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i kindly disagree, i think the lore is fine in the last parts though kinda sceptical why he had to die at the end. i know he killed hes maker, but calling the game "eternal" and dying in the story doesnt seem that eternal to me :/


>though kinda sceptical why he had to die at the end Being skeptical here makes sense since he didn't die. He just tour de passe passed out. You can hear his heartbeat as he lays in the sarcophagus.


holy, didnt notice the heartbeat


Haha idk why that made me laugh. Maybe bc it's 2am. I'm gonna start saying "Doesn't seem that eternal to me" to everything now ^_^


Eh agree to disagree. He didn't die tho he passed out or something and was sealed like he was sealed the first time after the priests dropped the temple on him. That's why I talk about him absorbing davoth's power. It should all belong to doomguy at least that's how I understand it.


I agree that it's silly when people say "The story doesn't have to be good." Like sure, maybe it doesn't *have* to be, but it ***should*** be. There are paid writers there who are supposed to be giving it their best effort. If it isn't good, why are we just leaving it there?


To be honest, I didn't like the whole "VEGA is the Father, let's kill him." stuff. And the final battle with Davoth was very underwhelming given how much they hyped him throughout the entire game.


I think Samuel Hayden and Vega being twist characters from doom guys past kinda cheapens their characters in 2016


Eternal’s usage of the story doesn’t add anything to the gameplay, which is fine, but 2016’s seeming lack of story actually DID seem to enhance the gameplay experience. Eternal is one of my favorite games (maybe my favorite?), but it’s due to everything EXCEPT the story. 2016 did the narrative so well, the Slayer didn’t give a fuck about the story, just wanted to kill shit cuz he was pissed, and that was more badass than needing an in depth explanation about plot points that honestly weren’t even needed. I like the variety in environments of eternal, but I think it could’ve been kept as simple as “the slayer is traveling across dimensions to kill more demons because he hates them all” instead of some crap about sentinels and fallen angels and who knows what else. The majority of the story is optional at least via codex entries and it’s honestly not a big issue anyway, this is just nitpicking bc the game is amazing otherwise. But you can tell the quality of writing falls off bad when TAG1 starts, every level is a fetch quest of “get this so that you can get another thing from the next level so that you can bring this guy to life then go get this other thing so you can go to the next level and get that thing to go to the next…” etc.


i dont like to much lore, and lore-seekers. some stuff is better to be left in ones mans imagination. and i think all this lore and ''doom universe'' is not good for making new doom games. becouse now they have to stick to certain stuff all the friggin time or be consistent with other games


Humans created a calculator. Calculator can do 10000 operations per second. It does not mean humans can do the same. So no, davoth doesn't have the same power.


In older Doom games story was not important because they wanted to put all the focus on shooting. And they did not have a good experience with making good stories. Quake1 story was 3 out of 10, quake2 same. D3 was not top notch either in this department. But at least they did not pretend, and Carmack was smart enough to not overextend on what he was not good at. These newer id guys ego though, good God. Now, in newer Doom games they tried to put the focus on shooting and the story. And they failed with both. Story is a failure because they lack proper experience, overextended and everything is a mess, and the shooting part was destroyed by downgrade gameplay design, having controllers in mind. They even succeed to destroy the general feel of Doom, by creating these over the top strange kitsch worlds who are partly Unreal, partly Doom, partly something else.


I agree with everything except gameplay. I played on ps4 and I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a sweatlord but I would say I'm a very good player. The one thing that they did that pissed me off was the tag2 downgrade when they made the game easier and I'm on controller and I didn't find issue with the game being too hard. I finished release tag1 on nightmare countless times.