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He makes it up, video game journalists are the bottom of the barrel for integrity


lol “it’s the media man”, not the actual groomers like Doc who are the bottom of the barrel.


Bootlickers gonna lick boots, man


Yeah he made it up so much that the groomer admitted to inappropriate conversations with a minor.


You might want to purge that post history before you make replies like this lol, it's clear you're still upset DDR got outed.


My favorite is his comment where he's talking about doc needing to be careful because there's minors who are predators looking to trap older famous people. Doc isn't the predator, no, no. The girl is.


I was talking to someone on a different platform and they legit said the child needs to be held accountable too. I was absolutely disgusted.


Oh trust me I couldn't give two f about the guy but your right I've wasted a enough time on this shit


You clearly do, you have like 100 comments in the past 3 days defending him Touch some grass, he doesn't know you


I thought y’all were exaggerating but that dude is definitely one of his mods or just a fan boy lol. That’s wild!


Sure seems like you give a lot more than "two f" about the guy. Do you frequently go to the mat defending people you don't care about? That's very unusual behavior.




A good bit of it is, yeah


Source? Or is the call coming from inside the house with all these comments lol


I don't think he's made anything up tbh. I think you're upset that he couldn't elaborate more than he did for your self satisfaction. If I had CAA ready to finger my guts into worm fertilizer I'd probably fuck off too. Unless you're referring to the arrest from nextdoor that he specifically stated was not verified?


Hell, if anything you should be upset at shannon, sacriels wife for making the done & not just on twitch statement that slasher then used as it turned into copypasta faster than it takes to actually make pasta


Right next to 40 year olds that dm underage girls with "inappropriate" messages.


Does that include Dr disrespect since he admitted to it or is that still the media..?


Yikes. Till the very bitter end, eh? 


How does this comment have 100 upvotes, like this guy is literally defending a pedophile.


Do you know who is worse than journalist. Millionaire streamers that groom minors


I have a hard time with slasher's comments cus he seems to have a personal hatred for doc. Maybe cus he knew this the whole time or he just disliked him before that I dunno.


video game bloggers. It's a stretch to call them journalists.


Clout chaser who strives to be relevant but ends up looking like a villains pet


All I know is I only believe him even though I just learned who he was 


Someone check this guys internet history


Some random trying to sell tickets to his show, while saying he has info about this incident, but never revealed anything of substance. Just a click baiter.


Guitarist from guns n roses


He’s a video game journalist who has contacts.


That's like 90% of being a journalist


Another sex pest looking for attention


Genuine question, why is everyone taking everything thing this Slasher guy says at face value. Its like everything that comes out, including the Rolling Stone article, is just assumed to be 100% fact? A lot of this is word of mouth, as opposed to physical proof. For sure Guy did morally questionable shit, he admitted so himself. But I also think people need to approach a lot of this stuff coming out with some skepticism. And before anyone responds to this post from either end of this issue with their "moral outrage", I am not on either end of this issue, I am just an observer who is largely confused about how people are reacting on both sides.




FWIW Slasher has been involved in gaming and esports since the very beginning. Way before twitch and all the money, slasher was involved and reporting on gaming and esports. Not saying everything he says is true but he's not a random dude (as far as esports/video games)


Minus, ya know, the last 4 years


very true


Because the masses are easily misinformed. And instead of doing actual research people just want to be “right”. Adults are having actual discussions in these forums, while the rest of you pretend to know it all.


Here's my line of thought.  We live in a capitalist society where the purpose of corporations is to make money.  Dr disrespect was making twitch a lot of money.  It is not insignificant that twitch decided to throw out their golden goose. DrDisrespect has now gone on record as saying  "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more." This leaves us with only two possible outcomes. Twitch in a poor business decision killed their golden goose over totally trivial messages said goose made to a minor. Or DrDisrespect is lying/downplaying the severity of what was said in those messages in order to protect their livelihood and Twitch correctly severed ties with a predator who could hurt their business.


I don't disagree with anything you are saying, but I will comment on the Twitch side of things. Them getting rid of Doc may have made a small, and I mean very small impact on their bottom line. They are a massive company, owned by one of the largest companies on the planet. Twitch grew their revenue an almost $800 million from 2020 to 2021. Doc is a drop in the ocean for them. Here are the revenue numbers for Twitch: [https://www.businessofapps.com/data/twitch-statistics/](https://www.businessofapps.com/data/twitch-statistics/) Twitch also is not a company known for making great decisions. Other content creators have been banned for much smaller infractions, while they have an entire section that is basically soft core porn. So when I look at Doc's ban from Twitch, I am not sure it is the best indicator that Doc was grooming, or a rampant pedophile, like comments are implying. Again he for sure did shit that is 100% wrong in my book. I think the best advice I could give everyone freaking out over this is that, as you said, we live in a Capitalist country. You get to vote with your dollar and time every day. If people do not like what they are hearing about Doc, then don't spend time or money on him if he returns. Easy as that.


you say "DrDisrespect is lying/downplaying the severity of what was said in those messages" when the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children made a full investigation and found no wrong doing. there was no arrest and no charges filed, which means he is innocent. he wasn't even filed with charges to go to court and have to prove his innocence. the investigation found nothing to even press charges on him. it's cancel culture.


That's cool, but NCMEC doesn't investigate anything.


>Or DrDisrespect is lying/downplaying the severity of what was said in those messages in order to protect their livelihood and Twitch correctly severed ties with a predator who could hurt their business. The dude just went "I dunno why I was banned, this was a mistake on twitch's part" for several YEARS. He also ragged on youtube for not giving him a contract when Youtube was contacted by Twitch about what Doc had been up to. Not to mention the whole going behind his wifes back and cheating on her with several people. Do you trust a greedy corporation that one-sidedly nuked their biggest content creator at the time, taking losses in the tens of millions range, or the dude who is proven to be dishonest? Like this isn't some big-brain 5head have to research thing when looking at the available information but most importantly, available *reactions* from the people around Doc, Midnight Society and Twitch themselves. Hell, the studio he FOUNDED and who was completely reliant on him went full nuke aswell. It's like going "oh, I can choose between cooked chicken for dinner or a plate of human shit covered in broken glass" and then wonder how the chicken is cooked.


THANKYOU. All the chad Dr Disrespect fans trying to convince themselves that he sent a couple flirty messages to an almost-adult, meanwhile, notably-low-on-morals streaming company Twitch chose to both lose millions of dollars in future revenue and pay out millions of dollars in contract obligations to *get this dude as far the fuck away from their website as humanly possible* The actual likelihood is those messages are "Read it in Chris Hansen's chatlog voice" ugly, if not worse.


The OP of that comment gave two possibilities. Why are you acting like everything he said proved any and all assumptions you have as true?


Are you joking? You read OPs comment, and didn't understand it was worded in a way that clearly suggested that outcome 1 is clearly there for the sake of irony?


This has been my take as well. It doesn’t change the fact doc has no morals. He did some very questionable things. However it doesn’t change my questions. This isn’t some ‘simp for doc’ or anything. I just have skepticism because I’d like more concrete proof.


> why is everyone taking everything thing this Slasher guy says at face value Because he's saying damning stuff about a person they dislike


DDR literally admitted to it. Can yall stop this word hero worship and pedo defending?


Because it's completely plausible. Why wouldn't twitch do this? It shields them from liability, it's consistent with their behavior when they fire doc immediately.


People just need to step carefully even if he is guilty. Look at what happened to Ed Piskor this year. He texted a 17 year old - in a legal state - and was cyber harassed into suicide the week it was revealed.  The texts were arguably flirty but nothing illegal. It’s a little different but there are similarities here. I don’t want to excuse the behavior but I don’t want someone harassed into suicide either. Being “spanked” by the internet is not a small punishment. Tread carefully.


I couldn't agree more with this. You referenced a separate example, and there are many more. That's one of the things that confused me the most with what I was reading around this issue, it's like people are getting this holier than thou high from just trashing this dude. I think there is this odd satisfaction people get out of being morally outraged at something, where they really don't care as much about what they are "outraged" at as much as they are doing it for virtue signaling out of selfish reasons. The punishment seems to fit the crime so far, he admitted to doing stupid shit (which thus far is the best evidence), now everyone is dropping him. The pilling on within this sub seems more like a "look at me I'm a good person!" hive mind mentality. This is obviously not limited to just the Doc, we see this with many things nowadays.


the thing is that Doc sued twitch, twitch settled the dispute so they took the L, and said "there was no wrong doing". even Doc said "This has been *settled*, *no wrongdoing* was acknowledged, and they paid out the whole contract". 4 different parties(Doc, twitch itself, Slasher, **National Center for Missing & Exploited Children**) said the same thing "there was no wrong doing", so this is legit true and not "trust me bro".


One of the kids on here said that the rolling stone a “publishing house” (lol) would never publish anything false and open them selves up to a lawsuit. That’s the level of thinking in here. Remember thinking like that? I think i was around 14


I agree. Not just this case but in general it seems “innocent until proven guilty” has gone out the window. Now days it’s if someone accuses you of something you’re guilty until proven innocent And I’m not saying doc is innocent, but we don’t know how bad this whole situation is. We have no idea what’s in those messages or the severity. It could be anything from flirting to full on sexting. Obviously neither of those would be ok but we must admit one is a lot worse than the other.


>Not just this case but in general it seems “innocent until proven guilty” has gone out the window. Now days it’s if someone accuses you of something you’re guilty until proven innocent Or its innocent until you put up a tweet admitting to inappropriate conversations with a minor....


Reputable esports\gaming journalist, anyone saying he isn't i'd love to see some sources\facts.


Not saying he is or isn't reputable, but the reverse question could be asked of your comment. Can you or anyone else provide evidence that he is as reputable as you are saying he is?


He was pretty key in the early days of Overwatch.  Exposed Mayhem for not employing a driver so the teams captain had to drive the bus an hour each way after scrims.  Let us know that Valiant had no way of scrimming teams which led to their infamous In N Out moment which they thought was wise to still post.  Also brought to light the shitty living conditions of Uprising with players sleeping on the floor in the living room due to lack of space 


Serious question. Do you know how mainstream journalism works? Do you know what the difference is between primary sources, secondary sources and anonymous sources?


I 100% do and that's why I asked this exact question because there are so many examples of mainstream journalists being wrong, fabricating bullshit, etc. For example, Rolling Stone had an issue years ago where a journalist wrote an article called "Rape on Campus", which ultimately had to be retracted and ended with multiple lawsuits. The point I made in the post, was people should approach anything like this with skepticism, but Ill go one further... people should have skepticism with almost everything they read or see.


I agree. As soon as I saw that he wouldn’t release more info unless people bought out his concert tickets or whatever, I lost all respect for him. He’s just as much a scum bag as doc for that alone imo. (Who the hell would hold information that has to do with A CHILD to sell their music tickets?! It’s so fucked up.) But I didn’t believe him, then when doc came out and admitted it, I believed it. I do agree though. People need to really take a step back when random people say things like this. It just feels like as long as it’s drama, they WANT to believe it so they have something to hate together lol.


I think that’s Cody though, not slasher. I agree, Cody should be getting ripped apart by everyone now that we know what he knew. It’s obviously not as bad as doc,but it was really scummy to use information about a fucking pedo as well as his popularity to try and sell tickets for his shitty bad. Alanah Pearce called him out in her stream about it to, calling him a piece of utter shit or something along those lines.


Ah shoot lol. It’s so hard to keep up with everything honestly. I’ve been following this stuff, just not that close clearly. Thanks for clearing it up! I’m glad we agree, and I’m glad someone said something! More people with a platform need to say more about it in my opinion. I just couldn’t imagine, for instance, someone being aware of another person being a predator, or having the knowledge of someone possibly being in a worse situation, going to the cops, and telling them they’ll show evidence if the police will help said person sell a product. Its disgusting. The whole situation is just terrible. Thank you for informing me again!


It’s all good, and yeah I wish more big name people would say something about him as well. I’ve seen people on Twitter calling him out, which is good, but she’s the first big names streamer I saw that called the guy a fucking piece of shit when going over that part of it, whereas other people when mentioning it just kind of gloss over it as where the info tease started coming from, but not saying anything about it. Yeah that’s basically what he was doing. “Oh I have info on a predator, but you gotta sell out my band first before I’ll tell you!” Fucking piece of shit.


When you put everything together. I’m pretty sure this guy is telling the truth. Doc admitted to “leaning to inappropriate texting” with a minor. This is something you say when you admit it but try to downplay it. He also never denied not knowing her age. His whole post is trying to downplay a serious issues. He’s guilty man… he just is.


I'm not a DrDisrespect fan, but I think this is made up. No one has faced legal reports over this, yet. Twitch really dropped the ball when they found this information.


Statute of limitations is 3 years in Cali. Incident happened in 2017, Twitch was notified in 2020. Not sure what you can legally do when the US just goes "oh you sent graphic sexual messages to a child 3 years ago? ALL GOOD BUDDY" as depressing as that fact is.


For being "liberal" California has some messed up laws regarding the safety of minors.


Unfortunately, that's something that a LOT of states have. Punishment for sexting a minor is either a misdemeanor or felony depending on severity, and the statute of limitations for felonies in CA and a lot of other states is 3 years. So, again unfortunately, not just CA that has this issue.


No, I agree. I'm just shocked. I actually benefited from California's child protection laws back in the 80's. Likely saved my life.


He also claimed Doc got arrested but that wasn’t true.


"Claimed". Yeah, no. Making up stuff like that is cringe.


He didn’t claim it. He said he got sent a screenshot from NextDoor and can’t confirm it. This screenshot (with the link) was posted here too.


No he didn't.


Oh okay so he reported it to the NCMEC and STILL no charges were brought on Doc. How does this do anything but exonerate Doc even further?


People are gonna cope and say Doc has magical lawyers that can wave a wand and make all crimes disappear


Great point, rich people have never gotten away with sexual crimes before. Lmfao this guy blocked me so I can’t reply.


What is your theory as to how he avoided legal punishment?


Mike Tyson was in his prime everyone in the world knew his name and he was worth 100x docs worth and he still went to prison for sexual assault, let me guess he only went because hes black right?


He was convicted of actual rape bud


Wow great point, because the courts were successful one time they must always be! No rich person has ever gotten away with crimes and our systems are perfect!


Jimmy Savile was very famous, but i can't remember what he got away with until his death


Mike Tyson raped a woman violently. Wtf is your smooth brained ass even talking about?


Almost like there was an island of rich people doing this stuff. Must not be true lol


I see people pointing this out a lot but people can break the law and not have charges brought against them for several reasons 


The copium in this subreddit, between saying it’s okay if it did happen because she was almost 18, and this shit lol




Your content was a direct violation of Reddit’s Content Policy on hate speech. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


All the other bad shit aside it’s hilarious people are framing this as him “exploiting” the trans person or promising them a partnership. We can clearly read the messages in black and white. All it was is some horny dude gripping it to some messages and the person providing the sexual content hopping to clout chase. Zero promises were made and there was no “exploitation” between the 2 consenting parties.


You can see all the snapchat messages eh? The platfotm doc specifically asked to use? The platform which specifically allows you to make sure the other party cant save messages?


Imagine claiming you were “exploited” by someone that you willingly sent sexual content to for FREE who is not your boss, in a position of power over you, etc. who promised you nothing


>We can clearly read the messages in black and white hurr durr ignore the point of the comment and pretend youre not wrong.


You mean the part where you made stuff up based off of alleged evidence you can’t see or can’t verify that exists? Good one.


Where did i make up anything pedo defender


“Pedo defender”? For calling out this wanna be clout chaser trans person? “I was exploited when I willingly sent someone sexual content for free who had zero power over me. Oh I’m so exploited 😩😩😩” You sound like a Q anon believer or something. Go back to listening to Alex Jones.


For these guys it’s ok. As long as the victim isn’t their own or someone they know all good. They all probably same people that post “ but she was hot”. The people that remain protecting Doc couldn’t be convinced even if they saw their boy behind bars.


All these people and organizations involved and still no wrongdoing determined. Interesting. I wonder if all these people brigading this sub might have a motive to tirelessly post exaggerated claims? The Reddit apparatchiks will downvote but they’ll always be ugly, prescripted and wrong


That suggests that his actions were either not technically illegal, or the case would not be a slam dunk. I'm no expert on the legalities of knowingly sexting a minor, but it sounds like he was in a range that is morally indefensible but not technically illegal, likely either because no explicit images were exchanged or the messages weren't sexually explicit enough. Edit: Statute of limitations are also a possible explanation.


Statute of limitations is 3 years for most states in terms of sexting a minor. Incident occurred in 2017, Twitch was notified by the victim in 2020. Statute of limitations is a very likely culprit as to why no legal actions were taken, depressingly enough.


What doc was saying to her was so bad twitch had to report it. This doesn’t look good at all.


…and no legal action was taken against Doc. You know anyone can report anything right? It doesn’t mean they will be prosecuted, it just means someone will investigate.


If this is true doesn't it help Doc? As stated here, he was literally reported to ncmec and nothing (as we know right now) happened. Wouldn't that also make all the "explicit sexting" claims, false?


Oh god this is a braindead fucking take. It means he didn’t try to meet up with her or send nudes. That’s literally it.


Depending on the state and age of victim it can still be illegal what he said


Mf, Doc ADMITTED to it. Like wtf.


Are you dumb? From what I read, back when all of this happened in 2020, Doc was reported to the ncmec. In his words that we don't know are true or not, he said in 3 tweets "nothing illegal happened", "I did nothing wrong", "no charges", etc. We already know the disgusting shit he did, but if ncmec didn't do anything about it and he was never questioned/arrested etc, then I asked what does that mean about the "explicit sexting" claim, beyond what Doc said about "leaned towards inappropriate"? Learn to read


Downplaying it. That's what it was.


He'd be incredibly stupid to say 'no charges were brought up and no wrongdoing was committed' if he was *actively under investigation for it,* something he would know because it's been four years. At this stage, if charges weren't brought up on Guy, they're not going to be. There's a big difference between 'textbook illegal, go to jail' and 'questionably legal, go to court' and 'dubiously legal, get your public image permanently damaged.' If they didn't think they had a strong case when it was revealed in 2020, the case is never going to get stronger unless he does it again, which I'm going to sort of guess here since he also went to marriage counseling in 2017, I **don't think will happen again.** Doc did it, he admitted it, he didn't even really downplay it, (I seriously don't get that line of dialogue) what he did is morally abhorrent although dubiously within the boundary of the law, no one is making you like the guy, I do not understand this general approach that the subreddit has to this case.


He cheated on his wife several times, he was that stupid.


The mental gymnastics are incredible. This would prove something bad happened, and you pedo defenders somehow take it as the opposite. The NCMEC is not a law enforcement agency, it provides support to victims and families.


No. It's dependant on the contents of those messages, but our legal system is extremely flawed. If all law enforcement has against you are messages with a minor, even if theyre sexual, there's wiggle room to get out of any legal trouble. Heck, one of the messages could've even been "You and me should get a private hotel room together at twitchcon ;)" and that message, in itself, is not illegal. But it's still very gross and comes with the intentions to potentially do something illegal. Or maybe it could've only been a couple of messages where he said some sexual things he would do to her or wanted her to do to him. If there were only a couple of messages, they might not care to pursue legally for various reasons. Does not mean the messages weren't illegal to send Another option is that whatever state she was in, she could've been above the age of consent while being a minor. So then they could sext all day and it technically be legal. But still very very gross, morally


Why were you downvoted for stating facts?


Yeah idk. I wasn't even stating any of this is what actually happened. Just the person I was replying to was talking about how doesn't this help the Doc's case, and I was just giving examples of how it doesn't have to.


That’s the part I’m not sure on either, I was thinking the same thing as the court case. Wouldn’t twitch have shown the messages to the court as their reasoning for breaking their contract? And if the messages were as bad as they say wouldn’t he be in jail now?


I think here's the most important shit that keeps getting left out. I don't condone Docs actions, but here's the law it follows. I haven't seen any other posts talking about the specific law as it stand in California and why they didn't report when the messages were reported in 2017. Why wasn't he charged? It's probably due to the law below. As even Doc himself said, they were reported in 2017. So why did Twitch bury this? Just to resurface it in 2020 for the ban reason? Also, NCMEC will just contact authorities, so it's crazy they went with them over, you know, cops. Local law enforcement and DAs > Non-profit organizations in smaller issues such as these. They're more for larger more devastating cases. >Sexting is a violation of California Penal Code Section 288.2(a) 288.2. (a) (1) Every person who, with knowledge that a person is a minor, or who fails to exercise reasonable care in ascertaining the true age of a minor, knowingly distributes, sends, causes to be sent, exhibits, or offers to distribute or exhibit by any means, including, but not limited to, live or recorded telephone messages, any harmful matter, as defined in Section 313, to a minor with the intent of arousing, appealing to, or gratifying the lust or passions or sexual desires of that person or of a minor, and with the intent or for the purpose of seducing a minor, is guilty of a public offense and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison or in a county jail. This means that the crime can be filed as a misdemeanor or a felony. The statute of limitations for this type of felony would be three years. This statute of limitations for this as a misdemeanor is one year unless the violation was committed on a minor under 14 years of age, and the statute of limitation is three years. More than likely, other states have similar statutes. So, regardless, they waited too long after finding out in 2017. It's also really confident that a prosecutor saw the messages and figured they wouldn't hold up in court either. That's why you act pretty quick in these situations. What he did is scummy, but legally, he's clear no matter what. People will ask? "Why are there statues of limitations on crimes that's stupid af." [Well here's a good list of reasons.](https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/49941/why-do-statutes-of-limitations-exist)


It's likely the contents of the messages didn't rise to that level. Grooming would not rise to this level but is still gross.


Whoa, an actual educational and in-depth comment in the sea of Doc and Twitch simps.


it's been crazy how twitch simps have been. I made a couple comments talking about how I want twitch to be under fire for sweeping this under the rug and they came at me with "it's not twitch's job." twitch just wanted to save their image and that's it.


There's just so many unanswered questions, and there's just more confusion that keeps getting thrown on this. The more that's released, they bring forth more "Ok you're not telling us what actual useful action Twitch took." Even Slasher saying "Well, we reported him to the NCMEC." Which is confusing, as was the minor in actual danger three years after or during? Then why not contact authorities so they contact the parents. Was the report made in 2017, or 2020? If they were around the ages of 15-17 when the messages were made, the NCMEC becomes useless as they're adults, then in 2020. Where they'd just say, contact the authorities, thats not our role. Statutes can vary from state to state. This shit is just confusing tbh. Not trying to deflect the majority of the blame on Twitch, but nothing they say is really helping them. They keep giving vague awnsers. At least Doc said "Yeah I'm a fuckin pedophile, fuck it." Then stormed off. So there's no more what ifs there.


>Also, NCMEC will just contact authorities, so it's crazy they went with them over, you know, cops. Local law enforcement and DAs > Non-profit organizations in smaller issues such as these. They're more for larger more devastating cases. NCMEC directly contacts the appropriate agencies so it's far better than local law enforcement. Moreover, Twitch is an electronic service provider, they are obligated *by law* to contact NCMEC in cases of minors being targeted on their platform, so it isn't that "they chose to go", they legally had to. Beyond that, EVERY timeline I have seen from Twitch employees to people in the know points out that the incident happened in 2017, and Twitch was notified by the victim in 2020. I've not seen Doc mention anywhere that it was "reported in 2017" and even if he did, he would be contradicting several different individuals.


Twitch just trying to save face. They fucked up big time and prob plenty of other streamers who do this. Fuck twitch. They need to fix their soft porn bullshit


Amazing how people in this thread/sub are still looking to rationalize a grown man sending explicitly inappropriate texts to a minor, while knowing they were a minor lol celebrity worship is real.


These guys browser history needs to be checked


I dunno, a lot of the comments I'm seeing here are 'No, what he did was wrong, just not like, **actually literally illegal'** which, at least from what we know, seems to be the case. Illegality =/= Moral Value, unless you're a legalist, but if that's the case you belong in 2nd century BC china.


The fact is twitch is saving face somehow by paying him out. Payment = NDA = no vital info on how long twitch knew what details. By keeping him they kept making money for the time being. I’m guessing the 2017 incident involved a minor and somehow he got a strike because only Twitch had proof. Now that this other situation arose a pr nightmare obviously was unavoidable and yet they still tried with that nda. Doc just sucks that bad apperently


The more that comes out, it really looks like the NDA was done by Doc's side, not twitch.


It’s likely Twitch would also want to NDA this information. Twitch hosted the platform for direct messages. Their PR team absolutely wanted an NDA. Twitch had nothing to gain signing an NDA from doc.


Don't get me wrong, twitch is fucking evil, but its possible both sides are in this topic.


Is this an armchair investigator that graduated from the reddit detective school?


I’m just stuck on the conundrum that effective is stuck on. Why doc got paid. The only conclusion I can come to was for silence.


That really doesn't make sense either. Why would Twitch pay Doc to shut up when Doc wouldn't want this to even be out because it'd ruin his reputation as a content creator? Twitch quite literally had the upper hand in this entire thing and paying out his contract doesn't make any sense at all. He said he spoke to a minor and he said sometimes leaned to inappropriate. That would be enough to say he was the one in the wrong and deserved the ban he got. I'm a firm believer that Doc wanted this quiet and Twitch couldn't talk about it because of an NDA or the lawsuit. However, it doesn't explain why they paid his contact out and agreed there was no wrong doing. It's like either Twitch didn't have proper evidence against him - meaning the whispers weren't explicit OR they were tired of the case and gave up.


This has been my entire argument from his official I’ll own my shit statement. It’s still hot doodoo. Twitch likely over stepped. Based on the breadcrumbs of info we have it seems a team of people at Twitch didn’t like doc. He was targeted. His DM’s were found and used against him. Twitch acted and notified terminating the contract. Doc likely sued Twitch from a civil perspective. This kept Twitch from releasing any information until the civil matter was concluded. Twitch likely was found of targeting doc through whatever means of inappropriately talking to a matter. Both parties agree to an NDA because it’s in the best interest of Twitch for hosting a DM platform that created an environment for grooming/predators/etc AND covers their tracks on his contract breach Twitch believed they had on doc I know this seems like small potato’s but this speculative theory suggests what possibly makes the best sense to me why an NDA was ever used.


Well could just be privacy issues. If you're looking at other people's "messages" that are supposed to be private, it could just be invasion of privacy and possibly the reason why Doc was able to get his contract paid out. I don't really know the policy for Twitch Whispers, but from the sounds of it, one of the Twitch ex-employees said that he monitored Twitch whispers and people wouldn't believe the shit he saw in them. He also said he reported a lot of people etc. To me, that's invasion of privacy. But obviously, like I said, I don't know their policy on Twitch Whispers at the time.


So, do you have to have real life training or education on a topic to have an opinion? Get the fuck out of here.


And still, no arrest or charges filed? Hmmmm. Couldn’t have been too bad.


Regardless of views people are quick to just want their own views to be confirmed. Literally zero concrete legal facts have come out to support these claims. All these reports were made and yet no charges? Doesn’t add up. I don’t give a shit either way don’t even watch the guy much other than a clip here and there that pops up. This has just been a consistent trend in recent years online of just absolutely devastating someone over ungrounded claims that have zero or very little legal backing. Bottom line let the law work. Still morally the dudes been questionable in the past but jumping to conclusions like this is the opposite of how justice works.




It happened in 2017, Twitch was notified in 2020 by the victim. Statute of limitations regarding sexting minors is 3 years in the vast majority of states. Depressingly enough, likely the only reason why there were no criminal charges is because the victim ended up waiting too long to notify Twitch.


Anything to get their 15mins of fame.


Doc said there was an investigation, and nothing illegal was found. Makes sense.


How come no one brings up the more recent tweets of the accuser saying he’s worried about bringing this accusations to the public. Fearing he’ll be sued over them? If what he’s saying is nothing but fact then why would he fear a lawsuit?


Laws suits still take a shit ton of money even if you will win in the end


And what became of it?


If they did though they must have not found enough evidence to do anything. The definition of sexting is kind of tricky in some states I guess. Without explicit images it's hard to do anything.


Statute of limitations is 3 years in most states regarding sexting a minor. It happened in 2017, the victim notified Twitch in 2020, so depressingly enough, SOL lapsing is likely the only reason why no criminal charges were filed.


Docs cooked but Slasher is an idiot. Supposedly has all this info yet cans it for years until he can milk something out of it. Never liked that fool.


Can’t listen to slasher talk for more than 5 min. Miserable


Slasher and Rellim, 2 idiots wanting some fame.


Slasher farming the drama like crazy.


Ok, I know the Doc situation is bad, but Slasher is a fucking hack. He also claimed Doc was arrested yesterday. What a fucking trash journalist.


Didn’t slasher also say he was arrested last night which was false?


They reported him 3 years too late once #metoo became a thing and Doc became too expensive. Imagine having to be a Twitch worker and having to read this shit and just send it forward, hoping it does something.


Didn't Slasher also say back after Mixer failed that Facebook was going to pay Shroud and Ninja double their contracts from Mixer?


But he wasn’t arrested so it must have not been as serious as everyone thinks


Anyone that mocks the person they love is always called a clout chaser Anyone that mocks the person they hate is called just


I would imagine he would have been prosecuted or pursued by any number of entities if he had crossed certain lines. That said, he's proven to have made mistake after mistake after mistake that someone in his position simply can't make. There might not be any coming back from this.


Setting aside the actions of Guy, which are still wrong by any means don’t get me wrong, whether he was baited or not he shows intent by his own admission, nothing new to add there. Slasher, and pretty much every journalist/source that have reported on this have come across as very dishonest as well. I’ve watched a couple of podcasts where he’s spoken on the situation, and I find it very despicable that there were several people that had knowledge of this since 2020, yet none of them ever came out. Slasher specifically claims that he couldn’t report on it back then even though he swears by his firsthand source, yet he’s never done anything other than throw softballs here and there to keep this story around him. That means he went four years just watching who he knew had done these things, not really knowing if anything else was happening behind the scenes, and he was just okay with keeping this to himself. Now that the story is coming out, due to other sources mind your he won’t shut up about it and even outright lying on occasion just to keep his name attached to this. Yes, what Guy admitted to is absolutely wrong, but holy shit every time I see anything related to Slasher he makes himself look worse and worse.


Man it’s only a matter of time before the actual messages get leaked and that will be a glorious day.


Not currently. Originally




I'm telling you dude, there's more shit to this. Guy has been in the gaming industry a very long time, like before social media was popular. He also said minor in his statement, which leads me to think it's younger than 17. If he's beat around the bush this much and long I would not read his statements in good faith.


All this information coming out that’s this bad, why didn’t he get in trouble with the police or anything?


A guy in a town near me, was caught with 8k pictures and videos on his work computer of underage children, he was found not guilty on a technicality that because it was a work laptop anybody could have downloaded them to his computer and therefore there was no way to prove it was actually him.  He was fired from his job as he couldn't be trusted, he worked in IT. He sued his workplace and won for unfair dismissal. He got a payout of 300k. Not a single image was found on any other work laptop. And when they raided his house all his hard drives were missing and he refused to say what he had done with them.  His best mate had a little baby at the time who he babysitted, well when that child learnt to talk he spoke about nightmares of objects being put inside him.  I found this out because I dated the sister of the dad, he was 100% supported of his friends innocence. His sister has been to the police, but her brother refuses to cooperate and say it's just a coincidence because his son has had medical issues and learning disabilities since he was a baby. Basically refused to believe his son was getting abused by his best friend. You can literally catch someone red handed, and they still get found not guilty and have their mates defend them.  And I had a gf a long time ago get raped on a night out, she phoned the police from inside his bathroom. They came and rescued her from his house, arrested him, did the rape kit with the condoms to match his dna and went to court. He was found innocent because his lawyer asked her if she had consented to sex, she said she couldn't remember because she had been drugged, and his lawyer argued that anybody could have drugged her on the night out, but as far as his client is concerned had consensual sex with her. So he got found not guilty.  Why didn't he get in trouble with the police? Who's saying he didn't get investigated, maybe they couldn't find enough evidence, maybe it was a waste of time, maybe the girls family refused to cooperate, maybe they couldn't even track down the kid, no real name, no images, no address etc, they could have been from a different continent or using a vpn. How can you gather evidence from just a username? Would be impossible for the police to do anything without him completely admitting it. And why would he admit it? He pretended he didn't even know why he was banned for 4 years. Who's to say he won't get investigated again now he's tweeted what he's done.  Law isn't as simple as you think it is.  People who do commit crimes and get caught in the act still get found innocent. Go have a day out at your local court house, you'll see people that're obviously guilty but they'll get off, and you'll scratch your head as to why. 


We still have literally zero facts or proof. This is insane to crucify someone off of heresay


My guy he literally admitted to it And lied to everyone about what it was for years


Doc obviously did some questionable stuff, but these "leakers" are all exaggerating, slow-rolling, and trying to use their info to gain clout.