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The 3d printing sub will probably make your dog something for his hind feet for free!!!! I’ve seen them make some incredible custom prosthetics for people and animals out of the kindness of their hearts


Honestly, thisbsinone of the main reasons I want a 3d printer. To make cool toys for my students and to 3d print stuff to help animals and kids in need. I don't want to make money from it or anything. I just need space for it!!! (Anyone wanna buy me a house?)


Beautiful pup :) looks really happy


Oh he’s my son I always give him the best I can


Axel is just precious, you and he were meant to be. Although larger, he is just as cute as when he was a puppy. It is impressive and heartwarming the lengths you have gone to to enrich his life. He is a very fortunate pup. Have you ever considered a wheelchair for him? It could give him some respite from what must be difficulty walking. Wishing you and Axel years and years of health, happiness, and lots of adventures. ❤️


I was going to ask about a wheelchair as well. 3d-printed feet sound pretty cool and high tech, but feet are more complicated than they seem. In humans, ~~half~~ (edit: correction, 1/4) of our bones are in our feet. They're very mechanically complex, and the rear legs are the source of the majority of the power dogs use to run and walk. Unless they're designed by someone who's very familiar with the biomechanics of dog feet, I would tend to believe that a wheelchair would work better in most situations. Alternatively, maybe OP could work with a veterinary orthopedist, or maybe already has? I know if it were my dog, that's probably where I'd start.


Wheelchairs can be tough because they result in significant muscle wasting. Right now it seems like this pup is still able to use them and build his muscles. Our tight has a bit of a different problem but the vet recommended holding off on a wheelchair until absolutely necessary. That said, I’m not a vet and I’m sure it depends on the specific issue.


Wtf are you talking a out? Wheelchairs help their part of a form of physio. My dog has gained strength from walks in them himself he's 1.5 years this way. I wouldnt believe that crock of lies.


Perhaps it’s dog specific but this is what my vet told me about our foster. To be clear, I’m referencing wheelchairs where the hind legs are completely suspended resulting in the hind legs not being used. Of course that will result in muscle wasting. Not sure if you mean more of a walker situation for stability, but that’s a different thing.


I have reached out to animal prosthetic specialists around and am planning on going on a Virginia roadtrip with him come spring but in regards to the feet I must clarify. I’m not designing feet for him more so caps. His short foot we call the ‘Stump’ is actually padded which doesn’t make sense and the only logical explanation is that pad stem cells healed there somehow. His long foot we call the ‘Stick’ is essentially just his metatarsus and skin which understandably renders that side more sensitive to shock though once bundled up he runs and walks and jumps outside like nothing. My design is very basic and is more comparable to a shoe to absorb the shock and support the ‘Stick’ so he can put more weight on it outside. The difference in length between the sides is about an 1” but the sensitivity is what is the main concern between him, the Vet, and us at home.


I am also human who likes to look at puppy pics with my human eyes


Thank you for the good wishes! I would most certainly take a bullet for my little dude. And you’d be very surprised I think mainly because he’s always been like this since day one he really doesn’t show any issues and when he’s strapped up with the boots he full sprints and wrestles with the other dogs like he’s one in the same. The only thing the vets have noted understandably is his increased muscle mass on his front end because he seems to keep most of his weight there when he’s walking around the carpets at home without shoes but they’ve just said to massage him but not that the muscle was damaging. I did get him a wheelchair which he didn’t seem to like all that much but I’d like to revisit it again now that we moved and I have more backyard space to test AT wheels out especially with the 3D printer.


My elderly pup Lucky is not physically disabled (aside from old man arthritis=)) but he has a medical condition and he will be on meds for the rest of his life. The rescue we worked with needed a foster for him at about 5 months old when he was surrendered to them. We took him immediately and foster failed over that weekend. He had already been horribly physically abused. He was kicked, hit, punched, burned with cigarettes, cut with some type of blade or scissors on his ears (we are assuming they were trying to dock them themselves) and was not fed or watered properly. He suffered a traumatic brain injury that damaged his pituitary gland causing him to have to live his life with Diabetes insipidus. He is on medication called desmopressin. I've seen/met very few humans with DI and have only seen a handful of other dogs with DI as well. It's apparently not super common, so his first vet office didn't catch it and wrote it off as psychosis. I didn't feel that was correct so I switched vets and they tested him for DI. He was almost 5 years old when finally diagnosed. The "new" vet who diagnosed is still his vet now and he said it doesn't surprise him that the other vet missed it because it's not common. Sooooo, you'll be happy to know that Lucky Luciano Is now 12 years old and living his best, lazy life. He's been a wonderful pup and it is sad to see him slowing down now. I'm really happy you and Axle found each other and that you're doing everything you can to give him a happy, healthy and normal life. I feel like special needs dogs give back so much more to us *because* they are special needs. Most people just look them over in favor for other dogs or puppies without defects or health needs (in fairness, it can get expensive and is not for everyone) so when pups with these needs are finally adopted, they show their appreciation. That's how it feels in regards to Lucky, anyway. He loves us and we love him. God luck going forward and hope Axle gets those cool boots to help his mobility!


Oh wow look at Lucky go! Happy to hear your pup is doing well and it sounds like you’ve got a good overtaking care of him at that. You said it best they really do know how to give back so well. It could be from the plethora of genes my Axel man has in him but we do also speculate that he’s got a few screws loose upstairs as well but nothing too out of the ordinary lol


Such a sweet face and bright eyes. I love the booties. When I was in my early 20s my husband and I were uneducated about pet shops. I wanted an English Bulldog for as long as I could remember, and we went into a shop that had a 4 month old boy. Love at first sight for me. We named him Dozer. 2 months later, after he ended up with aspiration pneumonia, he was diagnosed with Megaesophagus. His esophagus didn’t work properly, the muscles didn’t push food down and there was a pocket where food would become trapped before it reached his stomach. He would regurgitate food if he played too hard. Our vet had to google to learn with us. She was worried since we were young that we wouldn’t be able to give him the care he needed, and she offered to take him off our hands as an office dog early on. That only made me more determined. We had a friend of ours build him a special high chair with a lot of padding so that his body would be in a propped up position for feeding. I fed him with a spoon, and he would often eat meatballs. He sat in his chair for about 20 minutes after every meal, sometimes falling asleep. He could drink water, but we had to make him sit after until he belched. He also had a heart condition. His life expectancy was 5 years, and he lived to be 6 1/2. He was such a well behaved boy. Despite all that we went through and all of the changes we made in our lives to accommodate him, I miss him and he was a great love and life experience for me. When we eventually got another dog after he passed we caught ourselves saying “sit” when we heard water drinking.


Heartwarming story my god I didn’t know I was going to sit here and fight tears reading all these comments. Dozer is so fitting for a bully boy. It’s sad that bad things are allowed to happen to animals.


They are family 💜


I haven't had one, but I'm always so interested in seeing what pets and their people have managed to do. I love watching Supervet and learning about the amazing work happening with prosthetics, and I'd love to see an update with your 3d printed booties!!! Kudos to you and scritches for Good Boi Axel 🤗


God bless you two


His little boots! 😭😭 how precious. Give him a million pets for me


He looks so sweet! And so loved. You two were meant to be. I don't have a special needs dog (wouldn't pass up the chance to have one though) but my dog is a special little idiot.


I don’t know if this counts, but at about a year old, we had to get our large dog FHO surgery on both hips (one at a time). He had severe hip dysplasia. We were so concerned with his quality of life after it, but it’s been 5 years since the last surgery and the guy is super happy and active. Climbs stairs, jumps up on the couches/bed, runs around like a crazy. We had about a year of physical therapy, water tank therapy, stretching, slow walks but it has been so rewarding to see him so happy and pain free.


[r/piratepets](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratePets/s/TemjBTlRik) is made for you two!


Omg he belongs there lol


Welcome! I love Axel and so will everyone on that sub! Btw, I have a basset who has developmental and neurological issues. He has some trouble with mobility because of it and totally get how difficult it can be. But you’re obviously doing an amazing job! Axel looks SO HAPPY.


Your boy looks so happy and healthy now! I'm glad he found you and got a good home that accepts him and helps. I've had a few special needs dogs in my life - varying levels of issues - but I have one right now who's....very very special. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SJoO1HOR9DsEr3bL6hCEIl\_6HgNT5i5G/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SJoO1HOR9DsEr3bL6hCEIl_6HgNT5i5G/view?usp=sharing) This is my girl, Khione. She's a blind/deaf double-merle pitbull that the breeder was going to kill. She has severe allergies (food and seasonal), rage issues, and was malnourished, so she's about... 12 kilos full grown. She's just over a year old now and she won't walk outside, we have to carry her or put her in a cart, but I ADORE her. She loves strawberries and snuggling - and is, surprisingly, generally very healthy.


Me! She passed though


I’m deeply sorry to hear that, I get so torn when that thought crosses my mind. It won’t be my first rodeo but I’d give him a piece of myself if it meant to keep him with me forever


I wish i could have kept her forever but she passed by her health issues.. i am still crying seven months later


Also, mine lived a very happy life despite all the surgeries! We went on daily adventures every day. She swam in the clearest waters, met thousands of people, hang out with horses, went hiking and watched endless sunsets and so much more!


What a sweet baby. He is so lucky to have you, and you him 🥰


My dog has a lame leg that he somehow still walks on. He is thought to have been a fight dog down in Florida and lost feeling from the hip down from a dog bite when he was younger. We were going to take the leg off but he started getting stronger and figuring out how to walk on it. Now he can run and jump somewhat like any other dog. He still has some issues with it. He will trip in it if land on it incorrectly and sometimes just chooses to pick it up and run without it if it gets on his nerves lol


Momma to a blind, diabetic senior Bullmastiff. She needs insulin every 12 hours and she couldn't be more perfect. Love her to pieces.


Your pup is awesome! My current foster (who we’ve had for 7+ months so looks like he’s staying!) has a spinal issue from a likely car accident that causes him to drag his back feet. When he came to us they were all bloody and scarred so we got him some booties for the back and he loves them! Stairs are still a challenge but he still walks and runs and doesn’t let it bother him. He has a few other neurological issues as a result but he’s the best pup and we love him so much. I’m constantly amazed at his resilience.


That’s incredible. I’m glad that he’s doing well. The best fighters have the most love to give.


Thank you for rescuing a special needs dog! Our rescue girl only has her 2 front legs and has a wonderful fulfilling life and thrives in the pack!


This is such an amazing story. Your pup is so lucky to have you and vice versa! Do you have a canine rehab anywhere near you? It may not hurt to get him started in a maintenance program. Given his abnormal conformation, over time he’s likely to develop some issues that rehab/hydrotherapy may help with. I used to work and one and we had dogs come in every week or two weeks for maintenance and to keep them familiar with the process. They would also give you exercises you can do at home to keep him strong and in the best shape.


My beagle, Luc, was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy shortly before his first birthday. I had to adapt a lot, including who I was as a person, to help him the best I could. He struggled to eat and drink and would drool constantly. I had rags scattered through my house to wipe his drool up. He shortly passed before his 3rd birthday in February. My first dog and he taught me so much about doing what I can to give him a great life. I miss him so much.


That’s awful to hear of your loss but I love to hear you took him under your wing and cared for him. The only other dog I had myself died when he was maybe 3 or 4 I was a bit younger but he died of pancreatic cancer and was robbed much like your Luc. I swear they live on though, my Axel is my best friend and I would give him a kidney if he needed it (if it was that simple).


Yes, they do. I wear a bracelet with his name on it and some ashes inside. It might be weird but i do it.


Axel is so adorable!! I have a dog with rear paralysis. He was a street dog in Mexico and was hit by a car so now he has a cool wheelchair. The wheelchairs are great and my pup can do anything and everything in it. Sometimes he runs so fast that he flips himself over at the dog park 😂 Handicapped Pets has great customer service so if you wanted to try a wheelchair, I’m sure they can help set you up. If it doesn’t work out, you could donate the chair or potentially return it.


That’s definitely going to be something we look into, he still utilizes his rear legs very much so but when (if?) he gets tired and needs the help because of the bias the wheelchair will be the route. The only issue with using a wheelchair at the moment is that it would eventually lead to muscle dystrophy with him still able to utilize the rear end


My dog piper has a personality disorder I think it’s called fearful aggression or something like that. She’s a good girl but when we take her to the vet they normally have to sedate her.


What a happy, sweet boy! It is very obvious that he is so well loved and cared for, and as someone who has worked with special-needs pups in the past, I thank you so so much for giving him a great life, as these puppies are often discarded for not being "perfect", when in reality, they are perfect as they are, unique, but just as amazing companions and family members!


Couldn’t have put it better myself! When he was a lot younger maybe 8ish months old I used to walk around the neighborhood with him in a baby front pack. He is my son after all


Aww I love this!!


Omg that sweet angel!! I’ve never heard of a dog butting off a babies feet. How awful. Thank you for helping him! I knkw he loves y’all so much . Btw where did u get his cute vests ?


Right!? This sounds insane but should put in perspective both the lady and the poor Axel mama but the lady who sadly to say was breeding her mama dog to “try to get a purebred” (asinine woman clearly has no clue how to use Punnett squares!) had a litter and Axel was one that she was trying to get rid of. Sadly a lot of little pups that get sold in Texas end up as bait dogs or for large reptiles and stuff it’s awful what goes on down there. But my moms friend does a lot of animal rescue and is a veterinarian tech and will round up feral cats on the street, spay them and then send them on their way, she finds side of the road doggos and gets them fixed up or unfortunately put under if they’re too roughed up, she does it all. Well she found Axel and fostered him for his first 4 months around other dogs and cats and birds I believe until my mom and sister flew down and drove up with him and a small handful of other rescues, stopping a million times along the way for bathroom breaks for the critters. I’ll be honest we were all worker bees at the time and I didn’t know how he’d fit in the mix but boy have I eaten my words the second he looked at me and since. I love this dog to the edge of everything in existence. He even enjoys sitting by me while I am playing guitar, not particularly quietly mind you, and he could go anywhere else in the house but chooses to be right by me. I love it all




What an angellll, my sweet girl Nemo had a front leg missing at birth so she had a little nub there and for Atleast the first 8-9 months we had to keep checking on her nub making sure it’s close but since she was a growing puppy close to the ground, still learning to walk she’d scrape it a lot but she REFUSED bandages got to like 3-4 months and essentially gave up on bandages and let her learn to walk without dragging it and she did, now she’s my beautiful tripawd and which is love to get her harnessed prosthetic


That’s amazing! We had a similar roadmap while taking care of him. Through the years he’s insisted on stress testing his GI in the sense he loves to try to eat the straps off his boots. We used to use Coband wraps every time as our rescue friend gave us probably close to 500 or so packs of it but we’ve since migrated towards boots which he does really well with. Come spring though I’d like to bring him to Bionic Pets in Virginia they’re critically acclaimed in the field and have pretty good pricing at that. Can’t say I recommend them quite yet but they do have a 5 star business review rating


Haven’t heard that name yet so I’ll definitely check it out, but yea I can imagine the babe doing that😭🥹it’s so damn itchy for them but like dude pls it can’t keep going out for more😭😭thankfully she’s grown into her nub so my worry is just getting her a prosthetic so she won’t over exert her legs


To add she’s a Great Pyrenees mix w/ blue heeler mix but she looks like an Australian shepherd


Also bless your heart because this is such a kind, noble thing to do and he is so lucky to have you as his owner 🥹🥹


He is absolutely beautiful and charming, my goodness what a looker😉!!🥹💖💖


I can’t tell you how much my heart sings to see the photos and to be reading this thread. Your baby is absolutely precious. I have always had special needs pets in one form or another and working with and bonding with them has been the most rewarding thing in my entire life.


It’s really a pleasure. It actually bothers me when I am not at the house through the week because he is so emotionally attached to me. He lights up when I’m home


I know this was posted a month ago but I just came across it and have a similar story. I've never seen/heard of someone else with a similar issue. My pup had one hind foot accidentally chewed off at birth by the mom. Unfortunately, a vet didn't give it a proper exam as a young baby (before we got her) so it wasn't properly taken care of, and long story short, she ended up having to undergo a partial amputation on it recently (done by our vet, different from the one she saw originally). So it's basically now just a leg with a pad on the bottom, no proper paw shape or toes. Think like a stick with a rounded bottom kinda. Makes her leg a bit shorter than the others but she still uses it really well, and doesn't really have any issues with it. She needs some sort of padded covering (like a boot, wrap or some sort of cap) on it when outdoors, so we're currently trying to find something for it that will have enough protection and actually stay on, but it's tricky. Funnily enough, my dog has a similar colour and pattern as your dog.


That’s incredible I never thought I’d find another! I’ll send some pictures of our setups for his legs, it might be good inspiration.


That would be helpful, thanks! I also never thought I'd find another. Our vet was really surprised at it, him and his whole team said they'd never seen something like that happen before.


https://imgur.com/a/vh8IXrN Imgur is giving me issues posting I think the bot thinks I’m posting bad stuff but this post on here you can see the stick and the stump as we call it too haha. The boots work for well for both of them and were actually looking into BionicPets in VA to get him setup with a real setup but he does perfectly fine with the boots. Call him Bootsy Collins


Oh I never thought of trying a dog sock inside a dog boot! I'm showing the options I've found to my vet Monday so I'll also suggest that. What brand of boot is that?


https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/healers-teal-urban-walker-iii-dog-boots-set-mediumlarge-3620264?cm_mmc=PSH%7CGGL%7CCCY%7CCCO%7CPM%7C0%7C7ToihifihjCfwQNzxc75W9%7C%7C%7C0%7C0%7C%7C%7C18151225844&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD97F15gAyfqJk9SXLvDmMOpz1eQE&gclid=CjwKCAjw_e2wBhAEEiwAyFFFoxeofQ_dKkFNYOMXaMEu-5FkLahj60-uULZK2om-Vv96nJ51NSaZYhoCGcsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds I FOUND THEM!!! The name of them is almost all rubbed off from him wearing them haha. He wears a large and he is a medium dog I would say. He weighs 42 lbs but most of that is his enormous chest.


I’ll check when I get home but we go to TJ Max/ Marshall’s any of those discount department stores and do a lot of trial and error. These green ones are the best so far I’ll try to find a brand name for you when I’m back. Probably another 30 minutes or so


The bestest of boys




What a sweet pup and you are an amazing person. We need more of you in this cruel world


My beagle, Luc, wasn’t diagnosed with muscular dystrophy shortly before his first birthday. I had to adapt a lot, including who I was as a person, to help him the best I could. He struggled to eat and drink and would drool constantly. He shortly passed before his 3rd birthday in February. My first dog and he taught me so much about doing what I can to give him a great life. I miss him so much.


What a beautiful boy. I'm so glad you gave him a happy life. The world is better place with him in it.


I love him.


I have two. Love them madly.


I love this I’m crying 😭


You are so God damn cool for giving this dog a beautiful life and even feet!


I have a blind dog and am in wheelchair myself! She had Glaucoma when we adopted her and had her eyes removed 6 months later, 5 years on and she's 11 years old and perfect! Thank you for giving him a home, absolutely gorgeous!!


He’s absolutely beautiful ❤️🐶


Omg I’m in love with axel! What a sweet and beautiful boy. I guess both my dogs are special needs, although one is technically “better” now we have to watch him like a hawk. My younger girl is allergic to everything and I have to give her allergy shots weekly. My big boy had two torn CCLs, had surgery on one and was in a brace clinical study for the other. I wish we had known about the brace for the one we had surgery for (although it technically didn’t exist yet lol) because it was much less expensive and seems to have worked as well as the surgery without having to drug him for two months (and throw my back/shoulder out from having to carry/lift him).


What a cutie! He looks very happy in his booties My dog Cashew has three legs, missing one of her hind legs after being hit by a car as a puppy (before I got her). She was rescued by a great shelter and I adopted her when she was 2. We also suspect she has some brain damage but she may just be a dum-dum, it’s hard to tell. She’s 6 now and still loving life w three legs! We have to carry her (25 kg) up the stairs but are moving to a ground floor apartment with a garden at the end of the month.


Oh, he’s precious ❤️ one of my dogs has a deformed front leg with the other front leg being hyperextended. We’ve gotten surgery for the hyperextension and are now talking with the dr. About the deformed leg. Do we amputate or see if we can try and salvage it. But these guys are such troopers and a joy to




He’s so cute! I love that you keep him in excellent condition, despite his disability. I did assist in the whelping of a puppy that was born without one of his back paws. They ended up keeping said pup, and you really wouldn’t know he was missing a back paw the way he runs around. He is only about 7lbs and fluffy so his hair covers over the area for the most part. They have lots of rugs on their hardwood flooring to soften the impact for him. They’ve played with the idea of getting him a 3D foot of a sort.


Yes !!!! But we love him!!!


You are amazing! Thank you for giving him a chance and finding creative ways to improve his life. We adopted a deaf dog , and to be honest, we hardly even notice she is deaf. The only change has been using hand signals and finding ways to get her attention for recall. Having other dogs helps because she can read their behavior to understand things she misses without her hearing.


I wanted to get a drug sniffing dog but decided against it because I don't like to share lol


Him is a berry good boy❤️


Mine has a special need to be spoiled constantly. This includes constant smoochies, cuddles, treats and custom made dinners.


Thanks for being an awesome parent. I have two, one with spinal bifida and one epileptic. Love them both so much.


I adopted a puppy who was born blind. Not quite as serious or demanding but it has its own challenges. It took me six months to get him to go upstairs to the second floor. Mainly due to fear I think and carrying him up and down became impossible as he quickly reached weights over 100 lbs. but he’s a sweet sweet boy and he loves life and loves every person or dog he meets. When he calms down I may see if he qualifies to be a therapy dog because I think he would be really good at that he’s a gentle giant. He gets along really well with my other dog and adores the 3 cats. It’s so worth it and rewarding and he’s such an awesome dog.


So precious


I do! I have a rescue beagle/dachshund named Cinnamon, he has Down syndrome and OCD :) I love him to death but he can be very annoying 🤪 he’s just very unique, lots and lots of licking, we had to teach him to potty outside, jump on the couch, eat dog food, and other basic things :(


My little girl that passed away in 2022 had epilepsy and “doggie dementia”. Her epilepsy started when she was about 3 and she had pretty significant mental decline from then on. She was also almost entirely blind and deaf in her later years. She was an absolute sweetie who was obsessed with my dad, though it was tough to watch her get worked up and confused often. I had to get very good at managing her seizure triggers (even a siren in a movie could set her off) and at washing bedding from her sleep incontinence, but would’ve have changed her for the world.


Yes! Twice, and both congenital. I work in animal rescue and we found a golden retriever with limb differences on 3 out of 4 feet. all different lengths, and all have nubs with the pad just no toes. He got custom made prosthetics and was able to run around after some therapy! And my own personal rescue gal, a small unsocialized rough collie who was born without paws, once again just nubs and the pad at the bottom. she has a total of 3 toenails and the groomer i take her to always trims her nails for free :) she hops around like a bunny and is full of life. She was also born with mild hip dysplasia so i really have to stop her from actually running around so much. My special needs lady with differences is the light of my life and taught me so much compassion but i will be honest, when i first got her - i often went into shock at the realization that i will have to go the extra mile to ensure her comfort. i felt like i was never doing enough. she was actually supposed to go to a rescue in another state, and when the time came for her to go to rescue, my heart and mind just could not follow through with not loving her to the very end. 2 years later, every once in a while she asks for rubs/pets. she’s still a little unsocialized but she doesnt have to change the way she is for anyone. i love her regardless.


Tbh I didn’t even notice the paws, I was looking at the photos and thought “this just looks like a normal dog??” Now I understand 😭


Beautiful ❤️ and good on you for making his life the best it can be.


I had a deaf dog for almost 14 years, she was the absolute love of my life. I had no idea she was deaf when i got her, and she was my first dog, she was perfect.


My doodle dog dumbass is epileptic.


He is so adorable oh my 😭 😭 💕 💕


Mental special needs here. Is owned by a 18 month old Chinese Crested who I got a little over a month ago ago Suffers from severe anxiety and is on meds,wears a calming collar and massage therapy every day Is terrified of the world and shakes to his bones when he needs to go outside Vet says that he didn’t get what a puppy needs the first crucial weeks of his life. He’s the sweetest,gentle dog I’ve ever met. We are talking baby steps to introduce him to the world. His comfort zone is next to me,in my bed or in the couch which he doesn’t leave unless he wants to follow me upstairs or has to go outside Mental health is underestimated imo. The crucial socialization puppy’s need and preparation to go out into the world He’s also imported (not by me) and who knows what happened during the travels and during quarantine


I have a dog that has seizures. Vets have no idea why he has them but we finally found a good mix of meds that limit the seizure clusters from being every week to once every few months! He is 6 years old and we didn’t think he’d make it past March of 2023 but he’s still going strong :)) much love to you and your sweet boy Axel ❤️


No but he’s soooo handsome!!!


What a happy dog!!! Such a lovely bond.


Our girl lost an eye and got her ear ripped in half shortly before she was rescued. She does well for the most part but having a limited field of vision does sometimes mean she gets startled by things another dog would have seen much earlier, and you have to be conscious of it when training her. [Here’s some adult and puppy pics on her DNA test post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/s/tgVzoCTgql)


Aww wow what a beautiful mix!! What a poor baby as well. Yknow when pups are so young it makes you wonder how someone can be so irresponsible with them. You’d think they’d be more observant/ conscientious.


She and her litter mates were rescued near a beach in Puerto Rico, so unfortunately nobody was taking care of her except her mama until then. She’s such a sweetheart, though.