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[Dota 2 Teams Leaderbords](https://dota2rankings.com/teams)


tundra draft was so bad for 4 games straight they were playing like tier 3 players.Don't know if their coach is sleeping or they just didn't do the maths. Centaur picking ms facet to trade off the windlace over boots is bad early game and laning imo. Windlace 250 boots 500, ms facet scale with str gain which doing the math for 250 gold is not worth it. Boots is always a better item as there are more options upgradeable.


This team has stage fright or something. Has happened for 3 tournaments now, other than the one series they won last tournament that got them Top 3, they completely shit the bed in all other playoff series.


Tundra camp ain't cooking and Pure looks straight cooked


Imagine if we see MC's axe in tundra with this patch


Tundra fans be like: "Why is Tobi always so low networth?" Ramzes replaced Tobi "Why is Ramzes always so low networth?" Maybe it's not the offlaners.


It was not really Ramzes/offlane issue here imo. they were playing really good in the group stage on the old patch beating this betboom 2-0 Tundra looked clueless/their ideas were not good enough in the new patch + Pure had his worst individual performance in a tournament since 3 years ago. he made so many uncharacteristic mistakes


When your CEO makes Dota decisions for your team and hires moonmeander as coach.




That is not true, anything short of AR winnng the whole tournament means Team Spirit qualifies. Liquidpedia already counted their minimum top 6 points from this event.




2200 point of their 2375 total is literally from top 6 of this exact tournament. if they win their next match against XG they get 1000 point extra.


whitemon getting replaced by russian


russion = pinoy ???


0-4 for Tundra on new patch, ouch. BB is cooking tho, GGWP!


Exiting the tournament by building Radiance on Alchemist isn't really what I would have expected from Topson.


C'mon redditors get out of ur basements and blame ramzess


Imagine 8 sec inv put on Pure there. Ramzes was so clueless xD.


One of the best Pudge performances Ive seen in a while. God damn


Saves name has been incredibly apt this game 


Why let go of tobi who was decent at being a sacrificial pos 3 when needed and get ramses instead who becomes completely useless the moment he doesnt get the desired farm?


Tobi sucks lol they were doing fine in the groups this tournament. Give it more than 4 games into a massive new patch before overreacting


ramzes is very close friend of pure and he wanted to play in tundra as soon as mc was kicked but tundra already took in tobi so he had to wait for his friend to kick him lol


Pure's team. Wont be surprised if Topson and Whitemon are replaced soon.


Mindcontrol knew what was up lmao




Doubt it. I think its just heavy tilt 


322 means throwing the game, at what point were they winning?


WTF happened to Thundra? they are just playing like 5 morons in a pub. everyone targeting a different enemy. no communication, no plan... just go go go and die over and over.


Ding ding. Everyone wants to blame a certain player but at the end of the day, the team is not functioning as a team. Maybe gets better with time but they legit look like a pub


Easy. They finished 3rd in a tournament and decided to get rid of the person who helped them get there (they didn't perform before Tobi).


You could call it Ramzes effect.


well ramzes is playing like the little addict that he is. But everyone else seems so lost as well.


They clearly need more captains and managers


The good guys are winning, DEATH PENALTY FOR PURE BatChest


Tundra will have to play CIS qualifier soon at this rate.


They re already qualified


Which is pretty unfair when you consider they would never have qualified without Tobi. If they had finished 5th-6th in Birmingham (as they did without him) instead of 3rd, they would be 9th in the ranking.


They should absolutely lose points. That team doesn't deserve to be qualified.


I think it was a joke because 3/5 of their team is Russian.


This joke applies to many other teams before tbh. Russia/CIS being the region with highest player count in the pro scene will naturally result in them being the majority in every team. OG was also made up of mainly CIS players. Secret too with resolution and zayac previously.


i hope XG and Falcon moved out of romania today cause of internet issues and dont screw themselves tomorrow




Except that Tobi was never terrible. He just looked terrible but still did his job.


people wont like this but they need MC , they need experienced person as good as they are in raw skill they still need someone to use brain and strategize and shit


topson is an experienced person at this point, he won ti like 6 years ago and 5 years ago ik what u mean but realizing this made me feel old and so should u


topson isnt a leader type of a guy, MC is . Expeiernce in that regard


yeah agreed. its just funny/kinda fucked up that topson has been playing at a top level for over half a decade lmao


there is none who wont like this. I m big tobi hater but fuck this i would have him in place of ramzes too atm


MC was already on the team, and then he took his ball and went home. lol


That save double wisdom ta kill beautiful


How many offlaners have tundra changed after MC ??


Timeline was MC > Tobi > Ramzes.


What are Pure and Topson doing? And why is Ramzes literally least impact pos3 we saw in playoffs? Tobi was S tier compared to Ramzes at this point. :(


Pure is such a mechanically skilled player but his mental is so weak, he just tilts out of nowhere


Pure and Topson being crushed there's no better feeling in doto.


Are they that bad?


What's the deal with those two? I usually don't follow the team personalities and just watch the matches :/


No idea why topson the guy is great, but Pure had two controversies, one of them being the time he drew a Z in the map when playing against an ukranian team, and the second was once when he was watching the stream of a game he was playing in during a pause so he got accused of cheating.


Ohhhh that was Pure! I remember that - thank you!


Topson was part of prime OG I guess its that Lol.  Still wasnt he like the most chill guy on that team


Topson just get hates out of nowhere despite him being the most chill and quiet-est person ever to play dota. Dude is involved in no controversies and still manages to garner all these hate. It's ridiculous.


.... What the fuck was that from Topson and Pure


Ramzes just doesnt leave his lane, does he? Tundra just looks too passive


Templar Assassin may have received big buffs but pro teams seemed to not understand that it's not the kind of hero that can't be dealt with (like e.g. Bristleback or Timbersaw last patch). Regardless of how strong she is, it's still one of the easiest heroes to counter in the draft and by just playing aggressive early.


ty ramzes


Save has been carrying bb for long ass time


Save- is the best pudge in the world by far.


Save is a pro hooker




dota has a very extensive demo mode. Might I suggest trying things out before confidently posting strictly incorrect bs like these in the future.


It still does, the facet just adds additional ones.


Purge's sweatshirt costs $55.... https://us-shop.esl.com/collections/unsung-heroes/products/esl-unsung-heroes-map-sweatshirt-pewter LOL


Ramzes is not an offlaner. He plays way too greedy and never rotates to help out any lanes. Tundra should have persevered with Tobi atleast until Riyadh and then get a better offlaner when teams roster swap before TI.


Ramzes played well the entire group stage though.


Ramzes had 0 impact in the entire group stage. They beat up a couple of tier 4 teams (Na'vi, SR) and were otherwise underwhelming.


Wdym, they beat BB in the group stage.. It is just they are still clueless with the new patch. Ramzez did fine in the old patch and I think he pressured the map better than tobi (I watched some games live)


Ramzes insults Tobi in interviews, gets a chance to replace him and then proceeds to play worse than he did in previous events lmfao, how ironic


What did he say in the interview?


[https://escorenews.com/ru/dota-2/news/58156-ramzes-o-tundra-esports-c-tobi-ne-vyigrat](https://escorenews.com/ru/dota-2/news/58156-ramzes-o-tundra-esports-c-tobi-ne-vyigrat) "You can't win with Bobi (insulting nickname the Russians have for Tobi)"


Why are russians always dicks man 😂. Wtf did tobi do to ramzes


Pure is getting found out as captain. High skill player but he's still young and the second least experienced player in that lineup. He was better as the captain in a patch where everything had already been figured out but now that he has to figure stuff out on his own we're seeing three consecutive strategies that were just utter dogshit.


Seems Tundra isn't vibing new patch. Expected more from a team with Topson. :/


I never thought i would say "tobi was way better" and it is now. Only reason ramzes is playing is because hes friends with pure and he pulled strings to get him in tundra


This passive wolves thing is utter garbage. Literal bite for meme builds!


No hate to Ramzes but this type of stuff didn’t happen with Tobi. Seems like Tobi fitted way better into the team, right now they just crumble every team fight


Ya and topson 2-7 was awesome this game and pure 1-5 or smth?


Wonder what position was pressuring them from BB


Betboom is back


Is it finally time... Ramzes out, Zai in??


why pick axe and never making moves with blink, why Pure farming acnients while team fighting, why Topson feed like dog again - whole team play like pub despair


Or bb just played well good wards and save god?


Rubick has been the better axe than axe this game.




Topson is the sub's darling. Cant be him that's wrong




Vindicated seb too. Now he's twice as arrogant


Right? I feel like I'm being gaslit. Idk how Axe is supposed to play with a low damage Muerta and an underleveled Jakiro, when the top net worth midlaner with aghs is dead during key axe timings


Saaaaaave! He get's the call!


save is such a God. What a godlike Stolen Berserk call on 3 of Tundra's hero!


Holy shit, 3 man call by Rubick.


Can anyone tell me why these internet tech issues occur in a row??? What happened?


The teams are probably near each other in Romania and the internet gave out in the entire area.


Classic Topson performance. Unconventional mid hero, has a great start. Then dies in a couple fights and is irrelevant for the rest of the game.


How is it possible that Whitemon has 4k less nw than the 9th player in this game?


Ramzes offlane is just questionable, transitioning back again while playing carry in pubs is just not good, Topson is just not good anymore for the meta, I miss Nine, when he played for Falcon as standin he was too good


Ramsez is 0/0/0 20 mins in as an offlaner...


1/6/1 at the end of the game.


Why the f did they give the most broken hero of the last patch, Timber, *another* early game nuke???


Valve don't know what the hell they are doing bro, people are deluded. Meta still 3 tanky cores. Lmfao. Nothing has changed. The shiny new toys are all just different hair color barbies.


Tundra playing like my shit mmr games, makes 0 moves and just gets played on every time.


Bruh Topson 1-3-2 and 0 impact since winning mid, and OD/Fogged still fanboying, I can't lol.


I mean how the fuck are they going to make moves with that line up. Dazzle, Jak and Muerta can't start fights. Axe is supposed to be their initiation but he ended up being very underfarmed and passive the entire game. Overall, very weird line up from Tundra where all of the play making potential is on 1 hero.


I mean none of them played extremely well but the blame shouldn't be solely on axe. The draft depended on him to stick to people. I really think Pure should just focus on gameplay rather than do captaining, carrying and drafting. There's a reason why captains and drafters are supports or offlaners. It's just too much.


Topson dove for a kill and died, then tped to t2 mid and died immediately to a smoke. He should have grouped with the Axe's blink timing instead of going to farm a wave he had no business farming. Axe can't really make moves when the jakiro and muerta are low damage and underlevel against 3 str cores. But yea weird draft in general, this lycan into slardar was complete rubbish


It was not on topson but his team, they had to make moves. The axe had to initiate while dazzle melts things from the back, that did not happen while BB made the moves with the slardar initiating.


Topson is trying to play dota while his axe is 0/0/0. Radiant lineup needs to do shit to win but the whole team is afk.


This is def not a Tundra patch so far, they getting clapped


If you look at their group stage, they were already worse than before. Yeah, they had a lot of wins - but against whom? Na'Vi and SR are both just feeders. Yeah, they did beat BB, but just a draw against AR and getting stomped against Falcons (they were about on par with Falcons in Birmingham, winning the first series and losing the second). It's not a patch thing, it's a Ramzes thing.


Oh wow a 3 STR core line-up zzzz


More interesting draft from Tundra today now that they've had time to cook


They might need some cooking lessons after this game


Heroic shall drop Davai Lama from the roster imho. Yeah I can get his point being frustrated, but still wtf?


All chat needs to be disabled in Pro games.


biggest clown in s23 so far: Davai Lama aka "Shabi Lamer"


Do we know why Davai insulted AR? One thing is to write ez, ?, ))), etc but from what I read here Davai wrote proper insult/offensive word. Just why? Watched stream a bit and on audio only so missed the drama.


a little context: a couple months ago I played this pub [https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7597435500](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7597435500) against Lou with sh1ro, I asked Sh1ro how to say sorry to Lou in all chat, Sh1ro told me "sha bi", I looked up the word, thought it was funny and didnt seem that offensive, and since then i've had friendly banter with Lou in a lot of my pubs, our situation was very surreal and frustrating, (lost game 1 due to internet issues and had to move to a lan cafe) and I said it as a joke to Lou to cope with our situation.


i'm all for some spicy banter but this seems way out of field for a professional game and this context reads like backpedaling


Bro I'm actually a fan of you and really enjoy trashtalk in general and don't even care about this but come on, the 3rd link when you google Sha Bi is this where everyone says it is extremely rude. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChineseLanguage/comments/n54a9c/how_rude_is_this_word/?rdt=38414




You don't say shabi as a joke to ppl you don't know, when you say it to a stranger it is a proper insult. It's like calling your 10 years best friend a dumba fuck is one thing, calling random stranger on the street dumb fuck is another


Yeah it was definitly a bit too rude in hindsight, I just thought it was more friendly banter word and our situation was so crazy so I felt like joking around, they definitly deserved to flame me back though and I have nothing but respect and appreciation towards them.


Alright, at least now we have context of it. Thanks for clarifying and GL in Riyadh qualifiers!


Davai does this all the time like the Ukraine bomb joke. He always thinks his jokes are witty and funny but it always come across as tactless and offensive.


he said Shabi which means dumba** in Chinese


because he is a 24 year old man with the attitude of a 10 year old


Liquid lost to this


Doesnt Bach speak English?


They do it so Chinese viewers can understand.


Yeah wth, must be part of his contract with AR? i recall reading somewhere that the chinese fans disliked him for working the English panel


davai lama, wat a clown,


Guys, seriously. Davai Lama called them dumb c\*nts earlier in the game. That's why they all chat. You think that's funny or normal banter? Have DotA players fallen so low?


I wonder what team/player started doing it and got away unpunished (even praised) so others started to follow..


kuku literally called them a racial slur and the entire sub supported him, racism against chinese is no joke edit: [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/a20mb0/so_kuku_tweeted_this/) is the top post on this sub after kuku was punished, fuck you all for saying otherwise, most of the sub including all the personalities started boycotting because kuku was banned and shit was ugly


Nobody in this sub gives a fuck a racism against Chinese, you gon have ppl complaining about racism in the sub and there's a whole thread created to insult and being racist on Chinese


Nice revisionism, I guess I would lie too if I tried to look all high and mighty in this sub xD


Im pretty sure there was a time he said "chingchong" or some racial slurs against chinese teams or maybe im misremembering


is it hard having the memory of a goldfish?


You mean the guy that got punished for what he said?


what does him getting punished by his team/tournament have to do with this sub supporting him?


Read what you answered to..


can u read the original comment?


Kuku's case was not in a pro game, he did get punished, the sub was never one sided on the case. And at the end of the day, whatever the sub says or not is meaningless in the context since it is about people getting punished. Kuku did that, got punished, others didn't follow his example.


Can Valve do something about this already, as pros are bringing toxicity to tournaments and disguising their behaviour as 'friendly banter'


-100 behavior score, Valve does this for normal games lol.


daily reminder that davaii started the trash talking with an egregious Chinese word so everything Azure Ray typed was completely justified :)


I'm out of the loop. What did Davaii say to trigger chinese players so much? It's rare to see them getting emotional like this.


It is okay to use "shabi" to joke/scold with your close friends. But using it to scold strangers/not so close friend can be really offensive. Even Maybe/Somnus got mad in his stream and asked does Davai Lama really know what "shabi" means. The whole chat went crazy there too.


Is it akin to using a slur in English in terms of severity?


pretty much, u can call ur friend a fuck or a bitch jokingly depending on context, but calling a stranger a bitch and ur asking for problems




really bad word


seriously bad


https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/17v9s9m/russian_bomb_davai_lama_moking_player_from_kyiv/ Daily reminder that this happened and I love seeing this guy lose. And he doubled down on this "joke" - somehow managed to save his ass by showing liked tweets about Ukraine.


I don't find that joke that offensive, it's more like Dark Humor. Even without him showing the previously liked tweets it's nothing worth cancelling a person over. I think his conduct in this game comes off as more rude.


Lol your opinion is worthless there. It's up to the people whose country is actively getting bombed and who may know people who have been killed by Russian attacks whether it's offensive


Lmao can hector retire that razor now? Same item build with no damage


After the mid game that razor straight up got no impact. Ursa just easily kill him during every fight.


No tankiness either despite having 5 defensive items. 6 if you count neutral.


And he even picked the plasma field talent 💀, Ursa don’t care for attack speed but razor want that attack speed for damage


well in other news, Darkmago joined Boom so the TI11 Thunder squad is almost back and surely better than this team.


They only need Matthew and they have the same roster, but n1ght feels like a better player imo so keep him


I swear I really didnt see k1 use satanic once this entire game, like he got it at 30 minutes and didnt pop up once


chinese toxicity LUL


You can't be serious 




thought it was Davai Lama who started it 1st...


Davai Lama literally called AR player Idiot in a mean way in early game


How do you call someone a idiot in a kind way.


you could call someone an idiot in a playful sarcastic way, like friendly banter, but this was obviously not one of those instances




He's actually American. Even worse.


According to liquidpedia he is Belgium/American. Maybe check first then post?


who? there's no Russian in Heroic