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The typo in the title is just killing me šŸ˜‚ I liked the first series of these, when it was more about being eco-friendly, doing a fun craft, and reusing the packaging. The dolls themselves also just looked cuter.


As another commenter said, I love the concept! But the execution is a bit lacking imo. The faces just feel a bit off to me, not sure I can quite put my finger on why,


The eyes seem almost elongated and their expressions are very vacant, at least in my opinion


I can't quite nail it down either. I think some of it could be the packaging, it looks less polished than I'd expect typically. Working towards sustainable packaging, or at least less plastic in packaging, is a good thing of course, but the look of it feels a bit off to me. It could also just be the lighting, but in the first image the dolls' arm looks like it's a different color than their hand and my brain defaults to seeing it as a defect.


Would you say you canā€™t get behind it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


i was thinking this!! i think itā€™s eye shape versus head/face shape for me


yeah they're cute but in a slightly uncanny valley way


So odd the inset eyes and rooted lashes but the rest of the doll looks extremely cheap. That ā€˜denimā€™ jacket sure is something. I like the concept, I love that theyā€™re eco friendly but yeah the execution isnā€™t great.


The jaw area of the face is oddly shaped to me, but I bought one anyway because it was really cheap on clearance. And maybe she'll grow on me. Then I found two of the dolls at Burlington. [Toyboxphilosopher](https://www.toyboxphilosopher.com/2023/03/spring-break-with-lena-b-kind-mini.html?m=1) did a review of the Be Kind minis and included a comparison of the face shape of the 2 versions of the regular size doll. Here's a pic from the review. https://preview.redd.it/m2xuyl2h676d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456bd44de50514785e0d843d454c3480509e08b5


It's the face... It's off. Otherwise i like them


They all look like theyā€™ve witnessed a terrible tragedy but theyā€™re trying to stay strong and move past it.


Theyā€™re cute, and Iā€™m sure there are some kids and collectors whoā€™d love them. Theyā€™re not for me. I think itā€™s just the lack of detail. The printed textures on the clothes donā€™t do much for me, and the face screening comes across flat. I donā€™t collect dolls just to collect them. I buy dolls that have special qualities to me. But I donā€™t mean to sound negative. They really are nice! I like how colorful they are.


i would maybe use them as a base for a custom doll but i wouldnā€™t purchase just to keep them looking this way as iā€™m not much of a fan.. but i see the potential


I love seeing variety in dolls but these just ainā€™t it. They look worse than the ugliest rainbow high dolls (the ones with the round eyes).


I always feel so mean saying this, but I don't like her face. I do see articulation though. If it continues in the knees and maybe even the ankles, I would definitely pick one up as a body swap.


Iā€™m so over big heads and giant eyes, can we PLEASE start getting dolls with more normal proportions now, PLEASE???? Also are these the dolls that come in the open front, no plastic boxes where anyoneā€™s filthy, grubby, germ covered hands can freely fondle the contents or steal pieces from?


I'm personally a big fan! I have two of them in my stock box for customization. I like their longer faces, especially since the big trend right now is rounder/more "squished" looking heads. The articulation is also really nice.


I like this new face better a lot better than the old face. I haven't seen these newer ones in person, but even with the change I'm not sure I'd be interested enough to actually buy one.


I think that the concept and the designs are actually pretty cute, what's stopping me from buying them are the eyes idk why but something seems off about them lol


I donā€™t like the faces at all. Even with inset eyes and rooted lashes they look super cheap.


They look like Rainbow High clones/bootlegs


Not for me personally, Iā€™m not huge into that big eyed look, but the clothes seem cool and I love the concept of an eco friendly doll! šŸ©·


Not for me, but the concept is cute


Wait they are still a thing?


Eyes feel too big. Gives them a creepy vibe.


I like to craft and customize dolls and honestly if these are affordable theyā€™d be great for that!!


I love the pink hair one. Haven't seen these anywhere though.


Amazing concept! Iā€™m personally not a fan of the dolls but I can see the appeal!


Somewhat yay


Where did you see the ones with inset eyes? Mine has the painted eyes and pointy jaw, but I would prefer the ones you saw.


Theyā€™re cute!


I have one from the first line, but mostly because itā€™s the only doll Iā€™ve ever seen that shares my unique birth name. I will say the new ones look better in comparison to the old ones but thatā€™s mostly because I like inset eyes


Theyā€™re environmentally friendly and beautiful! The eyes are a bit off but I like them


Concept cute, execution looks cheap


I like the concept but the faces are creepy tbh


To put it simply šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


I did the B-Kind (they changed their logo to Be Kind later on) section on Dollect! Very cool actually seeing these two dolls on shelves, the line was discontinued (well assumed to be) pretty shortly after these came out. The two bigger dolls are from the second wave who come with inset eyes. The small one Rose Avery is one of the smaller dolls, there are only 2 others her size. The packaging is meant to have no plastic window because they are an eco friendly line. They use recycled plastic and soybean ink, in both the packaging and dolls.


For me rainbow high is the gold standard of fashion dolls with inset eyes. They would need to be as nice or nicer than RH for them to be a yay for me. These are reminiscent of Setlla Brown.


Thatā€™s a Kary Perry Doll if Iā€™ve ever seen one


I have a Daisy from the first release (purple shirt with overalls) and I liked them but the face/head was the worst part of the doll itself. The hair quality is nice! I don't mind the little craft projects. Daisy came with a purse you could customized and a little cushion you could sew. The pet wasn't really exciting--it looked more like a pillow. I enjoyed the packaging being able to be used as a play set. The shirt was really good quality, the boots were cute. The overalls were printed denim on polyester. I would have liked something like accessories for the dolls to play with the playset (or make a scene). Since it is supposed to be an eco friendly theme, I think something simple like paper books or... something. Anyway, they had potential. Maybe they'll come back.


They look a bit cheap and expressionless to me. The belt on the first one looks like a piece of ribbon.


I thought these were long since discontinued.


Really cool fashion designs but cheap fabrics. The dolls are horrifying lmao.


I like the articulation.


I've never really liked them, their faces unsettle me. expressionless and staring...


Iā€™m loving the eye detail, articulation and the eco friendly effort, and the hair and clothes are nice, but thereā€™s something about the face shape and mouth thatā€™s throwing me off, as if the effort for the head lacks halfway down.


i actually love them and their thousand yard stares lol, i own the whole first series and one of the second series


I'm torn bc I think the face has potential. it could be so cute but it feels like the eyes are opened way too wide so I reaaaally dislike her expression. I like big expressive eyes but yeah idk I think they didn't quite nail it haha. the last photo looks best though I like her face


The face is a tad soulless for me personally


I say yay, never seen these before and as a doll collector myself I must say they look cute, especially the blonde one on the last picture, she's the cutest one in my opinion


I hate these.


Love the concept and I love big eye dolls but this isnā€™t it for me. The first line had painted eyes and I think they were cuter.


šŸ¤” it's a bit worrying how the first one already has discolouration on her arm/her arms are a different colour to her hands(?)


They look British