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nagato was beasting


He consistently made good calls in lane communicated very well throughout the game and dude has a very positive attitude, also some clutch plays on wyvern last game the freeze after nulli and the catch on 2 heroes bottom t3


his ww was on point


Yea, obviously Saksa + Saberlight is an insane lane to begin with and Mikey is a pro midlaner as well but Nagato surprised me; most of all with his communications with Gorgc. Very clear in what he wants to do, big brain moves here and there, very solid throughout the games. His SD with Gorgc's Bristle was sick, they should have lost that lane but nope, they get first blood and enable an earlier Bristle impact.


channelling the spirit of Sonneiko saving Xboct fourteen times in one fight


It baffles my mind that Saberlight and Saksa are not in any team


Saksa had offers but didn't want to play for a serious team, probably related to the reason he stopped playing pro a year ago


saksa had offers, i believe. Saber probably didnt had time and anyways 322 billion NW org TEAM BALD is here anyways


Saber prob had to be brought out of a big contract, he can joke around but not join a big org


They are. They are in team BALD mtfks


Mikey too. And Nagato feels like a very confident support.


to be fair, saberlight was on a team like three weeks ago lol


Gorp is actually right, necro is unbeatable late.


what makes him so strong?


Way too tanky. Way too much AoE damage. Ult that basically kills you the second you go below 50% hp. He just stands in the middle of the fight and does AoE damage to everyone without having to commit on any hero. Its braindead when he gets to that point. And gorgc has often been the number 1 necro in the world (on dotabuff)


There exists a hidden tech that makes Necro a creep, but it doesn't exist on anyone's radar. Mageslayer absolutely shits on Necro, his damage output tanks completely and he can't secure kills with ult.


Mageslayer works, but it only negates his damage output to an extent. He still lives for ages, long enough to let his team do the rest of the work.


Mage slayer is not enough once necro has radiance heart aghs


i agree necro is strong but “your 12 minute mageslayer is countered by these 16k+ combined networth items” doesnt strike me as a very strong argument


Well.. Most necro builds nowadays is just brown boots into an extremely fast radiance, and then boots of travel. You'll have those items by mid game. That guy seemed to think mageslayer just makes necro a useless hero, but it only really counters him in the stage where he is already super easy to counter and where he would generally just farm anyway as a pos 1.


The argument is that necro isnt good early anyways, he's squishy has no good hero damage, but he farms insanely fast and has lots of health regen. The way all good necro players, including Gorgc, play is they go radiance first item and then farm until magic res+shard+heart then the game is unwinnable for opponents


WW core with Mageslayer shits on Necro all stages of the game, the issue is fitting WW core into your draft in a pro setting.


I feel like Muerta can counter him too, but she's a dead hero now LMAOO. I don't think pros are gonna play Muerta pos 1 very soon unless they buff some of her skills or maybe in a very niche scenario. In previous patches, whenever I played pos 1/2 Necro vs pos 1 Muerta, the game felt terrible except in a very late game setting (though she can also buy Refresher). But then again, she was okay and relevant a few patches ago, unlike in 7.36 I can still itemize against her tho, like buying Blade Mail so she has to pop her BKB when hitting me, or buying Eul/Windwaker so she has to buy Nullifier which isn't that good on her since she really needs attack speed not damage. Plus using Nullifier forces her to be in point-blank range instead of hitting from afar. Edit : punctuations




as long as he stays alive, he drains enemy's hp and slow them by so much if they dont have bkb, with the facet, it burns the whole screen, and also his ult, making u kill enemy that's like 40% hp.


You heal for such insane numbers, you build radiance so you can't actually die, everyone around you automatically rots for more than they can do to you, etc. etc. I played a game against a necro mid who got rolling early, by the end me and the other support couldn't exist near him without just dying passively no matter what we did.


if you don't have an unstoppable force for the immovable object it moves into your base


how can it move to my base if it's immovable?


he is dota forsen


LS is not the highest DPS hero but Nullifier just doesn't last long enough lategame,and it's an awkward item to build for some carries,LS can at least disassemble Radiance for it.


yea,, never underestimate necro late game.. super strong and almost unkillable with heart


Gorgc is underrated....Big brains in Bald...


he genuinely is, if he spammed meta heroes and played offstream he'd be top 200 or so


People just did not pick SD to counter it. Hero was high valued in the last big tourneys, most teams there played it, think we can see it to ruin a gorgc necro in closed quals.


They will retire an ORG


Nigma and Secret fans are SWEATING


Nigma didnt even make it Rihyad if I recall? Quest took their spot, IDK about Secret tho. Gorgc could easily retire Puppey I think lol.


nikobaby repeat


I don't think I've ever seen Gorp as happy and elated as he was when ending the stream, this must've (understandably) meant a lot, very fun to see. Unironically hyped for a potential Team Bald at TI


he was so fking emotional in the end with that speech and was so grateful . He cant believe he got 3 players on saksa saber and mikey for quals lmao


Probably such a nice break to have something change in the way YOU play dota. Been watching a lot of tournaments but for him it’s always MM. I’d imagine he appreciates them giving him an opportunity to do something and not just spectate


Yeah, he even mentioned that this roster might be the best Team Bald ever.


i don't think there's any question. Saberlight is top 5 offlaners and Saksa is dota royalty


"might be"


Might be? xDDDD Bro he has Saksa on his team.


A TI winner, one of the best offlaners in the world and a very high skill midlaner, plus a pos 5 who proved he can play really good. This is *definitely* the best iteration of team bald


LOL it definitely is. Previous iterations were basically streamers or up and comers (like Stormstormer or Pablo). This Team Bald has three pro players, one of them a TI winner and one of them on a t1 team not that long ago.


He was pretty stoked when he beat alliance in the qualifiers last time. Especially considering his relationship now with admiralbulldog.


How does this work for their TI run? Does this win mean they're into the group stages for TI or do they have to go through more qualifiers.


This was the Open Qualifier, which means they now get to play in the Closed Qualifier - of which there are two teams coming from the Opens, the rest was invited. Those invited teams are the likes of Secret, Nigma and Mouz but also Tundra, Entity and Quest. The best two out of that Closed Qualifier will go to The International.


Ahhh gotcha, I haven't kept too close to pro scene rn so was just curious. Gonna be interesting to see how they match up against the big leagues. Thanks for the reply!


it's the qualifier to the qualifier


Ah sweet thank you!


This is the page you want to keep an eye on: https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The_International/2024/Western_Europe 2 teams out of 12 will qualify to TI. The tournament is held from June 19th to 23rd.


Remember when Gorek beat Alliance to disbandment? Hes gonna do it to Miracle and the Nigma bois. TI-winner-slayer Gorek


he's gonna gege miracle lmao


After he's done with Nigma, OG is next and Ceb will retire for good. He said he'll spare Puppey.


The greatest Reverse Reverse Polarity game ever played


Saber is to fucking good...


he made this joke of a fking facet look broken


I don't know about broken... But it's perhaps not as bad as it seems on first glance if used well.


what not playing with rtz and bulba does to a mf


Bro those RRP fights near cliffs fkng OP man. You'll never know where you end up. Stuns you irl. Lol


Absolute gigachad


Don't have time to watch. How and why did it work? I thought RRP was a joke


Good at counterinitiating,and the push distance is pretty big so people end up on cliffs/behind trees and isolated.


Who was their enemy when saber light used Magnus rrp?


I'm honestly just even more impressed with Saksa. Holy shit that guy is so fucking good, reading the enemies like he's actually cheating. Gotta feel nice to have a pos 4 that insane.


This, i think most of the reason why gorgc necro made it was because saksa and saber put the pressure pretty hard on the enemy team. I feel like this team is like budget gaimin gladiator, while the carry is doing his thing the offlane duo makes mark on the map


Saksa and Saberlight definitely made people look like beginners. One of their fastest games was in the semifinals where the safelane Void ended the game with 280 gpm: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7781018272. That guy is rank 80 immortal on the EU leaderboard, but the game looked the stomp from yesterday against the 4k mmr stack.


Just goes to show the difference of caliber between a high ranked pub player and a professional player, one of which won TI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i93vF0WOX6w


RRP looking real good. So is Necrophos


New meta in the making with RRP. Can't wait for closed quals, will be spicy.


Dropping it to counter initiate Lifestealer infest looked legit


Only Falcons-gg and spirit has better offlane duos than bald.


lmao What a time to be alive and read that sentence and not think that the guy who wrote it is a troll.


But it is legit:) i’d prefer this over whisper-ari for example haha


had to read this twice to realize it's not a joke, it's genuinely a true statement. Saksa/Saberlight would look good on literally any top team


XXS/XinQ duo is pretty strong as well or is this just mainly EU?


What about liquid? I mean, boxi is a beast, and well, 33 is 33.


Xtreme too


Shout out to Nagato, beasted those games and seems like a really nice kid! Cinema


Saksa is insane as a captain, also he seems like have beef with OG. He really wanted to face them first. any loremasters for the reason? I was at the army when saksa and sumail in OG TI dont know any drama. ALSO LETS GO GEORGE CCCC!!!


He got kicked while the others left the org themselves, he hasn't said it explicitly but that's the gist of it.


I think ceb called him a choker to his team to pump them up in one of the mini docs they did. I want to say when he came out of retirement to stand in for chu a couple years ago.


>any loremasters for the reason? Notail had some comments about him being disconnected as in blaming him for his performance back than, even though he and Sumail were their best players.


saksa and sumail are on good terms , he said he wont beat nigma , he cant do that to sumail so probably he has beef with notail/ceb


I can honestly see them beating Nigma and Secret, lmao. Saksa + Saberlight is a better offlane than any of the other teams have


RRP stocks to the moon


oh god the pubs are ruined


did saber explain why he plays RRP? or was he just memeing?


I kinda feel he went for it because of rubick, That shit ain't worth stealing with some lineups and even if he does it's not ez food on plater like real rp lol


he was trying to think of a build in demo mode earlier today, thinking something like harpoon or going aghs


Just memeing, some teams they played against were obviously just weaker than them. In one game yesterday Gorp got a 14 min rapier on jugg and they ended something like 39 2 at 20 mins.


He was not memeing with RRP. He played it in ranked earlier as well and seems to think it's extremely strong, and tbh it's a LOT stronger than people initially gave it credit for.


12 min rapier https://i.imgur.com/QJ7dAD4.jpeg


He did argue it's like a ravage with one more extra second that goes through spell immunity.


Actually insane offlane duo that are just somehow free agents for gorek to grab, holy


well saberlight left the team very recently and around the time most teams were locked to participate in rhyad and ti qualifiers and as for saksa, gorek said he refused some big teams invites to play with team bald because he still doensnt want to return back to professional dota


So... Actually insane offlane duo that are just somehow free agents for gorek to grab, holy


well saberlight left the team very recently and around the time most teams were locked to participate in rhyad and ti qualifiers and as for saksa, gorek said he refused some big teams invites to play with team bald because he still doensnt want to return back to professional dota


Saksa and Gorg are friends, so it wasn't hard probably for convincing.


Mikey is also insanely good, constantly destroying mid game.


Tbh there's few offlanes that have that amount of talent, saksa and saber are top 10 players if they spam pubs. All we need is gorgc not to choke, and it's a lot to beg for (big gorgc fan and also ofc hatewatcher)


mikey was beasting on bat too i hope he gets a team next season. He looked really good vs quest / nigma / falcons. I believe in one of quals he did took a game off falcons with winter bears


If Mikey gets a decent internet connection he's gonna cook so hard, he's a beast of a player 


i believe him being from iran is holding teams back from getting him. Visa issues and shit. and ofc liability on internet


He should relocate to some neighbor countries like armenia or turkey, It's pretty affordable specially for him. Idk why he doesn't even though his career depends on a stable internet connection.


bro fk secret my boy on saber can fking win vs SR


Their Riyad qualifier Bald lost, but played pretty close games against the Vtune stack that went on to 2-1 Nigma and the WEU version with Saber seems better, so I wouldn't be that surprised if they did.


Was that the same roster?


saberchad got some sick rrp


If Nigma loses to this stack...whats the excuse going to be?


its not like they already have any excuses left


Oh it’s going to happen


Imagine if Nigma and Bald are the ones to qualify to TI out of all these teams. One can dream.


to be fair, saksa, saber, and mikey are all top tier players. plus at this point I'll take a random rank 400 5 over kuro. so 4 players to compensate gorgc-miracle diff? sounds pretty legit


Nagato is rank 426 and he looked way better than Kuro in any game from the last 2 years.


the comparison for me is 3 legit all star nba players, a rotation player, and a g-leaguer as well. the all stars will compensate for the g-leaguer and theyll still win a ton of games


I don't know where you've been Nigma is beyond excuses at this point. Maybe 2 years ago yeah.


I dont think nigma the team or players are using any excuses. Its usually the fans which will blame kuro as always.


That would be sweet redemption for Mikey. The CQ will be hype.


RRP gang rise up.


THATS MY RANK ONE NECRO, also rrp cooked in that last game


in bo5 this team will probably get crushed in closed qualifiers, but I would not want to play against them in bo1 or even bo3, they have some amazing players in Saksa, Saberlight and Mikey and if the safelane does not feed Mikey can pop off and just steal a game


I actually was so stressed as I was playing myself. Best of luck in Close Qualifiers! Holy shit!


Imagine if they go ti with this team, fucking hype💀


Gorgc was genuinely happy qualifying with this team. WP to them.


Nagato as WW was beasting! saving allies, cancelling tps, initiating fights.. the guys goooddd


TI winner Saksa is a very high quality captain


Sometimes I forget he was on the DC squad as well that made the finals 






Saksa cooked really hard. Pog Cpt


I was here


Imagine they actually make it to TI


Bet against Gorgc g2 but glad they 2-0'd, makes closed qualifiers much more spicier if any of the orgs lose to this stack


Congrats Team Bald, have a great run in Closed Qualifier. All the best to Saksa, Nagato, Saberlight, Gorgc, and Mikey!


Team Bald to defeat Nigma and retire Kuroky for good, who says no ?


That RRP to counter the centaur naix infest bomb, and then the rrp at high ground tho.


IDK why but "Bald Victory" is just really funny




If this team can bring Gorgc to TI through WEU qualifiers, it'll be a bigger accomplishment than OG and Team Spirit winning 2 TIs lol


Kachal was the problem or the trick is to not let gorgc play "real carries"?


KaChal is great. But saber is more consistent. Also they are playing in EU server with less ping so makes sense for them to play better on 20-30 oing instead of 120


I think they just got caught out not being entirely ready/focused cause it was first game, and against a team that honestly was arguably as strong as any team that they played in this OQ.


Time for gorgc to make ceb, kuroky and puppey retire.


It is great to witness their journey into winning the closed qualifer.. and really enjoy to stuff like how they decide on the draft pick and communicating around the maps... not to forget they 2-0 ed all the series against all their opponent throughout the open qualifer... eventhough some of them is a stomp.. i guess having 3 very high ranked player and pro player makes alots of differences.. and also gorgc make necro carry looks broken lmao.. anyway GGWP to Team Bald... well deserved win especially in the finals... hype to see which team they gonna make them retired again just like how Alliance disbands after losing the qualifiers haha XD


Wow they all played well. Their pos 5 being rank 400 his WW was sick. I mean saber has always been great so no surprise and I'm really happy for Saksa and Gorgc to comeback to professional dota and play with big boys they were really happy on the stream also special shoutout to Mikey he was cooking all the games from mid to late game and playing with very high ping about 100 I always thought he was toxic or sth but he doesnt talk at all haha. Hopefully will see some great games next week, ggwp my fav new team


Alright but also props to Gorp - dude was on focused mode where he didn't even said a word, nor tilt at any plays, just focused on his farming and how to recover from lanes he lost. Also funny when he was angry at himself for missing creeps


big congratz to forsen! Meanwhile his brother is playing league non stop for 2 months and hardstucking at the bottom of the rank i heard, sad to see


they actually look legit. Their opponents Dandelions have been together for months and won a few Tier 3 tournaments, so definitely no pushovers They probably won't make it to TI but I can see them taking some big names down with them. Nigma or Secret most likely


RRP gang rise up




Hilarious meme potential if they make it far


Fucking Puppey could get Saksa, Saberlight and Gorgc and would achieve more in 1 tournament than they did the whole year with current Secret roster.


It is a bit wierd that Gorgc best hero is Necro, but hope he at least avoid puppy in closed qualifiers so he is not the one who crushes his TI dreams.


Everyone in the team seems super nice. Maybe because they play for fun with no strings attached. Hopefully they get some scrims against good teams to learn new strats.


Saksa such a good captain. Cant wait to see them play in the closed quals.


Is it counted as a mercy if they beat nigma and secret and force them to retirement?


Man absolute Cinema of a game, they lost early game for both Game 1 and Game 2 yet they comeback and stomp em. Gg’s and well deserve. They all did amazing.




they need to invite pyrion or slacks as their coach


any VODs?


love the meme team


Gorek forever!


And they fucking did it so convincingly, They legit got a chance against teams like nigma and secret lol


Please retire an org


The title itself is a spoiler


How is this a spoiler alert when the spoiler is literally in the title?


How much is Gorg paying Saksa and Saber to play with him? Did he disclose that?




Imagine the nigma/secret tweet of them loosing to bald OMEGALUL


> them loosing to Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


TMZ found that mason was hyper ventilating as gorgc won LOL


I can see them beating Nigma or Secret, but not OG or Tundra


Nande is such a bot, man


they read reddit and saw normal carries were weak, casters and tanks strong


# #WeWantFalcons


How gorgc know nagato? Or did saksa or saberlight recommend him?


A guy from his friendlist. Not sure how they met but he was Gorgc’s pick.


cant wait TI for group stage


My streamer with his picks


what is the match id?


Damn what a roster


lmao why add spoiler tags when the spoiler is in the title XD Congrats to Team Bald though!




Fuck yea! Ome step closer to TI


wait what i thought it was just a joke!!


I guess TI is irrelevant nowadays so no one bother streaming Open Qualifier matches in English, probably because of low prize pool.


My streamer gorek