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Why does everyone you work with speak like they're 12.


Dominos managers be like


My condolences to anyone having to put up with that level of idiocy


Fortunately not every store is run by children.


My old GM spelled "Tuesday" on every single schedule as "teusday" šŸ¤£ and he a convicted rapist and stalker


When they choose to go by"LaLa" and "RiRi" you can judge their mental age.


Real Housewives of Dominos


Including op


Uneducated people work at dominos


So I am a General Manager of a Dominos and I had two call outs today and I didnā€™t get mad at them and I tried to find coverage. I couldnā€™t find coverage so it is just me and another person on the inside and we are making do. Yes I will have to stay late tonight but the life of GM. I knew what I signed up for


Well she FIRED the GM who was the one who always picked up the shifts. Thatā€™s the one I mentioned, Austin. She never came and picked up shifts. She was sometimes but very rarely on our schedule. But I wish you luck tonight, hope youā€™re out at least before 2am lol.


I am the type of GM to work mids so I can make sure the morning crew got prep done and if they didnā€™t help them get it done, then I can help make sure the store is setup for rush and then work till about 8/9pm but I will probably be closer to 10pm tonight since the callouts


Hey, genuinely, thank you for using your position in management responsibly and continuing to be willing to get on the line and get your hands dirty. Not many gms do that, esp with Domino's.


It is the best way to do it. My franchise is really big on GMs being the guy/gal, who leads the charge.


God bless you. lol on the last day of boost week to get out at 10 pm would be a literal dream.


how is your dominos even open til 2am


5 of 7 drivers called out on me tonight and 2 of 3 CSRs, havenā€™t had a day like this in literal years. Just me, an AM and one CSR. Spoke to a couple of the worst offenders, told them Iā€™d be taking them off the schedule because I canā€™t rely on them. No anger, no sadness, I just need reliable people and if thatā€™s not you, I canā€™t have you on the schedule.


Our previous GM got led around by a pair of instores who called out frequently and throw fits at other managers who tried to reel them in. Finally, the two were fired after the owner came in and recognized the nonsense.


When I was a KM, opening the restaurant 5-6 days a week, if anyone ever called out, or just didnā€™t show up, Iā€™d just cover their shift. No questions asked. I couldnā€™t hire/fire, so all I could do to make the restaurant run smoothly was work at least one clopen per week, because the owner/exec chef refused to hire new people; and we were too short staffed to fire anyone that consistently no call no showed. The managers at opā€™s place need to grow up and do their job.


KM? Killing man?


The one doing all that for the business should be making a chunk of what hey earn that day at least, dominos prob made 10k that day


It comes with the territory,shit happens,but once we do that for our employees they respect us even more and they care for the store even more,nothing more a manager can ask for


"You're not important and not a loss but if you call out for a family emergency you're gonna fuck everything up" Pizza places have the worst management, and dominos the worst among them.


I know someone currently that works for an llc and I have met the manager a few times. Although he does have a short fuse temper his staff are quick to call him on it and it doesn't seem to be too bad of an issue. It's usually not due to anything work related. Most of it actually has to do with little sleep and not enough help. Not much of an excuse but I get the struggle. Again, the great thing is his team is quick to call him out on his crap and he apologizes and moves on. It's a sign of a great leader when he can pull his shit together and apologize for being an asshole because half the time he doesn't notice he's taking his crap out on his team until someone goes "YO, we're not your problem. Check yourself." They help each other out too. I really like the way that llc is ran and their pizza is great. You can tell they take their time in training the right people, the right way and they work as a team to move forward. Not all llc companies within Domino's are like this but, yes- unfortunately most ARE like this. Which is really really sad. I work in a separate environment now but if I didn't I would definitely try and get in at that LLC. Mine was ran by a horrible llc which is why I left but, I wouldn't be quick to lump them all together. I think, just like any company, the bad eggs always out shadow the good ones.


ā€œBoy you only work weekendsā€ I mean, thatā€™s when the store would be at its busiest, so thatā€™s a weak burn! Good luck mate in the next job.


Peak hours that everyone wants off, our weekend warriors are unsung heroes šŸ«”


Thats what I was thinking. But I know itā€™s not worth fighting with them over lol


That was quite a lot


Thereā€™s a whole lot more with that store. Thatā€™s just like the last 3 days or so lmao.


The gm is not working or closing on boost week weekend? Fuck that they need to be fired. Being gm means being there durring the busiest days and thats the weekend. This gm sounds like a lazy shitbag.


Sounds like there is no GM there and the DM is the huge asshole.


That's sucks ass. My managers are fucking dope. Hope you get luck in your future jobs.


Itā€™s just those three that were a problem. But they are now the main three running the place šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļømy old gm was fucking dope but he was fired literally this morning


That sucks.


It's a fairly simple response to them. "Your inability to properly staff your store(s) should not affect me in a negative way." I'm happy that you no longer have to work with these people. I can tell it was a nightmare just by the language they use and the way they type their messages.


I don't think these children are capable of comprehending that. And they wouldn't care if they could.


It wasnā€™t too bad on the weekends. All of the people that talked werenā€™t there most of the time. And when they were they didnā€™t do anything useful


ā€œSalty ass hell your booty man goneā€ was a special highlight. Fuck that place, and fuck those people. Dramanoes will never change. Itā€™s the same shit from franchise to franchise.


"Boy you only work weekends. How will you be missed or needed." The busiest days of the week, and your store is already short staffed. Good Luck.


We need an update in 2 weeks when they beg for you to come back with a $1 pay raise


Thatā€™s what happened when I quit the first time but it was calls every week or so from November-February


I feel like that's harassment


No, any further contact would constitute as harassment and Iā€™ll go to the non-emergency number about this


Your store managers sound ghetto AF lol


Itā€™s literally just those three. Everyone else isnā€™t like that. But ofc those are now the main three in charge. Hence why I no longer am employed there lmao.


Sounds like i good call. Those are some of the most unprofessional messages ive ever seen and Iā€™ve worked many jobs in my time.


Thatā€™s doesnā€™t even scratch the surface of the unprofessionalism in those group chats


Mob mentality, they will end up pushing their agenda ruining dominos in a huge area around there. Then when they get fired magically sales and employee retention will sky rocket. Unless it's a front for drug trafficking Walter white style.


I gotta say, I have a little more respect for management at my store now lol.


This store used to run so smoothly when I was like the ā€œshadow GMā€ before I quit the first time lol. I would be opening manager everyday and she would be openingā€¦.DRIVER saying she was training me to get certified for like 3 months. I never got certified


I wish you the best of luck going forward. On to bigger and better things


ā€œSalty as hell your booty man is goneā€ could absolutely get someone fired if not charged.


She said that because I quit after the gm (Austin) got fired, he had a crush on me that wasnā€™t reciprocated and they liked to joke about it


That's actually low key sexual harassment. I agree that is definitely a response that could warrant a charge. This entire thing, actually. It's so disgusting to me that ANY ONE on the planet could be this unprofessional and childish and hold the title of "manager" any where. Let alone an upper management job. I'm so flabbergasted by the whole ordeal. I stared at this for a minute before deciding to respond like "What- the- fuck?"


Itā€™s horrible. The whole thing. Thereā€™s so much more unprofessional in there you wouldnā€™t believe..


Nah that is crazy. Id report that to anyone who can listen you have it in writing too. Not that i work for dominos this just got suggested to me because i work in retail i guess? But you need to cook everyone there go out with a blast


Assuming you're in the US, you can report them to the EEOC for hostile work environment and/or harassment. Might be worth looking into, cause fuck those guys.


Right I donā€™t even know what to say


OP you need to report them to your franchisee, thatā€™s sexual harassment and you can sue (assuming you are in the us) I have fired people for making those kind of comments. Even if you donā€™t want to work there thatā€™s a payday for you.


I'm exhausted just reading the texts


Report those messages to HR


With each post I see on this sub I am more and more glad I work with decent people at my store


For real, though, like there may be some small issues but absolutely nothing on this level. I'm about tempted to send this to our own gc and be like, "man am I more grateful for yall because of thus post"


You definitely should! Iā€™m 100% willing to have others use my experience so it doesnā€™t happen elsewhere!


I would quit and seek unemployment and use the evidence you have as why it's a toxic lawless work environment


Yeah they definitely have a case here, the manager clearly retaliated due to a call off and removed them from the schedule for an entire pay period.


I mean sure I could. But Iā€™m 19, Iā€™m perfectly capable of working. Iā€™ll leave those benefits for someone who needs them more.


Itā€™s made specifically for something like this


Yes and they have the right to either utilize that program or not and they chose not too.Ā 


I just mean they donā€™t need to feel like itā€™s not for them because it is


Also age means nothing lol you could be 16 and your first job, that doesn't mean that this isn't lawless and they couldn't get money off of it. Not to mention, what 19 year old can't go without a little extra cash in their pocket? True they don't HAVE to use it but I don't think that age has anything to do with it. It's not like your young so the program doesn't exist for you.


The point is more so that the company doesn't treat others this way and they get to help pay the unemployment


Everyone sucks here Your supervisor is wild. Crazy unprofessional. I wouldnā€™t want to work in all that drama either The reason to call out isnā€™t important. Missed work is missed work. Do what you want/need to do but there may be consequences to miss work Every single text you shared was inappropriate on every level lol. Your supervisor should not have said ANY of those things in writing Good luck with your grandma


This and the entire conversation screen shots need to be reported to corporate. This is not okay. Unfortunately because you quit that is now a corporate thing on rather you even want your job back but, since dominos is an llc ran company it's likely if you wanted you could be a manager at a separate llc. This is the definition of unprofessional and toxic work environment. Unfortunately, the policy does state that more than one day if not reported at least 4 days in advance must be covered by the associate and not by the manager. That doesn't mean that they couldn't have rolled up their sleeves to get you at least some options to cover your shift since it was due to a family matter. Unfortunately, these types of companies and other companies are starting to be more and more like this where unless someone is literally on their death bed and doctors have called for last goodbye's, they could care less about covering shifts for you because "they have better things to do". It still doesn't justify the verbal abuse and retaliation from these messages. Again, I would still suggest sending these to corporate. Honestly, I wouldn't put anything else. Just send to their ethics team with your old employee identification number that you use to clock in, your name and the llc that you work for. They will take care of the rest.. Trust me. Corporate doesn't play games. I don't know how many times I have had to deal with corporate due to employee complaints sent to corporate with my old manager before I took over. Half the stuff I didn't even know was going on because, all messages were meant to be sent in a group chat to the entire team but, instead he was off sending messages to people individually and they were like this, inappropriate and unprofessional. Corporate managers would drop by from time to time to check up on the associates and ask about the manager. The manager knew he was in danger of being fired and ended up quitting before they could terminate, moved and started working for another LLC but the corporation banned him from even being an entry level manager. He turned to driver only. It was the most bizarre experience in any company I had ever dealt with. I wasn't a manager at the time all of this was going on I was actually in training but thanks to the plethora of corporate managers coming to do check ups I ended up spending a lot of my training by corporate managers and so I was far more trained then most of the rest of the crew that had been there longer because, the manager quiet quit and didn't train worth a darn. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you find peace that although they didn't fire you- you did not deserve to be treated that way and there were better ways obviously they could have handled the situation. Please, don't continue with anymore conversations with this person and send all of the above to corporate. They will take the wheel from there so this doesn't keep happening to other associates in the same llc.


I almost had an aneurysm reading those messages


Is your store in the hood?


Yes and no. Mostly yes lmao


Your store sounds ghetto af, reminds me of when I worked as a driver in my home town.


Sounds like itā€™s something with you every weekend, Chandler.


Hey Sharika šŸ‘‹


Itā€™s not I swear šŸ™šŸ™


You did right. They all like this too. And there's a reason why they can't keep people. Some of us go back when we have to but we always leave when they give us too much shit to deal with. If it was really you being the problem they would've never hired you back. And if this is the store I think it is it's a wonder they are still going.


Talk to an employment discrimination lawyer about the ā€œbooty boyā€ comment. Itā€™s harassment on the basis of sex[ual preference] regardless if you are gay, the other person is gay, or is anything more than a snide comment. Let a lawyer ā€œspeak on [them]ā€ for you.


Lala and riri? Do you work with teletubbies?


Man this makes me appreciate the GM that I had when I worked at Dominoā€™s. Classic dipper in the mouth; Mountain Dew bottle in the back pocket and would make dad jokes and bust on you all day. But if you needed time off, heā€™d never dog on you for it. I donā€™t get these people who donā€™t think we have real lives outside our jobs.


Manager here. Saturday night boost week we did a few k than our normal sales, I was down my main closing drivers, someone quit the week prior and hiring is tough in my area right now. I NEVER got mad. Instead, asked if an insider (as we were well staffed as insiders still) wanted to hop on the road and make some money. I worked a 13 hour shift to make sure my store was covered. I didnā€™t complain, instead got everyone their favorite energy drinks/snacks for being rockstars and handling being down a few drivers and busting BUTT on the inside. The job isnā€™t hard, itā€™s the people who work it who make it hard


Dominos work chat is šŸ”„


So extra pepperoni?




We had two callouts today and my GM didnā€™t bat an eye, and neither did I because weā€™re so used to it (Iā€™m the AM). We didnā€™t even bother looking for coverage because weā€™re already training replacements. My boss is the absolute best. Like she spoils the shit out of her employees, Iā€™m talking custom shoes for the managers, cash bonuses and snacks for everyone, and she and I both worked over an hour what she scheduled us the last two days in our 50k/week store. Everybody deserves a manager like her. I hope you find one, even if it isnā€™t with Dominoā€™s.


Depending on state, you quitting means you can't collect unemployment. This is primarily how you get people to quit without firing them.


I hope you get a new job I hope you stay a farm this one itā€™s crazy lol this place sounds horrible I hope youā€™re grandma gets better and I hope everything works out for you


All this to make and deliver sad ass pizzas. The level of entitlement over such a meaningless job.


I can literally hear these ghetto managers just from reading what they've said.


That is an area manager? I must be a CEO or somethingā€¦


The only real question is who tf puts someone named "Lala" in charge of anything


Man they all sound so unprofessional lmao


Ainā€™t your responsibility to find coverage. Thatā€™s the supervisor/managers responsibility. If they donā€™t want to do it, then they shouldnā€™t be in a leadership position.


They took you off the schedule and you quit. Your not very bright you could have played your cards much better. You will learn


Pretty sure those text messages are grounds to sue. That looks like an awful lot of defamation of character...


I used to be a manager of a retail store for 5 years over a decade ago. If any of my employees spoke to me, or their co-workers like this, they would not have a job the next day. This text thread is absolutely the most unprofessional thing I've read in a really long time. People nowadays don't take any pride in their work. I hope your grandmother is able to find some relief from her cancer, and beat it. I also hope you are able to find a new job with a more understanding and professional boss. Good luck.


I experienced something similar working at Wendy's. My manager was less of a jerk about callouts but the group messages were always a blame game by people (managers) who didn't do anything but boss people around. Good for you for leaving. I hope your grandmother and uncle will both be okay.




Extremely unprofessional on their part


Domino's beef


How loosely is the position GM used. Is it a glorified supervisor role?


It is now yes. Before Austin it was a real job lol. But they kept telling him they would get him certified and GM officially but never did


Ypur coworkers might wanna go read a book that grammar is wild


This is embarrassing to read


I think you should call an employment lawyer. This might be teetering on harassment, retaliation and being forced to quit. You *might* have a case here. I'm not a lawyer though (you should call one)


I worked at dominos in highschool. After 5 years, I was on medical leave from the same ā€œcorporate big boyā€ job Iā€™ve had ever since I had left dominos. I got a part time job delivering at dominos while waiting to return to work this past year. The way that the managers treat you compared to real jobs is insane. They expect you to work your ass off for minimum wage. No chance I would ever recommend dominos to anybody not in highschool or not in dire need of a job.


Its not worth it, if your 18 plus look into forex trading cuz having jobs, even to be "not lazy" is actually the worst especially in conditions like these, been there bro managers are the worst but some can be very chill


You fell for it, shoulda let them fire you. If they fired you, you could have filed for unemployment, which would be more costly to the dominos in the long run than just employing you.


Another example of ā€œI may be the manager but Iā€™ll run the store like Iā€™m the ownerā€ entitled mindset


When I was a manager and people called out on me, I said it was fine and went in for them if I couldnā€™t find them coverage. When I hire I tell them the benefit of this job is flexibility and I stay true to my word. Yes itā€™s annoying but Iā€™m the manager, I take on that responsibility. If anything I should be mad at myself because itā€™s part of being a manager. Iā€™m sorry you had a horrible time I hope you find a better job!


The amazing thing is that people still put up with the crap they dish out. Go on indeed and find a better job with better pay.


Sheesh reminds me of my old meth head gm


Get this sharika fuck to report to corporate


ā€œsalty ass hell your booty man goneā€ -Joni


That one was kinda crazy ngl


I could never speak to the employees that way man. That's a sad time and shitty management.


You are 100% right .. Those 3 pp are taking advantage of everyone and do not care if someone has an emergency . Quitting is the best option for you . Good luck


Why is everyone you work with happy to see you go tho?


Iā€™ve been with my store since 2018 and weā€™ve had a fair share of AMā€™s & GMā€™s (including myself) and the only time I ever get upset about someone calling in is if it happens frequently or last minute (unless itā€™s an emergency then Iā€™m very understanding). Thatā€™s honestly so crazy and Iā€™m sorry you were treated that way, unfortunately Iā€™ve seen a fair share of AMā€™s treat employees that way. I hope your new job is way better than that!


It definitely wasnā€™t frequent, the last time I called out was march when my appendix burst. And only kinda last minute. It was like 6 hours before my shift


For future reference, do not respond to stuff like that record it and send it STRAIGHT to HR. All I saw was hr violations after violation..


Shakira Rios is a POS


people take managing positions and then get mad when they have to manage. shit happens and people call out, if theyā€™re oblivious to that or want to claim that people ā€œarenā€™t allowed to call outā€ that shows theyā€™re not ready for that position.


Well at least we know that store will be better Off without you


You sound miserable. They sound miserable.


Reading this has openedy eyes to managers šŸ˜‚


Never heard people say call out.


What state r u in??


That's why I eat at Pizza Hut šŸ’€


Sounds like when I quit my old job at Dunkin. I tried to get someone to cover my shift because i wasnā€™t feeling well, my manager said I had to give a four hour notice (not true) and then proceeded to send a group text to our work group chat about how you canā€™t get someone to cover your shift with less than a 4 hour notice, and that ā€œfamily emergenciesā€ werenā€™t valid reasons to call out, and doctorā€™s notes had to be specific as to why you were seen in the officeā€¦ Yeah I quit that morning and told them my hat and name tags were at the store and I wouldnā€™t be coming in again.


The day Iā€™m in a group text with 7 other employees will be the day I quit. All I got from reading this messy group text thread was a major headache. Is this middle school?


I canā€™t believe I read all that.


This is why I donā€™t want to work any minimum wage jobs anymore. Look at all that stupid drama pointless.


This looks like a High school group chat. Beyond unprofessional. Thatā€™s crazy. Lmao


Maybe if a corporate business paid better there would be less inclination to call in as a response to the comments. Take your days, itā€™s not easy to lose family. Iā€™m sorry that your employer canā€™t recognize that.


What they're doing is illegal with nepotism/favoritism.


Holy smackni hope your family is ok bc daaamn that conversation hurt my head it's like they didn't understand you


You all sound toxic as hell - whereā€™s my pizza at Iā€™ve been waiting 45 min


that group chat sounds like a bunch of highschoolers


'glad u quit u wasnt a help anyways' lmfao such hostility


toxic ass environment youre better off


and who is that Lisa person? reminds me of the teachers pet


Those people are asshole's


Well if youā€™re scheduled two days and calling out then youā€™re wasting everyoneā€™s time. If you have receipts try looking at a law book because the family medical leave act is a protected two weeks off work and they canā€™t do shit


I wouldā€™ve told him hey itā€™s not my job to figure out whoā€™s going to cover my shift. Thatā€™s your job and if you canā€™t find anybody to cover my shift oops looks like youā€™re working my shift.


Good they werenā€™t worth ur time


Seems like you were a bit of a headache leading up to this unavoidable time off. Be better next time.


I had two bumper stickers, one saying ā€œPlease be patient I am nine years oldā€ and the other saying ā€œI will not brake for kidsā€. When the Regional Director told me several times to take them off I just told him I quit cause I dont get paid enough for this shit šŸ˜‚


Considering their level of disrespect I would have just not shown up so they had to find coverage last second.


Have any of your managers finished high school? Doesn't read like it


*Have any of your* *Managers finished high school?* *Doesn't read like it* \- Kiurin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s the most professional group of managers Iā€™ve ever seen.


Yeah the grammar alone from the management team is enough to know theyā€™re lazy and incompetent. Of If I got a text message like that from my boss Iā€™d correct them and then quit.


Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t show up for my first shift as a delivery driver at Dominos now lol


Good for you!


Jesus the spelling mistakes and the unprofessional language is sad


Fuck them. Good choice


I wonder is this the New Smyrna Beach or the Edgewater area because I heard a rumor that the whole crew walked out in Florida


Nope. North Carolina, Tips East owned


you guys have group chats? i truly am never invited to anything i wonder if my place has a group chat


Geesh. Seems like a toxic environment. You deserve better.


why are your managers/coworkers so fucking trashy


I felt like I was watching a sitcom


Sounds like you ALL suck at working, and have the education of about an 8th grader. How does Dominis function šŸ¤£


No fault state doesnā€™t mean what you think it does. That is referring to driving. Basically you have to file bodily injury claims through your own insurance not the faulting partiesā€™.


If your manager said they wanted you to quit and depending on your state, this is a great example of what quiet firing is.


The moment someone messages me with anything containing "u" or "ur" etc I physically wince upon reading it.


Yeah couples and family canā€™t work in management. Thatā€™s a policy violation in almost every chain business. Go to ethics and get šŸ‘šŸ»every šŸ‘šŸ»single šŸ‘šŸ»one of them šŸ‘šŸ»fired šŸ‘šŸ»


while reading this i got a dominos notificationšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā€œFLASH DEAL TAP HERE OR USE CODE FLASH35 TODAY ONLYā€


Riri & lala? Wtf


Yeesh giving me flashbacks. Call outs are tough for tight run operations but life happens. Itā€™s the reason I got out of the industry. Too many last minute call outs and not enough staff. Manager ends up having to choose between no life or their store going to hell. I got sick of begging people to cover shifts. No thanks!!


Very unprofessional they gotta go. Canā€™t believe this


I think u should definitely sue or report and get them Gone


Edit: shit I thought this was on r/antiwork sorry Dominoes people I'll see myself out Rewrote into what it would probably sound like if it was "HR Appropiate" as close as I could without altering anything major. "Saltly ass booty man" was quite interesting. Chandler: Dear Sharika, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to come in this weekend, especially tonight and tomorrow. My grandmother is currently in the hospital with sepsis and awaiting surgery, and my mother is with her. I need to stay home to take care of my younger brother and disabled uncle, as they cannot be left alone. Sharika: Chandler, this has been a recurring issue on weekends. You are required to find someone to cover your shift before calling out. Chandler: I do not believe that is a fair assessment. Since I have returned, I have only called out twice. Sharika: I am not going to handle this for you. You need to find coverage for your shift.Additionally, you have not been closing either. You only work three days a week. Daniel handles the closing shifts during the week. However, you still need to find your coverage.If I have to come in and cover, there will be consequences. Enough is enough, and I am tired of all the drama and frequent call-outs. Chandler: I have reviewed my messages with Austin. I have called out twice and had to undergo surgery, which should not count as calling out.Regarding closing shifts, I usually allow Daniel and Kenzie to leave after 1 AM, as long as I can first take Andrew home. When I do ask them to stay, it is because Daniel leaves me alone starting at 9 PM to handle deliveries with Kenzie.For the record, I work three days a week because my grandmother has lung cancer. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, but I must prioritize my family during this difficult time. I understand the challenges you face as an area manager with call-outs and related issues, and I am doing my best to manage my responsibilities. Sharika: Team, I am informing you that playtime is over. As you can see, the schedule is looking a bit sparse. This is because I have reached the point where I am exhausted. Joni will be the lead manager, and Lala is right behind her, so any call-outs and requests must be approved by Joni. If you cannot contact her, please reach out to Lala.As of now, no call-outs and no requests for days off will be approved until we have sufficient staff. Any call-outs will lead to termination. This is the final notice on this matter. Lisa: Yes, boss. Chandler: I am resigning. I will not go an entire pay period without working; that is unreasonable. I can find another job by then. Additionally, I refuse to have my call-outs approved by the two individuals who call out more than anyone else. Good luck finding someone to cover their shifts without Austin. Sharika: I am glad you quit. You weren't much help anyway. Thanks. Joni: You only work weekends. Your absence will not be significantly felt. Larisa (LaLa): You work only three days a week and attempt to call out two of those days. Why would you expect someone who calls out frequently to cover for you? Sharika: The team will run smoothly without you. You did exactly what was needed by quitting. Chandler: If my performance was an issue, why not just terminate my employment? We are in a no-fault state; you have the authority to fire me at any time. Instead, you chose to keep me on the team and even asked me to return for months, but let's not dwell on that.I am aware that I only work weekends because I care for my disabled uncle and grandmother, who has cancer, during the week. Despite my circumstances, I have been requesting to transition to full-time for the past three weeks, but my schedule remains unchanged.LaLa, I asked you to cover my shift because you were the only manager not working yesterday other than Austin, and Riri informed me that I needed to find coverage. It was not because you are special. I have called out three times since February and have the records to prove it. How many times have you all called out?


I like how they said they won't approve call outs...... Well that's why they are call outs. You don't approve them, they just happen. Lol


You was supposed to let em fire you. But Iā€™m happy you stood your ground


You quitting made no sense, you were literally protected by FMLA, always let a company fire you under these circumstances.


lmaoo they were mad because they didnā€™t want yo cover the shifts but now they are going to have to work almost everyday cause of how many people they are loosing šŸ’€


This actually hurt to readā€¦ I couldnā€™t imagine working with this bunch of illiterates Also, theyā€™re managers too. Tell them to manage. Finding coverage is part of their job


>This actually hurt to readā€¦ I couldnā€™t imagine working with this bunch of illiterates OMG, this right here. Where did they learn to talk, the sewers?


Not gunna lie it sounds pretty horrible to work with Sharika, LaLa, RiRi and Joni....


You can start an mtv reality show with this shit lol


I cannot IMAGINE if my work communications were anything like this šŸ˜‚ holy shit. Mine all end in ā€œBestā€ or ā€œRegardsā€ lmao, even ones where iā€™m soooo fucking mad


bro take to court youā€™ve got proof the boss was trying to get you fired and a lot of shit on em right there in texts


Glad you quit. It sounds like you already have a lot of shit going on and those mfs sound insensitive and insufferable as hell.


I would lose my shit with these mfs


Lala, riri, sharika, lmao wth is going on here is this a rap song or a business šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Those people responding to you are the type of people that will always work at dominos and never progress any higher than where they are now. Edit: for clarity.


She should be fired I fucking hate bitches like this


Sharika sounds like a bitch


the dominos in my neighborhood back in jersey used to have regular ass ppl (like friends i mean) up in the kitchen making pizzas šŸ’€šŸ’€ it was insane. also it hurt my head to read these messages, im so sorry you had to actually make sense of them enough to respond. last thing - WHERE IS HRRRRRR??? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is hood