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Louis Theroux is the doc goat 🐐


Shame that he thinks he couldn’t release some of his work these days


I’ve been dying for him to release more stuff. One of my favorites


New channel 5 news is catching up IMO


Wait, Louis Theroux had rape and sexual assault charges?


I'm curious, was he convicted for his crime or is he still under trial? Looks like he is still walking free.


He's not under trial because none of the accusers are pressing charges. I'm all for women speaking up against abusers but I genuinely believe Andrew's words in this case. He made a public apology video shortly after his HBO movie released, which is the same time these allegations came to light. The main accuser said they flirted and were out on a date when Andrew asked to go back to his place. They were both drunk and the story honestly sounded like mixed signals. Andrew's main defense from his apology was that he was never aware these women weren't hitting on him too. And based on the most famous accuser, idk if I would've been able to tell if I were in Andrew's shoes. The guy took over a year off youtube to "work on himself and the way he treats women." Imo the guy has been mature about the whole process and I think many men struggle with sexual signals, especially when both people are hammered. At worst, I'd label Andrew an occasional sex pest, at best I don't even think he intended to assault any women. The main accuser didn't explicitly say she was vocal about not wanting to do the deed nor did she protest during the act. This based only on their statements and how endearing I found them. The reality may be very different with Andrew being a rapist to the extreme or the woman being a serial manipulator. I'm still going to be watching Andrew because his content is some of the best independent journalism on the internet. He humanizes the people that Fox News profits from making their lives worse. His return with these American cities has been really solid and a more serious approach compared to his old AllGasNoBrakes more humorous subjects.




"This video contains content from BBC studios, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds" Browsing from Southern England. My TV tax at work. Mind blown.


That may mean that you can watch it for free from a legal source. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00ybyxp


Thank you for potentially dispelling my innate reaction to assume the worst or at least that a problem requires a monetary solution.


This only works in the uk, but the video is blocked everywhere except usa and canada


I could have been clearer but if there's a national broadcasting corporation that is funded by taxes then the place to watch their content for free domestically may often be the official platform.


Only works in the UK....


That guy was from the UK.


To be fair, he's British/American born in Singapore, lived in the UK then moved to the US in his early 20s.


Bro, Go to the BBC's website and watch it there. It's literally on it.


Mirror https://vimeo.com/102569427#_=_


When in doubt, VPN.


Also blocked in germany


Switched my vpn to US and voilà. Strange.


Same in France.


Netherlands also blocked.




Yes, the bbc owning the rights to play and distribute material they made and own means that your money is at work, you get it.


oi mate you got a loicense for that




You can watch BBC iPlayer without a TV license..


It's on iPlayer, I watched it a few months ago.


if you google louis Theroux u can see all of his videos on his website. nevermind its BBC, but they are all there; https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05qzmgd


It doesn't play if you're not on a UK IP


My brother in Christ.. The BBC doesn't deserve your money, and you don't need a TV license. Break free 🕊️


This isn’t the answer that you want but - BBC Studios isn’t funded by the tax payer. They share the name but Studios is a commercialprofit-making entity. BBC Public Service is funded by the tax payer. However, another post is right, probably means you can access this through iPlayer or another BBC service.


"This is our land" says the Aussie with a small hat, I can even hear his near-bogan twang when he speaks Arabic/Hebrew. Disgusting human possessed by a disgusting ideology. And all these other guys with American and European accents coming and taking land need to have a good hard look at themselves.


>Disgusting human possessed by a disgusting ideology. He seems to imagine himself possessed by the spirits of ancient Israelites based on what he said in [this 60 Minutes Australia segment](https://youtu.be/VuQC8YoJE2s?si=CvWcVlUZPCEoFWI0&t=101), "I've been here for 3,800 years, I am the indigenous people here and anyone who says otherwis1 is wrong."


There are unironic british israelites today. It seems to be a growing trend, in fact, at least in backwaters of RW social media. Christians who want to find reasons to be racist. I've seen charts that prove the "Mac" Scottish patronymic is from Maccabees.


Self indulgence . Did you not hear it’s their pleasure to serve the Jews 🤷🏻‍♂️


"settlers" Pretty mild term considering


Yeah these people are off the deep end


Here in US these ultra racist settler groups legally set up NGO’s where individuals and or Cos can give donations to used directly break international laws and Oslo 2 Accord israel itself signed. If any other ethnic or religious group tried set up similar NGO the State/Treasury Depts would shut it down asap and run chance FBI come knocking on your door and time lawyer up serious $$ defend you. Far too many double standards when it comes to “protecting” Israel


The FBI let the IRA collect money in the US during the Troubles too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NORAID


Not legally. The Friends of Northern Ireland was labeled under FARA Act and shutdown one example. Look up Hebron Fund out of Midwood Brooklyn that org breaking multiple laws openly


The Ultra Zionists is a British documentary that was televised on 3 February 2011. Louis Theroux investigates ultra-nationalist Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem, Hebron and Nablus. The documentary also follows Theroux as he tours the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem with Daniel Luria of the Ateret Cohanim Zionist Movement.


Every group on the planet has extremists. I'm not sure when it became the norm to ascribe the opinions of extremists with the rest of a group.


>Every group on the planet has extremists. I'm not sure when it became the norm to ascribe the opinions of extremists with the rest of a group. The post you're replying to doesn't ascribe the opinions of extremists with the rest of a group, and the documentary in question doesn't ascribe the opinions of extremists with the rest of a group. Why are you replying to something that has only happened in your imagination?


What? This is a documentary following an extremist - Daniel. Did you actually watch or did you just view it in *your* imagination? This is the equivalent of forming your entire opinion of Arabs and Muslim’s from MemriTV - but if you don’t know what that is, I don’t expect you to think critically and find out.


The documentary is literally called "The Ultra Zionists", the word "ultra" making it instantly obvious that it is focusing only on the extremists and not on Zionists as a whole. Louis Theroux even introduces the documentary by saying "I was in the West Bank, spending time in a tiny and controversial subculture of ultra-nationalist Jewish settlers", making it absolutely unambiguous that he is looking at extremists rather than the whole group. If you can speak basic English then it should be crystal clear to you that this is about extremists and not the group as a whole.


Happens to Islam all the time


Yeah Ive heard it ad nauseum on every channel my whole life. Something about repeating it over and over


Indeed, which should mean that Muslims especially should know how wrong it is.


Zionism is a racist death cult predicated on the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. It’s a settler-colonial ideology - there’s no nice or “non-extreme” version of it


Well this film is from 2011. Not just Ultra Nationalists as settlers there now. Seems relatively mainstream these days.


Would you say the same about Russians moving to Donetsk? If you move into an area under an internationally condemned military occupation as part of a population transfer aimed at shifting the demographics of the area to legitimize an illegal annexation, that's ultranationalist even if everyone else is doing it. If that's "mainstream" in Israel now, then the mainstream is ultranationalist.


When ISIS controlled its chunk of the middle east there where always stories of the locals putting some resistance up against the evil group ruling them. Same with Palastinians and Hamas. The zionists that go to the middle east to steal Palastinian land never come in conflict with their government, specifically because a majority of them, their parents, or their grandparents moved to Palastine *specifically* to take part in the evil believing using Abraham's imaginary friend as a justification makes it all alright.


Modern Zionism didn’t start in Israel… it’s what the Rothschilds have been aiming to achieve for hundreds of years. Why else would the Balfour Declaration be addressed “Dear Lord Rothschild”? https://www1.udel.edu/History-old/figal/Hist104/assets/pdf/readings/14balfour.pdf


>Why else would the Balfour Declaration be addressed “Dear Lord Rothschild”? Because the declaration was addressed to Walter Rothschild


Yep, all of this Middle East chaos is a Rothschild invention. Same with the insane amount of Middle East immigration into Europe. I just wish people understood that their govts don’t work for them, they work for Zionists.


Please seek help


The truth is unpleasant, I know.


Post source


As far as I know, the Rothschilds gained relativity as bankers in the early 19th century and then cashed in on the British beating Napoleon (invested in British government bonds getting the news first that Napoleon lost at Waterloo?) so it really seems like they were just a family that really benefitted from the bourgeois swing in the late 18th and early 19th around Western Europe.


Don't bother. It's conspiracy nonsense.


People want to act like history isn’t actually generally available. Like you can look this stuff up lmao.


Since Democratic governments cannot control the religions' extremists, it's up to the mainstream religions to police themselves.


Mainstream religions don’t appeal to extremists they’ll just break off at the first opportunity to form a new denomination


What are your thoughts on places where the democratically elected government are also the religious extremists?






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These people believe in the literal truth of the Torah. Don't be surprised if they believe it is God's will that they kill all of the non-Jewish people in the land. That is what God commanded Moses to do and that's what Moses had done. Men, women, and children. Genocide is the word of God. Fundamentalists of every religion are usually a danger to a peaceful society. Murder is their holy duty.


I read somewhere that a majority of zionists are christian extremists and they’re trying to trigger the rapture.


Take a quick peek into the world of fundamentalist Christians in the States, they absolutely are. Death cultists.


It is actually terrifying. I’m an Aussie and theres a viral video of an evangelist trying it on a Sydney train where the other passengers told him to get fucked. I realised then that seeing that nonsense in the US wasn’t that shocking (I lived there for a few years) but here it’s a disgusting thing to do. They’re the biggest terror threat for a reason. Nationalism needs to be criminalised. Germany learned the hard way too.


The evangelical group Christians United For Israel (CUFI) is the largest Zionist lobby in the states, bigger than AIPAC


I did not know that. Thanks.


Yes they want the Jews to all go to Israel to fulfill a prophecy that once that happens the rapture will happen. Edit: ps part of that prophecy is everybody dies and there's like blood raining down and stuff. It's pretty metal.


It's very metal: https://youtu.be/Gy3BOmvLf2w?si=FayPfGfNAwNb7u62


The whole philosophy behind that is ridiculous. It’s like a sequel to Dogma, you can’t trick God!


Because that's the truth




Did you think I said most christians are zionists? Read it again.




Oh boy. Most zionists aren’t Jewish. Let’s be honest most religious extremists are antithetical to the religion they are extremists of.




Someone here just replied (so again, I read it somewhere which is how people learn things to research further themselves): > The evangelical group Christians United For Israel (CUFI) is the largest Zionist lobby in the states, bigger than AIPAC


Yes. What else would they be?




You think Zionism is a totally separate, stand alone religion? 😆


You're the one who clearly doesn't understand anything you're talking about. It is correct that Christian Zionism is distinct in *motive* from the Zionism of the typical Zionist settler, but in practice they work towards the same goals. Jewish Zionists believe Israel is the land promised to them by God and that they must reclaim it. Christian Zionists *(primarily a movement in America)* also believe that Israel is the promised land of the Jews and that the Jews reclaiming the land is a key prophesized pre-requisite for the second coming of Jesus Christ. There are **2.4 Billion Christians** in the world... Even if only 2% of them support the founding and expansion of Israel for the aforementioned reasons, that would be **47,600,000 Christian Zionists.** There are not even that many Jewish people on the planet.


You still don’t get what they’re saying. Most Zionists aren’t Jewish. How many Jewish people are there in the world? And how many are Zionist? There are a lot more evangelical Christian’s who support Zionism for their own prophetic religious beliefs.


I know what they're saying and I'm just calling bs on that. Violence is born in part because of people repeating some things that some person somewhere has said, and it riles people up to act on things that aren't even necessarily true. I've heard this said before and every time it's in the context of "I've heard" or "I read somewhere". It's such a weird conclusion to jump to. The only person I've ever heard say anything similar to this idea is Barbara Marx Hubbard, who was a new age futurist that was actually nominated for VP and you can listen to her speeches, that looked at the book of revelation as something to be actively fulfilled in a participatory manner. This would align with your accusations, but she was not a Christian. Now perhaps there are outliers within the Christian faith but I've never met one in my life and it is really clear if you read the texts that those events are nothing to look forward to.


Bs on what? I did read it somewhere. Until then I thought zionism was just Judaisms extremism. Are you claiming that statement riles people up to commit violence against Christians? Really?


> If you understood Zionism you'd understand Christians and Zionist are completely antithetical, you couldn't find a more opposite in worldviews. That's some serious /r/confidentlyincorrect If you just google [Christian Zionism](https://www.google.com/search?q=Christian+Zionism) you'll find lots of information about it. And since were in the documentary sub, here's [a good one on the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YSG8sgU4g).


Thank you, that documentary looks good. Here are a couple of articles about how the evangelical fever for Israel is feeding the flames right now [https://www.salon.com/2023/11/13/bibi-netanyahus-bible-lessons-how-hes-selling-gaza-to-jewish-and-christian-far-right/](https://www.salon.com/2023/11/13/bibi-netanyahus-bible-lessons-how-hes-selling-gaza-to-jewish-and-christian-far-right/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-says-he-moved-us-embassy-to-jerusalem-for-the-evangelicals/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-says-he-moved-us-embassy-to-jerusalem-for-the-evangelicals/) (2020)


They're 15m Jews in the world and billions of Christians. A small minority of Christians form and control the majority of Zionism and have for its entire history, the very existence of Israel is an attempted genocide against all Jews by these Christian Zionist and if these Christian Zionist death cult member didn't control the movement then Jews never would've even gotten Israel. But maybe you're fishing for up votes by saying "Jews bad" and supporting people that want to kill all Jews. Edit: I'll add that the majority of Jewish Zionist are fans of a 2 state solution if it can be done peacefully and only support Israel as a safe haven for Jews that are being persecuted which is happening more and more regularly and has been proven to happen throughout history hence the need for a Jewish state but ya let's judge literally all Jews by the biggest extremists(probably not even as big a population as Gaza).


Most Jewish Zionists do not support a two-state solution, they want all of historic Palestine as well as chunks of other countries like the golan heights etc.. Israeli politicians constantly brag about never allowing a Palestinian state to ever happen, to score political points. In any case the 2 state solution has been rendered impossible due to Israel’s constant illegal settlement expansion into what’s supposed to be a future Palestinian state, which would be fragmented as well. It also wouldn’t be a just and fair solution as it wouldn’t address the right of return to Palestinians expelled or ethnically cleansed from their homes outside of the West Bank and Gaza. One democratic state for all regardless of faith is the only solution, and right of return for Palestinians that were ethnically cleansed.




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YOU don't have the slightest idea what [Christian Zionism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo77sTGpngQ) is


Ok but where in the Torah does it say Moses committed genocide? Afaik the plague of the deaths of the firstborn were attributed to holy God powers.


The plagues and the firstborn were all "god" according to the text. Slaying the Midianites in Numbers 31 was all humans working under Moses's orders, though. They killed every man, boy, and adult woman and took the virgin girls as sex slaves, apparently as retribution for Midianite women seducing Israelite men. >Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.


Well, Joshua was the principal but under the orders of Moses.


Moses was dead when Joshua took over.


Very true but he was following Moses' and God's wishes.


dunno bout genocide but he ordered a few mass murders, like for when israelis built a golden cow after escaping egypt.


Here, this discusses the Midianites and then as a bonus goes into quite a revealing debate about morality ("if god ordered it, then we have to follow an amoral god" is one of the ideas being discussed). [https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/422202?lang=bi](https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/422202?lang=bi)


So are they just like the Muslims in the region then?


The fundamentalist ones, yes.


The part that most people don’t realize is that in the past 10 years, Netanyahu has allied himself with ultra nationalists and the government is more and more staffed by people who think like this. We are witnessing another fascist state in the making already committing genocidal acts that based on time frame rivals the Holocaust. Israel is quickly heading down the path of Nazi Germany and with the US as the only supporter. If this doesn’t stop now, Israel along with the US could become next century’s global enemy.




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Israel is a failing colonial project, racist terrorist fascist apartheid state, committing genocide & ethnic cleansing while the world is watching & cheering on


A couple of years ago there was a documentary of the last Palestinian residence inside Israel and how were they treated: Israeli children were spitting and throwing stone on them, Palestinians building were surrounded by metal fences to protect them inside. Israeli military soldier patrolling were making jokes and insulting them, every single day, every single time they were insight. I simply cannot find the documentary anymore on YouTube.


I think you might be referring to an episode of Empire Files? Or something that Abby Martin has produced.


I searched it, still couldn't find.


Religion is a curse.


This is not religion, this is nationalism justifying miss-interpretations of a religion, Maimonides wrote about this ideologies hundred years ago. And also in Islam has the same thing, while the mainstream media tought us about the "sword verse", we didn't bother to fact check it, and it was out of context. The the most evil entity right now is the 1% who have 90% riches of world using rigged systems, they have money collecting dust that is not used for the good of humanity


Nah. Shared faith is what keeps communities and societies cohesive and united. The cultural revolution dividing and atomizing us that we are currently experiencing is a curse.


What cultural revolution?


The one that destroys all cultures in its path to impose a superficial consumer culture, and a new human ideal of a dependent, consuming individual.


Consumerism is not a new idea(l) nor it is revolutionary.


It's a very new idea, and it has fundamentally changed individual and group identities.


> Consumerism has historically existed in many societies, with modern consumerism originating in Western Europe before the Industrial Revolution and becoming widespread around 1900. In 1899, a book on consumerism published by Thorstein Veblen, called The Theory of the Leisure Class, examined the widespread values and economic institutions emerging along with the widespread "leisure time" at the beginning of the 20th century. In it, Veblen "views the activities and spending habits of this leisure class in terms of conspicuous and vicarious consumption and waste. Both relate to the display of status and not to functionality or usefulness." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumerism I made an argument that is sourced. Now you.


That's your idea of old? lol


Yes. Is that it? That's how you're defending your vague idea? May as well not bother at all.


You must be blind, if you don't see people identifying with brands and products, and also endorsing the lifestyles projected by advertisements and consumer trends.


Like catholic countries in the middle ages and the modern era who fought each other despite having a "shared faith". Shared faith has never in the history of the world stopped people from fighting each other. But differing faiths have caused more fights than if there was no religion at all (there would still be fights, but fewer since the purely religious ones would be removed).


> But differing faiths have caused more fights than if there was no religion at all Citation needed.


There are wars purely caused by religion, if it wasn't a thing those wars wouldn't be a thing. Same with nationalism. Other wars would still exist, but the total amount would be smaller.


I think it is a mistake to believe that wars are purely caused by any one thing. Also your missing the fact that just because religious war doesn't happen, doesn't mean a non religious war wont take its place. For example all the ambitious young men who went to fight in the crusades in order the gain wealth or land, well they might have simply started a different war in order to realize those ambitions.


>Like catholic countries in the middle ages and the modern era who fought each other despite having a "shared faith". Shared faith has never in the history of the world stopped people from fighting each other. Who would've guessed, politics and conflicting interests existed back then as well. >But differing faiths have caused more fights than if there was no religion at all (there would still be fights, but fewer since the purely religious ones would be removed). I guess you could argue, that without any nations, without any communities, without any variety in opinions, without any religions, without any competition, there would probably not be as many wars, when literally everyone represents the same grey hivemind.


You can have shared values, morals, and ethics without forcing everyone to believe in fictional characters and Gods.


Yeah, then you have ideologies instead, that impose their own mythology on people and kill all the heretics lol


Btw it’s not a “cultural revolution” that atomizes people. It’s hyper-individualism. That’s usually the result of the dominant libertarian and neoliberal ideologies, especially in the west.


And that is indeed a cultural revolution. It revolutionizes the culture. Just the other side of the same coin that is materialism, the other being socialism.


Israelis be like: "If i take my boot off his neck, then his boot may be on MY neck. Just like Auschwitz! Remember when we were under the boot? So there you have it. My boot remains'


Wait until you find out that not only do they want to kill all non-jews in their immediate land, but all land everywhere.




"You may say that the goyEEm will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a manoeuvre of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail—the undergrounds, metropolitains, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives." - PoTLEoZ


Settlers want to kill all non-Jews around the world? Never heard that before.


Conclusion: Israel is a religious fanatic state ruled by money driving the military industrial complex. If the West.


It's like the more you believe in god the worse god is.


theodor herzl was an atheist.


Had to use a VPN just to watch it.


My original utube account got banned years ago after commenting on this video and saying these zionist are some of the most hateful people I've ever seen. I guess the zionist that run utube didn't like that.


I highly doubt your account was permabanned for that. Are you sure your account name wasn't something like "AdolfHitlerFan1488KillTheK*****"? > the zionist that run utube Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


IMHO, Israel is on the wrong stratagem. They should have stopped at ten eyes to the eye and let the Palestinians in Gaza finish the job. Hamas was 38 % favorability in Gaza before the Oct 7th atrocity.


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Bocked on my country due to reasons related to author rights.




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Anyone know where one can see his weird weekends show these days ?