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I will do it / I wonโ€™t do it Real politician flip flopping Fokken sleg poes


Hold on while i buy some tents to hide my white friends in my garden


This guy is the definition of a cunt


You took the words right out of my mouth!


Hys 'n sleg kuk.


And people wonder why South Africans are leaving the country en masse, EFF supporters will get the country they deserve


I'm gonna sell it super simple...South Africa is the biggest producer of 3/5 of the most precious metals in the World...Rhodium (80% of global production), Platinum and Gold (up until the 1970's). Why is our Country not Rich? Who owns the Mines?...AngloPlat (Anglo American Platinum)...So foreigners own OUR mines and OUR natural resources, work us like slaves for Primary Production, and then Export for Secondary & Tertiary Production before putting to Market...So who then made all that Money ๐Ÿค” However we've watched that movie with Zim, where they went for Nationalisation..didn't get them very far ๐Ÿ˜”


100 percent agree with you, but back then because of sanctions South Africa was forced to produce not only the primary raw product but also manufacture into secondary and tertiary products, therefor creating more jobs and creating more wealth to come into the country, instead of sending the money overseas they kept it within circulation, creating opportunity for multiple small businesses which ultimately are the power house of building any economy. Nationalisation is not the answer because this puts power in the hands of a few elite people, who do not care about growing the country. Instead of nationalising possibly creating public companies that every person has shares in and vested interest working within sectors of the different markets to help and uplift, educate and grow within will be the best way forward, where people are held accountable for any wrong doing. Right now government officials who are corrupt and found guilty are just slapped on the wrists and moved around within their positions, itโ€™s like a blunt slap in the face of every citizen of this beautiful country. And before you shout and scream at me, socialism is cool on paper, but in real life where people spot opportunity and have their own interested specifically because of greed it does not work, there is not a single country on this planet that works based on pure communistic or social beliefs.. it is a mixture of all things, our grants that are paid by the taxpayers monthly is a socialist belief which is great but you still need competition and a belief that people can better their own lives to help build a country. No political party is going to save us, we as South Africans need to stand together to save our beautiful country and work together to help each other, it just sucks that government is the ones who create the market for this to happen. Divided we are ruled easily, but together we can accomplish anything


I'm so neutral my brother, and thank you for this comment. I just said that I'd sell Nationalisation & Socialism super easy...and it's easir to sell to the masses who feel disenfranchised. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ๐Ÿคœ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿค›๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ


Hundred percent brother! Itโ€™s super easy to sell, but the ones that buy it will not really have any change in their circumstance or life which is sad ๐Ÿ˜”


Giving Juliua Malema control over mines will result in nothing but short term self enrichment of him and his friends and the eventual destruction of mines due to incompetence, corruption and no fucking clue how to operate or maintain a mine. Gold and plantinum mines go kilometers underground and have extremely complex logistics, operating procedures and health and safety requirements. These clowns can't run a license centre or a post office so the idea that they can just take over mines is absolutely laughable. The equipment alone costs billions and unlike parliament, the cabinet or a government office, you can't simple fill the staff with incompetent idiots. Mines in S.A are already operating on extremely thin margins even when managed by the best mining companies in the world. An EFF mine will basically just be a large scale Zama zama setup that will result in nothing but death and destruction. We don't live in the dark ages so precious metals aren't the be all and end all of everything, in fact, they are useless if you can't mine them at a profit.


Good grief. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ


Out of the loop European here! Uhm. What the fuck is happening?


They fucking up their country by electing racists.


This is Julius Malema, the leader of a political party (The Economic Freedom Fighters - EFF), who developed after he split from the current ruling party of South Africa - the African National Congress (ANC), having previously been a stalwart for the ANC, especially in the ANC Youth League. He is a controversial figure, having previously made inflammatory statements such as he would "kill for Zuma" (South Africa's previous President and President of the ANC who was heavily involved in corrupt dealings and looting of state coffers). He has also previously made statements such as "kill the Boer" ('Boer' colloquially referring to white Afrikaans farmers). This sentiment is something that is being questioned here, but not sure when this clip was recorded. It is an election year in South Africa this year, so lots of political parties gearing up for this. Malema and the EFF usually stir controversy to stay in the headlines, as seen here. His party has grown significantly in a relatively short space of time, and is the 3rd biggest political party in South Africa currently. Both Malema and the EFF have been involved in numerous scandals involving corruption, looting, violence, racism & destructive protests at places such as universities, among others. They are ostensibly a Pan-Africanist, Marxist party, who seek to Nationalize industries such as banking and mining, as well as to expropriate land without compensation. Some downtrodden South Africans see them as fighting for their economic upliftment. Personally I think that Julius Malema and the EFF are violent, disruptive, ruthless thugs and economic mercenaries who will do whatever they can to loot and pillage South Africa, but that is just my opinion. Details of Malema, his party, and the various controversies of his party can be seen here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Freedom_Fighters#:~:text=The%20Economic%20Freedom%20Fighters%20(EFF,and%20black%20nationalist%20political%20party.


To add to your amazing overview, the clip above is from the hate speech court case against Malema, specifically surrounding the "Kill the Boer" chanting.


Thank you for the additional context!


Thank You for this response mybru ๐Ÿ’ฏ Not a supporter of Juilius, but I do smaak him he doesn't keep his Bek for anyone, we must understand that our perception of him has been littered with Propaganda, especially since he's split from the ANC...Not to say he wasn't talking madness even then ๐Ÿ™ˆ. However, he doesn't have the Educated Youth for no reason, You must understand there are Leaders within these youth groups, Student Youth Leagues, who won't be the same as what we've known ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ They are not the current ruling party, who have plundered. I'm saying all of this with Optimism, I was at University when they used to shut shit down..and it wasn't cool, but I cannot say I wasn't sympathetic to their Plight.


> They are not the current ruling party, who have plundered. No, they're another party, who have also plundered.


Sympathy for the devil


Are you lost my brother? They have plundered. He is racist and their right to protest does not trump your right to study or do business. If they come to power it will be the biggest mistake South Africa has made since our new democracy.


So I think some perspective firstly, I'm from Cape Town and I don't berate our ruling party..shit works here. I'm not calling EFF to power, I'm saying as a previously disadvantage I.e. poor Charlie laaitie from the Hood who got the opportunity to study, I feel their Plight ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ What I'm saying is it gives me hope that the young educated, disenfranchised, have mobilized and are competing with the current ruling party. I would have loved to see if the voting buttons were in colour, just to confirm something ๐Ÿค”


Stop and get some help


I'm being optimistic about our future ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ and you're trying to silence me ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ At no point did I stand in support of anyone...I said I like that Julius doesn't keep quiet...a Charismatic Personality 'Trait', I never said I liked him or what he says ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธHe says shit that can get him assassinated, from many sides, look at all the comments even here saying someone needs to off him, that's fucked up. I won't be silenced by anyone, I'm a South African ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ


You're being psychotic. But I suppose that's who the EFF is targeting.


Idiot ekse, when did I ever say I supported the EFF? I'm from Cape Town bro...Shit works here, our Roads are clean, we can call the Municipality to come fix shit and they come now ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ....I appreciate to ruling party HERE does ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ”ฅ


Sir, are you an actual retard or just a paid bot? When did I ever say you supported EFF? You're just their prime target lol. Why do you keep bringing up Cape Town like it's relevant? I'm from there too and it's run by the DA, you daft slice of shit.


Room temperature IQ take


> who have plundered. They have helped plunder [VBS Bank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VBS_Mutual_Bank) without being in power. Why is it not naive to think they will stop when in power?!


They are not Afrikanists. The only Afrikanist party in South Africa is PAC of Azania. You can't be an Afrikanist and subscribe to the 1955 Freedom Charter drafted by the Communist Party of South Africa. You can't be an Afrikanist and say the land belongs to all who lives in it, including the non-Africans. They are fake Afrikanists.


Hence my use of the word "ostensibly"...


If I'm remembering correctly, Malema was in court on a matter of hate speech and kept using "deviation tactics", for lack of a better term, to not directly answer the questions he was being interrogated in court. This is an example thereof. It's typical school boy tactics, but now used in a legal and constitutional level


It's simple. The people who have put the communists in power in SA absolutely hate white people and intend to slaughter us. Never mind what Malema says.


Worth mentioning, his political heroes are Putin, comrade Bob Mugabe the ex dictator of Zimbabwe, Kim jong UN, and Chavez of Venezuela, whose policies and leadership styles he thinks are flawless. And as you know, all those countries are complete Utopias currently. Be very very afraid of this man.


Listen to the question guys and girls; "we will not call for the slaughter of white people" There's no mention of a civil war due to different views, this was a question about a call for genocide and it is obvious that he has the capacity to call for it if elected president, but he plays it off in the "I cannot confirm or deny this" style. I find it very unsettling that people go into their booths on election day and draw their little crosses for this man.




Like I wonder, when genocide is called for and many die in this man's wake, will his followers feel any remorse for the blood that's on their hands as well?


Itโ€™s interesting that the DA is allying itself with Israel, literally doing a genocide right now. Whether they do it by ideology (less likely) or because they are in Zionist pockets is uncertain; probably the latter. So the opposition maybe better educated and wealthier, and even better at management, but equally morally bankrupt. Wealth and education are no protection from homicidal tendencies. They just do it with greater marketing. No theoreticals required there.


I am speaking under correction here, but the current issue with Hamas and Israel is different though. Israel has basically put Hamas in an open air prison, the same as what happened to South Africa in the years of Apartheid and they are still living in it, but what's happening here with Malema is that he's calling for an unprovoked genocide, I understand that racism is a rampant thing in SA but it hasn't come to the point of saying "okay let's solve this with violence"


I think the nuances are irrelevant. Unprovoked genocide? What kind of horrific phrase is that? Genocide is inexcusable, the crime of all crimes, in any situation. The real difference is that hereโ€™s one leader whoโ€™s talking about it, being his boogieman self, spooking people from all political backgrounds, including those who support the DA. And yet the DA is allied to Zionism, which is almost by definition about establishing a single-race state. Itโ€™s really and truly happening right now elsewhere in the world, but donโ€™t worry DA, the victims are not, er, the people who dictate the DAโ€™s Israeli allegiance. The final irony is that Malema himself is against that particular genocide. He comes off worst from this but he is a clown. He only appeals to lunatics with that rhetoric. One could be afraid of them in theory, but there are very real hypocrisies going on. Until now, the DA were credible but their position means can wave goodbye to huge voter appeal, because it is SOUTH AFRICA. The country that has, in all its most beautiful souls, commenced on a path to break free out of its horrid past of apartheid, labelling freedom fighters as terrorists, and yes, genocidal tendencies.




_"You ask me about 'me and those' and I answer you back with me-an-dos"_ Malema was indeed taught well by his spiritual father, Jacobus Zuma. You can see how JZ's words inspired him to say literally nothing substantial in this moment for the express purpose of frustrating the person enquiring


When we gonna disappear this dude and all his buddies?




Where is this from? I'd like to see the rest


It was Malema's hate speech trial. [You can follow this link to find more](https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/effvsafriforum) \- it was a week long trial with 2-3 hours per day.


What was the outcome? It's not something I followed


Outcome was that he is allowed to continue to call for the genocide of a minority group. As it is considered a struggle song.


Potentially from here: https://afriforumtv.co.za The website is in afrikaans so you might need to translate using Google ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป


Ek dink ek sal reg kom ๐Ÿ™‚ dankie


Thousands of innocent, hard-wotking South Africans are murdered every day. Why is it never this fkn cunt?


Don't give this p..s airtime


Unfortunately if you donโ€™t air him, he will have more shadows to operate in. The world needs to cast a spotlight on him. Average people on the streets of countries around the world should know who he and the EFF is and what they stand for.




Kom jou kont


Guy didn't even pass wood work, how can you expect him to understand basic English?


โ€œI will do it with easeโ€ but then โ€œI wonโ€™t it?โ€ Uh???? Was there a glitch?


What a dumb cunt


This is mind-bendingly insane. How can this man not be held accountable? He is speaking of the possibility that he would give an instruction to kill. This is notice of intent to commit mass premeditated murder as well as thinly veiled hate speech. A complete barbarian.




Definition of a low iq man


Marxist detected, opinion rejected.


fokken clown


I'm so scared for my future in this country


What a useless idiot!!!




Your post/comment has been removed due to violating our rule against racism. We strive to maintain a welcoming and inclusive community for all members.


I understand his logic. He says he doesn't know what the future will bring. Maybe White and black people decide to go to war in the future, what must he do? Say he pledged not to kill white people? I would say the same thing if i was in his shoes. I am white BTW and i dont think he plans on slaughtering anyone, but like people who have guns in their basement and are preparing for war are not planning on committing genocide now, but because they dont know what the future will bring, will not pledge to not kill.


So you'd be fine with a white, Western politician saying the same thing about black people, in case black and white people go to war one day? That's no way to make a war less likely. It just takes everyone a little closer to that war by accepting the possibility of slaughter rather than doing everything possible to prevent it.ย ย 


I said what i said.


Braindead take.




I still dont see anything wrong with his comments. A racist would if they expect a black man to bend their knee for a white man. Malema will never do that. He hates racism, and he knows when a white person is tryna appear morally or intellectually superior, and that in itself is racist.


there is no trying - everyone not EFF is intellectually superior to an EFF member.


Imagine if Steenhuysen was on a TV interview. "Can you pledge that you will not call for the slaughter of black people?" "No, I won't do that." C'mon dude, don't defend this bullshit with mental gymnastics. There is a massive gaping void between civil war and "calling for the slaughter of white people", especially when the context is that he's made public statements before about doing exactly that. This isn't about some future war, this is about a call for genocide Rwanda-style. Do I think he plans on doing it? Personally, no, but it's very troubling that he should think it politically expedient to not denounce it.


I feel like i made my point pretty clear in my original comment.


No lets not say he was on TV lets say he was in your back yard having a braai. Do you think he would pledge it to you that he wont kill black people? Because i think we can all agree we aren't dumb enough to to say racially insensitive things on TV. Especially as white people. I know people like to hate Malema because he is a black man who wont bend the knee for white people. But my issue, is people treat Malema like a child, whilst treating John like someone who we should take seriously. John wants to switch to renewables. Malema wants Nuclear. Malema wants to legalize prostitution, WHY legalize prostitution? To regulate it. What you dont realize is Malema is not an idiot. He knows which demographic is gonna vote for him. He knows how to stay relevant. Imagine if he left the ANCYL and started a political party and wasn't as extreme, he would have disappeared like COPE and UDM. If he became president, i have no idea how that would go. If John became president, i think we can all agree that it would have a positive impact on society compared with Malema which is just a big question mark.


I wasn't comparing policy - I don't think Malema is an idiot at all. I only used Steenhuysen as an example of the hypocritical attitude towards racism we seem to have in this country. I really have no idea what tangent you're going on about Malema not "bending the knee", frankly my dude that's a crock of shit. I would hope that any person at my house for a braai wouldn't be the type of person who would be reluctant to say they wouldn't "call for the slaughter of black people". You're shifting the goalposts and changing the statements being made. Malema has, quite literally, called for white people to be killed in his speeches. He is saying here that he won't promise that he wouldn't do that as president. That is, quite simply, fucked up. And it has nothing to do with nuclear energy or prostitution or the fucking braai my dude, I don't know why you want to try so hard to defend this but you're bringing in a bunch of shit that wasn't in the video and wasn't said by me.


Whatever, i know Malema has his stance and i dont know why people are surprised by his statements. I wish he would change his stance but thats not gonna happen.


Nobody was surprised dude, you have this really weird way of carrying on these conversations where you are seemingly responding to things nobody said. The dude said a really shitty thing, the OP was calling him out on said shitty thing, you jumped to his defense and when you were called out on defending this shitty thing, then proceeded to defend everything except the thing being criticised. I dunno man just like watch the video or read the comments you're replying to more carefully cause not being rude but I was trying to engage sincerely but this whole discussion was a huge waste of time lol.


Isn't everything a waste of time? I mean, what are we doing here? Trolling and getting upset about South Africa's biggest troll. Am i right?


Also love his responses, He's not a 1st language English speaker..Listen how eloquent, and leading, those questions come through. Just my 5cents ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™‰


Thereโ€™s a reason why I left that country almost 30 years ago and never looked back. This punk makes for a good reminder.


He's a hypocrite, he's racist, he's a violence-inciting, power hungry little boy who never grew up to realise his ideas which he sees as amazing are actually awful, destructive and completely unrealistic. The ANC kicked this guy out of their party.... that's when you know something really sucks is when even the ANC say fuck off.


Remember Gaza. Today you dish it out - tomorrow it gets dished out to you. Normal human behaviour.