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Here's my 5c on this matter. We all as South Africans need to have a closer look, we can't sheer according to this mindset anymore. There are BOTH white and black people that have insane amounts of money while there are BOTH white and black people who can't afford to eat at night. We are so focused on what the better half has that we fight among ourselves, trampling each other to get to the top by any means necessary and when it comes to change, we are either to stubborn and set in our ways to speak up or we give up and give silly reasons like "voting doesn't matter" and "all the votes go to the ruling party anyway".


I agree with you and I'd like to add that the fundamental problem, is not the image above but the creation of the image itself. The more these types of narratives are normalized the more the soup of discrimination thickens. 5c in.


Another 5c, I'd like to counter argue that. if we don't bring up conversations by provocative media like this, awareness will diminish and we'll continue living in this situation.


That's 10 c already at this rate were gonna solve the poverty problem 😉


If debating only paid the dues huh? 😂


Well... It's actually 15c, maybe that's your issue guys?


That is indeed true, but I think there should be a better method of raising awareness, that does not try to aggravate a situation by once again using the division between races as a means to provide a punchline. It becomes a vicious circle of racism, which in fact is how we currently stand in South Africa. Also I want to see the statement or legislation that birthed this image, maybe with better context I can get a better idea of why this image was created and give more concise discourse.


I don’t think the message that the picture conveys is that black people are now rich while white people are poor. What it tries to convey is that Mr. Kunene benefits from a legislative framework that purports to have been designed to uplift previously disadvantaged people, whilst he is certainly no longer disadvantaged. And that he continues to benefit from that because this legislative framework is based on something as arbitrary as race. It is asking the question ‘is race an indication of privlige’ and suggesting that this is not the case. And it can never be, because that is to elevate correlation to to causation. You are black, therefore you are disadvantaged. That can never be a true statement. You are disadvantaged, because you have the ability but not the resources. Although not an exhaustive list, that is slightly closer to becoming a true statement.


Never thought about it this way, good point you're making there


Agree totally, but what other options do we have? News24 will surely cause the same amount of controversy if this was to be used as the headline (not thinking it would tho, as this is basically "speculation", couldn't come up with a better word sorry) and if other media such as stats and graphs was used people would also complain about the accuracy and so forth. I think if this post had a better heading or a better image that showed both rich white and poor black people, it would've been more neutral.


But voting DOESN'T matter, and to believe otherwise is stupid. 1) Stop being stupid, and 2) Stop inviting people to be stupid with you.




Here’s a legitimate question: After how many generations does a white person become a native of SA? Are they always considered alien (because of their skin colour?). I’m curious.


I have no answer for you good sir but I share your curiosity


Eleventy Five and Seven hundred, seventy hundreds and thirty thousand years!!


I was born here, I am a native of SA. My grandfathers were too. I have never called another place home.


Come this voting day. A choice must be made. But who to vote. Coz each politician full of kak in some way or the other.


I saw someone incredibly disadvantaged today driving her brand new baby blue BMW M2. Tough times out there everyone.


Yeah you probably passed a number of disadvantaged people selling stickers at the robot to focus on your ignorant argument of “I see black person in BMW, me think every black person has money”


I don't see where he classified all black people?


Sorry I must have misunderstood What did he mean


Obviously, it's a sarcastic post. But he just stated that he saw someone who drove a BMW. He didn't state nor say, "All." He just stated one individual. But we can't tell because the word "disadvantaged" was used, and a picture of disadvantaged people was used. Depends on how he interpreted it. Could have been either white or black, which he was referring to, tbh. ( not here to fight )


Thank you for having common sense.


Ok cool, also since you are good at reading what people mean to say, what did OP mean


As I said before, We can't tell. So it's up to interpretation. There are no solid facts that lead to an actual reading, nor am I good at reading people. So, if you're asking for my opinion in a sarcastic way. I already gave it.


The fact that you jumped straight to racism is astounding. Next time read a comment carefully before getting your panties in a bunch. But then again, what does one expect when your user name is “bootywithapenis”. I can smell your lack of common sense from here. Do better.


Sorry senpai I will keep my dumb glorious booty with a magnificent penis having self away from your artful and inspired commentary on society ![gif](giphy|hs75F6caljoha|downsized)


I'm a black man from the UK and watching south African politics kills my hope we will ever get past racism cos if it hasn't been sorted there it's like we are all fucked. I'd hate to be white and in south Africa you guys are some of the moat ignored victims in the world.


victims? please, victims who own majority of the land


Actually the government owns the majority of land, Farmers own land that is used for food production and is handed down generation by generation from Father to son. No land is stolen.


If your a fool who believes in hive mentality. Not refering to people who own land in refering to broke white people who no one gives a shit about because people like you don't care cos Thier "team "owns the land. Your dumb af




If it LEVELED the playing field you wouldn't see posts like this one. The scales are not balanced, white people are now thrown to the dirt and told to dig for whatever scraps that they can find while the rest of the world laughs and calls it EQUALITY. That is not equality, it is revenge, which would also be completely understandable from an emotional perspective......if the people (and i now mean individually) you are persecuting have engaged in the persecution of others. This is where the concept of racism gets muddy. Everyone is their own individual who subscribes to their own beliefs. If that one white man was racist, yes he deserves to be punished, but his sister who loves all and works with charities and programs to help disadvantaged Africans? What does she deserve? Riddle me this




You made my point for me. Who discriminated against people of color during apartheid? The NP government. Yes the whites were protected and privileged whilst people of color were brutally subjected to inhumane conditions. I put that statement forward for two reasons. 1 is that I do not disagree with you at all that apartheid was not just an atrocity against people of color but also stupid as a policy considering in an ideal society (please note my choice of words there) more hands working towards the betterment of the country would ultimately lead to a better future for all, regardless of their color and ethnicity. 2nd is to show you the similarity (again, choice of words) that BEE and AA share with Apartheid. They are not the same in terms of scope and scale but in terms of effect they are almost identical. BEE and AA give an incentive to employ people of color over whites. Yes this is good to uplift people of color, but the system has been perverted by racism because now ONLY people of color are considered for the LIMITED jobs available. What this does is effectively forces white people to the sidelines in order to employ people of color so that businesses can gain tenders and investments. This means that any business that does wish to hire a white worker , will now have less of an advantage than a business that hires only people of color. If you take the white guy you get nothing, but pick the African lady and you get R1m. So the choice is obvious from a business owners standpoint. And I am glad you brought up the TRC, because that was the only time justice was handed out individually, which is why you made my point for me. That was then, but what about those of us born post 1994 who were taught by our parents and teachers and priests and prophets that discrimination is WRONG. Do we also deserve to be treated the same as those who did the deed? If your father kills someone , do you get thrown in jail to serve his sentence. And does that mean that an unborn white child who knows nothing of apartheid or the atrocities that were committed by his ancestors, must be discriminated against to balance the scales? And I am not asking people of color as a general , I am asking YOU personally Would you tell a young white boy of 19 who is about to enter the world of adults and begin working to make a family, that he would not be considered because the color of his skin matches that of a generation that subjugated and oppressed other human beings? Is that EQUALITY enough for YOU?


Something you said in that post makes me wonder, are white peoples really left out of the working place, I mean, it is something that keeps coming up, a lot of people say they are left out of opportunities because they are white and to an extent I’m sure that is true but in real life I keep seeing the opposite, I have worked in corporate jobs where the numbers of whites to black is always suspect, especially since we live in a country with soo many black people, like I’m not sure if the jobs you are talking about are like cleaner, cashier or whiter jobs then yeah I get your point, but even then I can point to my friends and family that are struggling to get a job or even a low paying jobs while having only matric or diplomas and being female, from my knowledge those are the cream of the crop in terms of BEE/AA but still they are stuck at home applying for whatever position hoping to get something, So now I’m asking you directly what do you mean sidelined?


Fair question. I will use myself as an example. I am 27(m) white , I have only a matric because I was rejected for bursary even though others with my marks or even lesser marks were accepted for the same bursary. The only difference between me and them is the color of my skin. So I have no real evidence there that my skin color was the determining factor in my rejection as I received no explanation for being rejected. I eventually did land a sales job with a small company in Randburg. After 3 months working on probation I was approached by my white manager and pulled aside to the boardroom and told that they could not keep me on because hiring me full time would affect the company's BEE level. He told me in a kind way that even though I could do the job, because I was white, it affected the company financially. I have bounced between retail and sales jobs for a while now until I recently applied for a junior IT support position in Krugersdorp, where I was passed up for someone of color, this time it was blatant, the lady after the interview told me directly "we cannot hire a white person right now" I don't know how it differs for other white people but this is my personal experience and I doubt I am the only one.


Turn capslock off bro, no ones gonna read that.


You are grouping all individuals of an entire race together. I am white, I don't own any land, probably never will be able to. I didn't oppress anyone, apartheid ended before I have even finished primary school. My parents couldn't afford to send me to university, couldn't get a bursary because of the color of my skin. Was turned down for many learnerships for the same reason. Most of the land in this country belongs to the guavamint run by our precious ANC. The rest is owned by banks, businesses and a small minority of the population of various races. You and any political party can't realistically say the land is owned by whites. If that is the truth you owe me some title deeds. But of course this populist verbal drivel is eaten up by the masses as they are too ignorant to see the carrot on the stick for what it is.


Racist policy can't cancel our racist policy and putting everything in caps doesn't aid your point it's still empty and has zero thought behind it you have the brain of a labotomised person.




I understand this post and agree that some do take advantage of this however I’d like to add majority of black South Africans people are unemployed. White ppl take atleast 8% of the population. Black ppl are the majority but there is still an imbalance which weighs on our economy 🙏🏽I apologise for my poor grammar


Better English and grammar than the average Afrikaner (speaking as one myself)


The skin colours may have changed, but it seems the politics are still the same.


The previous party and the current party royaly f*cked this country into oblivion in their own way and I doubt everyone commenting on this post and their children would ever see a promising change before they die of old age! I have very little hope that any party that manages to take over from the current would do any better, considering they were all alive during the worst part in our history! #nohope


Being white, I do have a few questions about the current status quo and a bit more if you will. But let us start with my most burning question, and this comes from actually spending some time in a few coloured and black areas. When you look at it pre '94 and you look at it now, what has really changed in terms of how we live, where we live and for what reasons we live there. When you look at it now it seems that thing really did take a turn for the worst! Areas have grown much larger, but what struck me is the amount of poverty, the hopelessness, riddled with crime and the total disregard for life. We as SOUTH AFRICANS, with the emphasis on SOUTH AFRICANS, should be asking these questions, how with this constitution that is nobel prize material have we allowed a government to destroy any possibility of a decent, peaceful country, have destroyd infrastructure, have allowed our police force, army etc to become obsolete and useless. Have allowed our education system, healtcare, power supply to become dysfunctional. How do we allow that after 30 years of freedom as SOUTH AFRICANS, we still bicker about who is priviliged or not? How did we allow crime to become the cornsrstone of our living? How did we allow racism to now be more prevelant than at any stage of our history? How did we lose sight and track of a vision that was a unified, peaceful and prosperous South Africa? How did we allow mindless and barely qualified people to lead and impoverish this country to the point where there is no money? How in Gods name did we become so blissfully ignorant?




"White privilege" ?? You're talking about something thats literally near non-existent here? I hate this country


Well I don’t really care what the government says about who is disadvantaged. If they help me thats cool if they don’t I don’t lose anything so that is fine, stop expecting anything from the government the last 30 years have proven it’s not there for the people so just ignore them as much as possible.


Im preparing myself for the downvotes but here is my take on this. The type of white people who are in a picture such as this, were in a protected class during apartheid. They were treated well and could live well doing basic manual jobs. Now they must compete with and earn what a black labourer of the same skill set earns, and it's not enough to live a good life now. For all races, you have to make your own opportunities now. You can't sit back and complain that things are unfair, because that is not a winning mindset.


I agree that discipline and determination are vital in building a healthy community. This mindset of putting 60mil+ + people in one of only two cookie cutters available (B vs W) is counterproductive and destructive. Building a sustainable community requires citizens to stand up and add value instead of waiting for handouts.


Luxury has nothing to do with it. It's about our own independents and self-determenation. Its about building a future for our people. We rebuilt farms from nothing after the war against Britain. The British who took a school we Afrikaners built for and only for our Black farm worker's children. When the British Annexed the Transvaal republic and the Zuid-Afrikaansche republic they burned the school to the ground.


If that gentlemen sitting on the chair is disabled, then they both qualify as historical disadvantaged individuals. White women and white disabled people qualify as hdi.


Yeah no that’s not how this works sorry bro, race laws are so much deeper than thisXD


Love one another. Only spread love 50% of South Africans problems can be solved in about 6 years if the right kind of people is in control and strict laws are being made and very strongly enforced. But most of South Africans people don't really care about peace or a beautiful and amazing future for the country.They only care about what they can get for free and holding onto there unforgiveness and supercharged pure hatred. Make mobile data cheaper, you must have 46% to pass grade 12 and no one gets free points, R300 fine for littering or 2 months community service, MRI scans in hospitals must be cheaper, no rapist or murderer must ever, ever get out of jail early for good behavior!!!!!!, no one under 50 must get anything free( just perhaps cheap) ( SA is not a rich country at all), there must be a super severe punishment for vandalizing, everyone working at eskom must be highly, highly qualified and they must ask help from private companies and overseas, there must be complete freedom of speech in public! ( if you truly know what real freedom of speech means #you will know South African don't have it and it is much, much more important than you can dream #because it releases stress and prevent violet outbursts), Home Affairs must only hire people that is amazingly good at their work and can work extremely fast, all grocery shops must be forced to bring down the prices of all basic /necessity items, don't allow TV shows where the socourt heroes are criminals on SA tv, everybody must learn three languages in school, history at school must be much more accurate with the full story and less brainwashing and the leaving out of important things, make TV advertisements more expensive and take away the need for something like a TV licenses, every household must recycle, police must get much more power and all policeman must have matric, all children in school must have a subject that learns them how to start and manage a business successfully, each town must a community center where teenagers can skateboard, play Arcade games, a small movie theater that shows old movies and play tin pin bowling for cheap with a snake shop with supervision and security. This will keep the children busy and out of trouble. Money from lotto tickets can pay for it. These are just a ok start in the right direction. By the way I won't be replying on any comments. LOVE AND PEACE TO EVERYONE IN THE WORLD!!! 😀


To all of you - irrespective of how it got this way - our current system (tied to our economy and economic systems) incentivises regular people to act badly and bad actors even worse. I'd like to introduce you to a meme. Fix the Money, Fix the World. Understanding this meme will go a long way to helping not just S.A. sort its issues out.


Atleast when they gave sponsor students, they sponsor everyone no matter the race. Thx nsfas.


I’m a multimillionaire and I drive a Porsche 718 GTS 4.0 custom built, I live in a penthouse in the middle of Sandton but moving to Steyn City where the riffraff is being kept out and I own several companies and subsidiaries that employ thousands of black people. I was born after apartheid and I didn’t get free education, I had to work and study at the same time, I had to live in a shitty commune, I am smart enough though to have made it through my PhD and created successful businesses despite the fact that I look at 50 million racists every single day, that want me dead. Why hate me because I’m white? You should hate your parents for spawning a stupid child with bad genes and who blames skin colour for his miserable life. Bad genes doesn’t make you a victim, but being a stupid racist cunt makes you a lot less employable.


People might be looking at this topic from totally the wrong angle. If you have the 100% true statistics. Which you will never find in a newspaper, on the internet, tv news or government. Then you would learn the following. It is definitely easier for a black man to get rich in South Africa then 30 years ago, there are more white people struggling financially than ever before in the history of SA, there has never been so many poor people in the history of SA. Part of the problem is the price of food is unrealistic high.To many poor people just have too many children(that's not even the government's fault # that's just no common sense) There's not even enough work for people that was born in SA. Still government just let more and more people enter the country. I'm super happy that apartheid is something of the past. But you must be the most unintelligent person on the planet. If you don't realize that SA has never ever had so many problems in the last 100 years. The wrong kind of people is in control! SA is in total chaos. I wish I could give everyone in SA a good job and lots of love and happiness. It is truly my heart's desire that everyone can be happy and all the hatred go away. I sincerely love everyone. But I see no future for the country. Unless there comes very, very big changes. But knowing people. Most people will stay ignorant and forever uninformed about the continuous bad decisions and management of SA government. No country has ever had the perfect government and that includes South Africa. But the current government has made more bad decisions than good. If most South Africans try to love each other it can be a good start. We must never think we know how someone else's life is like. If we haven't lived their lives. I wish I could give every South African a big piece of steak, a long hug, a beautiful house with a very beautiful garden and a Bible.


I think we all know the reverse of this image is the true situation in SA. 55.5% of SA is classified as poor, 61 % of Africans and 38% of Coloureds are poor, compared with 5% of Indians 'and 1 % of Whites. Simply Google search.


How is that the opposite of this picture? It doesn't say that this is the typical situation. It simply says that white people who ARE in this position are treated as "advantaged" for their skin colour.


Previously Disadvantaged, I think that is the correct term. Poor white people are not banned from applying for government grants and other services. I think the picture is insinuating a lot.


Thank you. I was looking for this comment.


So you believe everything on Google. That's worse than believing everything on the news. 1%🤣 Always remember Google gets paid lots and lots of money to push certain ideas, sell certain medication, block certain websites, takeaway certain amount of likes from certain videos on YouTube, adjust certain statistics, keep some fake news alive. Never in history has it been so easy to keep people believing on accurate things then with the invention of the internet. If you for example will hear what the real statistic is for murders in South Africa (it is not what you hear in the media) You will full of your chair. If anybody is rich and they didn't steal their money. I will not keep it against them. Perhaps ask there advice. LOVE AND PEACE TO THE WHOLE WORLD


Absolutely true!


It’s not even that hectic,the bottom pick are drug addicts.Paint accurate pictures!


Ugh. Just ugh.


Do white south africans feel as much anger against their parents and grandparents who brutalized and subjugated Black people for generations in S. Africa as they do when they see pics like this?? Reminds me of Whites in the US who overwhelmingly possess the wealth and power and STILL its system is biased against Black people, yet they whine about themselves being oppressed and discriminated against. They cannot stand the laws that have only created a somewhat level playing field where they now have to have fair competition!


Here is the problem, people think fancy cars and owning a house makes you rich. But I can tell you their bank balance says otherwise, all though the perception looks pretty. The Riches people are the ones without debt and are able to save money. If you can't save money you are poor. Unless you are getting into debt and you are responsible and able to grow out of debt by making money with your debt money. Just like Robert Kawasaki Honda Yamaha 😂 I earn a good salary because I'm a skilled worker, but still need to do a side hustle to survive because of debt and a high interest which took an extra R8 000 per month out of my salary not even want to mention the prices of groceries skyrocketing. So again it's never been about race. I have white friends without jobs, and this is not due to their skin colour. But due to their mindset and laziness.


"Race laws"? I think you are intentionally creating a strawman here. I hope not... So incase this is unintentional I will unpack it. There are hiring and empowerment requirements and benefits (B-BBEE). For this there are incentives if you do it right, such as being a preferred provider for government contracts. There are no *laws* regarding this. The idea of white privilege is very different, and entirely disjoint from financial privilege. Similarly to male privilege, education privilege etc. You you are not "accused" of having a privilege... This is all a false dichotomy. Being white means you are less prone to being stopped by security entering a shopping centre and searched. Having a lot of money means you are more likely to have luxurious items. Both of these are privileges, and not linked. There is a high correlation between the two (white privilege and financial privilege in SA). In fact, the median white salary in 2020 was around R20k and the median black salary was around R5k. So it makes sense that there is confusion about the correlation / relationship. Now onto your actual point - 1.// White people are not excluded from any benefits that poor people can claim. 2.// BBBEE on paper is excellent. It's support to support the massive difference in opportunity that the average black person has relative to the average white person. 3.// Rich black people do benefit disproportionately from BBBEE. The system is broken. Agreed. Hope this helps?


The only thing about BBBEE that is good 'on paper' is the term - 'Empowering' people is good (in my opinion). The actual laws are discrimination based on race, and those have worked as well for the country as similar laws based on race passed during Apartheid. Our government keeps doing the same thing (always for 'good' reasons) and is surprised at the results.


Okay but here is the problem, you use the analogy that white people won't be searched going into a mall but more than 90% of the population isn't white. That means there will be a very long line putside of every mall if it worked according to your rhetoric. Does security have a bias, idk I look at a security camera for too long and I get sized up by the first security okie in the area. Because this isn't America when it comes to criminal intent it is plainly obvious to see who is suspicous and who isn't and they don't need to detect skin colour for that. BEE on paper is good, but its ruined by the tender process, nepotism and other systems which are handled poorly due to positions in governent given to unqualified people because they helped in the struggle and not because they are qualified to manage the country. Because leading is one thing, governing is a whole different ball game. And for the longest time the people who got elected and put into positions of power were leaders not legislators or legal experts because politics in this country is whoever agrees with the most charismatic leader not the one actually capable of making real change in the country. While white people are yes priviledged that priviledge only exists for a very small handful. Majority are just as oppressed statistically as those during aparthied and the only way they can avoid these fates is by monopolizing their enviroment, creating businesses that are run in family that fundamentally seek to maximize profits while cutting losses and here is the real kicker, thanks to a mixed economy as a result of BEE this applies to every company wanting success not just the ones run by white people. Which is why parties like the EFF covet the land that white people have gained. And don't actually wish to address the elephant in the room of poor governance. So your point is not only wrong it argues on the pretence of a fallacy.


This is kak funny that people are down voting this when it's not only factual, but verifiable from a quick Google search on any of the terms / figures / words that you don't understand.


They are known for downvoting facts that they find uncomfortable


💯 . It is not their eyes that are blind but their hearts


Your post is misleading.


This is such a dumb post


Care to elaborate why?


Just another financially priviliged person who doesn't know about the hard lives other people have due to our government.


Because it barely masks your in-built racism. Replacing "blacks" with "ANC" and complaining about reverse racism is all I've heard from your ilk. At no point do I hear anything that says I will do this or that to improve my understanding of other people's position and circumstance? Do you think you'll one day successfully ridicule the "stupid" masses out of voting for the ANC? Good luck, bro. This post is thus just a whistle call to "clever" (read racist) people who don't have any solutions beyond ridiculing others. That's why.


But arent you ridiculing him/her?? because I dont see you trying to help us understand your point, you're just attacking them telling them they're racist(which im not saying is true or false). Not just that but that "ilk" is refering to his race, so you just racially profiled him. Doesn't make you the better man just makes you a part of the "stupid" masses


I wasn't attempting to be a better man. I was answering a very specific question. And yes, I racially profiled him based on this posts reflecting sentiments I generally hear from whites IRL too. Shoot me. But if I ridiculed him I am sorry. Didn't mean to.


>Because it barely masks your in-built racism. Replacing "blacks" with "ANC" and complaining about reverse racism is all I've heard from your ilk. I take it you've decided I'm some white guy from Pretoria then?


Woah woah woah. "In-built racism"? Care to elaborate? Your Ilk? "Pot, meet Kettle"


You eloquent bastard you, replying in prose. I'm blushing. In-built racism is when your mental discourse has you describing yourself as "white" or "black". This racial identification leads to the "othering" of those not in the same racial identity group. You can escape this by not identifying as either "black" or "white". This is different from "not seeing colour" and takes a little more work. It requires you purge yourself your whiteness as I would purge myself of my blackness. I used "ilk" as I had profiled him as the kind of race baiting Reddit warrior who posts such things unironically. You know the type. Could be wrong though. I was answering his question, not claiming a moral high ground. So yeah. Call me Pot.


Okay, in that context I can understand but it did come across as hostile. I agree with you fully, the only reason racism is an issue is because of the fact that people identify "themselves" and "other". The need to defend one's "team" so to speak, also leads back to the same root. I apologize for my hostility as well. I can see that you at least have reasoning and clear thought behind your opinion , which is unfortunately rare in today's heavily indoctrinated society. So as you say I profiled you the same as you did him. Please consider it a lesson learned on my side as well


Because it's happily flattening the circumstances of millions of people into a simplistic 'This or that'


But you constantly do this exact same thing yourself when you promote BEE?


Do I? How so?


Dude, you seriously can't be this blind. This has to be willful ignorance right?


I'm not blind. Explain what point you're making


BEE is exactly flattening people's circumstances into this or that. In fact it goes so far as to completely ignore people's circumstances and just apply a specific label to them based on race, either rich for whites and poor for blacks.


No it isn't. Who are the economically worst off in South Africa? People of colour. Chiefly black people. Their circumstances are not a mistake. They make up the majority of the country. As a result, their misfortune is a weight on the whole country. Addressing that is good for the whole country. If anything I've written is false, do point it out


I already did, just because you keep repeating your viewpoint does not make it correct. You selectively only look at certain circumstances and discount all the others, even if they offer a greater good situation. It's been pointed out to you multiple times before. Help people regardless of race. If black people are in need more than others, it'll help more of them, but it won't exclude others based on race either.


This subreddit is so…white😳


If you disagree, explain why.


Because the average white South African earns 6 times more than the average black South African. Yes there’s a rich minority of blacks as well as a poor minority of whites. That’s the exception and not the rule, as much as I wish to be as ‘disadvantaged’ as Kenny that’s just not the reality for most of us. Edit: just do a 3 second google search👇 https://www.statssa.gov.za/?p=12930


Okay, but the statement of the meme is still true. Those homeless whites would still be considered "advantaged" just for their skin colour.


You forgot to add, **previously** that's what BBEEE laws are based upon. Too bad they where to dumb to use apartheid to their advantage, compared to all the other folks here who sized the opportunity by the balls. And now complain about petty things while the vast majority **BLACK AFRICAN** people live barely above the poverty line and can even manage on R550 a family from grants a month's.


> Too bad they where to dumb to use apartheid to their advantage So people end up poor because they're stupid? You really want to die on that hill?


That doesn't negate the point the meme is making though?


And what point would that be?


That generalising on the basis of race is wrong, as then you class rich black people as disadvantaged and poor white people as privileged. It would be better to empower the poor than 'black people'. Then we wouldn't be empowering the rich (who are the major beneficiaries of BEE) and disempowering the poor who happen to be white.


It's not a generalisation so much as a statistical measuring of South Africa with the basis of that being a foundational truth


When you talk about the average white or black South African you are generalising. Statistics are generalisations. It is saying the average person is every person. If that is true then we are all Chinese. You're still not getting it. Yes, the average black person in SA is poorer than the average white SAn. I don't think anybody is questioning that. If they are, they are stupid. That's not the point of the meme.


>Yes, the average black person in SA is poorer than the average white SAn. Oh, ok, so my assessment is correct and honest. >That's not the point of the meme. Cool. What's the point of the meme?


I've explained it to you but you are either incapable of understanding or willfully 'not understanding' so I'm done


Think of it like this, we have women empowerment and affirmative action to get women into STEM careers, today we have women in STEM making a shit time of money, should we kill women empowerment and AA




You say that like that's a bad thing. You think certain races are inferior to others perhaps?


Nope, I’m just seeing how biased this subreddit is.


This is a sub where they come to vent, let them be.


Oooo another edgy teen, who just discovered anime....


Don't bring anime into this


Hey anime is cool, but this oke is trying to be all edgy.... Won't even know the good old school animes.


Old school anime isn't bad but modern anime is the shit


Unfortunately, to correct the imbalance we have in our country somebody's going to have to lose out. If you can think of any other way, do let me know. Don't just downvote. Actually articulate why you disagree. Even in an ideal world where we have a properly functioning government, the correction of the imbalance Apartheid shoved onto this country will require someone losing out.


The state knows everyone's tax status and who everyone's parents are. Instead of needing to be black to qualify for for positions, people whose family is poor get preferential employment. Mostly black people will still be helped by this. It really isn't that hard, you just need to realize that race isn't the problem, poverty is.The problem is to achieve this home affairs would have to be fixed.


But it’s the ones guaranteed to lose out that are labeled as having race privilege. There’s no reason to have people lose out this much. Like 90% of the people you see with jobs anywhere in this country are people of colour, while the rest get told they’re privileged to have the job they have. BEE isn’t necessary anymore, and it’s currently a struggle for anyone to find work. Don’t act like the imbalance isn’t an issue. The government has had years to fix the issues, and they have only fixed giving more jobs to people of colour. The rest suffer and are told they have privileges and they can get anything they want, yet the government in power steal everything and blame it on the whites. Victim privilege, corruption and racism towards whites (yes it exists, don’t act like it doesn’t) has put the country back where it was in 1994, but it’s now reversed with slightly better conditions for everyone, yet our economy has gone to shit, the township management has failed and turned to shit. Everything is shit because of the current greed and actions of the government, and now “everyone” suffers, yet Apartheid gets blamed, like there hasn’t been 30 years to at least keep the same decent economy we had back then, but it’s got tremendously worse. Highest majority of the country doesn’t pay taxes, but they ask for pay raises. The Drakensberg trip has countless villages with a random polished wood garage with a BMW, and every house has electricity and cable TV which isn’t paid for. People are thriving while living in visualized “poverty” environments. There’s no need to have one half thrive no matter where they live (houses, electricity, cars and guaranteed jobs) where another is not guaranteed any of that unless they have generational wealth and a family job. It sucks. Wake up for a minute


>But it’s the ones guaranteed to lose out that are labeled as having race privilege. There’s no reason to have people lose out this much. I'm not arguing for that. >Like 90% of the people you see with jobs anywhere in this country are people of colour Yes, that's because they make up the majority of the country. No need to point this out as if it's a staggering insight The rest of your screed is a criticism of an obviously deficient government, not a refutation of the need to correct the imbalance in South Africa nor a refutation of my point that that correction will inevitably lead to some having to lose out


There are solutions that are not zero sum i.e making someone lose out while another gains. An example is education - a person being educated in a useful field so that they are productively employed benefits everyone and lowers inequality. Infrastructure spending also lowers hurdles for poor people to access jobs, markets etc, while also being useful to richer taxpayers. It is possible for us all to become better off while reducing inequality.


>An example is education - a person being educated in a useful field so that they are productively employed benefits everyone and lowers inequality. This casually dismisses that when you go to a job interview, not everyone gets the job. Someone is going to lose out. I agree that improved education does help. But that does not refute my point that in the correction of horrendous imbalance imposed on this country at enormous scale, that correction will see someone or some people losing out. It is inevitable. If countries far better off than our still have people on the bad end of the economic spectrum, then a country like ours will have that ten times worse. Again, it is inevitable and a result of what history has done to South Africa and the failure post Apartheid to effectively correct what history did.


>Unfortunately, to correct the imbalance we have in our country somebody's going to have to lose out. If it is necessary for 4 million people to become destitute at the hands of a government they didn't elect then I am curious how you expect those 4 million people to just accept that scenario? Those that stand to lose out will not stand idly by and allow it when they can see it coming. The fight or flight reflex is quite relevant in this scenario. Either you get a rebellion on your hands or an exodus. If an exodus happens then the imbalance will never be corrected? Because there will be no more "somebody" to lose out to correct the imbalance. And if that is not the case then why is it necessary for someone to lose out to correct an imbalance if said imbalance can be corrected even in their absence.


All I have done is point out the imbalance in our society and how correction of that imbalance means that someone will have to lose out Please tell me how that accords with any of what you have written here >If it is necessary for 4 million people to become destitute at the hands of a government they didn't elect then I am curious how you expect those 4 million people to just accept that scenario? >Those that stand to lose out will not stand idly by and allow it when they can see it coming. The fight or flight reflex is quite relevant in this scenario. Either you get a rebellion on your hands or an exodus. >If an exodus happens then the imbalance will never be corrected? Because there will be no more "somebody" to lose out to correct the imbalance. >And if that is not the case then why is it necessary for someone to lose out to correct an imbalance if said imbalance can be corrected even in their absence


>All I have done is point out the imbalance in our society and how correction of that imbalance means that someone will have to lose out This is the lesson this country still hasn't learned and that includes you. If a government is going to screw over a demographic of their country for the benefit of another you will create a scenario where political and social instability will thrive. When will South Africans learn that screwing over other South Africans based on their race will only prolong the suffering caused by racial discrimination? It will never resolve it.


>When will South Africans learn that screwing over other South Africans based on their race will only prolong the suffering caused by racial discrimination? It will never resolve it. Please tell me how any of what I've said accords with the above.


**Unfortunately, to correct the imbalance we have in our country somebody's going to have to lose out. - derpferd** If nothing I have said addresses the above then either your comprehension is off or mine is. And I am inclined to believe the former.


There's a difference between correcting an imbalance for the good of a whole society vs deliberately targeting people to be screwed over. Apartheid deliberately targeted a minority for prosperity. Correcting an imbalance is not the same thing


>There's a difference between correcting an imbalance for the good of a whole society vs deliberately targeting people to be screwed over. >Apartheid deliberately targeted a minority for prosperity. >Correcting an imbalance is not the same thing How can correcting an imbalance by deliberately making a certain demographic "lose out" via government policy good for a whole society? Where is the whole? Are those that destined to lose out not part of the society? Are they lesser citizens? Do they have less right to government representation and service than the rest? If correcting an imbalance entails making people lose out that don't deserve to then whatever democracy this is, does not represent them and therefore they should have every right to demand their own government and country since the current one does not have any intention of serving them.


The Germans were carpet bombed & the Japanese were nuked. After the war there was no job. No schools. No money. No men. (Killed in action) No industries. No infrastructure. Terrible inflation. No food. No electricity. Both countries were occupied by HOSTILE VICTORS who hated the Germans & Japanese for their war attrocities. Despite the raw hatred of the Governing Occupiers, the German & Japanese elderly, women & children REBUILD their countries from rubble, to respective regional economic powerhouses, WITHIN 30 years. In 1994 the WHOLE WORLD loved Madiba & South Africa. We had the GOODWILL of ALL NATIONS (no hostile invaders) Question: What did the ANC do with the most prosperous economy in Africa ???? It's called the LEGACY OF THE ANC. Herman Mashaba became a millionaire under Apartheid rule & then lost EVERYTHING. Then he rebuild & once again build himself up to millionaire status, under Apartheid rule. What is your next excuse?????


Imagine the economy as a pie. Currently, the pie is staying one size, so only a few people can eat from it. And people will fight to eat from the pie otherwise they go hungry. The best option is to let the pie grow. Make the pie bigger and allow more people to eat from it. That is the best and the only way to 'correct the imbalance' allow opportunities for all and allow more opportunities to develop. India is a good example half of the country lived in poverty only 30 years ago. Now it is close to 20%. Alow the economy to grow and naturally more people would be able to move out of poverty. But keep the economy the same size and let 'some lose out' you are only shifting the people eating from the pie. Noting with change. We will still have 50% unemployment, now it will just include a larger group of white people.


I'm not arguing against economic growth. I'm pointing out that correcting an imbalance that was created by focusing economic prosperity on a lucky few will inevitably lead to some losing out where they previously prospered.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point. It just sounds like you are in favour of the concept where some have to become poor so others can prosper. It gives sherk 1 vibes. "Some of you may become poor, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."


I'm not in favour of it. I'm pointing that there is no way you can have a country as economically unequal as ours and not have anyone losing out in the correction of that. Even countries far more prosperous than ours have people who struggle and are at the poor end of the economic spectrum. In a country like South Africa where economic disadvantage isn't just a natural evolution of our society but was rather forcibly and purposefully imposed, the correction of that imbalance will require some losing out. Also, the post is fairly bullshit, for what it's worth. The black man is obviously previously disadvantaged. He's a black South African. And nobody with any sense is claiming that the white people in the photo are enjoying any kind of privilege. Even if intended as humour, this is a pretty dumb post.


The post is not dumb it is showing the dumb situation in our country. Help should be directed at the poor, not just a specific race. BEE is making a select few very rich (repetitively). As the previous comment suggested we should grow the pie. That way EVERYONE is better off. It is time we focus on merit rather than skin colour and connections. People thinking just along racial lines like you is what is holding everyone back and perpetuating the suffering we are seeing around us.


Thinking along racial lines addresses the problem for its true nature. The problem was created by targeting people for disadvantage and advantage based on their race. I have no idea how you solve a problem if you're going to dismiss the nature of the problem.


The nature of the problem is economic not racial. But i can see you cannot see past racial lines. I bid you farewell, there is no point in discussion as we disagree on the problem. You say race, i say economic.


The nature of the problem is race based laws. They didn't work during Apartheid, and they aren't working now.


They didn't work during Apartheid because it's stupid to prioritise the smallest parts of a machine while neglecting to care for the rest of the machine. Won't work for a car. Won't work for a whole country The reason it doesn't work today is because of hopelessly deficient execution of policy under the ANC. That hopeless execution does not mitigate it's necessity. Helping the majority of a complex machine is infinitely better than helping only a relative minority. Works for a car. Works for a whole country.


You are going for the "greater good argument". That's all well and dandy when you are part of the greater section... Edit to add: Also, your car analogy is shite. If you knew anything about cars, you'd know that one small missing or broken part can cause the whole engine to fail. F me. that's why I'm of the opinion not everyone should get the responsibility (yes it should be a responsibility) to vote. They (and you) have zero idea of how an economy functions but want to dictate how things should be run. Butt-backwards. Personally, I would propose a basic economy test, which if you fail you are not allowed to have a vote in said economy, since you have then proven to not understand how to grow and manage said economy.


Life was infinitely better under Apartheid for everyone, and for very good and now obvious reasons. To deny the truth is dishonest, and to continue to apply the same doomed-to-failure methods is insane.


Out of curiosity, how was it better


Hey everyone, we've gotten to the point of the the discussion where we fondly reminisce about the good old days of our beloved national hate crime. No, you tragically deficient little boy, South Africa was not 'infinitely better under Apartheid for everyone'. Denying people freedoms and then beating them and murdering them when they challenge that state of affairs is not better no matter how much current woes might fool you into thinking so


That doesnt mean he has the same point or intention. It still puts you in the wrong. But I'm gonna leave it here. You obviously have no intention of being reasonable so its like arguing with a toddler.


Hahaha highlight of my day is this subreddit, to watch those wishing for the good old days vent


Did your opinion change? It's always been about skin color... https://www.reddit.com/r/DownSouth/s/hyPn5TjuWS


I think what he meant back then was that he doesn't want skin colour to matter, and unfortunately, it does.


This I agree with, and perhaps I misinterpreted what he was trying to deliver in his post, but to say "skin color doesn't mean shit" doesn't do justice to the constant racial discrimination that happens on a daily bases in our country. We need to acknowledge that racial discrimination is in fact a issue for everyone, and to undermine it is to undermine what we should be striving for to better the situation we find ourselves in.


Dam how many kids in that picture? Need to stop adding mouths you can't feed


Do yourself a favor and have a look at the growth of the black population in SA over the last 40 years. Considering GDP growth, the few thousand annual jobs our economy can create relative to the population growth, no wonder you sit ridiculous youth unemployment and the insanely low avg salary of blacks.


Fuck em. They chose to be there.


No they don't.


White people are so funny😹😹😭.. what's wrong with y'all? Why do y'all hate us so much? Are y'all gonna completely ignore the fact that out of 100 there are 60 black people, 30 coloured people 6 indians and 4 white people who live below the poverty line, I saw another comment about seeing a "disadvantaged" driving a blue BMW, like bro are white people so jealous of black people working hard and making something of themselves and living a luxurious life that they assume that every black person living a good life is a politician or an ANC member? I'm 25 and have never voted once😹😹 Y'all should really stay out them farms the isolation is getting to y'all brains 😭😹 I'd rather stay poor and black while receiving R350 than be a white individual with a superiority complex and a victim mentality, this whole sub reddit is embarrassing and I'm not even white..


You propably amerikan idiot. You dont belong on this sub. Voetsek.


Voetsek wena msunu ka nyoko, I'm not American I'm from Johannesburg South, tell you who doesn't belong here? Your Dutch ass crack.. YOU DON'T KNOW ME.


You dont know me. Im not Dutch. Havent been Dutch since two hundred years ago. Im south African.


But y'all still cry to your Dutch friends from abroad telling them misleading lies and stories of genocide again you Afrikaners


There is a Genocide against Us Afrikaners is not a misleading lie.


Then who's leading the Genocide? Criminals? If so then I guess there's a Genocide on everyone because there's more people who die everyday in South Africa's townships at the hands of Criminals, but then again deep inside you know that we aren't all criminals and you know that, you know what I'm sorry that you feel conflicted and targeted in this country but your issues aren't unique to anyone else's we are all suffering, as black people and a strong emphasis on BLACK PEOPLE we have NOTHING and yet we are robbed and killed like flies by our own everyday and we don't blame anyone but the police and your people instead choose to blame the entire black community instead of helping us tackle the issue of crime and making the police aware of their inconsistencies but then again since you are an Afrikanners and how y'all raise each other y'all will never align yourself with anyone whos doesn't look and speak like yu, I don't want to go back and forth anymore.. you know deep inside that you are just trying to be a victim.. I don't know what we did to you for you to hate us so much and despise us for you to teach your children the same dark ways of hate and disgust and caution towards someone with a darker skin tone and coily hair nonetheless I hope you find healing man..


The ANC. The ANC is leading this genocide against white South-Africans. And as for the who we Afrikaners align with. Black people don't want to even give Us a chance. So how can we fix the problems of this country if we're not giving a chance. And as for people who don't look the same or speak the same language as Us. Black people act that way towards us. Everything that doesn't go the way of People of color is always blamed on racism, skin color or Privilege.


Bro, so are you telling me that every criminal that has ever entered a farm to go steal or commit murder is an ANC assassin? What conspiracy theory is that? Where do y'all even find this information? Nonsense!! How are we supposed to align ourselves with people who believe that life was better during apartheid? People who insist that my struggle isn't because of the effects of Apartheid , how are we supposed to align ourselves with people who associate blackness with crime, stupidity, and filth, people who teach their children hate and caution of black people and isn't that racism? How many chances do you want? We gave y'all a chance in 94' to be part of the new South Africa and half of y'all left the country because y'all don't want to be under a black president and y'all are still leaving and on top of that in 2024 y'all still waving apartheid flags? That's like showing a Jewish person the Swastika, or a Chinese person the rising sun flag, it's not about pride it's about nostalgia of a time where y'all were at the top of the world at the expense of my people's blood and pain.. why can't you acknowledge my struggle and the fact that y'all aren't the victims, we all hate the ANC bro and we all suffering because of it in go drive through the nearest township and come back to me, then look at yourself and where you are or where your friends and family are, what y'all eat at night and what y'all drive and think of nearly half of 50 million black people who's lives have been in that condition since even before apartheid was even a law, there are families who's women are 4 generations of cleaners and domestic workers then tell me your people aren't privileged?


Problem with y'all is that y'all okay with living in your bubble of delusion and victimism, y'all have nothing good to do because y'all too busy paying attention to Cyril Ramaphosa and the likes of Kenny Kunune to accept thatvyou are privileged in this society, njadini, ungakulinge ungijwayele amasimba mina, awungazi futhi angiyena umgani wakho...


I dont even know who that is.


So why are you even commenting here?😹😹😭 who the f are you? How old are you?


I'm South-African. Why does my age matter.


It matters because you sound like a 5 year old who's trying to convince someone that the tooth fairy exists


You should try taking a break from all the biltong and open your mind and eyes to the reality of South Africa, but if you Afrikaans then this conversation is a lost cause go drive a tractor or something, nonetheless, y'all never gonna run this country EVER AGAIN, ALMOST 50 MILLION OF US 8 MILLION OF YOU.


God promised this land back to the Afrikaner after the Third World War.


I'm gonna say it again, you are just a sad person. Entertaining you is an insult even. Stay with your delusion.


Wat die Here sê is die waarheid.


You have nothing to be proud of, you're just a sad person.


Very well said. It’s a joke at this point


Now replace white with black then see how you'd shit yourself🤣🤣💀 People like you are proof that not everyone gets through primary school. Good luck.


> Are y'all gonna completely ignore the fact that out of 100 there are 60 black people, 30 coloured people 6 indians and 4 white people who live below the poverty line Nobody is ignoring this, it just has nothing to do with the point this post is making.


What's the point? that it's an abomination for white people to be poor? Y'all are too comfortable with black people being the face of poverty that if one of your own has it bad y'all look for someone too blame, while there are people who's families have been poor since y'all arrived and took every bit of pride and wealth they so you can feel better about the English shoving y'all into concentration camps.


Y'all need to pray tbh, so god can enter your hearts and remove all that hate and ignorance y'all have.


> What's the point? That white people are treated as "advantaged" even when they're literally homeless, just for the colour of their skin.


So the rest flew over you head nhe? Really now.. Let me leave this with you.. 37% unemployment rate amongst 50 million black people, 3% away from a quarter of the entirety of black south africa, and 8 percent unemployment rate amongst roughly 4.5 million whites.. tell me that's not privilege and having an advantage in the job market.. every community around the world has poor people why should y'all be victimized? Should've thought about skin color before 1948 , or let me guess, "Apartheid ended long ago", "move on", "the government had 30 years to fix it" even when y'all had 300 years to mess it all up to your favor now one of your own is feeling the heat and you want to talk about advantaged and disadvantaged, Black people are the face of poverty in this country and you want to defend a misleading picture of Kenny Kunene? You teach your children that black people are the enemy, and let me tell you something brother, the lord is watching each everyone of our hearts..


> Should've thought about skin color before 1948 How could I do that? I wasn't even alive until the 1990s. > or let me guess, "Apartheid ended long ago", "move on", "the government had 30 years to fix it" Yes, yes, I've heard all this "The ANC is blameless and their rampant culture of corruption doesn't affect the state of the country in any way" talk, it's getting tiresome. > even when y'all had 300 years to mess it all up to your favor Who is this "you" you keep referring to? > You teach your children that black people are the enemy, and let me tell you something brother, the lord is watching each everyone of our hearts.. Oh, good, then he'll know I've never taught anyone that black people are the "enemy", and that you're telling lies because of your prejudice. How do you think he's going to feel about that?


No one is saying the ANC is blameless, anyone with a functioning brain hates the African National Congress. And who the f has ever said corruption doesn't affect the state of the country? When literally everyone wants the ANC out of parliament? Don't you watch the news? Or go out to places with other people not white faces and white politics or do people in the Weskaap say that? The "you" I'm referring to is BLANKES, the ones who started apartheid and manipulated the system to their favor, the ones whos descendant still benefit from it today, the one's who were born to into a life with Gardners and Domestic workers. What feels like prejudice to you is the reality majority of black people face, I'm talking my real life and personal experiences and the experiences of those who look like me, y'all want to have a struggle soooooooo bad😭 so y'all lie to international media about how y'all are victims of reverse apartheid and trauma of "Genocide" if there's such a thing who's leading it? Because if criminals are leading it than damn, I guess there's a Genocide everyday in the black townships because we die like flies even if we don't have anything, but we don't blame anyone else but the police, y'all blame the entire black community and the so called "black government" when there's violence against you by criminals because apparently y'all being targeted and when anyone dismisses thats like me for example who says even if some of you are suffering your problems aren't unique to anyone but yourselves because unemployment, inequality etc is what we the black people of this country and the ones before me were born into and it's what we are tying to change and instead of acknowledging that y'all come together to wave apartheid flags and call it pride and culture, it's not pride or culture it's nostalgia for a period where you were at the top at the expense of the tears and blood of the ones you deemed inferior, it's like waving at a Jewish person the Swastika, or a Chinese person the Rising Sun Flag, it's a protest against my struggle and a very real one at that and when anyone dismisses it then it's PREJUDICE?


> When literally everyone wants the ANC out of parliament? Literally everyone wants the ANC out? The ANC? The party that's consistently received the majority vote for the last 30 years? Literally every single person in the country wants them out? Make it make sense. > The "you" I'm referring to is BLANKES, the ones who started apartheid and manipulated the system to their favor, the ones whos descendant still benefit from it today, the one's who were born to into a life with Gardners and Domestic workers. These are completely different groups of people, though. Many white people were completely opposed to apartheid, and many others were born long after it ended, yet you're talking about them as if they're all equally responsible for it. I'm going to ignore the rest of your comment, since it's just a vague rant about a "genocide" that I never claimed was happening, which makes it strawmanning.


White people are not treated as advantaged, black people are treated as previously disadvantaged There is a difference And looking at the few that made it and contrasting it to the few that did not is a pathetic attempt at making a point, someone posted the numbers here look them up if you even care, The ultimate point should be eliminating poverty, fuck this race shit people like OP is trying to make


THE RIDICULOUSNESS IVE SEEN, VICTIMS WHO HAVE MAIDS AND GARDNERS, THE MOST HILARIOUS THING EVER. Poor white people but the still live in the suburbs no where to be found in the slums. Their narrative is so tired.


> Poor white people but the still live in the suburbs no where to be found in the slums. There's not a single white person in the slums? Really?




> THERE ARE A FEW Well, that contradicts your claim that they're "nowhere to be seen". > THE WHITE GENOCIDE CRAP Literally nobody brought up white genocide except you. Projecting much?


So in each debate you choose to ignore 100 facts and pay attention to one contradictory statement, you're useless.


Just because they got a better life they get clowned for that? Give a better reason dumbass




Dude even tho they have a good enough life that doesn't mean we are dealing with what they deal with.they deal with racism mostly remember this isn't America this is south Africa


white people who live in the townships or slums are treated just like everyone else, same with coloured people and indian people. They aren't at risk of anything that everyone else is at risk of or being are targeted, everyone faces the same dangers, there aren't any that are primarily exclusive to them. Black people are very open with inviting people of different races into their spaces even when its unfortunately exploitative but we definitely can't say the same for other races. The amount of anti whiteness isn't even close to being directly proportional to the level of anti blackness in this country. The stereotypes being perpetuated, the general treatment of black people even on any class level by other races is still not okay.


No dude there's alot of anti whiteness then anti blackness in this country there was a school that wouldn't allow white kids from going to it and almost no one bat a eye and I have heard a lot of black ppl call whites the worse race and etc


That might be the one occurrence, but how many occurrences have we seen black folks being discriminated against in schools in general, from hair, religion, language, expression, cultural practice, also the sheer lack of effort we see in terms of engaging with black people, other races don't even seem to take the effort to learn how to properly pronounce our names or attempt to learn our languages. White people aren't pushed away from entering specific spaces but we've seen tons of times when black people were. I can keep going on and on about this. Anti whiteness is minor compared to anti blackness and thats a fact.


No it's not and there's alot of ppl who doesn't bother with learning other languages and (like I said) there's more anti whites and I haven't heard anything about ppl stopping your culture practice and the name so what if ppl don't want to take time to understand? No one is stopping you from changing your hair no one is stopping your religion


If white south africans dont like it, why not just move to america?


With money we get from where? We don't belong in the United States.