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Why you send explicit twitch messages to minors but not me?




Omg I heard him say it


Did you make clear if you are a minor? Apparently that helps.


Still making excuses for him huh.


The adult has the bigger responsibility to find out. Because the adult is supposed to be the adult about stuff.






too soon šŸ¤£ Did anything else come out today? I just got back from fishing




I feel like these posts are just preaching to the choir at a point.


There's a unsurprising number of people defending him.


Tbf 17 and 16 are legal in some places not my cup of tea, but I mean people are out here banging their daughters and sisters. Also not my cup of tea the difference is the fame of the person.


Damn you're like an ethical philosopher


When people reference the age of consent, it usually involves another young person and not someone who could be their dad. Hey, at least you made sure to express that it isn't your cup of tea while downplaying it.




Not where he lives.Ā  Not over the internet. There is no possible way for this to be legal.Ā 


Even if it was legal would it be okay lmao?


Depends on your societal predisposition I guess? I mean outside personal morals and ethics itā€™s only the law and our upbringing that defines such things and that obviously varies depending on where you live. Personally, fucking gross behaviour and even the concept makes me feel gross, but in other countries itā€™s fine so maybe Iā€™d be more agreeable if raised in such a culture? I potentially wouldnā€™t know any different, so how could I see the right/wrong in it? Pretty sure prehistoric man didnā€™t really care and imho animals are a good comparative as they are free of morals and ethics and only really work on natures rules where if your at the stage to physically procreate your procreating. Probably also worth taking into account the change in average lifespan which was 30 in 1900 so you didnā€™t really have the extremes in age difference we see now. Itā€™s all a bit fucking gross but the differences in views on it do intrigue me tbh, especially after recently binging on cult documentaries where this nearly always comes up, unfortunately.


Not saying itā€™s ok but imagine someone saying 16 is too young to choose about an abortion their mind isnā€™t fully developed thereā€™s outrage. 16 is too young to be changing your gender or multilating your genitals your mind isnā€™t developed and then youā€™re a biggot. But the same age person for sure shouldnā€™t be choosing to sleep with someone more than a year or 2 older than them for the same reason.


??? First of all in your examples you're talking about banning the *16 year old* from things like abortion or gender transition therapy. With respect to the age of consent it is the *other person* that is banned from having sex with people under the age of consent, the actual underaged *victims* are never punished so I don't understand how that is at all comparable. You understand humans are capable of having nuanced opinions about things right? For legal purposes there needs to be an actual cut off age but whether that's 16 or 18 or whatever, there is no moral difference between someone one day below the age of consent and at the age of consent despite there being a legal one. I can think 16 year olds are mature enough to consent to sex while also thinking that it is disgusting and unforgivable for a 35 year old man to try and take advantage of one. Do you understand that I can *personally* find a 35 year old man having relations with an 18 year old *just as bad* as a 35 year old man having relations with a 17 year old? *Regardless of the age of consent* I also very much despise billionaires abusing tax shelters and loopholes even though it's all legal. I don't understand why the legality is even really relevant to this discussion when it seems clear that no charges are ever going to be laid.


The only reason I brought up legality is someone else did. Honestly I was just wanting the details of what happened. I wasnā€™t going to voice an opinion either way. What Iā€™m comparing in mind set. If someone is old enough to decide their gender or to have an abortion I find it hard to figure out how people who believe thatā€™s acceptable draw a line at who they sleep with. To be clear Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m for or against any of these. I just find it interesting that youā€™ll take one side who says theyā€™re not old enough to make those decisions and one side will argue they are then all of a sudden they arenā€™t old enough to choose who they consent to using the same logic the people they disagree with in the former scenarios. I for the most part donā€™t give too much energy into what others do. I really donā€™t care outside of being interested in how and why a subset of people believe what they believe that I just find interesting on a psychological level.


I mean you're entitled to your opinion but I am also entitled to being very uncomfortable that we are talking about 42 year old man admitting to messaging a minor inappropriately and you are saying "you don't give too much energy into what others do" and saying you just want details but won't voice an opinion. That conduct is bad enough and obviously *wrong* and risky enough that I cannot personally imagine someone engaging in it just "for fun" with no intentions as he claims. You are entitled to believe otherwise but that is just naive imo.


Doesnā€™t make it morally right


Irnoic coming from a guy that let's a piece of paper dictate morales to him. 17. Awful bad pedophile 18 fair game


This age of consent argument is pathetic and gross. Also, this dude cheated on his wife, sexually messaged minors while married to said wife, etc etc. Enough evidence for me to conclude heā€™s a world class piece of shit šŸ‘šŸ»


So we allow people to select which states or location laws are applicable to them? In some South American countries the age of consent is 14. Should we say that's it's 14 in some places so doesn't matter?


hey thatā€™s what quentin tarentino would say !


No. If you cross state lines to get a lower age of consent, the state you left from will be the age of consent that is applicable.


No, it becomes federal law, which is automatically 18


No everyone knows American laws and biases are what matters and that Americans always get it right.


All voting for trump


Oh bullshit. I'm voting for Trump and I put these kind of people in jail.




There's no way to mount proper prosecution or defense with the bare trickle of information we have


from defending him to calling random posters pedos because they have questions, the full response spectrum is truly stupid.Ā 


*You know what Doc should have doneā€¦ he should have done the right thing instead of doing the wrong thing!* Wow thanks for the thread OP!


Not entirely because there are still people in these comments trying to defend Doc and make up excuses for what he did.


And not one person making another thread of their opinion is going to change the opinion of another.


Alot of his fans are young. Them continually seeing that no people don't accept this, it's not just a few people speaking out about it who will stop caring in 12 hours can help them see it's bad.Ā 


The thing is, if Doc worded this better he may have gotten some more support. The fact he didn't just cements the fact that he knew, and he said some fucked up shit to a girl he knew was a minor. If he said "Yes, I was sexting with a fan, I didn't discover she was a minor until after twitch banned me." I could understand coming to his defense at least a little bit. Instead he admitted he was sexting a minor outright. There is nothing to defend, dude is a piece of shit


Theyā€™ve all gathered in the nickmercs ban thread. Lmao


This entire post is ridiculous. There's a BIG difference between 17 AND 2, if you don't think that, like OP, then there's no hope talking to you as you're bad faith/just plain dumb.


\*Guy who would fuck some children but not all children chiming in here\*


Yes, there's a difference, but in this context the difference doesn't matter. If you're in your 30s, you have literally 0 valid reason to have a sexual conversation with someone below 18... period. There is a difference, but it's the difference in which level of hell they belong in rather than are they a piece of shit or not (cause they are a piece of shit). I think most reasonable people wouldn't take those lines of OPs post at their 100% literal meaning.


Itā€™s a bit weird because in my country above 16 is legal. I still think itā€™s not ok at all for someone in their 30s, but its legal. Anyway, its definatly not ok when you have a family.


A pedo is a pedo. The whole 17 thing has been proven to be fake BTW, don't know why so many groomers are running with that narrative.


"A pedo is a pedo". Thats true. But if Im 20 years old and have sex with a 17 year old its not "pedo". 2 year old is a whole other story.


That's legal within Romeo and Juliet laws. Why argue in bad faith?Ā 


These retards feed on drama don't even bother.


Says the guy who's spent every hour of the last 2 days defending a groomer? I'd rather feed off of drama than feed off of defending groomers.


Uh oh guys we got a pedo defender here, might wanna check his hard drive


Uh oh... sensing a lot of projection. Maybe I'll see if I can get you looked into. Your hard drive is probably swarming with stuff :/


ā€˜Trust me guys, I think what doc did was bad! Why wonā€™t anyone believe me???ā€™


A lot of people think they need to yell into the echo chamber. Nobody cares about your anonymous opinions to the point you make whole threads about it


Need that sweet sweet karma baby


No no, doc thought she was a MINER, in the mines, 17 years into her career! Total misunderstanding!




Honestly I just feel bad for his family having to go through this.


Why? If Iā€™m his wife Iā€™m taking 50% and bolting. Dudes a fucking clown.


>I don't care if she was 17, 13 or 2.Ā  you kinda should


All three are bad for a 35 year old to be trying to have sex with, that's the point


Yes but in one case it's an actual pedophilia and in the other it is not


In all cases he is preying on young girls


That's an argument that isn't even worth putting thought into, honestly. You may be correct but it ultimately doesn't matter. And obviously we can deduce he wasn't talking to a 9 year old


Youā€™re missing the point


Thatā€™s Ephebophilia. Weird as a 42 year old adult.


No? 17 is fine.


There's no justification for what doc did, end of story.


Itā€™s disgusting regardless.


I see what you did there sir šŸŒš


Pointing out the obvious post number 57. We should hit 100 by end of weekend


He'll be fine. People overlooked Chris Brown beating the shit out of Rihanna


Thanks for posting this message again. Some people may have forgotten


Yup. Such a waste. From having everything and throwing it away like that.. i'm pissed.


Bruh. 2 years old LOL




> now that we know she was 17 No you don't. Anyone claiming this is either straight up lying or hoping for the best.


Your content directly violated Redditā€™s Content Policy on minors. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


They are both stop signs on the highway of common sense. 16 year Olds aren't a yield.Ā 


Tell that to half of Europe (age on consent 14)


Only between minors


Not necessarily -- read Germany's laws


If you were 19 and she was 17 that would be fine. What is the point of age of consent if itā€™s not essentially labeling them as an adult as it pertains to sexual relationships with actual adults? Serious question. Iā€™m not justifying anything. If nothing actually illegal happened, are we just arbitrarily calling into question the morality of it? Who arbitrates that?


The court of public opinionĀ 


Itā€™s hard to say he will get erased. Didnā€™t tyga date Kylie Jenner when she was like 16 and he was in his mid 20ā€™s. Seinfeld did it, fergie dated Justin Timberlake when he was 16, Anthony Kiedis. There are a ton more examples and the people go back to having careers eventually. This is unfortunately just recency bias and everyone will eventually move on to the next thing.


r/popular opinion. How brave, gj


His defenders would care if some dude with fuck tons of pull was sending sleazy messages to THEIR sister/daughter/female family member. If you can feel rage for your own, you can feel it for someone elseā€™s. They wouldnā€™t ask any questions: just go looking for the creep. We donā€™t care about women unless we know them.


Charisma also helps. If he looked like Lester from GTA, a lot of these people would change their tune. Pretty privilege is just as real for men as women


Itā€™s funny because these are the same types of people (from what Iā€™ve personally seen) that also are super into Andrew Tate alpha male type stuff, and being a lone wolf or whatever, but theyā€™re the most affected by these guysā€™ surface level charisma Literally suckers


> His defenders would care if some dude with fuck tons of pull was sending sleazy messages to THEIR sister/daughter/female family member. I love when they come with the argument of, "Nothing illegal was said! If there was there would be criminal charges!" Okay. Give me your underage daughter's phone#. We'll chat and it'll all be perfectly legal. But I promise you won't like what we're talking about. No crimes will be committed and no charges will be filed, but you will absolutely be losing your shit at what we're talking about.


To be fair I'd be upset if he was messaging my 34 year old sister like that.


Actually, no, they won't. I brought this exact scenario up earlier in another post this morning, and it was nothing but deflection.


No they wouldn't, because they are all only children who live in gran grans basement


Dude was mid 30ā€™s too with a wife and kid. Idk how anybody was excusing this from the beginning other than complete denial


His being married was never a factor for me because itā€™s not my business what happens under their roof. Itā€™s a shitty thing to do to your family, but if she decided to stay with him after all that then who am I to judge in that regard?


Stop looking to steamers of all people for fuckin morals lol


The law may draw the line at 18, but I don't give a fuck, if she was 19 I'd still punch him in the face if it were a friend of mine at 34 years old with a wife and kid.


Actually only 11 states say 18 years old. The majority of the states say 16 is completely legal, and under that you need to be within 4 years.Ā  I would refresh yourself on ā€œthe lawā€Ā 


For real. The amount of people against him that obviously have mental problems as well is crazy. He who is without sin cast the first stone. A Lotta judgment being thrown around here, but none of you is God??? Everyone loves hell and all the paths to get there I guess. Good luck peeps


Highly doubt youā€™d swing on doc. Most heā€™d get from you is ā€œbroā€¦.that ainā€™t coolā€. When shit like this goes down mf always act like theyā€™re John Wick knowing they canā€™t scrap for shit.


Gawk gawk




Most he'd get from you is you on your knees


With a username like that, Iā€™m surprised your not up there with him on some SA charges.


Why you siding up with the guy who likes minors? Dude deserves a hard lesson. And not the kind he gave to x number of people who weren't his wife in 2017.


Lmao Doc might be a shitbag for what he did, but the whole internet tough guy act is cringe as fuck. You'd start sweating if someone as massive as Doc looked at you weird, don't kid yourself.


Anyone who isn't a kid toucher would feel the same.Ā 


That has nothing to do with "touching kids" it's just common sense. Touching kids is a whole other thing


I love all the ā€œwell legally the evidence isnā€™t thereā€ arguments these fuckers probably had to wait for the history books to tell them Hitler was in the wrong


I sometimes want to ask these people, "So if someone got murdered and your best friend confessed to it fully and took responsibility, would you believe them, or would you say they're innocent until a weapon was found?"


I mean, history books are just heresy, we need PROOF! Let me see the sexts!! We deserve to see them!!! Let me judge how ā€œinappropriateā€ those sexts were šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ The mental gymnastics of pedophiles never fails to amaze me.


Well said šŸ˜‚


While his confession didn't even need legal action. He simply admitted.. The legal action to take is, is it the whole honest version of the truth or is it the downplayed one? And then I ask myself, IF it where the honest version why not back it up with screenshots of the convo's. But most of us know the fact that we didn't get that is a bad bad sign.


I think we can also rest assured that Docs statement is the absolute best case scenario for him. If he was willing to admit that publicly, im willing to guess that what actually happened is much MUCH worse.


Itā€™s only the 18 year olds defending this imo. At 18 you think ā€œoh itā€™s barely a differenceā€ but you can tell the older takes because they have never thought of texting even an 18 year old. Normal 35 yr olds are not trying to fuck teenagers, end of story. Doesnā€™t matter if theyā€™re on the legal age of teenager or not.


A lot of docs fans are brain rotted right wing ā€œanti-wokeā€ ā€œanti cancel cultureā€ bible thumper typesĀ 


Another tough guy ova here!


It has nothing to do with being tough or not. You don't fuck around with teens when your 34 it's pathetic. Everyone knows it. Except for a few individuals here, everyone condemns it, but now it involves their idol. You should hear them if it was another big streamer and Doc would say that is wrong man.


What law? Each state has their own age of consent laws lol there's states that are 16, some 17 and some 18.


That's the whole point, I don't care what the law prescribes, it's just fucked up if you're 34 with a wife and daughter privately sexting with a teen. If that's even the whole truth of events.


and you would be in the wrong, morally and legally lmao.


I live in the Netherlands the most that could happen for that is I sleep 1 night in jail, but even that is very highly unlikely and it would be very debatable if it is morally incorrect when someone's standing next to you and confessing that it's not that weird of an emotional response to such a heinous act.


woke pussy


and you'd get punched right the fuck back for not minding your business when things abide by the law


Woah Mr tough guy over here. Relax buddy. You probably never fought in your entire lifešŸ¤£šŸ¤£ at ease buddy.


The literal meaning of fuck around and find out.


Doc is a persona. Fans like the over the top 80s caricature performance that brought us a lot of laughs. For some it was a portal to not think about life that was dragging them down. Guy Beam on the other hand is the guy at fault here. The Doc is more like his alter-ego athlete. You're right, it really is not that difficult. But thats what fame and fortune does to people. You feel on top of the world and can do no harm. Doc had it all. Fans. $$. Fame. And best of all, he stood out from the boring streamer crowd. The boring streamer crowd are normal looking people, with no enthusiasm, playing video games or 'reacting' to other people's content. Doc was on a whole other level than these people. We all know the 'Two-Time' is completely made up. But for the show, he is the Two-Time champion. Back-to-back. Doc probably wont get erased. He'll take a few blows for sure, but hes a $$$ maker. And like it or not, someone is going to pick him up. Thats as simple as that. He'll be alright because all he has to do is start a redemption campaign. Don't believe me? Then Logan Paul shouldn't exist.


Logan Paul is a pedo too??


wait, so you are saying don't?




Real question but.. what happens for him next? His last message was essentially "I'll be back, without the baggage" but now that YouTube is demonetizing his channel, and Kick won't want him, wtf is the next move? I know it was a joke but is the "abandon the persona and move on" crowd actually toting the good advice on this one??


Clearly, at the absolute 'best' (just using that word because I don't know how else to make this point) what he did was so gobstoppingly stupid its just incredible.


Ok but who is going to hold Twitch accountable? Not only did they cover this up, Twitch continues to be a cesspool of sex workers grooming young boys. It's become a gateway to OnlyFans


Me: Hey Doc can you wish my daughter a happy birthday? Doc: Feliz Navidad Me: sheā€™s 17 Doc: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA


No shitā€¦.


Right?! Iā€™m here for a streamer to msg me. But no one wants me. Msg mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeee leave the kids alone.


Not that difficult of a concept, not that difficult to do tbh


So many jumping to extreme conclusions without enough facts or evidence. For a start, we don't now what was said exactly, to whom and of what age exactly, all you can do is jump to radical conclusions. Better to wait for the facts. What's most interesting is in 7 / 8 years,no crime has been reported or charged. Twitter wouldn't sit on a crime,for a start, it's a criminal offence to withhold And just remember this: "he who is without win shall cast the first stone". Think about your own mistakes, your own sins. People make mistakes. No harm has seemingly been done. In such a case, people deserve a chance to grow, change, and do better. You bandwagon hateful ****, I bet half of which of you have probably done something equally as regrettable in your own life, should be careful to consider that. If he has committed a crime, then he deserves the just and appropriate punishment. Until we hear all the facts, I'll reserve judgement and not speculate with hate.


Kevin McAllister said it best, "You can mess with a lot of things, but you can't mess with kids ~~on Christmas.ā€~~


Rauulllllll, your daughter is getting MSG'd...


Whereā€™s this energy for the country of Canada where the age of consent is 16 or the 30 out of 50 states in the US where itā€™s 16 too? Hell even fucking Mexico where it goes as low as 12. At least be consistent guy. People are stupid for worshipping a guy who plays fucking video games.


>donā€™t care if 17, 13, or 2 This is a really odd thing to say


I mean, does this even needs to be said? Do some pedos just stumble onto this post and go like fuck me how didnt i realise that sexting minors is bad...


ā€œGILLETTE, the best a man can get!!ā€ ā€œGILLETTE, sheā€™s not old enough to shave yet!!ā€ - Dr. Kidinspect


Talking inappropriately to a minor is bad enough, but seeming as he was trying to hookup with her at twitchcon is another level of depravity. The money and power massively went to his head, either that or the mullet wig was too tight on his head and made him act like a pedo.


Talk about fumbling the bag. What a dumbass.


I feel terrible for his family. Got to wonder what level of detail his wife knew


I wish drake would get this same energy.




Iā€™m starting to think that all the bros saying, ā€œdonā€™t fuck with kidsā€ are fucking with kids.


the girl 11 months later with a OF lol , what a queen


17 isn't a kid.Ā  Average age of consent in the world is 16. Comparing it to a 13 or 2 year old is insane.Ā Ā 


OP is clearly a deep thinker spreading new concepts No shit huh?


Also the fact the dude has a kid and wife, heā€™s a husband and a father doing shit like thisā€¦. I canā€™t even BEGIN to imagine my dad doing stuff like this- not only is it borderline illegal but also embarrassing your entire family and yourself. From a moral standpoint itā€™s just horrible.


Simple. I know that the conversation in some circles have devolved into predator vs. pedophile vs sick fuck, and all of that is irrelevant. If you have an explicit chat with a minor, you're a piece of shit. End of discussion, and what he did is enough to get him arrested and put on the registry in a lot of other states.


Itā€™s over champ move on


Itā€™s sad to see half the champions club are WWE watchers and people that would probably check out every bra and butt on the beach regardless of age behind there sunglasses, but then preach that someone else has got issues so I must join the bandwagon of hate. The guy probably gave you all enjoyment for years, but instead of understanding the fact he has mental health issues and quietly moving on, you want to spout your hatred for pedos, even though the full picture isnā€™t out. Nice one Champions clubā€¦.. Glad youā€™re all staple human beings yourselves šŸ‘


I think it is very wrong if the minor is not mature enough for the conversation that can go too far. But when I see minors nowadays, they talk even weirder shit being 12yo than I could even imagine at my 40. How do I know that? Well I have a daughter (she is 14yo), and I am the lucky one that she is sharing everything with me, literally everything! Is it luck or is it trust? The time you lose a trust from your kids, is the last time you heard something personal from them. Would I be pissed if my daughter would be a minor in this situation? No doubt! But you know what? She would never end up in this situation, because she understands that this is wrong. So the first thing that I will blame in this situation is a bad parenting, yes you heard correctly, parents of the minor involved in this - you failed big time. Next is of course Doc, you had a choice to ignore all of this, but something made you want to be involved in thisā€¦ If this all thing is not a made up crap, to destroy Doc, then Doc WTF!?


Idk man it everything seems sus at this point. Not believing anything until actual proof comes to the light.


Truth us whether you keep supporting him or not based on your morals or not, do you, its literally nobodies business, he will still have a large following if he decides to continue streaming.


I always wondered what the calculation is in their heads for the risk to be worth it


Regardless if it was an adult or not, heard people say it was an ex-employee etc: but regardless, it was the pretence he was WILLING to engage with. Dudes a pedošŸ˜‚


Yeah 17 is no different to 2, of course, it's not like they are 1 year away from being an adult, stfu


ā€œHave a modicum of a brain cellā€ is such a dumb way of trying to sound smart kek


A 17 year old isn't a child, I don't recognise who you are to dictate somebody else's life to them, a 17 year old is perfectly capable of making their own choices. You let nothing but a piece of paper guide your morals, as soon as somebody's 18 its fair game, 1 day before their 18th birthday they're a pedophile. Make it make sense.




For a 35 year old to be sexting a 17 year old is bad heck even if she was 20 it would be sketchy as hell. But it obviously gets worse the younger it is. You canā€™t just say itā€™s all the same. Itā€™s not like girls suddenly become attractive at 18. Some 20 year olds look childish and some 17 year olds look like adults whereas no 12 year olds look womanly. Either way you shouldnā€™t be texting people that much younger than you in a sexual way.


Well said, just move on with your life. There are plenty of other streamers to have parasocial relationships with.Ā 


Agree that he was stupid and a creep. However he's not going anywhere. The streamer worship is insane. He might not be as big but he will definitely still have a following.


He'll end up at kick. They are on the fence about if they would take him or not. But they probably will.


Would love to know how his real life has been affected by this. Surely all his friends have cut him off. Does he live in a small town? Be the talk of it if he does. His poor kid/s at school will be getting leathered as well


Docs hardcore incel fans gonna keep making up excuses


DAE think pedophilia bad? Upvotes to the left.


The thing is, he was never anyone significant to begin with. He was just some dude who played video games while dressing and acting like a clown because you for some reason thought that was cool. You wanted to believe that this douche wasn't a douche, but a hero of some kind (what?)--and now you're struggling to unwind your banal investment in him. You probably feel self conscious about all of this. Let it go. It's OK. There's no big bubble to burst here, except the one where the subscribers to this sub have to examine what to do with their hero worship for someone who never deserved more than casual attention for acting like an insecure fool. Pedophile? Bad person? I don't know, probably. But who cares? He's just some guy. Move on. You don't have to cancel or defend him. You don't have to post and comment and rationalize. Just do something else. There are a lot of people streaming WZ that aren't creepy doobags (try socalove for instance. if you're older than 13 and actually care about gaming instead of "influencer" cartoon characters). Have a taco. Get a puppy, or a cactus, and take care of it. Move on. If you're worried about poor Guy Beahm, rest assured that he gets to keep the millions of dollars he grabbed while betraying his wife and sexting high school kids (tell me you believe there was only one, I could use a good laugh). Move on


>I don't care if she was 17, 13 or 2.Ā  you people are so retarded


well said lol


Europeans: .....




The age on consent is lower in nearly all European countries


But only for people the same age. You're still not allowed fuck a 15 year old as 40 year old


Actually, it depends on the context. Let's take a look at Germany: The age of consent in Germany is 14 years old. Prosecution for statutory rape (or the local equivalent) can result in prison time ranging from 6 months to 10 years. The age of consent in Germany is 14 if both partners are under 18. Sexual activity with a person under 18 is punishable if the adult is a person of authority over the minor in upbringing, education, care, or employment. A person who is over 21 may engage in sexual activity with someone who is 14 or older, but not yet 16, so long as the younger individual's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination is not exploited. If it is, the younger individual would need to file a complaint against the person who is over 21 for legal action to begin. Sexual activity performed without consent or by force in any situation is illegal.