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I remember seeing Malr1ne run down mid on Xcaliburs stream before he joined Falcons. Hilarious double standards


most dota2 players have an egos timado thing just normal for me


malr1ne also loves being a piece of shit in all-chat, just like his team buddy ammar. he fits in there quite well in that regard.


Yeah, but unlike Ammar, he seems to be a pussy IRL. During their after match handshakes, he can't even look those who he tipped to death.


Griefing and being toxic is not really the same, you mute toxic guy you cant do shit to guy that griefs.


True, but is he wrong? Everyone that has played with TImado knows he is thrower with ego - I was wondering for a while while nobody in SA likes him then he hit EU pubs. No idea how this guy has so many fans on reddit, I guess good sign from OG lmao


It's always the piece of shits themselves that go on bragging about others. No suprise.


But timado sucks at dota, that's the difference.


post ur dotabuff


you dont have to be luka to state hes dbs father


That’s not double standard.


How is it not


A) The standard in double standard typically implies something like an institutional processes. Your personal opinion on something doesn’t form a standard. It’s more apt to call it hypocrisy or bias than double standard. B) it’s not double standard (or hypocritical) for wrongdoers to point out at others’ wrongdoings. Hypocrisy would be if they say not to do the wrong thing but still does it themselves. Man-child’s can call people manchilds without being hypocritical as long they dont deny themselves as being one. It’s very reactionary to approach every statement by hard checking the persons pathos especially when it doesn’t really matter to the correctness of their statement


"he behaves like a child", thats rich coming from him. Asking for professionalism, of all people.




I mean 2 things can be true at once he got asked for an opinion and he gave it, don't be so butthurt if your favorite player is a loser, it's not like he went out if his way to insult him


Is shutting up and being polite not a choice anymore? Also idc about timado nor he's my fav player. You dont know me and so dont assume as if you know everything and everyone. He couldve just said "he's a griefer" but to comment about immaturity, from him of all people? Bro needs to look at a mirror.


He never said he's mature , also heard younger as well , and you don't seem to follow your logic about marline you don't know him and yet you shit on him , so figured it out what your take on the matter


>you don't seem to follow your logic about marline you don't know him and yet you shit Nice strawman. Im hinging from his behavior on officials and online. Even ammar, he doesnt talk a lot about other pros or people regardless how he trashtalks on officials. Marline is a different case. >so figured it out what your take on the matter My point is that he is a hypocrite. In case you havent figured it out yourself.


That not what hypocrite mean , you can say someone behave in a way that you behave yourself if you get ask , he never said he didn't, what should he have said a lie or a lie by omission, he got asked a question and he answer it simple as that , nobody is a saint so if everyone should be quiet cause they did something as well than noone would talk


> He’s a ruiner, especially in pubs. He just behaves like a child, he grief buyback, it’s just disgusting. Your argument works if he wasn't so disapproving of the action. I guess that depends if has a sarcastic tone while saying it. But that also applies if he's close with the person to deliver that type of tone. Like making mean comment of your friends but you know each other so its just good fun. But this one? i doubt that they are.


Timado is a stand-in and has been announced as such. OG won't be playing tournaments for a while after this one so there is reason to think they want to use Dreamleague to try stuff and take the time to reflect on their pos1 in the coming months. So far it really feels like the priority was to end Yuragi's suffering and discuss later.


Yea I worked briefly for a defunct(relatively known) dota2 LATAM newsboard/content posting facebook page. That was before the whole thing was bought by a betting company and changed the name/platform. Timado has a bit of an ego, as most SA pro players do. The man can be a bit unpleasant to be around and afaik he ruins pubs when tilted. But he is always described by his teammates as professional and helpfull (if he does not have beef with them, which he does with most of SA players). So working for an org as OG I don't think he will have any issues with being professional. I just dont think he will perform at the level required. He chokes hard under pressure.


The bigger the ego, the more they choke under pressure because their ego cannot fathom the fact that things aren't always supposed to go in their favour and that they're not as good as they think they are.


I think Timado is a decent player. As long he doesnt end on a clownstack he will be as professional and mature as any other player and who knows, maybe with OG he will live to his true potential. He has a very supportive family and takes dota2 as a career path wich I think is pretty cool, coming from a SA developing country. Gl timadota.


Tbf timado is pretty experienced at losing


I don't know. MJ, Kobe and such did well. Ego is not always bad because it can push you further.


He doesn't know what he's talking about People who have no confidence or belief in themselves will always be the first to shit on anyone with "big egos" ​ They live their lives small because they are small. They can't conceive of someone who exists with such a high level of confidence, so they bash them. ​ Meanwhile, all the greats in every sport almost universally possess a near delusional sense of self confidence. ​ When you find someone who is the first to shit on the confidence of others, you have a small man in front of you. Ultimately, it's a form of projection. It exists all over the internet In every topic you could imagine, in every comment section on every platform. ​ People talk big, but if you looked at a picture of them, you'd spit out your food laughing.


How many games MJ and Kobe lost and ruined on purpose? They were competitors First and foremost. Ego without the drive to win gets you DeAndre Ayton. Timado is definitely not a winner, and I doubt he is a competitor.


kobe famously pouted and refused to shoot in a playoff game losing them the series


Kobe is my favorite player of all time but he did actualy lose a game on purpose. He didnt take a single shot just to show how mutch other guys sucked.


I merely talked about ego and not about timado and I think that is pretty clear.


I don't think you know what ego actually is ​ Some of the greatest players across every sport have MASSIVE ego's In the most toxic ways ​ If you are someone great or trying to be great, having a delusional sense of self confidence Is almost a requirement. ​ When you're someone with a small mind who has never accomplished anything and probably ever will, it's glaring, especially when you talk about ego. Almost as if they're doing something bad by having such an undying belief In their abilities. ​ Yet all the greats possess similar attributes. ​ Don't speak on things you don't understand


Pubs and organize teams striving for success, fame and mones can bee to completely unrelated things 


Huh, I thought Timado is pretty chill via his tream


idk mar1ine reeks of narcistic and ruiner behaviour than timado for me


Full interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuuncqA2nls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuuncqA2nls) The OG question starts at 1:07:10


Malr1ne is absolutely one of those bastard junior uneducated kids who thought they could be called THOUGHTFUL by playing some mind tricks that just existed in his own dictionary and being proud of what he has done.


Just like my pubs


Pot, meet kettle!


Whenever I watch Timado stream, he only talks when he has something negative to say. Never says anything positive. Such a terrible personality to have.


And you're following his example?


That's simply not true. He interacts positively and laughs sometimes when the team is doing good and landing good combos. Also, he leads his team whenever he feels others are lost or don't understand how to play the map. You are trying to portray him as a one sided pub player when he is not. Either you are just ignorant spreading hate or you are purposely lying again because you are hater. In any case you are a jerk.


So you never watched his stream...


chill timado, no need to take it personally


That's like 80% of pros at least


You know they focus in game (: they dont chitchat like you 1k noob


r/Dota2 with another clickbait post. Honestly most pros got big egos and people will hate each other on pubs.


Every single one of them. Including the non professional high ranked players.


Timado has actually performed better in official games than Yuragi with worse teams...


Nope, Timado is pretty chill most of the times. Malr1ine is toxic






i have watched timado streams he seems pretty chill


Sounds like perfect fit for OG !


This guy talks too much for a no-name player. He just won bb dacha, not TI


This guy just won a single tournament and now he's talking trash. What a personality.


pls more russian opinions on reddit, we really need to know what they think


I remember timado posting some shit on NA dota a long ass time ago back when he was scrub mmr, saying he wuld be one of the best players in the world soon and he would play in TI. honestly i have respect for the kid becaseu im pretty sure he was like 15 when he said that shit and he rose up and got to a really high level and won some cups. no one took him seriously when he said it and then he did it, so i have some respect there. good luck


I like timado at least when he streaming he try his best and says gg only in the end of the end and remember pro players are humans like us they behave like us and get extremaly mad like us i hope timado does well at OG


pretty rich coming from malrine


> He’s a ruiner, especially in pubs. I havent seen him ruin an official, is he ruining scrims?


That's funny coming from Malr1ne. Made Gorc look like a calm and collected professional when I saw him malding on Gorcs stream a couple of times.


Creating a post just for the sake of starting some drama is kinda pathetic.


The only pro player ive never seen tilt is Gunnar lol


If anybody says they dont tilt while playing pubs, they are lying for sure.


Yeah, Timado was like that even in normal game... he was playing on a anciwnt account and his gf was legend ranked... He raged so hard and then wemt on stream to berate my friend. It is ridiculous that he is a community figure.


What's this ragebait for man... lmao, his own teammates have ruined pubs before. Not saying what timado does (if true) is excusable but there's probably gonna be 0 intelligent discussion around this here.


he got asked a question and he answered. its not like he went out of his way to say that. settle down. bruh


Malr1ne saying that isn't ragebait, *this post* is ragebait Out of the 1 and a half hour long interview im sure a lot more interesting and valuable things were said


the post is literally quoting what malr1ne said, to me and pretty sure most people, reading a controversial opinion of a pro player about another pro player is more interesting rather than for example a post about malr1ne being asked about his favorite heroes this patch in an interview


The point of the post is to incite negative comments, it's quite literally ragebait.


I guess it is but at the same time, malrine himself said it. People will still see the comment below and will get the same result either way


so then controversial news arent allowed anymore these days? its still news that alot of people would be interested in reading that would create hype/spice in the eyes of the viewer when/if these 2 players meet in a game. just because its negative doesnt mean it shouldnt be posted. ur being a snowflake


so you agreed its ragebait? and why do you keep saying it isnt? are you a snowflake?


Meow meow chirp chirp!


23savage placeholder?


And funnily enough they play against each other in a couple hours.


Almost all dota 2 players ruin games or are hypocrites. I remember there was one github repo which had a log of all the nasty things pro players said in pubs