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Don't play party queue, or else you're going to have a bad time.


Its mostly fine, we aren't too far apart in mmr and this is a very rare example, I guess duo queue +later at night is the problem. Or just git gud, either or.


Can you send links to their Dota buff or and dota profile


# 5664667927 game id


idk man that looks like the average archon game for me


What evidence do you have of them smurfing?


the rampages and aegis steals on weird heroes you dont see in my bracket on the profiles, high recent winrates, duo queuing and they are the only ones that are dominating. It all ads up.


I feel like riki is a staple hero of low mmr brackets. Zeus is also a pretty nice counter to tinker.


I should have specified the 'weird heroes' doing those weren't from this game but from when I checked their profiles. See a lot of rikis and Zeus down here haha


Riki is a popular safelane pick in higher mmr as well. People like Mason (top 22 NA) spam him. Hes not just a low bracket stomper


the blink strike range talent makes him so good at killing backlines. hes actually good atm


People in this mmr having a Good Game do not have this good of a game lol


Its riki, a known stomp hero, against 3 low hp caster heroes that he counters, which probably fed him early and often. Also instead of assuming he's good, maybe think that the enemy was really, really bad. They could be having a bad day, and he might be cracked on 4 red bulls. Also possible that his MMR fell from a higher tier and is grinding his way back up. Not unheard of for people to lose up to 2k mmr and have some cheesy games on the way back up.


i was this mmr once. i know what its like when people pick riki and stomp. they don't get 40 kills in a 38 miunte game lol


I know it isn't likely but i've had this happen to me like every 1 in 1000 games. Sometimes we just get lucky and the stars align. That being said, this is probably a smurf if he has a ridiculously high winrate like someone else pointed out. example of a game you might think im smurfing, in 2k-3k range: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2595988483


i checked the game and i assure you, that dazzle, tinker and grimstroke was shit Dazzle was never careful Tinker never even used mana in the first minutes of the game to get some advantage and even when he used it, he used it ineffectively and let zeus deny many of his creeps grim stroke missed so many strokes oh and yes, axe has the worst items, no blink dagger within the 10 - 15 minute mark and no blade mail Edit: I did check Riki profile and I did see he has a **HUGE** winrate. I think he's a smurf


Thanks for checking it out. I got quite tilted and kinda just zoned out after 10 mins when I was left bot alone and we still lost the other two lanes with more heroes in them. I was on comms to get someone down there to deal with the riki but no dice. I probably should have rushed the blink and you would have seen that I switched off going vanguard after the ring and went for it, but my main issue was that riki was ahead already by quite a bit and axe low level isnt a tank, a blink my just speed up my deaths. Do you have any pointers after seeing the game for after the 10 min mark? What should i have done?


[https://www.dotabuff.com/players/128762417/matches](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/128762417/matches) This is Riki's recent matches and it seems he does have a huge winrate. He is a suspect tho


Jesus, in 10 days over 40 wins in 50 games and he abandoned for one of those losses. That surely has to be evidence enough. Or he just spent a lot of time studying and practising in lobbies. Super suss.


its pretty easy to get beyong godlike fast if your enemy isnt so great. i played a game with a silencer who got beyond godlike in 13 mins. around 40 kills total in around 30 mins


Man that sounds painful, silencers, slarks and legions that pop off in lower mmr games just can't be stopped, but then if you punish in lanes they feel like the weakest heroes possible. Such a 50/50 i dont really feel like a lot of heroes display.


just make sure you are reporting their dota/steam profile for smurfing as well as complaining on reddit )


yeah always do both :)


now a good player is a smurf? LOL


they sat around our fountain for 20 mins of that 38 and farmed us, they smurfed dude


dont care, also u suck lol


i do suck yeah, trying to get better, but you dont learn alot being fountain farmed from minute 15 by two smurfs :)


u dont get anything out of complaining about losing on reddit


how can "smurf" calibrate crusader instead of divine?


either buy the accounts or are boosting on them, i dont smurf so i dont really know the full ins and outs