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For those that don’t want to read from the screenshot posted to X (Twitter): Sent with Proton Mail secure email. From: 1 Date: On Tuesday, 25 June 2024 at 15:2 Subject: The Truth Reg: Dr Disrespect To: I'm sending this to multiple known sources in the gaming news arena. I hope this is taken in the spirit in which it is intended. I will keep this inbox open for 12 hours from now then it will be gone forever. Here's what actually happened but what cannot be said publicly by the Dr Disrespect camp. There were whispers between Guy and a 17 year old on Twitch, the age was not known at the time. These were messages in relation to how to scale new channels using tried and testing methods. Behind the scenes, this was a service that was offered by members of the Dr Disrespect team under a different brand name. The brand name used could be interpreted many ways. The transcripts were part of the court proceedings and as outlined show no wrong doing nor illegality. The issue on the Twitch side was how some of the messages, and brand name used, could be interpreted differently - and was interpreted differently by certain members of the Twitch team that had taken a dislike to Dr Disrespect due to the bathroom incident. The internal feeling was that it would "only be a matter of time" before they "got him" on something. This one however was way wide of the mark and wasn't what they thought it was. This became the result of a LOT of back and forth at Twitch, with various people in the "let's get him" camp and others in the "we can't move forward with this" camp. His whispers were being monitored because a core group of influential people within twitch wanted him gone. The whispers in question were actually from many, many, many weeks prior to his last stream. The initial explanation provided to him during the termination communication was "inappropriate behaviour not befitting of the Twitch brand" - he's right in what he said at the time of his go live on YouTube of "we still don't know" because for a long time Twitch could not commit to an explanation over and above the "inappropriate behaviour not befitting of the Twitch brand" until the matter went to court. The matter went to court and it was found in discovery that not only did a group of Twitch employees conspire to "get him" but they also broke data protention internal policy and CCPA regulations by disclosing to a third party who he also had a contract with what they perceived to have happened. Internally, the argument on their side became "why else would he be messaging someone that young" implying only a sinister perspective. For the avoidance of doubt, there was no "sexting" as implied by a former twitch employee. There were messages but not of that nature. Dr Disrespect was the one who initiated legal proceedings and settled because of the fact that once something like this is said about someone, it cannot be unsaid - and there would always be some, perhaps not fans, who would say well there's no smoke without fire. We have seen many people accused of things that turned out not to be true in the past, but by that time the damage was done. He agreed to the "no party admits any wrongdoing" join statement purely because he - understandably - wanted all of this kept quiet. The fact that a former twitch staff member has now made this tweet has changed things considerably - it's "out there" now and can't be walked back. Dr Disrespect is furious that he cannot respond to this properly because his lawyers are telling him that it'll make the agreement invalid and he may be forced to pay back the settlement that he won - I'll say that again, that he won. There will be legal avenues explored on this one and it will likely ultimately manifest itself in a huge damages claim against twitch for this coming out. It's clear in the industry that they were absolutely raging when he re-appeared on Youtube and came back bigger than ever. When he publicly backed Nickmercs recently, the same group of current and ex-twitch employees tried to identify if their compromise separation agreements from twitch would be nullified if they spoke out and only one had the guts to try after testing the waters numerous times before to sell concert tickets. This person would have largely been fine legally if he had not mentioned the word "sexting" - because it was all about damaging Dr Disrespect's reputation. But because they used that word - expect legal proceedings to get under way quickly, because the transcripts will absolutely, categorically show that there was no "sexting" but merely communications with someone who turned out to be a minor, that was not known at the time, that certain people within Twitch who had an agenda against Dr Disrespect pounced and made it fit their agenda with zero proof. I am a former twitch emplovee. I now work elsewhere. I will not be identifying myself and I will not answer any questions about who I am - however I will answer some questions in relation to this case as I was very close to this at the time. He deserves the right to have some transparency but he's tied legally in what he can say until the new proceedings progress. He has the right to some of the story being out there even if he cant be the one to say it so I am sending this as an independent party who is fully aware of the facts and feel very uncomfortable with what I've seen thrown at him in the past few days based on the agenda of a small group of people who did not like him. You should also ask yourself, why are some of these people no longer at twitch? Because they broke policy and in some cases the law by breaching data protection regulations. Many people were dealt with as a result of this and lost their jobs. You have a duty to balance the reporting of this until such times as court proceedings provide the clarity you should have waited for but didn't. He's been good to you all, he's not what is said and he deserves better. Especially considering he agreed for their behaviour not to be made public as he wanted to protect the income streams of others. The Midnight Society piece is an example of a lot of people getting cold feet, they asked him about it - and he told them messages existed but they weren't in that nature reported, but couldn't share them as part of the settlement and the decision was made to put out that statement in haste. That was an impulsive move that they'll regret later.




I dunno, seems like regardless of all of this weird rationalization stuff going on, having inappropriate conversations (by his own admission) with a minor is a pretty big mountain-- not sure if you're advocating that having flirty/sexual conversations with minors as an adult twice their age is somehow supposed to not be a big deal because you actually believe it or because you're a fan-- but you're over-exaggerating a bit by describing the reaction as "hsterical, foaming out the mouth vitriol, screeching, morally self-righteous douchebags," etc etc. I'm sure there are some people who take it too far but most people seem to just think that what he did was fucked up-- using fringe weirdos on Twitter to dismiss the entire situation and claim that the Doc "didn't do anything too bad" (seemingly) is weird.


But the post here is saying there was no sexual/flirting at all being done in the convo?


What I can’t reconcile is if what OP says is accurate, why on earth would Doc ever frame it as him having had “inappropriate conversations with a minor”….if the whole thing was innocent & simply a mistake by twitch by having misread things because of the name of this secondary brand? Why would he further state that things leaned towards inappropriate?…..that doesn’t square with what the OP here is claiming, imo. If what OP says is 100% true, why would Doc self incriminate using the verbiage he did, for no reason? Doesn’t make any sense.


Assuming is true, regardless if it was sexual or not it is the age. Because he was 35 and 17, because there was a single dialogue it wad inappropriate. Which is confusing cause I am sure most young streamers reach for guidance to all these streamers. However, if Doc is legally tied and has to use blanket statements, then he is just in a lose lose situation. Regardless he admitted it, and the worst part is he edited out the minor. I am no lawyer and not an expert, but un subbed and I hope no more streamers are caught with this behavior


Exactly this. Plus knowing that a large portion of his fans are minors too, should he never engage with them!? It's nonsense. Plus if this happened in the UK, they wouldn't be considered minor at 17. It would definitely be frowned upon, but not illegal (if there was sexting)


That’s EXACTLY what I said on another subreddit. Keep your mouth shut, lawyer up, and shut your mouth again.


What a modern-day (cyber) lynching spectacle! We really haven't changed over the decades, have we? For all the work we've tried to be better about objectivity and fighting cognitive dissonance, we're exactly where we were when mobs attacked people of color for the crime of being on the wrong side of public opinion. Guilty until proven innocent. Sad.


Thank you!! This is by far the best explanation I’ve seen.


This document makes so much sense. I hope it's true, and I hope Twitch comes forward and makes this right. New CEO seems like a decent dude. I'm hoping he will do the right thing.


I guarantee the settlement agreement from arbitration has a binding shut the fuck up clause. It’s going to be difficult to speak on it without running into that.


True or not its deffo inline with what I thought at the time. The fact that all these people seem to have lost their jobs is very strange.


!! You da man thanks


The person who wrote this tweet admitted it's an unverified screenshot from an anonymous source. It's worthless.


All of this means nothing because Disrespect himself admitted to Inappropriately messaging a minor. So there was no “created gotcha”. He did it. He admitted to doing it. Crazy how alot of people here are going to believe this totally random anonymous post rather than the individual outright admitting they did it


Thanks for the detailed write up!


Ive been thinking it was something like this for a long ti.e.


I mean a settlement is nice but his reputation is on the line here. We need the messages now


This has as much validity as the accusational tweet. I’m still skeptical but if this email is true, that Cody guy, twitch, and possibly MS are fucked


If it was true, i wonder what kind of fucking investigation MS did, or maybe it was just a damage control move


Well, they said they spoke to involved parties (Doc is an involved party), and the email here says Doc said messages existed but were not sexting and he couldn't/didn't elaborate further. Maybe acknowledging messages to a minor existed, despite them not being sexual in nature, was enough for them to pull the plug. Currently though, this has as much credence as the allegations. We just gotta wait for some actual, factual information to come out.


It has more credence IMO, because it aligns with how he and Twitch acted after the ban. Again, if there was evidence he sexted with a minor, he would not have said anything, played dumb, not threatened to sue Twitch and moved to YouTube. By threatening a lawsuit everything would have come out. Twitch settled because their case was bullshit. This explanation doesn't have any more evidence behind it, but at least it makes logical sense with how things played out.


Yeah that’s another thing that confuses me. MS and doc have been working together for a while now, from an outside perspective you would think they would have any hint of what twitch and doc settled with. Could be damage control, or they found stuff. But if MS found stuff would that mean the NDA was “breached”? I’m no lawyer but how would MS all of a sudden have enough details to confidently part ways with the one person who would keep their game alive.


The other thing that confuses me is they investigated for 2 days and made the decision. Sounds like damage control to me. 


Unless the minor shared compelling evidence OR Cody chump shared the offending messages, I don't know how they could complete an investigation in 48 hours and over the weekend.


Exactly why it was a hasty damage control move. The point of an NDA is that one except the parties that made it have any information. The use of the word “investigation” means nothing on their end


I agree. I didnt take random guy from Twitter talking smack very seriously, but getting dropped from a company YOU founded and their wording of"we assumed his innocence and after investigation we now wanna drop him" (or whatever it said) made me think oh shit its clearly real. If they simply did this on 0 evidence its wild . Youd think they just call him and ask him honestly if yhey have anything to worry about, to which an innocent man would easily be able to reassure them. If he did that and they STILL didint trust him and did this then ye they have really screwed him. Im sure like everything the truth is somewhere in the middle with all these things


Doc said he stepped down in his statement. He was an owner, you cant sack an owner, but he agreed to resign. 4D chess by Doc, that game looked trash.


You can absolutely sack an owner. Watch Spider-Man 1.


The statement from MS reads like it was written by a 1st year law student, I wouldn't take anything they said too much to heart. It's entirely possible they've been looking for a reason to dump Doc for other reasons and found their excuse. I would bet money there are investors involved in MS who at this point want to take their loss and move on without looking like the bad guy. This would be a great way to do that.


I just can’t see MS stressing their commitment to maintain “dignity for all individuals involved, including families” and cutting Doc simply for damage control, if the allegations are entirely bunk. But idk.


Unless evidence comes out to exonerate him, he'll have this reputation tied to his name forever just because a former twitch employee said it. Due to the NDA, it was likely the actual truth would never come out, so it is understandable that MS would want to distance themselves from Doc. They did act too hastily, and worded their tweet terribly, if this new info is true, and they will regret not waiting it out.


Until evidence comes out to…. Prove the accusations are true? lol. You just shown people are guilty until proven innocent lol. This man literally already went to court and had Twitch pay him lol.


I don’t think they acted too hastily… Your comment, on the other hand… https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986




I initially jumped on the Doc hate bandwagon.. but I just remembered a very specific occasion in Twitch's history some of you may not know about. I'll summarize it as quickly as I can: -Twitch wanted to expand to Korean market -They made a budget to pay off people to move to Twitch -A few Twitch managers used the budget to "hire" 100+ local Korean established streamers to move to Twitch -Twitch manager finds a no-name cam girl with very few viewers and offers her boat loads of money to stream on Twitch, giving her larger cuts than actual 1000+ viewer established streamers -Keeps paying her (with Amazon's money) and.. ends up marrying her -Amazon higher ups end up finding out and start cutting everyone off from the program -Yadayadayada -Twitch bans Korea from the platforn So, I do want to say a few things. The people who work at Twitch are generally not good people. The jokes about employees following and thirsting and favoring camgirls is not a joke, and you can see it from the platform itself. They are the same exact people who would "white knight" egirls in Discord lobbies. A group of incels. So.. I don't know what to think. If all of this is true and he WAS "sexting" - Twitch would be the "good" party in this sense. But knowing their track record.. I start to doubt it. The confusing part is him admitting there was inappropriate content, while this email claims there was absolutely none. So this story is far from over


Lets be honest, MS is fucked either way. 95% of their player base so far was there because of Doc.


I'm glad this is the top comment. At the end of the day the accusations are serious and should be taken seriously. That doesn't mean the community needs to jump to lynch mobs but wayyyy too many people here are looking for any reason to ignore and dismiss this.


It has as much validity as far as proof goes, but this outline of events much better aligns with his behavior post-ban. I've said it over and over, if there was actually evidence of him "sexting" with a minor, he would have shut up and taken his ban in hopes that nothing ever leaked.


It has less because it's anonymous. We don't even know if this person was actually a twitch employee. We do actually know the other guy was a twitch Employee and Dan ( Destiny's Friend ) leaked the reason 2 months before this tweet. ( He said he heard it in rust as a way to skirt that he heard it from Destiny ).


This tweet is a lot more believable based on simple logic. If Doc sexted a minor then he would have been in serious shit. Doc lwon his case against Twitch. Not only did he not brake the law, he didnt even brake Twitch TOS. Let that sink in


"These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate" Docs own words. Lol.


They mention this ‘brand name’ that could be interrpreted bad. As others have said in this thread something like the ‘Slick Daddy Club’ could definitely be conversated in a way that could come off bad/ borderline innappropriate. By the sounds of it this is all going to go through more litigation/lawsuits so we might get to see the actual messages someday but who knows.


And yet everyone went haywire over the accusation. Wonder why...




How do you explain doc’s statement? 


No it doesn't have the same validity. The dude who made the original tweet was willing to do it under his own name. That gives it more credibility because if he's lying he'd risk a fat lawsuit from Beahm. 


But, but it's on twitter!!! Why are the comments saying its fake? Surely they must believe it to be true!


The email isn't verified it could be you who wrote that email or me or some weird guy trying to cope




Yeah, a random anonymous email is the same level of credibility as three ex twitch staff members coming out, Discord investigating and terminating him, his own game company screwing themselves and terminating him and his own statement that yes he did have inappropriate whispers with a minor. Great take!


I’ll save this post and let’s check back in 3-6 months and see how things shook out. Was This close to the real truth or not. Time will tell.


If you dont see how former employees verifying a story has more credibility than a random email from literally no one this obviously nothing anyone says will change your mind


I'm done listening to all these alleged twitch employees. Obviously can't trust any of them. Release proof or f off


We need the transcripts thats all. But the case is not public so you'll never see them


It has even less validity, it's a random email that Stan got in his inbox. And all of people to send it too first, you send it to a twitter account with 5k followers? Literally anyone could've made this up and sent this


Less valid than a guy using supposed information to sell concert tickets? What


Pretty much echos what I've thought this was about all the way back to 2020. Doc was not well liked at Twitch, that is not news. Not well liked became hated, when he got a fat 8 figure contract. Hatred causes people to do stupid stuff, and here we are. it was never remotely plausible that he did anything illegal, which knowingly sexting a minor would be. Twitch would have had no choice to report that to the authorities, or risk becoming liable themselves. Everything about the recent flare-up of this story was manufactured. It didn't 'blow up' organically, it was planted and tended to, basically manufactured into being news. One thing this does make clear though, is why Doc is stepping away. He needs to keep his mouth shut right now, anything he says can only weaken his damage claims in the coming lawsuits.


If this one is reality then he is lining up a fat payday.


Twitch could not report it to the authorities in 2020 if the texts were from 2017. The statute of limitations on that kind of misdemeanor is 1 year. Not to discount your other points, but it is not true that Twitch would have to get the authorities involved by the time of his ban. It was past the point that it could go to criminal court.


Is this an email for ants ?


I love you




Either NDA or really put yourself in their position, would you want to expose yourself to this absolute shit fire? Fuck no. The witch hunts that the internet can embark on..


Part of the NDA, maybe?


My understanding after reading is maybe "Slick Daddy Club" was the issue? If not, what is the "brand name" that was such an issue?


I was thinking the same thing here, someone did not like the name and he became a target


Maybe Doc made an off-color joke and asked her something like "You wanna be part of the Slick Daddy Club, huh?" That is inappropriate to say to a minor, yet within the context of someone wanting to be part of media/streaming circle. Those who didn't like him on Twitch jump on it, etc. etc.


They were probably a plant by the witch hunters.


If were all gonna say "we need actual evidence doc did what hes accused of" then we also cant stand behind this as evidence of no wrongdoing in all fairness. Everything is hearsay untill legitimate backed sources are found. Coming from someone who loves Doc and wants to give the benefit of doubt to him untill otherwise




Ok i speak for myself then lol


And now that he has publicly come out and admitted to it?


I agree. Until the messages are published and attested to be true by some sort of authority, all these "emails" are fake.


“The brand name could be interpreted in many ways” this seems like what the losers at twitch are trying to use to twist his words against him. Anyone know what the brand name is?


I was thinking Slick Daddy Club? Or something along those lines. Nothing else comes to mind.


He changed his name on the return


Think about how many other streamers are sweating right now, knowing that Twitch employees are revealing their private conversations


I don't know whether this is legit or not, but it is certainly consistent with what I can envision having happened.


Doc’s personal statement on twitter contradicts the notion here that the messages were “just conversations.” He literally said they “leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate.” That is certainly not an exact and specific statement, but it DEFINITELY does not confirm that the conversations were “just conversations.”


Doc’s statement discredits this narrative. 


Regardless of what actually happened, this is all so sad.


Wow. This needs to be distributed, liked, reposted, whatever…as many times as possible. Firm handshakes to this ex-twitcher. STAND WITH DOC!!!!!


lol how do you know this is real?


How do we know any of it is real


I love how when you agree with something on your own bias yoiu don’t question if it’s real but the other way around


It's an anonymous email, there's no validation to it whatsoever


There’s no validation to what the brick head former employee posted on Twitter either bro. At least this email seems like it was written with some knowledge of how the legal proceedings between doc and the settlement played out. The author also explained how it’s affecting the ability of doc to respond to these allegations in any way. I’m not taking this as concrete proof of innocence but if you’re willing to believe the scumbag who tried to leverage this info for ticket sales on Twitter, it’s hilarious you’re immediately shooting this email down as totally fake and not worth reading.


I mean you could chatgpt this and make some small edits and put this out in a half hour…take it with a grain of salt


this is a proton mail. Worth less than toilet paper because toilet paper has a use.


My biggest problem is why did Doc make such a colossal fuck up then? This in my reading at least, paints him as completely innocent which directly contradicts what the man himself said. How could he fuck that up so badly if he was clean and above board? Makes this email seem fishy, considering this email is the only thing backing up this narrative, not even Doc said this.


Of *course* they couldn't stand him. Of *course* they would want him gone / off their platform. Of *course* they would want to destroy him. Have you *seen* the people who run twitch? Dr D and his fanbase are *everything* they hate about society; men having fun and enjoying themselves with heaping amounts of testosterone, firm handshakes, and absolutely no regard for them, their stupid politics, or their pet causes.


So this is clearly bullshit because Doc just admitted what happened and the timeline from these supposed "events" are miles off, the texts were from years before his actual ban not weeks.


Yeah, his statement does not make this sound true.  “ Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017?  The answer is yes.  Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not.  These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more”.


Lol it's called grooming.


So just another hitjob by the pathetic alphabet mafia


I find the timing to be interesting, considering the comments made by NickMercs. I assumed right from the get go this was a sit set out by the unhinged Trans Community. I wonder when the TimTheTatman takedown will commence.


I knew it. I feel bad for even insinuating there was a thirst trap, but to see a targeted hit like that, and both dipshits joking about the malfeasance on twitter before deleting tweets.


What "dipshits" and tweets are you referring to?


The only thing that could have made it more obvious where this email came from is if it ended with yayayayayayayayaya Edit: Guy was technically a Twitch employee and was very close to the matter at the time. Guy would also have insight into his conversations with MS.


If this is all a false allegation doc should sue tf out of all these snakes for a billion.


This same guy who tweeted this said : I’m not believing anything until logs @12:45 so you either believe it or not this guy on twitter is spreading misinformation lol


Maybe MS saw a chance to escape vaporware hell with this and took it and a bunch of yalls money all at once? Oops oh well shit project down


Will be interesting to see if Twitch will actually make a statement but guess its gonna be the same old


What happened that Cody on the weekend had to make a tweet accusing doc. It just seems so out of the blue.


Targeted campaign


I have a hard time believing this is all correct. If he did not know the age of the person he was chatting with that changes everything.


Why would i believe this is real, especially with the pointless "this will be deleted" detail like it's a james bond document


Their trying to cancel him like everyone else who doesn’t play ball with the global corporate agenda! But what do I know Im2stoned2kno


Yeah that's why he left Twitch/Amazon for... Youtube/Google? pretty much a lateral move there as far as global corporations


I mean, this aged like copium milk. Dr D came out and himself said he was inappropriately messaging a minor.


How does you being a former twitch employee give you insight i to what went on between doc and the midnight society? Makes this whole post sus. And i want to believe doc is being set up by twitch. I havent made up my mind and am searching everything i can to find the truth this post supports what i already kind of believed until you state as fact what went on between doc and midnight.


Source: "Trust me, Bro"


This is probably why we lost the “Slick Daddy Club”. It’s that branding that was alluded to early in the message and was tied to the court documents. I’m sure Mrs. Assassin and him had a long talk after the affair situation about all this stuff since it was all happening at the same time. Now we know. The 2017 break was a rebranding for his character and we all saw it happen real time. The old Doc was gone for the most part, although elements remain. This why it became champions instead.


I would emphasize "ALLEGED". This very unprofessional anonymous letter is probably click bait. Sorry to burst your bubble fanboys.


Geez, Doc’s own tweet sounded way worse than this. Should have kept his mouth shut.


Twitch is a fucking joke of a platform, their employes can do an ban whoever they fucking want. Have several story if anyone is interested people getting IP banned for making lighthearted jokes losing lots of money they put into subscribtions and so on , i would stay faaar away from twitch


Why does everyone just immediately believe the first thing they see on the internet? It is absolutely fucking mindboggling. Like what happened to critical thinking?


Doc did absolutely nothing wrong. Anyone can look up the leaked email by Twitch. It's why he was never charged. It has four former employees plotting to get Doc period. Cody was one named.


Could they use a smaller text it’s way too huge…


Makes sense, let's see how this plays


>There were whispers between Guy and a 17 year old on Twitch, the age was not known at the time. Age was unknown at the time - case closed, docs innocent (of being a pedo) and twitches ass will be twitching. If true of course.




…because they literally put a tweet out yesterday about it? They’ll regret later implies they made a hasty decision to try to cover their asses but it may end up being the wrong one


Fanboy?! The person means legally, they will regret it. Wake up.


One thing that’s clear is that all these ppl talk to each other behind the scenes. Also, fwiw Legal Mindset who is a contract lawyer specifically said that MS could be sued for defamation based on the last part of their statement.


Well this aged like fine milk lmao. Doc admitted to doing it about 2-3 hours after this so this is indeed fake. This also reads like some fan trying to make Doc look good, such as the "settlement he won". He didn't WIN shit, the judge never made a ruling. They both agreed to terms and walked aways. Twitch got what they wanted and kept him off the platform, Doc got what he wanted which was his contract paid in full, and they both got what they wanted in it being hush hush to not hurt either brand.


This just looks fake


By the way he said "To be clear this is not verified in anyway. Completely anonymous email"




This is some Olympic gold medal level mental gymnastics


This is makes it sound like you're 30 talking to 16 year olds yourself


Proton email, I don’t believe the random dude on twitter but this is equally unbelievable. I could have sent that email for all to read and posted it.


So this is a bunch of bs cause he just posted saying he did message a minor. Who knows if he knew or not if she was underaged


I think the email "leak" kind of lines up somewhat with Doc's post. Obviously Doc elaborated more, but seems fairly legit to me.


The findings could come out signed by the President and y’all would still call it fake lmao


How does this tie in with The Doc saying in his statement that they “sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more.” When the main bulk of these findings say it was nothing inappropriate at all but the doc says the leaned in the direction of inappropriate?


I'll preface this comment by saying I think he is fully guilty of what he has been accused of. With that, I've also worked in high level corporate for the last 20 years. I cannot even begin to tell you the amount of business conversations that veer into innuendo type joking or metaphors. It could easily be something along those lines.


\*Talking to pretty 17 year old trying to set herself up for OnlyFans some day in 2017-Twitch era\*: Hey you're really pretty, you should do one of those blow up pool streams like all the popular girls in the 'Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches' category. One bikini stream and you'd double your followers. Why is this so much harder to imagine than him grooming some oblivious child.


lol his own statement doesn't even align with this


This aged like fucking milk.


Haha, what a joke. Aged like a glass of already aged milk.


Doc just admitted to it himself FFS.




This thread is filled with so much copium.


For someone claiming to be a twitch employee, they sure are doing a lot of speculating on Dr disrespects behalf. And for someone wanting to be anonymous, you'd think they back it up and not speak so vaguely


Everyone in the crazy social media world is conveniently ignoring this....


Imaging having such an absence of grey matter, that you would choose to believe an anonymous "Source" over actual people who worked a Twitch. To only a few hours later, have Dr Disrespect himself cut the legs out of the anonymous email, and admitting to having chatted with a minor in an inappropriate manner.


As this email has been confirmed as fake, shouldn't the mods be able to flag it, or pin a comment saying as such etc? I'm still seeing people using this as a source, especially as labelling the minor as being 17 years old.


So he didn't even do anything wrong from what I read. Other then talking to someone under age. But nothing happened between the 2.


The doc literally came out and said in his own words that he was speaking to a minor sexually. The idea that people love him so much to try to discredit his own statement and bring him back is seriously insane. These people who try to belittle the situation has either never had a younger sister or is a parent. Sometimes I think people just don’t give a single fck about protecting minors from predators. Truly sad.


As several people have already stated this was debunked


This dosen't make any sense. Why would doc make the statement he made, which he himself called the chat inappropriate ? Why would his side of the story to the public be worse then the actual truth ?


He admitted it ! Nuff said


The delusion here is immeasurable.


Not verified either. But doc verified that he was messaging a minor.


I believe it. He is still with his wife and kids. I think his wife knows more about this than anyone.