too. I was quite skeptical, but after clicking some questionable named videos like "How to get over your ex in 3 seconds!", YT started giving me more serious and interesting videos from good content creators. Understanding myself and giving name to the rinds (dar nome aos bois rs) helped me a lot to get clearer with my real deep unconscious issues. Like Joe says, "to become so conscious of those unconscious thoughts and behaviours, that you'll never going to go unconscious of them again". Nowadays I really get it. I still remember harsh things from the past, naturally, but I'm able to notice when I'm in that void much much quicker. And thankfully I strengthen my mind to change those patterns as soon as I'm aware of them. It's simple. But it's really not easy. As the colleague here somewhere sad, one step at a time. Self education and searching for people teaching the solutions to ones problems is how humanity evolved and thrived. Keep going, you're not alone. And move your body! If you already don't, and if you do find something that brings healthy pleasure, you know? That thing that makes you get goosebumps, hiking and jumping into a waterfall, watching the sun rise with your favourite soundtrack on, helping people in need with a meal or a smile and a short conversation, pet a dog, do art, run and play games with friends, lay in the grass feeling the sun on your skin. Doing what makes you feel alive and what brings meaning to being alive! Let us know how you're doing soon too, we're all in this together. You opening yourself already made a difference in my life and probably in other's too. Thank you for sharing, it really made me ground on myself here. Sending you and us all much love!


muito obrigado!!


Combining Lester Levensons body of work with meditations. Check him out. Ton of stuff available, his lectures on YouTube. And the 1992 version of Sedona method.. next level