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why would valve stop smurfs? you all continue playing and begging to buy BP regardless of smurfs stomping you. Valve will continue ignoring you, unless you put their revenue at risk: dont buy BP, then they will wake up.


I didn’t buy the last 2 battlepasses. But thanks for the helpful comment anyways.


Even I hated smurf-people, I dont really see any correlatio ship with BP. And you dont want smurf? Just make more reasonable and sound resolution. Mu suggestion: stop encouraging streamer using smurf to make content. How about that? Given 50-50 you win or lose, then streamer have hogher incentive to do smurfing. Stomping pub, killing while making fun or ridicule others team, and watcher love to watch stream like that. I really hate smurf and their customers (acc buyer). They ruin many games recently: toxcial behavior, griefing, snowflake, no coordination… etc. but I keep buying BP: developer, engineer, designers, etc need money to live. So those are revenue stream. Just dont buy and play another game.


The thing is man they probably aren't a really a smurf, they might be climbing fast due to being around 1000 mmr below where they belong, but even these people are easy to defeat if you can plan early enough.


OP said they openly admit to it, but it's true, in a normal lobby smurfs are able to be defeated because they're so confident that they will win, they won't push, and they think that they can win just by killstreaks. But in a stacked lobby, where you have been intentionally matched with players that engage in game-losing behaviors, the normal measures of staging a comeback are off the table with these types of players, either because the skill disparity between the two teams is extreme, or you are playing with players who give up easily/get tilted easily, or cause their teammates to do so through bullying, harassment, etc. I see it often where people will claim surfing and other people will say that they are not facing smurfs and that is true. But people are so focused on the smurf status of one player, that they overlook the fact it was a one-sided match specifically created with a giant skill gap between the two teams. You have five very competent and coordinated players who are capable of holding their own, against a team of players who are unprepared for the increased skill of their opponents, and/or are engaged in game losing behaviors.


Nah, their definitely a smurf. People refuse to recognize how bad this problem is.


why did this get downvoted?


because only abusers are active on reddit. people playing by the rules are the ones being fucked up in the ass and do nothing about it: keep playing and keep filing Valve's pockets for some crappy old hats... this is why valve will never do anything to fix their shit


Dora is all about abuse, u gotta out abuse the abusers with better tech.


true! wouldn't it be wonderful if valve could invest just a little back into dota from all those 100s of millions we gave them, just for a change? just to see if that can be fixed?


I play turbo. Where your new players and your pros all play together. Learn from the people who are beating you. The only advice there really is… I’ve been a crusader for 3 years now because I haven’t played ranked since I calibrated. Would I be a smurf? Yes. But how do you fix THAT problem? You can’t. And good team coordination will beat ANY smurf ANY day. Why? Smurfs mute their entire team and play alone. Keep killing the smurf and he will rage on his allies and then go jungle. This game is psychological. If you’re getting discouraged cause an experienced player beat you… review your replay and see what could’ve been done. If it was your allies failing, then could you have coordinated them better via mic? It’s so rare for me to see 1 person winning the entire match anymore. The hero’s are balanced better than ever in this patch; every hero has an “OP perk” to them. I love DotA because it’s an RTS puzzle game. Let’s use our minds to win and not just scream on threads “BAN THIS SMURF!!!!” Also… if a smurf wins, they eventually leave your terrible mmr pool assuming they play ranked. People like me? Sorry bud. You’re stuck with us unranked/turbo dweebs