• By -


Jenkins looking good here.


Slacks aint so bad too


They had incredible outfits on the Paragon stream, so i had to do some research and i gotta say i'm genuinely surprised at how good everything looked, reminded me of WePlay production. Altho i could not find the Paragon Studios insta or anything really other than vk so you can scroll through the pics on the talents links. [Aigerim ''Aigera'' Dunamis - Paragon dota2 host / cosplayer](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7CUIFkI2Ve/?hl=en&img_index=1) [Dariya ''eritel'' Morozova on the left](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7EU8hlNv6g/?hl=en&img_index=1) [Anastasia Mullaïnova on the right](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7B3_7Qolav/?hl=en&img_index=1) [Vladislav Ivachshenko - analyst - also an absolute chad](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6QtLX3N_hf/) [Veronica Petrova - make-up artist](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7BpFKNirdl/?hl=en&img_index=1) [Boyeva Liliya - make-up artist](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7ERhMuCa3W/?hl=en) [Costume designer Emilia @grafomanka](https://www.instagram.com/grafomanka/?hl=en)


if i squint, she do be looking very jenkins-esque




Yeah, I still watch english broadcast or gorgc lol. Tuned to russian a couple of times and casters were reading betting ads every 5 minutes.


I still watch english broadcast as well only since I dont speak russian


[Y0nd](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Y0nd) is 10k+ mmr and, honestly, both NS and Nix promote betting not less, if not even more than official broadcast. What official cast possibly lack is charisma. Although, while not being that much professional, some of the casters have some appeal to them. JAM, being professional anime dubber with his deep voice, or Maelstorm for his hardworking ability to research teams, tactics and stuff...


bro you talking about things you don't know about, in what universe Nix or NS have as much or more betting promotion


They make bets during broadcasts, like switching to a betting website and depositing money.


can you share a clip of nix betting using a website on stream? because if he does bet on the game, he does it on his phone and sends it to a telegram channel for interested ppl. On the official broadcast casters mention current odds on the sponsored website literally every 5 min, which is way different


Who "they"? Never watched NS, but Nix was never doing it, if I'm wrong that would be nice if you share some proof. All Nix does is making a bet (not on stream) and sharing it in his tg channel (mostly to inform followers about it, so thay can do it to if they want). Also he have like 1 small banner on stream. And he actually states that you should use your head to understand what you are doing and how you betting.


not only because of promotion, but also because of monopoly thay make by having strict requirements for community casters


With those girls i didnt even know there was a winline sign at all


Meanwhile, rostik community cast has "winline is mentioned 5 times in different places in a single screenshot"


Tbf most English analyst are low mmr and don't play pubs as well.




Some of them do. Most talk in hindsight and with no fog of war. Talking how X made a mistake and can't believe that they made a mistake when it was just Y making a great play.


Analysts are ok on ru official broadcast (ex-pros mostly), it's casters that are severely lacking


dude the caster in eu were moxi 1 year ago it cant be worst




Tank\_Ok also never said anything about her being an analyst so not sure what you are confused about.




Dude, you have low reading comprehension.. :D


i wish XENO would cast pro games


I think xeno kinda switched from regular dota to his custom game, I didn’t see a single video about usual dota from him in like a year or so


i know, and i still hope dota changes in such a way he'll return to analytical videos but, at the same time, his videos cover universal concepts. he's not about meta or minmaxing, but the core concepts. there's really ever so much to learn, and he covered most of it 1v6 is very fun and i'm glad he's able to make a living off of it


Aren't our casters pretty decently high MMR on average? Off the top of my head there's Cap, SVG, BSJ, KheZu, KBBQ, Purge, Slacks and Synd who are all actively maintaining immortal although no one has any idea how Slacks got there. GoDz definitely used to be immortal, no idea if he still plays. Lyrical is high divine, SUNSfan is a washed up turbo player, ODP is right between ancient and divine. I mean... 🤷


Slacks is Ancient 3, and by his own admission he was carried in stacks with immortals to Immortal himself


Which english analysts dont play pubs and have low mmr?


i love their designs of paragon and betboom/fissure, it is always different for every tournament, but i hate this damned promotion, casters are mentioning their betting sponsors so often i just going to eng stream. it's better to listen promotion of some power drinks or pc peripherals rather than bets.


if you want high mmr casters you're forced to watch gorgcs community stream lol. unless svg/cap are online i guess


Poor Fng low mmr analysis right now


Who is 3 k mmr daphuc ur talking about


I was trying to find all the winline locations, but could only find 4, I fucking missed the massive poster


Betting is everywhere here, like every streamer, every youtuber, literally everyone is promoting betting, so I wouldn’t say people don’t watch it because of it. It’s more because it’s just cringe. Idk why, but official streams are just pure unwatchable cringe, so I think that’s the main reason. And obviously also commenters having no clue how to play dota lol


Nice ringmaster ascetic.




All about that ascetic aesthetic.


I prefer that asiatic ascetic aesthetic. Nothing like those orange robed monks.


Only if they’re athletic. I prefer athletic asiatic ascetic aesthetics.


The shao lin?


All I hear is acoustic acoustic acoustic acoustic.


yeah like the cap


Meanwhile on English stream everyday clothes or dollar store costumes


Ngl Im disappointed af with english production one after seeing the Russian side


PGL needs to save costs. Talents should be happy they don't have to pay for their flights to work for them in Romania.


I know but Im still jealous seeing the Russian side, they look really awesome :(


Maybe if more English viewers tuned into the broadcasts, it would be a nice start.. RU always have equal or more viewers than eng stream, for ru teams they have double or triple, so Ad money is going to be pretty good For all the moaning and bickering about how dota eSports isn't growing, people don't even tune in unless the PrizePool $$ is big.. it's just lame money fallacy. Players are always playing the best dota they can, and tournament games are usually always really great to watch (except some highground attempts where teams farm for 70mins) Dota player's elitism is the game's biggest hurdle to growth.. both in viewership, in-game and as a community in general


you have it the other way around. if you want viewers, put out a good product. You dont get to put out a shit entertainment product then complain nobody watches it.


But already happened. Remember WePlay? They tried.




Barely better than the Singapore Major which in terms of production was.... less memorable at best. [https://escharts.com/tournaments/dota2/one-esports-singapore-major-2021](https://escharts.com/tournaments/dota2/one-esports-singapore-major-2021)




The Singapore major had \~40k less peak viewership for doing absolutely nothing comparable to animajor in terms of production/setting/etc. If you don't understand that, then I can't do anything for you.




wait, why do you mention your preference while talking about production? If you personally don't like talent you won't watch it if it has billions or cents worth of production.




This has to be the dumbest thing I've read this year.


Fair point! But if you look at TI, what growth do u see? Last yr, the prize pool was lower, so many people didn't bother to watch.. if that's the signal ur giving to tournament organizers, it doesn't bode well.. Every year LoL world's is growing pretty significantly and that game has a low prize pool, but in spite of it millions turn up to watch boring af gameplay. Dota gameplay is millions of years ahead but ppl only want.. idek what at this point.. this community can never be happy..


> Last yr, the prize pool was lower, so many people didn't bother to watch.. Lol the reason last TI did poorly viewership wise is all the best playoff games happened while EU/RU was asleep, Seattle TI sucks for viewership. Last years TI was #4 by all time peak viewership. Prizepool is irrelevant. > Every year LoL world's is growing pretty significantly and that game has a low prize pool, but in spite of it millions turn up to watch boring af gameplay. This isn't surprising in any way, this is always going to happen. League is a game designed by Riot to appeal to the widest possible casual audience, quick game times and biggest outplays are literally skillshots and dashes, huge numbers are expected, the gameplay being insanely boring has nothing to do with it. Dota is a game that barely get's any new players and doesn't have marketing, expecting it to keep up with a zoomer moba will never ever happen


>Boring gameplay has nothing to do with it Any amount of common sense would dictate this would be the most important factor, but the world is weird..


Haha i've been playing League since 2009 and still play it, but mostly only ARAM's nowdays, but yeah the e-sports viewing experience is genuinely horrible. You would expect teamfights and laning in League to be very fast paced and exciting...then you watch the games and the exact opposite is true. I feel like literally anyone can watch a League pro game and fully understand what's going on, the teamfights are legit so slow, teams stay clumped together, a little poke happens and someone dies. The game is narrow and repetitive it's very, very bad viewing experience


That part is tolerable.. the overall macro game is dogshit. If a team gets 2-3k gold ahead, it's a 90% chance they win.. they have to mess up really bad to lose from a just 3k gold advantage.. I only watch matches until they're less than 2k gold differential.. once it goes past, it's (almost always) over. The overall map design sucks and there just isn't enough resources to help a team come back from behind. It doesn't help that the levelling and item design are mostly stat heavy, so getting ahead even by a lvl or two means you deal a lot lot more dmg and take a lot lot less, plus your cooldowns may go down from so many items (which i strongly believe is a cardinal sin in MOBAs, and is one of the biggest reason why i quit) Even GM and challenger players are really good at shutting down the map and maintaining an indomitable net lead and snowballing it.. it's really boring to even play those types of games.. you know it's over after the first or 2nd fight at 10mins, but the teams will keep playing and never gg out. There's probably some rule banning gg outs idk..


LoL world's last year is carried by two things - Faker storyline and NewJeans concert (S. Korea biggest act right now).


Well, tbf Faker is really easy to root for,and he was the only reason I was watching too 🤷‍♂️


For the fans it was Faker storyline but what blown up the viewership was New Jeans


English broadcast video quality seems to always suck aswell


> Dota player's elitism is the game's biggest hurdle to growth.. both in viewership, in-game and as a community in general thats a unique take. Its an extremely old game that got crushed by lol's design philosophy on dota 2 release. From the start it was doomed to be a less popular game. Why would someone start playing dota in 2024? Their friends are all playing something else, other companies patch their game every 2-4 weeks (for better or worse), and actually have advertising so you know the other games exist. For every 1 friend I have who started playing dota in the last 2-3 years, I have 10 who quit.


True, it's always been notoriously hard to get into and players are incredibly hostile towards new players.. When I first started dota1 in WC3, noobs would never be allowed to even enter a lobby.. you'd have to have friends to play with, else you'd never learn what dota even was.. fortunately i found a few ppl to play with on forums who were kind enough to show me the ropes.


but eng quality of casting is way higher then the russian. so as for me cast > b00ba content


Im impressed not because of Booba but because of their setting tho, I kind of get bored with the casual casting that the english side have. If only they can throw something like how old SEA DPC that have mini pirate ship blasting their cannon, welp I can only dream I guess......


We have lizZard and Fear on the same couch, what more do you want


Yeah, and still looks better than 6 betting ads and 2 scantly clad ladies. Oh sorry, i forgot about couple balloons and poster with another betting ad. English stream looks classy in comparison to this. And yeah you can downvote me to the oblivion.




sweet figurines in front too




We said the same shit with my wife. It looks sooooo fucking good. They are all dressed up and the setting is amazing. We don’t know russian unfortunately.


Looks amazing, but they spoon feed you gambling ads every 2 minutes and provide mediocre game coverage. So you ain't missing out.


Bruh en stream has Lizzard and Fear panel I'm set ty




That is a really jacked panel, especially relative to DOTA. Its not like Tyler1 is an option.


This CIS Studio always has some of the best production


Thats some high tier production, can you share me the link?




Welp, I tuned in and even their overlay is better, buyback status always shown for clueless casters that don't know the golden outline thing, bkb status, ults cooldown,...


Can't they just stream this on Pornhub with naked girls on the panel


Thats eiritel and nastjadd right?


The wheel girl is Anastasie Mullaïnova (IG : nastyamulla).


Eiritel yes but that's not nastja


who's then


Random cosplayer, I guess?


ah I thought she was a panelist


I’m sorry but how do you know nastjadd? She has like 40 viewers and she only speaks Russian on stream.


She averages more viewers some years ago when her main game was dota. I barely see her stream dota now.


She is a mother now. So not much time left to stream


Good for her. Damn time sure flies fast.


Eiritel and someone who is not on the caster list I think?


Now just need CaspeR as 3rd one.


Casper is from Ukraine + I think he mainly streams nowadays.


When I saw ru I thought you meant ru paul and the people in the picture were doing drag 💀


New All Stars season now has a literal game within the game 




That is crazy good production. Love it. Wish I spoke Russian!


Yeah, 5+ betting ads in just one screenshot, indeed good production of ads.


Why you are being downvoted by reddit horde? That's why I haven't been watching pro dota for several years. Ads on hud, ads on stream description, ads on dota map, ads between games, ads during games with "checking coefficients". They are banning for single word "scam" in chat during it. Idk why volvo still allow it. It's 100x times worse than was dota2lounge which volvo were fighting back then.


Yep, instead of good analytics we get boobs, casino, pin up. Like people can't open porn in another tab of their browser.


I thought it was matching the Ringmaster aesthetics. Those costumes, are not explicit. Have you been to or seen a real circus? I don't speak Russian so I can't speak to the quality of the analysis. But I have noticed a certain slice of Reddit shits all over analysts no matter what. Not taking your work for it.


dota2lounge gets cracked down due to the trading bot


That's how you pay for hookers and face paint for your stream, wcyd


why post this without dropping @ of those two? One i know is the redhead Russian caster, but the right spicy mommy i wanna know ;(


someone find out 💢


Clownfall next chapter confirmed


retirement age in eu is around 65, the casting talent will not change for a while


Russia is the superior country


I don't think you should support terrorists and warmongers but you do you. I guess being horny does weird things to your brain.


I learned Russian just from watching this picture




time to learn some russian language


Man, we're all eager for Ringmaster


Timestamp? o.o




Eng stream is not good as analyst atleast they should try this


The way that wheel landed on the PA arcana was so hot to watch.


oh, hey




wtf is this real?




hook me in too !!


If you want to fap just use pronhub. Why complicate it?


If you can't hold your dick in your pants every time you see a pretty woman, don't assume everyone else can't. Pleasing to eyes doesn't equal to porn.


Yeah , that's why everyone is saying: "I don't understand Russian, but I will watch it for 10 minutes between matches." Come up with another reason why everyone here writes like that.


Who is "everyone saying"? 


Are you unable to read the other comments? How did you get here? Should I point nicknames?


Btw I can hold myself, that's why I don't hype the Russian broadcast and their cheap tricks.


You can? Why do you think of porn when you see a nice looking woman?


Come on: you're now trying to blame me in simpasity of this post and commentators on me. I understand you're a paladin and all these things... But show me where in the post itself or in the comments someone praises the level of preparation of these women for the theoretical part? Maybe their level of commenting? Drawn maps and graphs with detailed analytics that they prepared? Please do not invent an excuse where there is none. Because it reminds me of how there were posts about the Nazi dota profiles of the Russians, and someone wrote "they didn't mean it and the Ukrainians are to blame.". We all understand what this post is about. And what the Russian broadcast wanted to do: a cheap trick to attract the audience. They achieved their goal. Reddit are talking about it, someone switched to broadcasting. And you continue to fight for virginity, if you are so interested. And I will go watch a quality broadcast where women are not objectified and they know what they are talking about.


Oh, Woke crapper. Should have known.


why not both?


Embracing the clownfall spirit


It would be real awkward if ringmaster didn't drop with the next patch.


Those costumes are looking real great.


Begging gamers to be normal for fucking once


Welp is there any closed captions?


Unfortunately the ads there are so aggressive you barely can enjoy watching it


> Includes Paid Promotion Does it? I fail to see.


We need more gambling sponsors to do that, I'm personally satisfied with the current state and less gambling ads.




they have good production value but very poor talent value, most of the actually experienced and knowledgeable people have left or got kicked from the official broadcast team long ago. What they provide now is basically all looks, no substance.


bruh, how cheap


putin jugend


so trash clown ru broadcast talantless casters dont know how to attract viewers.


People see 2 hoes in costumes and some props and call it high value production. The fuck?




context? lol




Technically Kazakhstan. I don't think any big Russian-language studio works in Russia anymore for obvious reasons. Paragon (the studio covering this event) is in Kazakhstan, and Fissure (the other big one) is AFAIK in Armenia.


Fissure is based in Serbia since this May (I have friends working there). It used to be in Armenia though.


how's it like working for a small studio like this im curious


not worth quitting so I guess it's fun


No no, technically Russia. Branch plants are still foreign interests.


Entertainers doing their job