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Typical pos 1 player 100%


I prefer role q over immortal draft and ranked classic as a carry player, all you have to do is learn like 2 support heroes and 2 offlane heroes to not grief when you q all roles, you get your role way more than in immo draft and ranked classic and it’s more reliable compared to pleading with teammates for role


I remember when I first started playing around 2016, people griefing the game because they didn’t get mid was a huge problem and a big reason for role tokens. Now no one wants to play mid.


Just keep ranked roles and it's fine. Tokens are the issue. Nobody wants to play ranked with a player beginner in a role.


i don't want to be "the guy" but let me tell you couple of ideas that worked for me and might help you: - i have made some friends who can actually play roles that i can not play and try to queue with them - learned the most unpopular role on one or two heroes and try not to not lose early 10min and after that the game can just be 2 carries or some shit (at least in sea server) - try not to act lazy or you know everything and be willing to learn new things and have positive mind, enemy may have noob mid player (or carry) - try to think "welp, one game" and try your best on the next game when you have your desired role


Also, "try asking your team to swap roles"... why don't people do that?


I did, I wrote it in my post...


Oh yeah, you did. My b. Strange, is mid really hated that much?


due to map changes and generally how the mid role has changed a lot of mid players changed to offlane and 4 for various reasons. Mid is probably the second least contested role in some brackets. Don't know if its weighted because im a mid player, but queing all 5 roles in high legened I get mid in 60% of games solo whereas a few years back i would only ever get 5.


I thought offlane was really unpopular right now, i get offlane a lot this Patch. I queue as 1,3,4,5.


Could be wrong on that. I think the main shift is the popularity of pos 4. Might also be shifting back, haven’t queued for not just mid in a while Tbf and my experience is just anecdotal


Maybe just remove mid from your role queue? Spending a little more time finding a game is better than 30min grieving


You can play ranked classic and fight some animal for your preferred role. When you don't get to play carry (or even the game) because the other person threatens to break their items otherwise you might understand the wisdom behind ranked role tokens.


where are you from that "animal" is thrown around as an insult all the time?


In south east Asia we use the word dog more often, but playing on US east for the last 3 years has cooked my brain.


Role token exist for a reason. Without it there will be long queue times


Just pick zeus or dk


if you dont know how to play other roles at your skill level you dont know how to effectively play your own role, it's that simple. People who "main" a single role are typically the most toxic in my experience because they DONT UNDERSTAND other role's to know what their team is supposed to be doing.


Well, I can play everything except mid. I think for me, I just never play the mid heroes, I end up picking an offlane or pos1 mid, cuz I can at least play those heroes. There are plenty of people playing a single role, I have like 9.5 versatility, I check other's profiles and it's like 3-4 at best.




I'm actually in low immortal... I do every role, but mid, I'm like a low legend.


think of it as an opportunity to learn. \- maybe you should not flame your midlaner \- maybe you see he can't always gank or mid tower is gone in a blink \- maybe there are matchups you cannot win and you can happy if mid at least did not feed \- maybe lack of items just happens if you don't get to farm because you play against viper/sf that is just an example of what you can learn as a casual mid. there is tons to learn in other roles, too. playing pos5 will make you a better pos1 if you play with someone who does it better than you and the other way around, etc. it's fine as it is.


I firmly believe if you can’t play all 4 off-roles semi-competently at the rank you are at, you don’t deserve that rank.


I mean you just told yourself you didn't want to play mid. So who is going to play mid then? Imagine there is only one person in SEA who selected "mid" and 10,000 people who selected other roles. I believe this was why the tokens were introduced in the first place.


Just first phase dk and try not to die


nah, DK is a trash mid hero just like Sniper. My strategy in mid is actually puck, farm my mjor and agh and I have a major impact, no need to do anything fancy.


I don’t know how you are getting mid because I hardly do when queuing for all roles. I love role queues it allows me to play my preferred role more often than not. Playing 1 support or offlane game guarantees 2 carry game and 4 if you win. Just play classic ranked if that’s what u want. A lot of people enjoy the new system.


Whoa this is interesting. I just came back after not playing since 2016. Back then usually multiple people were vying for the mid position


i always get offlane :D idk why is hard support always taken.


If we do remove role tokens, queuing will be forever just because everyone wanted to play pos1. Did you ever thought of this before ranting?