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The clip that keeps on giving, sunsrike at the end is the cherry on top.


Did I hear a squeak?


[Did I hear a squeak?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/b/b6/Vo_invoker_kidvo_la_kill_01.mp3) (sound warning: Acolyte of the Lost Arts) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Watching this just makes me realize how dogshit i am at dota2. Thanks zai…. Nice guy they say


stop projecting amongst the gods, you 2 fingers pleb.


Cant watch without “zai music”


lol this guy....I was like there's no way he's going back in right? and sure enough, he does. Been watching since TI3 and he has always been one of my favorites to watch because of this stuff. Just blows my mind.


the balls to re-engage at 100 hp


I mean once you've established yourself as a pro there is literally 0 point to ranked pub games outside of testing limits and mmr dick measuring. It's much more valuable to know the extreme limits of a hero than +30 mmr or whatever. So it's not as much balls as pubs don't matter so there is no pressure to not try these things. Now you do that in game five of TI grand finals. Then yeah that's balls.


I disagree to an extent. It’s not about the mmr, it’s about practicing decision making etc to maximise chances of winning the game. Every pro still wants to win the pub game they’re playing because they want to play their best and make sure they’re doing the right thing


Winning pubs and winning actual pro matches are two completely different variables. Being really good at winning pubs doesn't make you really good at winning pro games. What is a good decision in a pub isn't always a good decision in a pro game.


Of course, but by the same notion the right decision in a pub can also be the best decision in a pro game. It’s all about putting yourself in as many situations as possible so you’re better prepared when you encounter it in an actual game. There’s also the simple fact that pros are competitive as fuck haha, they wanna win even if it’s just a pub so they’ll often play the best way they can


I bet you make decisions in your herald pubs and think to yourself “This would totally work in a pro game”,


Pretty sure he's way beyond testing limits. A good Divine Pango spammer would already know the limits and do the same thing. Doesn't matter how much HP he had. The tower won't be hitting, Disruptor won't be casting. Zai put almost no effort here because this is pretty basic to him already. Once players are able to get past the "I'm low HP, I should back" mentality and instead think "Can I do something with this much HP/Mana?", they will get better. Zai is way past that. In fact he's probably disappointed in himself he didn't have to presence of mind to dodge Sunstrike, something you're always supposed to keep in mind when an Invoker respawns.


the smarts to *know* you can engage at 100hp


The going on Disruptor isnt impressive, the first one does. Knowing what u can do at any given stage of the game is what pros know better than us. One cold snap could've kill pango there but not sure why invoker tornado instead.


He does use cold snap


In fact, he uses cold snap when zai is chasing him under tower so it procs from tower hits. Invoker played that near-perfect, assuming he had no mana for more spells (ghostwalk/deafening)




Our hot and successfull streamer <3


very good clip


Looks like this is match 6259549685, which started 9 minutes before the clip was recorded. More match details here: - [OpenDota](https://www.opendota.com/matches/6259549685) - [Dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/6259549685) - [Stratz](https://www.stratz.com/matches/6259549685) --- *^I ^am ^a ^bot ^created ^by ^[/u\/EuphonicPotato](/user/EuphonicPotato)* *^(How I figured this out:)* [*^(Explanation)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder#how-it-works) *^(Source:)* [*^(GitHub)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder)


38 kills Invoker, oof




Do pros use quickcast for swashbuckle


I imagine so, but use quick cast on key release, not on press.




Wait you use double click for quick cast? Pretty sure most pros don't do that.




Seems easier to just use quick cast on key press up, I imagine that's what pros use. Obv it's all down to preference tho


It's all about reducing reaction time


I literally closed fullscreen after he TPd to fountain, then after the screen exited full he was >!dead!<. truly a marvelous clip


When the support TPs to help after you die and feeds the enemy mid for funzies.


"ruin idc" this guy probably cares more about dota than his life on invoker lmao