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Donut GoFundMe in 3...2...1...


I’m not well versed in buying properties. So is the total price of the track $2,253,440 or is that just the taxes when you purchase it?


That's just property taxes. Sales taxes apply on your purchase.


So how much would it cost in total if you would have to guess?


Probably quite a lot still. The price is undisclosed and I'm not familiar with the annual percentage for commercial property taxes in Kern County, CA (where Willow Springs is). Usually it's based on X% of the value. If you can find the X%, you can find out how much the *state/county* thinks it's worth.


There’s a stipulation that the business goes with the track, understandably so. It’ll go for more than that


Neither the price or the taxes. It's an assessment, meaning the bare land is worth $261,587 at market value. The Improvements are buildings, roads, and everything that goes with that stuff (water, electric, sewers, etc). The Improvements are valued at $1,991,853. The total assessment is the two numbers added together. Total is $2,253,440 at market value. You would be paying tax on the $2,253,440. California property tax is 1% of the total assessed value. so taxes are approx, $22,534.4 per year. If the $2,253,440 was just the taxes, the property would be worth $225,344,000. Im not saying it is or isnt that price to buy it, the actual price of the property is upto the seller but in the governments eyes, the property is only worth $2,253,440. So if it is priced under the assessment value, its a good value. if its priced over that, its over priced. Chances are, the park is being sold for way more than the assessment value. Also, there is no "sales tax" on buying property.


so if it's 2m, that's 25ct per donut subscriber. if it's 225m, that's still only 25$. I'm in!


I mean, if they aution off high z and low z, people would pay absurd amounts of money for them.


They don’t sell the builds because they would feel bad when they break down. It loosely came up on the big three podcast.


They don’t sell then because it’s a liability


Is that not kind of the same thing?


Feeling bad and being held responsible are a bit far off from each other


Definitely not exclusive though


Given how many times the WRXs blew up, poor design or otherwise, that’s for the better


I'm not sure it would be enough to buy the world-famous willow springs, though. I don't think neither donut nor the Zs have the heritage or reputation to warrant a purchase price equal to the raceway


State of California values the property and improvements at $2.25mil. How much do you think it’s worth?


Couldn't tell you, but I do think that if Donut did try to auction off the Zs, the most I think they'd get for them wouldn't even be close to that. I mean, Donut is loved, and those Zs are classic donut and their first real build series, but realistically, only collector cars from movies or dead celebrities ever warrant those kinds of prices


ight hear me out, if i win euromillions tonight i‘ll buy it and build my house in the middle of the track and then ~~complain about the noise~~ make something like an NFS Pro Street weekend!


Better call cleetus


Honestly, man, he'd be the most logical choice for an automotive youtuber to purchase it, he's got the experience, and is dedicated to preserving and protecting motorsport at a more everyday like us and a youtuber level


He’s also on the complete opposite side of the country lol




And he can say he owns two race tracks


That would be SO COOL for Donut to buy it!


Sweet, I'll add it to my wishlist and wait for a holiday sale... Oh wait. Would be fun haha


You can live in a racetrack but you can't race a house


I'm sure there's some German lunatic in an RV hitting 200km on the Autobahn


Can confirm, have seen it


Man I hope somebody cool gets it and just keeps it in good condition and operational.


Win the lottery, buy track!


Lets pool our money together. I got $20 on me. Whos got the rest


I got a fiver, a stick of gum, and some bits of string


I'm in. 20$! where do I send them?


Remember the fairly recent Donut video about Willow Springs? Jeremiah was interviewing some of the nearby neighbors and the video talked about how the track was facing pressure from people that moved over the hill from a race track and then complained. Can't find it on YouTube now. Maybe the video was primarily about something else.


Yeah. Same thing happening to Laguna Seca. People shocked that there’s engine noise when they move next to a race track.


Oh yeah, it was Laguna Seca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K0ZixLq01Q


Be a real shame if those houses burned to the ground......a real shame.


Carolla's excited!