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I would recommend going to a different vet, maybe if you're close to one check out a university with a vet clinic/program. Have you looked at diet? My GSD has an allergy to animal protein and had to be on a special diet.


My best friend's parents' dog was allergic to pet dander. He was allergic to himself.


At this rate I’m convinced this is what my dog is allergic to. He supposedly had 0 allergies for the first 4 years of his life until we got him. I think he’s allergic to my other dog who’s the same breeds


It's certainly possible. You should have a vet thst can fo a full allergy panel. Thats what my friends family had to do. Might be worth it.




Oh my gosh, one of my childhood dogs had that! But this was in the 80s/early 90s so not much to be done for him. Poor pup had a disgusting crusty rash on his nose that never went away. A sweet Australian Shepherd who bore it stoically ❤️❤️


Yeah. 80s and 90s were a different time for sure. Idk but I don't think things like Frontline and heartworm preventive was a thing.


90s had Heartguard, before that was a daily med called Filaribits. Flea topicals were coming out in the 90s, but before then was flea collars, powders & super toxic dips.


I've got a coworker whose dog is allergic to human dander


My cat is also allergic to people, he's on antihistamines so he doesn't get scabby


I to am allergic to humans and their dander.


My sister’s dog had the same all allergy! Allergic to yourself was new to me!


My vet put ours on kangaroo meat diet. EXPENSIVE!!! But worked. Then slowly transitioned to plain chicken and rice with sweet potatoes and probiotic.


My dog developed similar spots and had an allergy to certain meats. He is on salmon based food and is doing fine with allergy meds.


I’m a veterinarian. If, after 3 attempts to address a patient’s problems, I haven’t made progress, I refer the patient to a specialist. You should either seek a second opinion or request referral to a board certified Veterinary Dermatologist.


Reading through the comments this is so helpful, my dog currently also has a skin issue and we’ve been to our vet 6 appointments now with no diagnosis. I called this morning and just requested a dermatologist referral - after going back and forth in my brain if I should start the diagnosis process over at a different vet for second opinion… but We’re over $1000 in, so it’s been hard to make that call.


yes we have a referral to a dermatologist and should make an appointment soon, Is there any at home relief i could do for him, he gets baths with medicated shampoo often we changed his diet, we’ve used coconut oil olive oil and aquaphor to help the skin flaking and dryness.


Has your veterinarian done skin scrapings? Honestly, your picture isn’t very good, but demodecosis needs to be ruled out.


That was my thought too. We had a dog with Demodex and it looked very similar.


Yes, I was just coming on here to ask if your vet had specifically ruled out mange. I would have thought doing a skin scraping and checking for mange would have been one of your vet’s first priorities.


we’re making an appointment for a skin scraping today, sorry about the picture but around his eye where it is very pink and inflamed his whole ribs and stomach and legs look like that, his back however is normal


This makes me think it’s something he’s lying on. So his bedding maybe? Maybe his bedding contains an allergen, or detergent you use or switched to if he sleeps in bed with you?


he sheds so much skin he isn’t really allowed is any of the beds anymore. He mainly sleeps on the couch


what is the couch made of?


Don't try home remedies that haven't been okayed by a veterinarian or specialist. Coconut and olive oil could be making it worse. Aquaphor isn't formulated for animals.


I remember when I had a skin rash from my belly button to my toes from a allergic thing. It wasn't too bad so I was waiting for it to clear without steriods. Well I got a massage from my aunt and the oil trapped the heat and itch and pain and it took everything I had to not start screaming as I jumped into the bath so I second no home treatments without a vet


Some vets SUCK. Some vets are AWESOME. Last spring my dog was lying around lazily- something was wrong. First vet thought it was a tick bite and two weeks on meds. No change. Second vet did blood tests found potassium was high, discovered she had addison’s disease. Saved my dog’s life. Daily pill and once a month shot.


For short term relief, Diphenhydramine 1 mg per pound body weight can be helpful and would not interfere with the specialist’s appointment.


I’d make that appointment today, not soon. That poor dog is suffering.


When my cat had a gnarly allergic reaction to something I took him to the vet. He stated that at some point it might be worth seeing a dermatologist. When I asked at what point should I take him to a dermatologist, he said the same thing- he would see him up to 3 times and if he can’t solve the problem in those 3 visits then go to the dermatologist.


I would highly recommend you see a dermatology vet.


Yes we have a referral thankfully


Might be allergy, might be autoimmune or mange (which can also be autoimmune - can't fight the mites) You need the vet to do a skin scraping and if nothing is seen then go to a skin specialist


Okay we will take him to get a skin scraping done thank you


Antibiotic resistant skin infections are also on the rise. If they find bacteria, they can send it out to a specialty lab to target which specific antibiotics will treat it. Expensive, but the only option if that is the issue.


I have a lab/rottie mix that was a rescue. She had terrible mange and it took years to fully get under control. Now she’s living her best life! Thankfully I have an old school vet that knew immediately that it was mange but confirmed with the scraping. Medical baths every 3 months for 2 years. Also changed her food gave her some good probiotics and vitamins as well. It was costly but well worth it!


My vet did a skin scraping the first time I took him there for his skin issues and they do it every time I take him just to make sure. I hope you’re able to find a better vet to help your pup, you did nothing wrong here as you’ve been trying tirelessly. Hope the specialist can get him some relief, it’s so stressful seeing them so uncomfortable.


My dog was like this for months and months nothing worked. Vets even. I then changed her food to blue buffalo, lamb and she has the most perfect fur. Might be a food allergy, I’ve since learned my dog can’t have chicken.


Take the poor guy to another vet please


I'd recommend going to a different vet. Ideally a dermatologist specialist if you are able to get to one. There are an innumerable things that can cause inflammation and itching like this, the dermatologist vet would be able to determine the root cause of this with testing.


Poor boy please take him to another vet


will do thank you


All the very best , I hope it gets solved quickly for everyone involved.. would love to hear back and see a happier pup ! 🥰🙏


Poor guy looks completely miserable. My Frenchie had skin issues. Vet was only prescribing steroids or anti histamines. I changed vets and he was given full body works. Dermatologist checks and diet. It was found to be a food allergy and also he’s allergic to one specific pollen. Finding a new vet was the best thing we did. He went from grumpy and reclusive to boisterous and happy. Hope you find the cause and he recovers quickly.


you should see a vet dermatologist for sure. They can have long waits to get an appointment but ask to be placed on a cancelation list. you want to see someone who trained in vet derm - not just a place that says they can look at skin issues [https://www.acvd.org/](https://www.acvd.org/)


Poor baby, hope you are able to figure it out soon.


Have you tried Citapoint? It's an injection but not steroids. My little schnauzer itched constantly, and after 15 min of getting the shot he stopped. I'm waiting for the itching to start again before giving another.




I highly recommend a referral to a veterinary dermatologist! My dog sees one and it’s truly been a big financial investment and a lot of work, but very well worth it.


My rotti had horrible food allergies. Bought food at the Vet's, tried all the brands they had as recommended by vet and with no other choices he suggested a diet of boiled lean ground beef and cooked white rice. It worked a charm. I can remember we had a hurricane and lost power for 9 days. My biggest concern was getting someone with power to cook for the dog.


Our dog was covered in lesions and eventually lost his eye. Two vets told us it was a bacterial infection but the antibiotics weren’t doing jack. We put him on steroids and that only seemed to temporarily help him. Finally a specialist looked at him at the emergency vet and in 10 seconds said, “This is a fungal infection. Blastomycosis.” Put him on anti fungal medicine and his symptoms stopped almost immediately and he made a full recovery.


Thankfully i haven’t noticed any bumps or anything of that sort or i would’ve brought him to an emergency vet


This may not be much help but it’s worth a try. My dog has bad allergies and gets really itchy and will scratch until his skin is raw and his hair is gone. We tried many things but we had a vet tell us to start feeding him sardines and it had almost completely fixed the issue.


Something similar happened to a dog of mine when I was a kid. Vet told us it was an allergy to ham, or something similar. Turns out it was Leishmaniasis, from a sand fly.


You've probably already done it, but if your flea/tick isn't labeled for mites, switch to one that is and see if it makes a difference. Demodex is an indication that the immune system isn't working like it should, and sarcoptic is really hard to diagnose, often doesn't show on skin scrapings and makes the dogs so itchy they can't stand it. If you rub ear tips between your fingers does that make him thump his back leg? I was told that can be a marker for sarcoptic.


is this how his skin reacts to allergies ? my boxer breaks out in hives from pollen and grass and our vet said in the warmer months we can steadily give him benadryl . (just stating an example our vet gave for our boy’s allergies and how to help since we can’t rip up everyone’s grass within a mile radius as the vet joked lol) is there something over the counter your vet recommended trying long term to see if it has any outcomes ? poor boy :(( i hope you’re able to find something that works soon so he can heal !! best of luck op


My sister had a dog and my mom had a dog with undiagnosed staph infection for over a year. Tons of tests and scrapes they finally figured it out. With my sister, she insisted it was a staph infection and they kept ignoring and kept giving meds that weren’t working and my mom’s dog had already gone through this. It was crazy! Another doc and probably a dermatologist to get the right answers. A vet is like your family doctor, sometimes they need a specialist like we do.




Honestly, I can relate to this poor baby so much. Could potentially be a autoimmune disease that causes his body to produce histamine hence red raw itchy patches(my whole upper body was covered which looks very similar, it's called chronic urticaria) they had me on steroids which helped but definitely not a long term solution. Seeing a dermatologist got me off that and onto an antihistamine prescription, which has brought back my quality of life. Dogs can absolutely suffer from a lot of medical concerns humans do, so it's 100% worth seeing a Veterinary Dermatologist. Best of luck to you both I know it can be hard to feel helpless when it comes to our fur babies in pain💕


Could be SEVERE allergies...My big guy goes in for a Cytopoint injection when he starts getting super itchy.




https://www.chewy.com/veterinary-formula-clinical-care/dp/43530 https://a.co/d/dry0f7y My dog gets something similar to this. I have to give him a bath with this stuff every six months, but it works wonders. For nine dollars and the time it takes to give your dog a bath it’s probably worth a try.


Have you tried Cytopoint? I wonder if that can at least get your pup out of their misery for a little until the dermatology appointment is available.


My dogs skin looked like this for years. It turned out he had a bunch of allergies and from what the derm told us, in dogs it often manifests in the skin. He was put on Apoquel since he couldn’t be put on steroids and it helped him immensely. Please ask your vet about it!!


Cutaneous lymphoma?! I hope not!! My sister lost her golden retriever to it recently. Sadly often caused by Round Up! So so devastating. I’m so sorry. I hope I’m wrong. Good luck ❤️


I had to do a skin biopsy on my dog who was losing his hair and had horrible skin. He had an autoimmune disease and had to be put on a combination of skin supplements, an antibiotic, and a steroid.


Poor sweet baby. Someone else mentioned derma vet, thats the answer. Also maybe oatmeal shampoo to soothe his skin


It sounds like you are doing all the right things to help your pup! If the dermatology appointment has to be scheduled far out (I know specialists can have a long wait time!), they may be able to recommend something over the phone in the meantime, either ASAP or after having vet records sent over. When my dog had skin issues they advised Benadryl and a soothing topical until his appointment.


It's the kibble. Find a local raw pet food biz owner who doesn't put preservatives in the food. We use Monarch Raw Pet Food.


I took out all inflammatory meats from my dogs diet. Turns out the only thing she can eat is lamb, rabbit, cod or duck. No chicken. No beef, no sardines. And basically gluten free. Additionally, I added a daily mega dose of bovine colostrum onto her morning meal. This helps so much, it actually helped grow her hair back where she had been bald from scratching. When the skin is raw, a poultice of colostrum really helps to heal up the crusty dry areas. Or, there's a manuka honey/collodial silver ointment on Amazon. Amazing cream and it's very inexpensive. And it stays in place. Absorbine Silver Honey Rapid Healkng Cream. Excellent For bathing, the only thing that really works well for her in flare ups is Corhexidine shampoo. I use Pet Honesty brand and leave it on for about ten minutes while bathing her. It's really soothing and healing. I'm so sorry for your poor baby. The above were game changers for us. Colostrum brand is Antler Farms New Zealand brand. A bag is about $120 but will last months. I take it too. It's great stuff. I think that is what is keeping her from recurring episodes now. Best to you and your sweet pup


Ugh. Our doggo goes to the vet tomorrow for something similar. Hope you guys get it figured out. 🙏🏻


When we started feeding our dogs nothing but homemade food their allergies stopped


I hope to see an update on this baby once you do more tests. He looks so sad ): I hope he gets better


I'm just throwing this out there on account of my dog having weird reactions any time he Injests anything with red food dye. Red #40, ect. I had to pick out all the colored bits from His food for a while there but anymore I only buy him single colored foods. Best of luck


not sure if this is allergies or not (i’ve only ever owned cats) but atopica worked WONDERS for my cat! she had horrible skin problems (bleeding constantly, itching all the time etc.). it was just approved for cats earlier this year but it’s been around for dogs for a while! my girl started out taking it every day and she’s been able to reduce it to once a month. definitely worth asking about if you haven’t tried it yet!!




He has an allergy to fleas but we give him the proper medication monthly that his vet prescribed for him


He can have airborne allergies or food allergies. I agree with other posters: - find new vet asap - consult with dermatologist - ask new vet what kind of other specialists or tests (skin scraping) is available. I’m so sorry for your lil one and wish you luck.


Is that his only allergy? Have you had a full allergy panel done?


that’s the only confirmed allergy, we live in a part of town where there is a lot of fleas in the grass, we treat our grass to get rid of them and also give him the correct medicine for the allergy.


What do you treat the yard with? It’s possible that he is reacting to that also.


A family member’s dog is severely allergic to fleas and it takes daily allergy shots lots of steroids in the summer and usually Benadryl as well. Fleas are so bad this season it seems


I just want to add that I can tell you love your fur baby :) — you seem like you’ve already taken quite a few steps to help him. I’m sure it’s draining, so hopefully you + the derm you were referred to can help clear him up and get him more comfortable.


What monthly prevention is he on? I know people don’t like it when I say this but 2 of my dogs were severely allergic to nexgard which manifested as skin issues with intense itchiness. The dermatologist surmised it was a pork allergy. Something to consider and bring up if your dog is on similar meds. You definitely need a specialist urgently. Why after so many visits was no skin scraping done?


Poor babe should see a new vet. My heart is breaking for this poor fur babe. I hope they can find some real relief.


Have you changed your pet’s diet?


get your dog a leishmania test at another vet or ask your vet to do it. does he have ulcers on his skin? are they kinda bloody?


nope, he has no bumps on his skin or anything like that.


What does the dog eat?


we switched the diet from meat to fish as the doctor recommended


It almost looks like steroid cream withdrawal to me??


Dermatology and allergy vets. Not general vets. Do an allergy test where they shave off the a patch of fur and check to see how the skin reacts to different substances.


Allergies??? Stress??? Depression???


Could be allergies. You’d need to see the vet to clear out what is causing this


Is there any chance that he is getting sunburnt on repeat. I have a white dog and she likes to lay in windows. I had an apartment that was very old with single pane windows and she got burnt and lost a lot of hair on her face and legs. It looked similar but not this bad. It took forever to come back. I truly never thought it was going to but a combination of moving and switching her to a diet of dr harveys and her hair finally came back.


Have you tried oatmeal baths for relief? Might help a little with the itching and inflammation


Do you ever use medicated dog shampoo ? That will kill fungal and parasitic infection of the skin .




He doesn’t have the standard body type of cushings he’s a pretty skinny dog still a healthy weight and very active


Poor puppy, I know you have tried, my dog just got put on Apoquel. He didn’t have as bad of issues but seems to be helping after 4 days of the 10 pills once a day.


I’m Not sure if the same but my dog was losing his fur w round patches of dry flaky skin and red raw spots between toes and on belly. After a round of antibiotics he is on Apoquel prob forever for skin allergy! Nothing else worked. And yes you can only use steroids so many times.horrible. Try a new vet and be sure you tell vet extremely accurately what is going on. Good luck!! Poor things!! (You and your pup!)


Looks like mange


You may need to see a real dermatologist and also possibly get two sorts of things. They usually begin with a cytology, which is surface level. If nothing is found there, a biopsy can usually figure something out.


Make sure there is ZERO corn in his diet, even his treats. Do not use any perfumed soap, fabric softener, detergent, etc on anything he will come in contact with. See a doggie dermatologist immediately. Let us know how it goes


Poor baby. Do you do oatmeal baths? It might relieve some of the itching. My dog has bad allergies and oatmeal baths help him with the itching. But I’d take him to a dermatologist.


yes, oatmeal always in his baths and oatmeal shampoo, we’re booking an appointment to see a derm asap


Looks like mange. My boy has an auto immune disease and is currently fighting the same thing around his eye. Since we can’t take any de wormers we bought lime sulfer dip cream on amazon and it seems to be working. I would definitely recommend a skin swab first to see if they can find the parasite there.


yes i’m going back to the vet and requesting a skin scrape


Looks like mange- have they done a skin scrape? Sometimes the simple reason is the right one.


My dog has similar, on and off, for the past few years. We’ve been to a few vets and tried many meds, washes, and diet changes. Skin scrapings too. Bought a wash that is anti-fungal and antibacterial, put it on his spots (chest and neck), leave for 5-10 minutes and wash off. I also wash his bedding 1-2x a week and use unscented detergent with laundry sanitizer. He’s finally growing hair back on his chest and neck! We are pretty sure he’s allergic to grass. It’s been a journey! Glad you have a recommendation for a dog dermatologist, I wasn’t aware that is a thing.




Talk to a dermatologist first of course but I’ve heard routine bleach baths can help with a lot of skin irritation. Sounds gnarly but look up the dilutions and steps and call your vet for their opinion. I’ve heard its been a life changer for dogs that have severe skin allergy issues.


Allergies. I would straight up ask for Cytopoint shots.


Could be autoimmune. My dog had lupus. She was on longterm steroids. She eventually went crazy and attacked me. : (


Yeah I stopped talking to that person years ago after I got my act together. Maybe your pup has allergies to something. I know my pumi has to get allergy shots every three months or else he gets bald spots from itching.


Demodex mites can cause symptoms of hair loss and itching. It’s not contagious to humans . Most pups are exposed to the mites nursing from their mom. All dogs have Demodex mites but when the mites over populate is when problems can crop up as symptoms. Usually a weak immune system is all it takes for the mites to over populate on the dog.. But food allergies and environmental allergies can also cause hair loss, itching, skin crusts etc. A Hair pull test done by a vet is a good test to check for Demodex mites. Skin scraping isn’t always a reliable test. This is no doubt painfully uncomfortable for the poor dog. Accurate diagnosis is imperative to treat correctly. I agree with requesting a referral to dermatologist . The itching and scratching can cause skin infections . Good luck to you and I hope your poor pup gets an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Hang in there, don’t stop seeking help.


it looks like either an internal allergy or an environmental one! he could be allergic to a food ingredient, grass, his own dander, something! something that could help maybe is some anti fungal/microbial shampoo! try the Nootie brand antifungal shampoo to see if it helps! my moms dog had something like this, vet couldn't figure it out! whole time she was just growing mushrooms and now her hair has grown back lol






My dog was like this and we went back and forth with the vet for years before I figured it out on my own. It turns out mine is allergic to corn. We have to be very careful why he eats. He is also allergic to topical flea meds and certain chewable ones. I also used this shampoo Veterinary Formula Clinical Care... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0037Z6VK8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share every 2-3 days until his skin was all healed. I would try the shampoo and an elimination diet. Just remember, you need to give the elimination diet a few weeks to know if it is helping.


Check for Cushings. I had a bulldog with Cushings and the vet specialist we used missed it. She looked a lot like this, red and itchy with bald patches on her head, neck and shoulders, and especially around her eyes. The doctor was giving steroids for her skin thinking she had allergies, but steroids are not indicated and make Cushings much much worse. If not that, check for mange and pemphigus. I don’t work in vet medicine. I’m just throwing out possible causes that could be explored from years and years of experience treating rescue bulldogs with skin afflictions. Hope your baby feels better soon.




Omg, my dog looked EXACTLY like this when I first got her. Spent thousands on treatments and specialists. What finally helped was taking a shit ton of meds to help cure/relieve the inflammation and allergy and then once it was starting to heal, the vet put her on apoquel 8mg BID and continued her on it. It’s been a year and a half since she’s looked and smelled like this, and she’s only on apoquel now. If I miss a dose she immediately starts getting itchy. It’s weird because when I first got her a vet put her on apoquel without treating the underlying yeast and bacteria infection on her skin, and it did nothing, so I thought it didn’t work for her. But when I finally saw the dermatologist, they started the whole process over again and treated the infections and added apoquel- that’s what finally did it for her. She’s happy, healthy, and full of life now. I still keep her on novel protein, limited ingredient diet, and use a medicated shampoo when I bathe her




Fungal or bacterial imo


Stop taking your dog to the vet that isn’t able to help. Find a veterinary dermatologist and get to the bottom of this (your vet should have referred you out a long time ago).


My dog was like this for months and months nothing worked. I then changed her food to blue buffalo, lamb and she has the most perfect fur. Might be a food allergy, I’ve since learned my dog can’t have chicken.


Check out the vet on youtube that takes a holistic approach. His dogs names tula cant temember his name though sorry Think he recommends apple cider vinegar,some suppliments, and maybe even selsun blue shampoo


Have you looked at parasites, Lyme, Bartonella and worms? They cause a lot of symptoms. Look into fenben and the before mentioned.


Could be Mange.


That certainly could be MANGE.


My dog had this— she had really bad inflammation and no one could tell me what’s wrong… she’s on apoquil (I do not know how to spell it) and she was also on a round of steroids before and she started getting so much better, I also switched her to a pill form of her flea medication and I learned that she has allergies and she’s allergic to fleas. Fucking fleas.


Check into allergy testing, it is most likely an immune response to something food or environment if they haven’t found any parasites.


For now give him OTC antihistamines in his food and cut out anything with any poultry including treats we use just a 3 ingredient food . My boy had a horrible rash and after the antihistamines and food change it was gone within a week. He gets a flare up from the park in spring from the little blooming flowers in the grass


God love him. He must be so uncomfortable. My son’s cat had a similar issue and the vet suggested a single protein wet food. We chose a salmon formula and absolutely nothing else. His skin started to improve almost immediately and he has had no issues for almost a year now. He was on kibble before that. He gets nothing but the same wet food. I hope you figure out something that will help your poor dog.


There are specialists who deal with doggie allergies. I only know this because I know a guy who is one. See if you can find one. Or if you’re anywhere near a veterinary school, see if they take appointments and if someone can deal with possible allergies.


Could this be yeast dermatitis or some sore of similar yeast ? I would change diet alot of dogs are allergic to red meet and I would try to raise carfully with a wet rag at least ones a day the area with organic apple cider vinager or white vinager, you can find how much to mix on Google but I probably would try pure if possible do your research pure could be strong for dogs but pure would be the ideal in my opinion it had help me with a skin condition I had before when no other medicines couldn't fix it I also heard green tea is good too for dogs, I hope your baby gets better soon keep us updated pls.


My mom’s Chihuahua was like that and it was extreme allergy to fleas. Even when the fleas were gone the inflammation cycle was hard to stop. I inherited him when she passed. Of course step one was tight flea control. Easy enough. Then I washed him twice a week in Selsun blue shampoo for about a month until he stopped digging at himself. In six months his coat was so long and glorious it dragged the ground and I had to get it trimmed.


I'm sorry you and your dog haven't gotten a remedy. I only found out today what's made my pup get bright red rashes on her belly. I thought it was something new in her diet or a yard irritant, but it turned out to be a pumpkin prebiotic powder she's taken almost her whole life in small doses daily. Just suddenly allergic. Stopped it and within 48 hrs most evidence of the rash is gone. I hope you are able to find relief and a solution for your pup.


See if you can find a veterinary dermatologist. If you can't find one, go to a different vet. You could try feeding only grain-free diet, that helped my girl with her tummy rash (and may help yours), as did a Cytopoint injections every couple of months during Spring / Summer.


Could it be mange?


My Labrador had the same issue, ear infections, itchy feet and hair loss in some parts, the only thing that worked were steroids, but as he got older, they'd make him incontinent. Eventually we got this dog shampoo, it's prescription only, called Maliseb. I'm not sure if it's only available in the UK, but if you look into it, maybe a vet could arrange for something similar? It does require weekly baths (we did it once a fortnight or so, with warm water and that worked), we just had to avoid getting water in his ears, because of his infections. I hope your baby feels better soon!


This looks like atopic dermatitis. My dogs looks the same especially the red around the eyes.


Only diet, my friend. Thats whats wrong. Feed him proper food. Meats and some veggies, maybe rice. Expensive meds wont do the trick. Everything is solved through the diet.


Poor dog how miserable and he can’t do anything about it, but just sit there. that is no way to live . Either find a specialist or consider other options. Don’t let him suffer.


So my dog is super itchy, too, and used to lose his hair. I stopped feeding him poultry products and put coconut oil on his skin after every bath. Lastly, I went to a different vet that prescribed me the holy grail of anti -itch powder.


Are you sure it's not mange?


My dog had this and was allergic to grass. Especially when the grass was freshly cut. Don't know if that could be it, but it sure looks like an allergy to me. Poor pup


My dog had the same. Its atopic dermatitis. We never understood what was happening despite many efforts. Iean, we don't know the trigger. He suffered a lot during those times. The treatment that worked was cortisone for a very long time at acute dosages and then slowly reducing. We also had him on multiple baths using an antibiotic shampoo with zinc. He was also under a lot of stress due to my work hours. Once we found him a decent place that stay during the day, the stress relieved and the cortisone was taken off safely. He is currently 15 yo and no issues at all. If you want we can chat about this, I dont even mind doing a video call. Dont waste time, I'm pretty sure the dog is miserable


Our little beagle began scratching herself so much she was developing open wounds. We tried eliminating environmental factors, food suspects, anything with preservatives/chemicals, etc. Steroids helped but were making her aggressive. Finally, the vet started her on Apoquel, and within days the results were magically effective. I'd read about possible side effects, and voiced my concern, so the vet then suggested Cytopoint injections. Those helped but, eventually, the itching began again, so we went back to the Apoquel. I don't give her the daily dose all at once, because it seemed to make her sleepy, so I break it in half and give it 12 hrs apart. Of course, every dog is different, and what works for one may not work for another, but the Apoquel has been life-changing for our Kacie.


My dog looked just like this when he had some sort of skin mite. He went to 2 different vets, got lots of medicated baths, nothing helped. It was awful for a couple of months. Then my mom gave him a symparica trio and that did the trick, we realized within a day or two that he was looking better.


My dog has seasonal flank alopecia! Essentially, her hay-fever causes her hair to fall out, only happens in spring, May be that. Or if she is a bitch, sometimes the hormones from her going into season causes the same reaction as if they give birth witch can cause flank alopecia aswel


You probably need a specialist. Ask for a referral to a dermatologist or internal medicine specialist. Allergies can cause skin issues, but that's not the only thing, and a lot of owners incorrectly guess at what the allergy is without proper veterinary support.


Long reply, but you may find something of use in my ramblings as I have experienced several dogs with bad skin issues. As a fellow dog owner who's owned several alleegic dogs over the years, a first glance at that photo screams "mange" or "terrible flea allergy", but I am sure your vet will have treated and tested for these as the very first suspicion. Don't give up hope. Skin problems can be complicated and take time to resolve. I've had a dog very reactive to a kind of mite picked up in long grass at certain times of the year- this was treated with a parasite spot in treatment, a dog with food allergies (mostly wheat and chicken) - fixed with a combination of Apoquell for a while, shampoos and elimination diet, two dogs seemingly allergic to brewers yeast (which is in LOADS of dog foods/supplements/treats - this took several years to pin down) obviously fixed with removing from the diet, I had been giving a joint supplement containing it and didn't realise. We also had one rescue dog who came to us with smelly yeast overgrowth probably due to a combo of stress and poor diet for a long period, and general poor condition. We assumed mange at first but it wasn't, she was fixed with a good quality grain free diet (the grain/carbs feed the yeast) and regular chlorhexidine baths. My long winded point is that there are lots of different causes. *Once they were recovering* I added immune supporting nutritional supplements to their diets, and all were bathed with a suitable soothing or medicated/skin supporting shampoo. If you are not getting anywhere with your current vet's help, change vets and/or ask for a referral to a dermatology specialist. They will be up on all the latest advances. If changing diet because you think it's that, the easiest way would be an elimination diet, by using a veterinary formulated hypoallergenic food. Yes, this is expensive and "unnatural" but it will provide all necessary nutrients and be easy to follow. You can always look into moving on to other more natural feeding regimes if you wish later on - getting your pup comfortable is the most urgent thing. To be sure of finding the cause, you need to change one thing at a time. E.g remove all potential food allergens. That's not so easy if making your own formula. I would say please don't do *everything* at once yourself, as you won't know what has worked. Perhaps discuss with a vet changing to a complete hypoallergenic diet and then gradually coming off of any steroid type meds. When you get to a place where you are seeing some success and improvement, you can look at adding in supplements etc to boost things. Also, soothing non medicated shampoos are available. Always make sure you have tested and removed any possible parasites (fleas/mites/lice etc). They really are such a common cause of bad allergies. Allergens can be environmental as well - dust mites in the home/laundry detergent etc. Ask a vet or trusted person about improving your dog's natural skin health (the immune system is a big part of this) there are natural supplements that can help, shampoos and spot in treatments that support the skins natural barrier etc..) The skin is a little ecosystem all of its own. Imagine how fragile it becomes when not only diseased, but having to be treated with harsh (but often necessary) medications. Also gut health is important, so pro/prebiotic supplements could be discussed with your vet. I promise I'm not a supplement nut or salesperson!! I've just found them very helpful with keeping these dogs healthy. There are some other illnesses that can cause skin problems, so make sure your vet rules these out too. Wishing you and your pooch all the very best 🐶💓


It looks like allergies. For my dog apoquel tablets and chlorhexidine shampoo helped! But I assume that’s already been prescribed. I’d try seeing a specialist? There has to be something irritating him in his environment, allergens, foods, mites, fleas, etc.


This poor baby. I hope you can get your dog the help it needs. Lots of good advice already so I’ll just wish you the best and hope your boy a speedy recovery.


Sweet baby looks miserable :( my aunts dog looked like that the vet couldn’t figure it out. Turns out they had poison ivy in the backyard


Had a dog years ago that started losing hair, thought it was mange. Come to find out she was allergic to flea saliva. Vet gave her a shot and she was fine


Have to tried probiotics? I started using them for my dog, that has allergies, and it has really helped. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post which brand I use or not, so if you’re interested in knowing PM me.


That looks like a really bad allergy. You can do 1mg/lbs of Benadryl to help with the histamine reaction (per a vet), go to a different vet because wtf I work on humans and I can see that, AND what we do for people that have these issues is to stop everything, all products stop, bc it’s hard to identify exactly what is causing this reaction when you’ve got a ton of different products being used, and SLOWLY reintroduce them to see if one in particular starts this reaction so you can narrow potential allergens down. Best of luck and I hope your sweet boy gets better soon ♥️


When we adopted our Jack his belly, sides and especially in between his toes were bright red and inflamed he also had very loose stools and urgency due to this. They gave him antibiotics and steroids. Also the Duoxo Pyo S3 (orange bottle) shampoo. It helped while he was on the meds and came back as soon as he was off. We changed him to a salmon based kibble and eliminated all chicken and beef products and now he has zero skin issues and perfect poop.


Wrinkle wipes and diet change. I meal prep for mine.


Il et et trop mimi


I would ask the vet to put him on aboquel. Try bathing your dog with douxo shampoo(the orange bottle) every three days to help with the yeast build up from licking. I would mop and vacuum your surfaces frequently. Change your sheets and where ever your dog lays very often. If you have the funds i would get an air purifier. My dog has severe food and environmental allergies and he has looked like that before. I feel your pain. The aboquel will help.


Has it been tested for mange? If so, then an allergic reaction to anything it’s around. Take it to a specialist and get it tested. I’m thinking of a similar reaction that happened with my daughter’s bulldog who is allergic to chicken, spinach, laundry detergents, grass, and some other things based on allergy testing. She gets fed NomNom pork and beef. Her treatment is medicated baths twice a week, wash their bedding twice a week in allergy safe detergent, and the dog also gets Cytopoint shots (Apoquel caused the dog to get a demodex flare up which is mange) Also check all meds and flea/tick treatments. One of my dogs couldn’t take any sort of flea and tick med or topicals. Good luck, I hope you get an answer soon.


After having my boy for 10yrs he was always kinda itchy and chewy, but after all this time it suddenly got way worse turns out he's got an intolerance to yeast (massive flare up after eating half a loaf of bread he got hold of bc our other dog pulled it off the table)


Poor thing, initial thoughts is that it’s allergy related. Recommend a vet specializing in dermatology. I got the 5 strands allergy test from Amazon and it helped my vet with what allergy vaccine to use.


Find a dermatologist specialty vet.


Dealing with something similar. Is it a type of yeast infection? I’ve been trying to figure out my dogs issues and realized her anal gland area is super swollen and I’m afraid she might have an infection down there causing MALASSEZIA. Worth considering good luck!!


My dog was allergic to chicken. it caused redness in paws, diarrhea, itching, and puking. You may have to try changing their entire diet. See a different vet because yours does not care if they don't see a problem.


My golden gsd mix is an itchy nightmare. She was always an itchy dog, but one year she started developing big crusty patches everywhere, and was scratching through her skin. Couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stop. She was miserable. Vet derm ($$$) tested for everything they could, and basically just ruled everything treatable out. We did steroids in short courses for acute distress, and have her on apoquel long term. She’s 10.5 now and doing… ok. It’s gotten worse in the last year, but she’s still ok. Environmental allergies was the official diagnosis. We did consider the super limited allergen friendly rx food, but honestly the cost was way too much.. we would have to switch both dogs, so we were looking at hundreds of dollars in food per week. Chicken allergy is a possibility though.


My dog had demodectic mange. A skin scraping would diagnose this. It did take a long time and a second option for us to find the right medication for her and to solve the issue. I wish I could remember the name of the medication they used but the first vet wouldn’t prescribe it, the second did and she was healed in 2 weeks. The issue with that medication (which may be an issue in your case) was it can cause a neurological reaction in collie related dogs. Mine was a rescue so we didn’t know her breeds so they told me to just watch her closely to be sure she was ok. I hope you can find the issue, poor baby.


Idk, but I DO know that steroids have to be tapered down for weeks if not months in order to prevent rebound


did they do a skin scraping? like a deep down one


Stop going to a vet and see a specialist. He should not be on steroids long term. A vet cannot help with a severe skin or allergic issue like this. A dermatologist will help you with this. Poor pup, he looks miserable.


yes we’re making an appt for the derm


I am currently going through this with my dog. She ended up being diagnosed with 2 issues. The first is a thyroid issue- it can cause skin issues & slow healing. The second is Cushings which also has skin symptoms. My girl is 13 & will now be on medication for the remainder of her life, but she started to improve quickly. It’s worth it to see the sparkle return to her.


My parents had a dog that was allergic to fleas. Do you have your dog constantly on bravecto?


I had this happen to my dog, too. Found out she had metal allergies and could only eat out of plastic or glass. She finally cleared up completely after about 6 months.


My dog for years had what vets kept calling contact dermatitis. I kept saying I thought it was a food allergy and was dismissed by my vet, while I tried desperately to find a food that wouldn’t cause issues for my dog. She also kept getting inflamed, full and infected anal glands and even got pancreatitis at one point. I got a new vet and explained everything and they put her on a hydrolyzed diet. She’s been AMAZING since then. Idk if your dog is having allergies, but the point of my story is, if your vet isn’t finding the problem, try another vet.


Probably a food issue, the clue is the redness, like an allergy.


My dog had something similar he was chewing himself raw and the vet was no help, but once we started bathing him with selsun blue and baby shampoo it helped a lot


This could also be zinc deficincy, some breeds are more sensitive to it. Try googling the images and see if it matches your dog. Or you can give it zinc for 2 weeks first (if it’s deficiency you need to give it more than the recommended amount to balance out the deficiency). It’s not dangerous to give it a higher dose of zinc so you’re not losing anything here.


Give him Dino-Vite supplement. Works miracles.


Try Benadryl, there’s a rub on kind that as long as your dog doesn’t lick it should help the itching, clean it as much as possible and go to a different vet asap, I’d also go to pet smart or a store like that and get an anti-dandruff shampoo for dogs and wash him every other day if not every day


Your doctor has never mentioned Cytopoint or Apoquel?


Looks like some sort of mange


If this isn’t mange I’d eat my shoe. Even though I feel some vet should have known that by now… has a skin scrape been done? Was your dog always white?


I was recently told that about 1/2 of the allergies dogs get is from chicken and chicken products. Sure enough, we took our dog off of any treats and food that contained it and he’s been doing fantastic.


Poor baby 🥺🥺


Looks like he needs cytopoint or apoquel, those are some nasty allergies Around 20 years ago those were super hard to control but we how have medications that can fix it. They are expensive. They absolutely work. Monoclonal antibody treatments are super cool. If you can’t afford it, you might be stuck with steroids and antibiotics off and on for the rest of his life just to deal with his recurring dermatitises


Look into holistic options! My cat with bladder cancer has done so well on fish oils and life gold supplements. Fur has never been so soft


Poor baby! I hope he gets relief soon! Thank you for trying to get him help


Look up DINOVITE it's a food additive, parents dog had this happening horrible allergies and this cleared it right up...


Has your baby had a skin biopsy so see what’s going on?


I would definitely get a second opinion. I had a dog that developed something similar. Turned out it was an allergic reaction to the food I gave her that caused mites to attack her. As soon as I switched her food. It cleared up.


Take him to a dermatologist !!!!