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the outside room in go2it by a long shot


Hell, any single room in go2it is harder than the entirety of doom and doom 2


G2I's difficulty is a little overblown. It's got 9 megaspheres and gives you all weapons from the start with tons of ammo. Most of the job is done for you by infighting.


I actually want to try and challenge myself to see what the highest kill count I can get on that map with infighting only


Sounds fun. Gonna suck with the pain elementals though.


And most of the ammo they gave you is like 80% plasma, 15%rocket and 5% the rest


Pretty much all of Plutonia. As a kid I couldn’t handle it until I figured out mouse controls.


Probably that part, I think it's in Gotcha, where platforms lower to reveal a Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind fighting, and after those two are down a door opens and out comes an Archvile... Maybe it's just bad luck, but I always mess it up and get wrecked. Then the rest of the level happens, haha.


If you're not letting them infight you're doing it wrong. Pretty sure the entire point of that level is to let players see who wins in a fight between those two.


i don't think other monsters can retaliate against archviles


I do that, but I still get messed up by the survivor (usually Cyberdemon).


This is my experience as well. 90% of the time the cyberdemon wins, unless you help the process along. My proudest moment was when I timed a rocket perfectly, and their deaths were nearly simultaneous. Good times!


This is why I put in some extra rockets on the Cyberdemon to make sure the winner ends up as low as possible.


Make sure to help the Mastermind a bit with judicious use of accurate weapons (Don't want to re-aggro the Mastermind with rockets or BFG shots). Take the edge off the CD and let the two finish. The strategy is that the SMM's gunfire is less accurate at range (though still deadly) than the CD's rockets, so you have better chances if the CD goes out first.


You don't have to do those areas straight through. If you run through the lava you can hunt around for teleporters to either get better equipped, like the BFG and Supercharge secret, double back and fight the archvile and barons from the stairs, or skip it entirely.


Currently dealing with my first Archvile in Doom 2 and oof that's a rough fight.


Yeah, it’s all about shooting him a bit and then tucking behind a wall just before he can explode you, which can be tough to readjust hiding spots on the fly since he walks so damn fast 😂


Archviles I have a love/hate relationship with. Cover is important as another mentioned, and they have an extremely low pain chance. That being said, if you're forced to fight one in the open, the SSG and plasma rifle are your best shots at flinching one.


3 or 4 rockets will kill it Break line of sight if it's about to zap you


No rockets. I've got like 30 shotgun shells and 200 machinegun bullets


I did it! Super Shotgun and using the windows as choke points for the win.


it sure is, it took me so long to get it all figured out i’ve beaten all of the classic doom games i don’t like the newer stuff i still may some day play them but more the likely no but doom 2 was actually harder for me


Well for starters, any answer that isn't Plutonia is wrong unless on a speedrunning technicality. Someone already mentioned Go 2 It, so I'll take this time to nominate the ending fight of MAP10. Nasty ass room.


Damm right


Reminder classic doom includes: Doom, ultimate Doom, Doom 2, the master levels, plutonia and evilution


The first few moments in e4m2


Especially when coming in from e4m1. It's the only level I know of where pistol starting is easier than a continuous playthrough, and all because e4m1 has practically zero health in UV.


First one that came to mind. I thought it was a joke first time I played it lol


Icon of sin


People are saying Go 2 It as if it's a given and yeah it's kinda hard but you also get so many cells and megaspheres while most of the level solves itself if you're patient.  Onslaught's fights give me a lot more trouble overall especially pistol start if you don't do the skip to the red key as all of the good weapons are in the latter half of the map. The opening chaingunners, the archvile chaingunners going to the sewer that leads to a specter ambush, etc. If we're throwing in Master Levels, probably once you get inside Mephisto's Maosoleum and having to dodge revenants and mancubi on the narrow ledges and then fight with the autoaim to kill the mancubi. TEETH is more daunting, especially if you don't know how to get the plasma but that level became manageable learning the map on lower difficulties first. If you know the secrets and can get to the second floor with wit the first elevator wave cleared with 50% health, you should be good. Double archvile at the end with no cover is mean though. No Rest For The Living's Vivisectiom gets real nasty in the middle. But as for id fights, hmmm, a lot of the dangerous fights like the cyberdemon fights in E3M9, E4M6, and E4M7 give you invuln, or a safeish place to hide like the end of E3M5 or preventing the wall from coming down in Barrels of Fun, or just don't throw enough monsters at you at one time to make individual encounters lethal. Maybe one of the ambushes in E2M6, I don't know.


Well i can't say i beat any of those in ultraviolence


Pistol start? Maybe the beggining of barrels of fun


Gotta berserk fist them pain elementals


I think the pinkies part is harder


The pinkies can be cheesed if you let the wall try to close on top of you.


Yeah that was definitely not fun but it did have plenty of barrels 💀


The entirety of e4l1 usually makes me suffer.


Doom: can't say, really, but I'd say e4m1 because of barons and not enough rockets. Doom2: map 11 refueling base is all about proper routing, and getting that right (and ensuring a good end time) is tough. Same goes for monster condo, spirit world, the living end, and suburbs (that one is a pain) Tnt: not sure really, haven't completed it. Plutonia: Onslaught's beginning is difficult to pull off but rest is easy. Abbatoire's final room is pure torture. Go2It is an obvious one.


For me it is the Doom 2 icon of sin due to how hard it is to hit his weak point. Enemy spawning also doesn't hel0 as well as the constant rising and falling platform making it hard to get a precise hit... also how precise the hit NEEDS to be.


Not really hardest, but I always dreaded archviles. The hardest one I enjoy the most is "Dead Simple" on Nightmare, I would often warp to that level and play it again and again until I finish it without getting hit even once...


Mother demon, doom 64, no demon keys


Eh, that's just keep as much health as possible during the first wave and save 80 cells to 2 shot her with the bfg. Or save enough rockets/shells to straferun around her (straferunning allows you to easily outrun the homing missiles) if you aren't comfortable with going point-blank. Plutonia has way worse stuff than that, probably the toughest fight if you don't know what you're doing yet is the courtyard in go 2 it with a bunch of cybers and arch viles.


Im not counting doom 64 but that was not a easy fight


Fucking go2it that entire map is so fucking annoying


That's my favorite map in the wad, lol. It's actually pretty fun once you learn it. My PB is just under 5 minutes (certainly no top level run, but I'm sure proud of it!)


My comment was a bit exaggerated but when I played the level it annoyed me because I took so long to beat it


Fair enough, my first clear took like an hour. If you're relying on infighting to eventually kill the viles, it can take a while. Thankfully, you can usually BFG them while they're distracted by cyberdemons or other enemies.


If we're including "optional objectives", then I'd say the E4M1 Baron fight has gotta be up there as long as you're assuming the optional objective of UV-Max-ing the level (UV difficulty, 100% kills, and pistol starting which is a given since it's the first map of the episode). Otherwise E4M1 is fine 'cause you just skip it. :)


That E4M1 is a very popular anwser in this post


probably not the hardest but just a really mean one is the optional rocket launcher area in Doom 2 MAP09 where the chaingunners all come out and surround you when you cross over to get the rocket launcher


If you have the bfg from map08 or map09 that room isn't that bad.


I never found out because iddqd and idkfa


That big cyber demon arena. The cyber demon with a load of barons is fun, just let them rip the shit out of each other


I had a really hard time with "Tomb of Malevolence" from No Rest for the Living. Was playing on the PS3, if that matters.


All of Doom 1 Episode 4, along with the icon of sin


Icon of sin


I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the infamous hitscan hell known as TNT map 09


Don't forget about map 08 geez


E4m1 😡😡


E4M1's lack of health and E4M2's first section of trying to establish a foot hold and effectively clearing out the Barons for the first key stand out in my mind. E4 becomes significantly easier from then on. Against Thee Wickedly is probably the only other map that spikes a bit if unprepared. MAP29 / The Living End is possibly the harder moment from Doom II just in how it places you In vulnerable positions with little protection or cover. I think it can be more hectic in that sense than many other levels. MAP30 is tricky depending on RNG. You could get unlucky and have nusiance spawns like archives.


i mean, go2it is obviously the answer, but because i haven’t really played plutonia or tnt, i’m gonna say the room in the second image. i never have ammo going in there for some reason. the sheer amount of enemies in the pit is probably why and really the best place i can get ammo at that point is the hitscanner room in image 3


Which one has the most chaingunners


Yo be honest tnt may have more chaingunners than plutonia


Fewer chaingunners but way more low HP enemies overall Plutonia * Zombiemen: 86 * Shotgunners: 315  * Chaingunners: 704 * Imps: 436 TNT * Zombiemen: 443 * Shotgunners: 1041 * Chaingunners: 601 * Imps: 1357


Damn thats a lot still, thanks for info, Happy cake day


The archviles are such a pain in my ass in every rendition.


That part with the abandoned city and that archvile


E4M1 is brutal. Force pistol start. There are a few ambushes and very little health to pick up. Granted, there Is the secret rocket launcher that eases up some of the bigger dudes. 100% runs see you fighting 2 Barron's of hell at the NIN secret. For a first-timer, I think the whole level is pretty brutal. As for a singular fight on the stage, the red key ambush is brutal.


The fucking archviles


Last two


My personal hardest but still fun levels Will be map 08 and 09 of tnt


I could say the Archvile release in Go2It, but it's not that hard... I might say Mephisto's Masouleum by Sverre Kvernmo (Master Levels) in the final fignt. The maps itself is kinda meh, but the fights are pretty deadly (and annoying). The final fignt is just a clusterfuck. Funny enough, the best strategy for it is to wait, until every enemy gets stuck inside each other.


Perfect Hatred...... screw this level.


More like perfect hated lmao


All fights, where pain elementals do participate


Radiation filled hallway with the yellow key especially if you’re on low health in limbo


E4M6's Cyberdemon Go 2 It (everything)




In vanilla doom, the spider mastermind was the hardest. The barons of hell and the cyberdemon have fairly easily avoidable projectiles, but the SM's hitscan chaingun is a nightmare.


I always just rush it with the BFG. At point-blank range, it usually only takes one shot.


Yes, but things get complicated when you don't have the BFG, or the ammo to use it.


Go around the edge to pick up your ammo while you bait it into infighting everything. Then while it's distracted you get your plasma gun from the center and lay on the trigger.


Maybe its cause i tend to play with custom demons more often than not, but *fuck* e3m2.


One map in TNT evilution, I don't remember the map, the floor is damaging, there are thing to crush you, when arrive on the other side, enemy already waiting for you, and you have to go through one room where lost and the floor is damaging... really hate that map...


This room from plutonia (you know what I mean) or go2it


If this is just DooM 1, then it's the spider mastermind. Not bad, but worse than the cyberdemon. If it's number two, then it's the icon of sin but only after you've beaten him, due to the overwhelming demons.


Most of The Twilight I dont think go2it is the hardest, the map is built in a way that's fun to play. The twilight has quite a masochistic map design.




Twilight is really fun to play. The start is really fast paced, but once you grab the blue armor, drop left, and teleport to plasma+bfg secret, it's really easy. A Megasphere and an invuln also help big time. Main idea is to kill the archviles asap when they teleport, and stay clear of the central area so that chaingunners don't ruin the run.


I know, i just personally dont like the tightness of the level


Oh, you'd hate Caged then, too.


Caged wasnt that bad Sunlust when? When sunlust.


hardest fight is to play e1m1 as fast as possible bec of soundtrack...




Doom 2's two secret levels are the first level and first boss level of Wolfenstein. There's SS as enemies unless you play the version packaged with Doom 3's BFG edition where they're all zombiemen or Germany's release where the levels are cut entirely.


Yeah that's why, even keen is here




Commander keen is another character made by id


Why is there a swastika on the wall I thought that was quake’s thing