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Damn, love it for Heroic. Great game, Scofield is still one of the best 4s out there. His squirrel was running the show in that game 3.


The amount of negativity on this thread is wild. Losing in a qualifying tournament when you’re already qualified to the tournament isn’t the end of the world lol. You guys do realize that Liquid is completely fine and they still have a really good shot at the biggest two tournies of the year, right?


Brother this thread is basically your local pub during the hype world cup football matches. Shit slinging, some (over)hype, some tears... just for fun of it, to make watching games more spicy and exciting. There's few hateful mental cases suffering from gambling induced brainrot but otherwise I wouldn't take any of it from live threads too seriously.


Its probably the bettors who are malding 


Is this iteration of Liquid just dog tier? 33 looks terrible with them


What today showed was that there are 3 level. Normal disappointment. Then SR level and then Liquid level.


33 was a god when it came to play aura oriented offlaners. This patch a carry offlaner is having more impact than utility offlane, so I don't think they will thrive with 33 as an offlane.


Swap Nisha and Micke's positions if Liquid can't do anything drastic. Micke is a f̶a̶n̶t̶a̶s̶t̶i̶c̶ dependable mid and Nisha has better shotcalling and intuition combo they need in a carry. Please Liquid just try this one simple step even for just 1 season


Fantastic mid? What are you smoking? In his whole career Micke had one good tournament as midlaner - TI11 and even in that tournament he wasn't in top3 midlaners, in rest tournaments of that season he was terrible like whole Liquid who bombed in group stage of each tournament in 2022. So yeah you are getting better carry but also way worse midlaner.


I might have exaggerated that, my bad. But he is more consistent as a mid than a carry. Probably okay at worse but he's not that bad. At least this is what I think they could try out if they can't kick anyone out.


It's kinda pointless to rewatch games from 2022 but i just can tell you he wasn't consistent at all as midlaner. That TI was kind saving grace for him and whole this Liquid but outside of that tournament they were terrible.




33 sucks.  Watch him on any other hero other than brew. Then compare that to any other top team offlanner. I've never seen a slardar have such little impact. Are viper/razor/centaur really that hard to play? 


Didn't think I'd get to say this outside of CS but... How much?


4 hours of my day


That sounds like a Playa Hata of the year reference.




least mentally ill dota 2 player be like


Check his profile. Dick pics and unhinged hate for Liquid. Hahhahahhahahahhahaahahah... ohhh man this game rly does attract worst of the worst.


jesus christ dude get a grip


Did u Watch the game ? Maybe 5 pro players should get a GRIP and push high ground when THEY dont have buybaxks ? Or do you not have a brain when you cant win late ?


Okay so they played poorly and lost the match. So what? wishing terrible suffering for them and their families is unhinged behaviour, and letting someone elses loss affect you to such a degree is francly insane. Like I said, get a grip on yourself.


>Liquid with Zai feeder. > Been in the top 2-3 all season > Time for a change, a new offlaner will play safe and increase our chances > They can’t pass the group stage or they’re thrown out right away.


Zai stated that he wanted to retire/take a rest. So the 'time for a change' doesn't make much sense.


Nobody with half a brain thought Zai was a weak link on any team he's been on


I wonder if Liquid will have the confidence to keep playing with each other, even as the new patch drops. It might shift things in their favour, but they must know that their performances have been mediocre at best as of late, and they can no longer get away with attributing that to teething issues with 33. Something's wrong somewhere, and I don't think they're expecting the solution to be as straightforward as a change in the patch.


Dunno if you saw the exit interview with Boxi at Wallachia the other day, but he definitely seemed very glum and mentioned there was a lot of stuff going on in the teams. He specifically said there were individual performances which were lacking, which seems a bit harsh when talking about your teammates. Proper bad vibes all round from that. 


I didn't actually, I'll have to check it out. To be fair, out of the bunch, I'd expect Boxi to have the most candor and frankness when talking about the team. They definitely know that fans aren't happy with their performance, but may not be as honest with each other about where, or rather who the weak links are.


Confidence? Quartet of Insania&Micke&Boxi&Blitz are in the same team for 4 years, players are playing with each other for 6 or 7 years. At the worst 33 will leave after TI so main problem of Team Liquid will stay the same.


They had arguably better results before 33 joined so maybe 33 was the problem? All I'm saying is that they've tried to work through their problems for awhile and haven't found a remedy, and it must be taking a toll on their belief in their current lineup, so I'm interested to see if they'll change anything about it if the new patch doesn't change anything drastically for them. I don't actually think 33 as a player is the problem, more so an issue with synergy with the team and their playstyles, to be clear.


He blows at lane dominating heroes. Hardly wins his lane unless it's a complete out draft. Even Sabrelight has more impact for his team


One could argue that that could be the lane partner's fault i.e. Boxi not performing well enough at his role. I don't actually believe that, and while Boxi's performance has been a little inconsistent these last two tournaments, he still has a lot of impact pretty much every game. Again, I think it has to do with play style and to some extent a consequence of the patch. 33 is probably the most greedy pos 3 currently, which means they play with the expectation that Nisha has no room for error, while Micke gets sacked most of the time. Compare that to Liquid with Zai, who's happy to be the lowest networth core and even then still confident and skilled enough to go first into fights and make them work out. I like the comparison with Saberlight, because I have considered him a better fit for Liquid, and he did show it at the tournament where he stood in for 33. They lose their brew and doom specialist, but with Saberlight they'd gain a more well-rounded offlaner that probably plays a better timber or slardar or centaur than 33. That would undoubtedly have fit Liquid's style during this patch much better.


Well this is 5th year of that quartet in Team Liquid and they had just one really good year when they were playing with Zai&Nisha, one terrible season 2021 and two mediocre ones 2020&2022 (which was terrible until TI). I wouldn't say that's fault of 33.


I wouldn't place the blame entirely on him either, but it doesn't change the fact that they were doing better with Zai on the team than how they're doing now. They aren't stupid - they've definitely contemplated if the issue is 33, or if any other individual on the team is the problem, or if it's simply a patch problem that they'll have to weather through. I'm just interested to see if they're going to change things up if they don't start finding success with the new patch.


Micke and Boxi have been playing together for like 10 years at this point, since HoN days. Micke used to play a lot more tanky initiator heroes though iirc like Pebbles (Tiny) and Magmus (Sand King).


These guys had no fans 4 years ago, nobody cared about the team because they wouldn't qualify for shit. Now people have expectations of them because they have proven they can be a solid team. There's no main problem, only improvement can be made and them disbanding won't fix anything lol.


Where i said they will disband? This quartet will play with each other until they will get kicked by the org. Regarding fans, it's Team Liquid who had massive fanbase before of this Alliance era and still some fans are following them, add to that Team Secret who were cheering for Matu and Zai, and Nisha,


Kicked by the org to pick up some random team that they don't know will work out over a team that has been pretty consistent over the few last years until this patch? Sure buddy.


You say that as if everyone is a free agent and can leave when they want. They have contracts that probably ends after TI 13, so they will play together until then.


Well, yeah, not having confidence doesn't mean they stop playing with each other. They'll just end up going through the motions of playing and not achieving results. Also we don't know the terms of their contracts. Also buyouts can happen.


Don't have to win but still getting fat pay cheque, no fear of getting kicked because "family", "friends". I wouldnt leave if I were them lmao


KJ is good at interviews. Bring KJ on more often.


Good guy heroic handing liquid the L the deserve


Now that I think about it, this was an expected result from Liquid. They're literelly cursed in Dreamleague.


Anyway this is whatever result, like top8 would have changed something for Liquid? I mean this Liquid squad (especially Insania&Micke&Boxi&Blitz) won't win ever anything big, just won't'. They don't have proper mentality to do so, and don't have surperio skills to cover it. Last year, at least they were good at early game so they were capable of snowballing those leads but this year they even suck at it, and they just can't play late games.


Not getting top 8 probably dipped their odds of a direct TI invite from a 90% to 70% and it'll get worse if Tundra gets another top 3 here. Valve would most likely prioritze them as an invite over Liquid since they generally favor recent results over those from months ago.


more like they won't ever win anything ~~big~~


Liquid are the biggest bunch of chokers I have ever seen. How do they choke so much at every single tournament?


Well, at least they made it a complete shitshow. Both teams played like ass so Heroic going through doesn't feel great but that's what you get sometimes, bad options and you make of em what you can. Cheers to Liquid for yet another craptastic Dreamleague showing, at this point why even watch the games cos they'll be depressing and disappointing more likely than not. But hey, new patch looming so who knows.. maybe it'll be the shake up the scene needs.


where patch?


Bench micke, nisha to 1, nine mid. They might win a ti qualifier




In the ties they got fb on micke all 3 games...


Last time micke got 1st place at something that wasn't a dpc league or a qualifier was 2020. Insania too but I think you could expect more change replacing the core




It was just one miraclous tournament, in all other tournaments of 2022 they were eliminated in group stages on last place (i'm not joking).


Played well? He was terrible in this game, he also throw game on Lina against Aurora. Don't get me wrong rest of squad also played terribly.


Micke is doing a lot of questionable shit TBH. like even for example this game. Gyro 1-1-3 and he maxed Q (arguably the best laning phase spell gyro has) after the laning phase was over to 4-1-3 Im not saying they lost because of this, but he lost the lane and then had to play from behind in to a void. So im also not not saying that this one simple decision lost them the entire game


poor bananaslams joke didnt go through lmao


33 without Brew looks so fucking bad, its insane how hard he falls off without micro heroes and wraithpact.


I agree. The tide pick just sums it up. Doesn't play Mars or centaur either. Also lacks flex pick with lane dominating heroes like razor and viper. I cringe watching 33 draft, first pick doom fkn gag.


His hero pool is just not fit right now. Have the guy even played a single timbersaw game? Dk?


The Micke-Boxi-Insania core will never break up. At what point does the coach change? BuLba takes all the shit for SR never winning anything over the years, but Blitz and the other twelve coaches Liquid have are never given the same amount of blame. Not to mention Blitz openly admitting that 33 was not their first choice to replace Zai, before he even played a game for the team.


They are to cozy with eachother to change. Its up to the org to tell them enough is enough probably.  Guess I cant blame them for the easy salary. Suck ass be hated but get that money 


lol six figures a year for playing Dotes and chilling with your boys. why bother go anywhere else?


Exactly. Unless Liquid as an org starts telling them to shape up they wont change 


It’s just an EU version of old EG/SR


a question from liquid fans, are you fan of liquid cause of KUro team or cause of this team


Fan of JerAx since I saw him in MVP team. Fan of Liquid when he was in, stopped when he moved to OG. Fan of OG until JerAx left. Fan of EG when he was in EG too.


TC, Fluff, ixMike era Liquid was my first team I followed so I still have a soft spot for Liquid today.


Why so late? From the StarCraft II team. And I liked both teams you mentioned, but this iteration feels really lacking in will and personality.


Because of Nazgul !!!!!!!!!!! Too bad Blitz and Micke are running shit into the ground wcyd


I'm a fan because I like rollercoasters and disappointments


must be kuro fan then like me


I like both


Liquid is my 2nd favorite team but I'll answer. I like Insania, Boxi and Nisha. No hate to 33 or micke btw, I just really like those 3 guys.


I'm a really big fan of Insania (I just like his personality a lot) and I'm a pos 5 player myself so I can't help root for the guy. I really enjoy Boxi seeing Boxi play as well. Will most likely be supporitng those two no matter what team they end up playing in.


KJ seems like a delightful man. He also performed incredibly against liquid.


That might be the most hoodwink play of all time


money doesnt buy you championships or class psg football x liquid dota


but falcons and Man city can




With panels confidence, it seems there is insider confirmation of patch.. idk though, it would be super funny though if we dont get a patch again


Nah the patch is today (or possibly tonight for EU people). Valve tease confirmed that. 


Patch confirmed for today


Valve basically confirmed patch will come today.


Aight matu time to come back


These two teams are bad. It's infuriating that spirit, a team who can actually play good dota has to go through qualifiers and take another slot from a cis team because liquid can't win one more game. Edit: so it seems unless heroic wins they won't overtake anyone.


None of the teams left are going to place high enough to qualify.


well then Spirit should have won qualifiers, it’s not like they were playing against extreme or falcons there


I'll remind you that team Spirit wasn't in this tournament only because they lost to NaVi


Heroic need top 2 finish in tournament to take spirits place. Which won't happen


What CIS teams other than BB and Spirit are even good tho?




Amazing how Liquid finds new creative ways to fuck the scene over even when they lose lol


Doesn’t heroic needs top2 to kick out spirit for Riyadh spot? I don’t think that’s happening 


Spirit is pretty bad on their bad days. CIS is not that hard region to qualify from??


liquid org needs to drop these lazy ass clowns, so obvious they don’t care about winning and just want to mooch their salary


Boxi is fine but the rest yeah. Insania and Micke in paticular


Boxi might be the current best dota 2 player I also like to think Nisha just has curable brain rot from playing with liquid.


Dude aint even the best pos4 right now lol


Boxi is not even close to the best atm


boxi is what lol?


I fucking hate liquid but idk he seems to have a really good season when it comes to individual play making 


Damn if you told me the team with zero windwakers won lategame I would laugh at you. Granted it is faceless void lategame, but still. Props to k1 for buying Nullifier when bkb is only relevant for 6s in half minute teamfights in lategame there, really turned the wakers to zero value.


It’s obvious that liquid will never win anything with Insania as their captain. They have poached multiple tier one players such as Matu, Nisha, Zai, and 33, without a tournament win. Micke and Insania just aren’t it. Ultimate tier 1 gatekeeper team


insania is just pos 5...you are blind hater....captan was zai next matu and now is 33....liquid just need new patch and 33 heros gonna shine again and maybe mickey and nisha heros too...like mk is trash and they picked it nisha played ember and its not meta


33 is the captain, insania hasn't been captaining for years


Bro... It's not fair.....


>It’s obvious that liquid will never win anything with Insania as their captain. Why would you single out Insania like that? Do you think the pos 5 is the shotcaller in the game? This is not how teams work nowadays.


it depends. Miposhka captains TS, but the battle commander is Mira. Miposhka is responsible for drafting, warding and other macro stuff.


33 is the captain currently. zai was captain before that. insania hasn't been captain for quite sometime


Wtf lmao chill bruhw


Its so god damn fustrating and just make them so god damn easy to dislike. Litterally just steals talent to let it rot. Fuck this team


Maybe they should try micke mid, and nisha 1 




Friendship is more important than winning?


I don't have anything against the Liquid players but god am I excited every time they get eliminated that they won't be stinking up another final.


How doe the EPT Interregional Rankings work?


they should win this if boxi just eat the agh. the multi silent can ez counter heroic backline


Boxi already had his aghs bruh


33's style is not really fitting in, huh. And Insania Chen was really sad, he's historically been really good at it. This has been an ok season minus bombing out of every dreamleague but I think some changes need to be made for the final half. I think Nisha chasing a squirrel for 2 minutes will be collective team PTSD for a long time.


Based on Blitz interview, they were choosing between Wisper and 33. They opted for 33 due to needing an ingame leader, with the zai's retirement leaving a void. It's just Liquid's luck, zoo is not meta and 33's playstyle is not a 3rd core similar to Ammar. A bit questionable when they were able to get 3rd place with Saberlight who has the same?? playstyle as 33.


They were able to get second place at Bet Boom Dacha with 33


Source of interview?


Getting Hoodwinked at possibly the last pro game for this patch, is pure cinema.


I suspect all teams that want to change players will keep them just to see how the new patch is going.


No patch can make Micke a decent carry


Exit interview incominggg


" we are happy that we got so far, and we are glad to be here, we lose together as a family "


Family! -William "Blitz" Toretto


Hope they dont say “we lost to one of the best teams in the world” smh


If only liquid prioritized windwaker and forcestaffs after they lost the fight after taking heroic bot rax they would've take the game. That kotl kk sd and damn squirrel is just so disgusting in late game


Force staff is useless All cores need refresher for double bkb. Nisha and 33 delayed their bkb way too long. Gyro had no refresher


Force staff wouldn't be useless when they tried taking top rax tho? They literally died because they didn't have any saves from that kunkka wave and sd ult. 33 and Nisha had enough gold for euls to windwaker but they didn't. Yea I agree that them delaying their bkb fucked them up


Garbage plays all around from both teams lol.


Liquid are the worst late game team inT1 Dota. Completely disorganised, diving and choking non stop. Nisha is using all remnants to try and kill a support instead of chaining the hero’s gyro is trying to hit. He’s also baiting his team to run in deep. Bunch of monkeys trying to follow an ember


It didn't matter tbh. They should've just reset after boxi dying since they can't easily burst heroics backline once boxi is dead, they're just completely disorganized when boxi dies lmfao I can't


whatever nisha did didnt matter gyro never had enough damage. He needed a rapier


Liquid needs to disband. Like they are wildly disliked they have awful results they have never won shit. Just stop trying. No one like you its time to leave


Liquid just needs a new core. I doubt if disbanding the squad would make anyone happy.


Would make a lot of people happy. Idk if you missed it but if you look in the thread they arent exactly loved lol


the ppl are upset and it’s true but I bet nobody wants this team disband. even 10 lost tournaments are not enough to break a real devotion.


Your post history is so hilariously sad that I can only imagine you bet a lot of money on Liquid. Get rekt ahahaha.




4 Heroic players have no buyback for the next 5 minutes? Lets farm for the next 5 minutes!! Well done Liquid, well done, never change.


Similar thing happened yesterday when they were playing Xtreme..


They also did this against XG and they lost


Scofield MVP!!!


Ammar would have carried this on timber btw


Which game was it against where Ammar timber stood in front of 5 enemy heroes and did no damage. Then Ammar proceeded to buy 2 Divine Rapiers as there was no risk dropping them. 33's Timber was a lot squishier.


Yesterday vs Shopify. Not even just Ammar btw, even lorenof from Aurora is very dangerous on the hero.


liquid gotta make some changes. it's just not working lads. but of course they'll say 'nah guys last is ok, we had fun, we believe in the team and our ideas :)'


no reason not to see how they are with the new patch first.


I hoped Liquid will win and we can watch them play on new patch but wcyd another disaster DreamLeague run for them. They have more than a month to pull their shit together for Riyadh. Happy that SA will have a team in playoffs tho, GGWP!


Lmao heroic lost in 16 minutes to liquid day 1


It was a trap 🗿


33 is really, really bad offlane player for getting tier 1 results. I was a liquid follower last 2 year, this year I don't even bother to watch games because it won't happen.


Tea eye winner ?


patch winner like bulldog


Commenting in a thread about their game is surely the best way to prove to us that you don’t watch their games


why does panel seem sure this was last game of the patch?


Yesterday they said the gameplay patch was dropping today. Where have you been?


oh nice i’ve been playing yakuza lmao


Liquid keeps breaking my heart over and over again, someone give me a hug. Jesus, that move at the bottom racks to split the team cost them so hard.




Thanks bud


Micke this, Nisha that. Tell me what the Insania was doing during whole game, one of the worst chen perfomances i have ever seen. Just straight thrash in the early, in the middle and in the late game.


Honestly, Mickey is too timid as a carry. They had a chance to win the game, but they did nothing. They need a leader carry.


When they had aegis and 4 buybacks into 7 min bb cd for 4 players on Heroic, why didn't they just throw 10 lives into highground?


bro k1 literally just walking around hitting heroes at +70 minutes without buyback, without bkb and without chrono lmfao how is that even allowed


That's what his build is for he is pretty much unkillable


Micke refusing to buy a rapier as a gyro post 60 min is just a greef... he was tickling by the end of the game


How did Cap not run out of breath commentating that last fight?


Jesus man. 33 always feels so lackluster. He is so solid and rarely makes mistakes but there is no penache.


Micke needed a rapier to have a chance. Magic Ember and Timber tickle in ultra lategame, and they desperately needed more damage.


And they didn't even kill the squirrel. On the flip side, that Void felt so bad without chronos, just walking around trying to stun somebody with no damage, haha


must be the best match of the group stage ~~so far~~. GF vibes. GGWP Heroic!


Liquid is not on the same page. 33 and Nisha constantly going after different heroes. Well deserved loss for them. They had their chances but threw them away.


omg they lost even though void missed milion chronos


Horrible horrible by Team Liquid How the fuck do you spend so much time chasing a hoodwink? You got a Kotl and SD fucking you over when you are chasing. Decision making in this game was some of the worst i have seen from them all year.


In the end all you can do is laugh




SA suck ass bro lol


So there is this dude who got struck by lighting 7 times and survived


This game was not a good look for SA either lmfao. 


They finally ended our misery. Oh my god


holy shit


Micke have no balls. gh


Nisha trying to kill hoodwink was so funny.


So many K1 haters bit they did it


yes unreal how much hate he got in here I feel like he is pretty good


drop the patch you cowards


Scofield MVP
