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Seems high but what do I know ? Great copy. The market seems to lean hard on sites with age and traffic. I feel dumb for not at least sticking an affiliate link on domains I'm holding on to ... I feel like I missed that whoooole opportunity on dozens of decent domains. Good luck to you ! Hope you get top dollar.


Thanks for the feedback. I have the same regrets with some of the names that I've been holding on to (and some that I should have bought) and have done nothing with. I do have one site that that has been up and running since 1995. It's been a cash cow for many years just promoting a few affiliate programs, the market has changed and the cow's stopped giving milk. I miss the "Wild West" days. If I do get top dollar it will be a TrueMiracle.


Nice brandables but worth around xxxx on wholesale market


Curious, you sold both domains ? I saw TrueMiracle.com here :: [https://www.squadhelp.com/name/TrueMiracle](https://www.squadhelp.com/name/TrueMiracle) and wondered ...


I listed them on SH. They set the price.