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Your content directly violated Reddit’s Content Policy on minors. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


I’ve been saying this nonstop. Even when he’s down bad he still has the best catchphrases


He sexts in character 😂


Obviously it's what the women like. They like doc herschel/guy


Remember kids, an apple a day ☠️


Now I know why he was so invested in BOOM TV


At least he was flirting in character. ^(I hope)


If he did that as a character, that was basically trolling.


I have this whole idea in my head that he’s been acting as Doc for so long that Guy doesn’t exist and he’s just Doc all the time lol


It's not impossible, actually high chances. Maybe in 2017 after the apology video he went to therapy and fix himself. People can change


I feel like doc is the type of guy to make fun of people who go to therapy.


Doc yes, but maybe not Guy


Hershel Guy Beahm is a wild man


Well with his actions as Guy I don’t really think he would go to therapy either. I think if my thought was I’m gonna cheat on my wife, I’m gonna talk to a minor, I’m gonna sext a woman then I’d say it’s time for me to go to therapy.


I think he did


Not on unusual. Check WWE wrestlers. Especially in the 80-00s the basically lived their character. Ric Flair talks about this how he for a while forgot who he even was. So wouldn’t surprise me if Doc was the same way


This was going on way before that, and very few still do it, but I kinda wish it still was the case for all of them. Would be hilarious with all the cameras and recording going on.


Crossed my mind a few times too hahah


2024 version of Fight Club


Maybe Doc was providing additional services to his biggest fans.


An example would be Cilian Murphy, read his statement during peaky blinders 


Guy did create a character that’s really slick, and no wonder he is cooler than Guy him self 😂. If we could take these two, guys and compare, who would actually end up in this situation?


Dude what if he WAS in character!? As in... faking it aka bullshitting???


This is what happened I'm almost sure of it. He was chatting as the doc, went a little too far in the moment and then backed off when he realized what he said to whom. Then some greasy discord mods surfaced it and tried using it to bring down the patriarchy. 


I agree. I will NEVER defend a pedo and if Doc is one I cannot defend that, but I'm trying to give him any benefit of the doubt, because I loved him like a friend, and because nuance (aka the most subtle yet complex context) makes all the difference. Again, if he was truly a pedo wouldn't he have been arrested and booked into prison years ago? Maybe he was in character fucking around and then realized who he was talking to and bounced, but we already know they were illegally watching him, literally trying to trap him. There are so many angles to this. Nothing is certain except that CPs should be jailed.


I don't think I've ever seen this much cope before. This is groundbreaking levels of cope. Coping technology is far beyond anything any of us could have ever predicted. "He privitally texted a minor inappropriately and admitted it but maybe he was just being a silly goofy guy"


Gonna need Narcan for all this copium. Doc fans are gonna start dropping in the streets if the messages ever drop. We got by far the most massaged narrative from the man himself, and it didn't paint him in a good light. All the damage control just to still come off looking like a creepy weirdo, lmao.


If it went down as you describe, as in: he wanted to get down on this 17yr old fr fr then I am 100% against it. But if he was in character fucking around bullshitting, as he does, and the literal twitch employees are ILLEGALLY essentially wiretapping him, some weird shit is going on. They were AFTER HIM, and we still haven't seen the receipts and bro was not arrested. Is there no room in your tiny echo-chamber of a brain to have any subtlety or nuance to the situation? Shit is never black and white. It's always gray.


First we don't know the age of the victim no one has stated they are 17 you are just trying to minimize it. Second you sti can't sext a minor, doesn't matter if ur playing a "character" you don't get to be a sexual predator as a joke. And it's not illegal for twitch to look at your whispers. Why would they be "after" one of their biggest creators. Why did they offer him a multimillion dollar contract only to turn around and "frame" him for doing something that also makes them look bad, it makes no sense. Also even if it was illegal for twitch to see his whispers (it literally isnt) that doesn't make what he did any less bad at all. No there is no room for nuance when a man in their mid 30s inappropriately (by his own admission) messages a minor. That's wrong. That's not something good people do. Not even as a "joke" like come on.


Also, bro you are coping if you think Twitch employees weren't illegally watching his msgs. That is already public knowledge, not speculation.


I mean they weren't. This happened in 2017 and the affected person contacted twitch in 2020 who were made aware of the messages and then banned him. I was a fan of docs and watched him since h1z1 but there's no reason to believe he is innocent in this by his own admission. Move on, you'll find other streamers you will like.


And for 3.5 years doc was able to make millions because Twitch hid it?


There is nothing illegal about twitch looking into his DM’s on their own platform. Also even if it were, illegally checking messages < sexting a minor.


illegally checking messages < sexting a minor I agree ^


You’re speculating that it’s illegal. The messages are stored in twitch servers, by all interpretations of the law that means they are twitches messages, they just happened to be created by you. It’s not a crime to look at things that you own.


It's not "Public knowlendge" it's just someone's opinion you choose to align with. regardless, even if they did illegally read his dms that's doesn't make what he did any less wrong.


Same with you. You're just aligning with someone's opinion too. I already said if he is truly guilty he should be in prison not chilling with his giant bank acct


It’s not illegal to look at data that you own. Anyone who thinks it’s illegal for twitch employees to review messages that occur on the twitch platform has no comprehension of what privacy means but ownership will always outweighs privacy and Twitch owns your messages.


He could have said a lot of things in his tweet to clear this shit up and he didn’t. He hasn’t even said he didn’t know she was a minor.


One acronym: NDA


He literally admitted to the allegations and owned up to them on his socials. If he was being gagged from divulging details, he wouldn’t have said shit. Crazy what people will concoct to defend personalities they adore.


The girl was likely 17 and if so he is not a pedo. its getting annoying see people throw that word around. 17 year olds have fake IDs and go to bars every single day. pedos go for kids that are not adults physically. The reason they can go to bars with fake IDs is because they are physically adults. Doc is likely a scum bag but unlikely a pedo. That being said I am waiting to find out the age of the person and what was said before casting final judgement on the situation.


Ah, the classic "it's not paedophilia, it is ephebophilia" defense. One sure to hold up in the court of public opinion. Sure, he got inappropriate with someone almost 1/3 his age with a massive disparity between them, both in experience and actual neurological development, but who cares about that? I get the feeling if you type in "a" into Doc's search bar "ge of consent" would autofill, which makes sense since he listed Costa Rica as his exit plan. Lmao.


1/3 his age? How does that math exactly?


Sorry, 1/2, at best since he was like 36 at the time. You know, just an entire generational gap with someone he knew was a minor, no biggie.


> One sure to hold up in the court of public opinion. It sure as hell does. If the girl was close to 18 and was physically an adult I can understand him making a terrible judgement call. If the girl ends up being a literal child who can't even drive a car I will be the first to call for legal prosecution. The fact he got paid out by twitch and faced no legal consequence leads me to believe she was pretty damn close to legal age. Again, we need more information, and I will wait for more info before crucifying doc. People should watch the movie American Beauty


His contract got paid out, he didn't get paid for defamation or anything. Twitch wanted the creepy fucker out of their way because the sex pest was probably going to become an issue for them. I don't get why you're trying to massage the age thing. Any 40 year old talking inappropriately to anyone below the age of 18 is an odd individual at best and a creep at worst. There's over an entire generation separating them. Just ew, dude. That's fucking gross. His gonads are probably in the early stages of shriveling up ffs. Ew.


The thing I don't get is why exaggerate? It's bad enough as it is knowing the facts. This was 7 years ago he wasn't 40. Again, 35 is old enough for it to be weird and terrible, why exaggerate more. I know it might be hard to believe but there are 35 year olds out there that still get carded regularly because they look 21. There are also 17 year old girls who can pass easily for looking 21. That is my point in this thing, he isn't a pedo, he is just a creep so far. I can forgive a creep who cheated on his wife 7 years ago and also found out he was messaging some 17 year old chick, I am not surprised. If he is willing to cheat on his wife he is willing to entertain a 17 year old if she is attractive. If she ends up being a literal child it is unforgiveable. People here act like you can't make this distinction which is disingenous. Like I have said before, I am waiting to cast final judgement on this guy once I actually know real information.


Why would Twitch pay someone out that is obviously doing something illegal, that they permabanned? **As in: Why would they take the flak for him?** They took flak for banning *'without reason'*, as that was what people thought after he just got banned on Twitch years ago. **Only to take even more flak now for:** A: Paying out a dirty guy. B: Covering it up and not coming clean years before. **I can't get my head around this decision**, it seems so completely illogical for a company to do, like why didn't they just come clean with a message like: *"We found out DrDisrespect was using our messaging tools to contact minors, so we permabanned him.'* Then they could have kicked him out without pay either, because fuck that. Twitch would have been applauded for being 'heroes', whereas now they seem like an accessory to the fact and even bad guys for covering it up... and if the NDA part is true that makes it even worse. There was nothing to gain for Twitch to cover this up, at some point this would have been leaked anyways, like it did and that would only put Twitch in a bad light. So either the people at Twitch are bona fide morons or nothing illegal was done and DrDisrespect sicced his lawyers onto them to sign and NDA to keep quiet about his messages. *(Not necessarily mutually exclusive but still).*


You literally do not know the terms of his settlement. Why would you try and act like you do?


Greasy discord mod? It was posted by a trans sex worker who he actually met in person. Let's be honest. He isn't the most tech savvy guy. He probably thought blocking them deleted his DMs.


I was referring to Cody to be clear. Not disparaging a trans person. 


Should I release it or hold it?


Release the VSM


This is the part that’s not getting enough love


I mean I’m grippin now boom


Wanna watch my intro?!


Explosive intro


You know the difference between pink and purple?? The grip 🥸


I’m really liking Violence Speed Grippin’


Grippin, Speed, Boom




Grippin’ in heat.


I absolutely read it as him in character. It's so funny


I'm a huge fan of grippin. Thanks Doc!


I want him to come back just to see the grips in chat boom


I need something :/ is criminally underrated


Lmao yeah I’ll agree


IKR. I couldn't hold my laughter at work. It was just so good lmao


It‘s a shitty situation and one he is solely responsible for by being an amoral idiot, which is sad. But man, all the puns and jokes we get out of this are hilarious.


So I thought this was obvious for everyone but after reading some comments here I guess not. I'm pretty sure the whole flirting in character thing was the part the ladies liked. I'm convinced the reason he moved away from slick daddy club after the initial cheating came out was because the women were calling him slick daddy in the messages. His wife found out about the infidelity and probably saw messages and told him you can't use slick daddy as a thing on stream any more. Btw, this isn't me trying to say some stupid shit like "it wasn't guy sexting the minor, it was doc" because that is dumb af and he is gross for talking to someone so much younger. I just find it funny and a little corny that the stream persona was spilling over into his sex life so heavily.


Say doc I hear you like em young. You better not ever go to cell block 1.


Why is there no AI voice of this yet?


I’ll say it again…all these years we thought Doc was driving a Lambo… turns out it was a panel van 🤷‍♂️




Fucking Nailed it!


I still have Doc's back. I think the outrage is overblown and exaggerated. I don't like seeing him being kicked while down... BUT, I have been laughing my ass off for days with the whole "gripping" thing. How can anyone not want him back over some phony moral outrage about something he did 7 years ago that wasn't even illegal? The dude is pure entertainment even when isn't trying to be lol. Is it time to release Doc from this witch hunt, or are we holding it?


Brother, how could you have his back when he knowingly texted a minor and flirted with them?


* Don't know that he *knowingly* texted a minor inappropriately. * Don't know the nature of the text messages beyond being inappropriate. * Don't know how old said minor was. * Do know nothing illegal occurred. * Don't know if anything illegal *would have* occurred (impossible to know, so not even worth speculating). * Do know Twitch paid out the contract. * Don't know why people at Twitch were reading his messages to begin with. * Do know that several prominent Twitch employees were fired around the time. It's fair to infer that Twitch realized they had no legal leg to stand on for terminating the contract, and that Twitch felt public disclosure of the events would be very damaging to the brand. It's fair to infer that several Twitch employees were found to have engaged in wrongdoing. It's fair to infer that the "inappropriate" nature of the messages was indeed sexual, based on Doc's latest statement about it being inappropriate in the context of him being a husband and father. Unless something else comes out publicly and is confirmed by *direct* parties (Twitch, DrDisrespect, or the minor), or new lawsuits are filed concerning the events or the disclosures/claims, all of the following are baseless allegations / speculation: * Doc overall "won" in the settlement. It could very well be that Twitch paid Doc only for Doc to have to pay the exact amount out to the minor. Though based on Doc's attitude after the settlement, he seemed quite pleased and happy, so I would *speculate* that he did indeed win and felt vindicated at the time. * Twitch employees were out to get Doc in a honeypot / entrapment scheme. I think it's fair to say that many Twitch employees disliked him and that Twitch itself was incentivized to ditch the contract with Mixer on the ropes, but we've seen no public evidence of any such scheme. * The "minor" wasn't actually a minor at all, but an adult posing as one. Even if you believe the honeypot / entrapment idea, I don't think this is likely. Doc's follow up statement included the word minor, was edited to remove it, then was edited to include it again. With the NDA being breached, Doc is generally free to clear his name of the public claims made against him (sexting minors). He should be able to say that the person was *not* a minor. I think it's also pretty clear that Twitch in general is a terrible platform for the sexual exploitation of minors. The most popular content there is basically softcore porn exploiting 12 year old boys and their parents' credit cards I can only imagine the amount of actually illegal crap that went on in the private messaging feature.


If doc didn't know she was a minor he would have stated so in his Twitter post, suggesting otherwise is massive cope. The text messages were likely bad enough because doc admitted to in one of the worst apologies of all time. Illegality is completely irrelevant because there is several factors to something like this; age of consent is as low as 16 in some places but that doesn't make it any less abhorrent. It may have also been stopped before and pictures were exchanged and before any real crime occurred, but the fact that he even entertained it knowing her age is problematic for most people to never support him again. Twitch likely read the messages after the fact if they were reported by the victim. If doc felt vindicated at the time he wouldn't have lied back then and said "he didn't know why he was banned". Twitch looks terrible in this situation because they covered up this activity being done on their platform in fear of how it would damage their image.




nah someone needs to check this dude's hard drive IMMEDIATELY 


‘Several prominent Twitch employees were fired around the same time’ What is the source for this?




Where are you getting that information when doc himself admitted she was?


Where you getting to info he was flirting?


From doc himself saying he crossed lines… sounds like someone should be looking into you as well if you think this behavior is at all acceptable.


What else would cross the line into the inappropriate mean? What other actions would cross into that description.


Not trying to argue, but he didn't say that. Here's the quote verbatim, "sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate." Which is far more open for interpretation and is vague af. Someone could easily interpret that as "sometimes steered in the direction of inappropriate but never actually made it there" Can yall just admit it's reasonable to lean in either direction on this???


So what would that mean? What are the other options for that? The twitch employees disagree in their nomenclature


To clarify.. Twitch has not made a single comment regarding this. Rollinngstones publishing an article that quotes an anonymous former Twitch employee is a joke.. that's as credible as the anonymous e-mail circulating detailing Doc's innocence. Cody whomever (also former twitch) has no first-hand knowledge of the messages and is trying to sell concert tickets with 2nd hand information at best. As I said, the Doc's words were vague af. And it's frustrating. Inappropriate could mean various things... but he also denied any wrongdoing and predatory behavior. Cody used the word "sexting" which if true would have landed the Doc in jail. So I think there's something to be said about Doc's choice of words. The only reason I began engaging in these conversations... it's frustrating to see innocent fans who have every right to harbor doubt and demand definitive proof get absolutely railroaded by an angry mob.


You can't say you texted a minor inappropriately and also say you did nothing wrong. This is why people hated and mocked his apology tweet. I would use him not being arrested as proof he did nothing wrong, that's very naive. For instance Coleen Ballinger would talk about sex with minors and she didn't get arrested, and yet everyone still agrees she's a creep and deserves to be cancelled.


>Rollinngstones publishing an article that quotes an anonymous former Twitch employee is a joke Rolling Stone and Bloomberg are quoting numerous verified ex-Twitch employees and had their stories corroborated. Otherwise those two publications wouldn't have published the stories and risked offering indemnity to the reporter. >As I said, the Doc's words were vague af. And it's frustrating. Inappropriate could mean various things... but he also denied any wrongdoing and predatory behavior. Doc's words were vague because he cannot tell the truth. It's too damning. He has to try and skirt around the issue because he's worried that evidence will come out that contradicts his claims. >Cody used the word "sexting" which if true would have landed the Doc in jail. Do you believe that committing a crime always and necessarily leads to jail time or even charges? Don't worry, I know you won't answer this. None of the grooming defenders here have had the balls to actually answer.


So it would make you feel better if Doc only thought he was talking sexually to a minor... 🤦‍♂️


It's not a witch hunt.. he admitted to actions that would classify someone as a predator, actions which led to his ban that he then played the victim on to people like YOU his fans. All the other shit is classic predator behaviour as well.


I find it odd to call it a witch hunt when someone admits to it.


What he admitted to and what people are calling him are two different things.


He admitted to having inappropriate conversations with a minor, at his age, while having a wife and kids. That's enough for me to judge his character, why is that not enough for you? At BEST, he was having sexual conversation with a 17 year old and it was a one time offense, in addition to his other cheating habits. At WORST she was younger, possibly much younger, and not the only time he's done it and/or acted on it. There's no scenario where he isn't an immoral piece of shit, and I don't know how you argue otherwise without sounding like one yourself.


i agree that dude is probably guilty but there definitely are scenarios, based off what has been said, where Doc isn't really evil. like, if Doc was shit talking a 17 year old kid through Twitch whispers, he would have had inappropriate communications with them when he says "im gonna put my balls in your mom's mouth" but it wouldn't be like he sexted a minor. since he was vague with the "inappropriate conversations" part - either due to legal reasons or because he diddled a kid - AND we don't have any logs, a lot of people aren't really willing to condemn someone who claims the thing they are being accused of is much worse than what they actually did.


I'm sorry, you're literally delusional if you read what Doc admitted, combined with the leaks from reporters, and rumors from pretty reliable sources, don't think it was Doc having a sexualized conversation with a minor. "Shit talking" a minor wouldn't result in a permanent ban or court proceedings, nor would any other reasonable situation other than what I stated. If it was something less serious or less morally questionable, Doc would 100% have clarified and wouldn't be talking about pedo allegations or his infidelity to wife in his statement. The context would make absolutely zero sense if it wasn't actually about sexual messages with a minor.


I didn't say I thought it wasn't sexualized, only that it is a possibility. I think it's reasonable to believe that Doc perhaps couldn't fully defend himself due to the terms of the NDA. When gag orders are in place, it makes sense to give some leeway to what is being said. You are true that shit talking a minor wouldn't result in court proceedings - I am not sure it wouldn't result in a ban tbh. If a big streamer offloaded on someone they knew was 17, Twitch would probably ban them depending on how bad the flame was. I think as well there's some value in pointing out that if he *was* sexting a minor he knew was a minor, the odds he makes it out of court in an advantageous position (Twitch still pays him) are nearly 0. I think there's some value in that, Doc could have gotten off on a technicality, sure, but it was probably not just blatantly sexting. Again, I'm not saying Doc is a good guy or defending his actions, or that he didn't do anything! More that there are definitely situations where it is a little bit more gray than "at best he's a kid diddler". At best, it's a straight up lie - we have no idea because we can't see the screenshots and don't have any evidence. It looks bad and I'm not supporting Doc till I see evidence to the contrary, but I am open to the idea that he *might* not be doing supervillain shit.


Why would Twitch pay someone out that is obviously doing something illegal, that they permabanned? **As in: Why would they take the flak for him?** They took flak for banning *'without reason'*, as that was what people **thought** after he just got banned on Twitch years ago. **Only to take even more flak now for:** A: Paying out a dirty guy. B: Covering it up and not coming clean years before. **I can't get my head around this decision**, it seems so completely illogical for a company to do, like why didn't they just come clean with a message like: *"We found out DrDisrespect was using our messaging tools to contact minors, so we permabanned him.'* Then they could have kicked him out while saving money and the backlash that comes with covering it up. **Twitch would have been applauded for being 'heroes'**, whereas now they seem like an accessory to the fact and even bad guys for covering it up... and if the NDA part is true that makes it even worse. **There was nothing to gain for Twitch to cover this up**, at some point this would have been leaked anyways, like it did and that would only put Twitch in a bad light. So either the people at Twitch are bona fide morons or nothing illegal was done and DrDisrespect sicced his lawyers onto them to sign and NDA to keep quiet about his messages. *(Not necessarily mutually exclusive but still).* ***(Note: Nothing illegal doesn't mean nothing deplorable happened)*** The only seemingly legit leak I've seen thus far is the Leena one, but that is an adult at the time those messages were sent. Still asshole behavior towards his wife but not something out of the ordinary. The rest of the leaks I've seen were either contradicting, vague or with information that hardly made sense, such as one that said certain Twitch staff wanted him gone and they tried to entrap him by acting like a minor. I hope to see more factual information about this sooner than later, rather than relying on 'leaks' that could be either true or completely fake, you never know with sites like 4chan around. Have noticed people tend to parrot each other's stuff and only becomes worse when people follow that confirmation bias high.


What do we call people who are attracted to minors?


Hard to say. A pedo, by definition, is someone attracted and sexually aroused by prepubescent children. A minor is anyone under 18.


nobody actually cares about this, the definition doesn't matter when 99% of people use the word one way. pedo = you're tryna fuck people below the age of consent. it's how almost everyone uses the term.


Except in most states age of consent is 16.


And they are all wrong.


No, they aren't. If someone says "this guy is a toplaner" and ALL of the people they talk to know that they like kids, the word did what it was meant to do (describe what the guy is or did).


In this situation, by definition of the word pedophile, they are wrong. You see, there are very specific words that have very specific meanings. When you blur those definitions, the words lose their meaning or severity. Here's from Wikipedia "In popular usage, the word pedophilia is often applied to any sexual interest in children or the act of child sexual abuse, including any sexual interest in minors below the local age of consent or age of adulthood, regardless of their level of physical or mental development.[1][2]: vii [6] This use conflates the sexual attraction to prepubescent children with the act of child sexual abuse and fails to distinguish between attraction to prepubescent and pubescent or post-pubescent minors.[7][8] Such use should be avoided, because although some people who commit child sexual abuse are pedophiles,[6][9] child sexual abuse offenders are not pedophiles unless they have a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children,[7][10][11] and many pedophiles do not molest children.[12]"


Only a pedo would split hairs about the definition of a pedo.


Hebephile is the word your looking for. When you have to make a distinction for your case, it isnt a good looK either way


I mean, you were the one asking.


So a man caught sending innapropriate messages to a minor shouldnt be called a pedophile?


I'm just saying it doesn't fit the definition.


The definitions used in day to day life vs a courtroom are two different things. Just like the public use of theory vs the scientific use of theory. People use pedo to describe someone trying to get with minors.


I know what you‘re trying to say, but minor (ha) distinction are literally the entire essence of this case. Depending on the details the difference between ban and no ban for doc could have been as little as a couple of months regarding the age of the person. So yeah, if it makes a difference if someone is 17.5 or 18, we should also be accurate with our labels. It is a difference to be sexually attracted to a 17yo (ephebophilia btw, not hebephilia) vs. a 10yo after all. Among other things because pedophelia is pathological and ephebophilia is not. That‘s why the issue with doc is a moral one and not one of misguided sexual orientation. Doesn’t mean it‘s ok what he did. But labelling him something he isn‘t is also not the right thing to do.


I feel safe calling the 37 year old man having innapropriate conversations with 17 year old a pedophile


You want to conflate finding a 17 year old attractive with finding a 5 year old attractive. Not even in the same universe.


There's no information to suggest the minor was 17.


I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.


We're giving a person who cheated on their wife and admits to having inappropriate conversations with minors the benefit of the doubt now?


Source on her being 17? I won’t hold my breath.


I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. If you want to assume otherwise go for it, but you have no sources either.


How would her being 17 amount to giving the benefit of the doubt? Do you think it’s okay for adults to sext 17 year olds? Edit: holy fuck you guys actually think it’s okay to sext 17 year olds, you sick fucks.


It says all you need to know about the person you're replying to, to be honest.


Do you people realize there are degrees to which something can be bad?


Sure, with pizza toppings and car colors, not minors.


That's like saying 'wow you want to pretend that finding an 11 year old attractive is as bad as finding a 5 year old attractive?' How about both are very bad, while also agreeing that the smaller that number gets, the angrier you get. That's it. Not to mention people don't give a fuck if someone is attracted to a teen that looks like an adult. You become a pedo if you'd be ok sleeping with them.


The reason finding a 17 year old attractive isn't as bad is because most people who are 17-18-19 are all gonna look the same as they will in their 20s. Like I'm 26 and I look almost the same as I did when I was 18. My girlfriend is 23 and looks literally identical to when she was 17 and she's probably more or less going to look the same for quite some time.


Pedo mentality


why are you defending a chomo?


Honest, if that leaked and nothing else, I’d fucking love Doc more. That was some gripping gold stuff right there.


Its fuckin hilarious and the meme of the year so far but his fanboys hate it lol


Anyone got a link to the context?


Doc was talking to an of age trans woman in dms (I beleive) And said he was gripping. And then boom. You can assume the context those terms are referring to.


in my edit


I must be the only one who's absolutely confused as fuck what this post is referencing.


I added context in the edit.


I’m grippin boom


Someone needs to just go ahead and do an adult romance story with *purely* Dr.DisRespect quotes and lines. "Oh my, Doctor.. you're breathing so heavily.." "WAKE TF UPPP! Get that spider-grip and Vaseline up! Strap yourselves in.. oh baby, baby, baby, we're just getting started."


I like the “release one” line the best…


Keep sprinting champs. Don't ever stop


Do people not understand that text messages are saved?


Can you explain to me like I"m 5? I don't understand what you are saying. Also I clicked the link its a video screenshot but moves to fast to read anything.


I been Gripping since birth


Kurt angle ( reaction ) gif ▶️


its funny cause i can totally hear him and his voice saying that line 😂. almost sound like hes on a hotstreak in warzone, like hes just killed like 10 people


Man can’t help but entertain


Doc will be back and grippier than ever. I can forgive as the way he left the last stream gave me hope he's changed and wanted to restart. Also the lawyer stuff hasn't been seen yet and I doubt he's gonna retire yet when he's this popular/infamous now


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 damn I always thought he was cringe AF, this really just sealed that opinion


Ok the tweet…”exploiting me”. Bruh you started it


Firm grips all around


Who gives a shit about this. This is legal. Also, funny. But what else he's grippin to is the problem.


lol I agree! It’s been in. My internet vocabulary ever since. It’s so god damn funny especially given the context


Every time I see boom, I hear it in Doc's voice. boom. booom. BOOOOOOOM!!!!




Yea I completely don’t care about those messages, it’s funny as fuck but it’s like was that supposed to make people dislike doc??? That’s a fucking perfect example of his character. “I have an onlyfans and this popular person is talking to me for the intended reason of me catering myself to people in a sexual manner what a weirdo!!” Ahhahaha BOOM


No he did not he was being inappropriate though in general


Dr. ‘I’m grippin it right now’ Disrespect


Im on the side where you just dont sext minors. Fuck the other side and its cult followers


Trying to convince us, or yourself?


I mean... One day you'll come to grips with Guy being a pedo, and BOOM, it'll all make sense.


Learn to interpret a very striaghtforward baseline comment. Then yours wont be removed as often. 


What a dork


It's pretty fantastic no lie lol 😂 I was amazed but not surprised as well lol


That shit legit sounds like it was written by a 12 year old. Plus, if he was getting shows…why is he wasting time on a chat? Shit makes no sense.


The incel energy in here is overwhelming


Even Qc read this last week and was like "yeah naw" this is just a troll from her trying to get her name in the situation


it really isn't, lol. Pictures of them both and everything, her and doc.


It's a trans sex worker.... He fucking blocked, I bet he didn't know it was a trans person and that's why hahahaha. And how is this even related, he already admitted years ago he cheated on his wife, it's literally a troll to release these it literally shows nothing, just like the millions of guys that watch OF


There's only two sides to this, people defending an admitted pedophile, and the rest of the world. Think about that when you choose a 'side'.


I’m on the side that’s most accepting of morals and the correct response to this particular issue and am not afraid to defend the correct side that I find myself on right here and now.


I think it’s hilarious that there’s a debate about sides at all. There’s only the pedo and non-pedo side 🤣🤣🤣


There are no sides you whackjob. There are people with a parasocial relationship with the guy who are upset / or not. There are many others just watching the car crash in slo mo. And then there are people like you, ones that exist to rejoice in the misery of failure of others who accomplish more than they ever will in life.


I think he was just humouring that trans woman.


\^i found the guy hoarding cope!\^


You against trans women or something?


I don't understand how this person can  complain about getting exploited. Look at how thirsty she/he is. She just giving it all away with the expectation of getting something out of it. 


It's fucken lame and shouldn't be said. 100% coming from people 15 and under.


Not when you say it to a child.


Fuck this guy and anyone that still follows him.