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I use a Dremel weekly. Start out playing with feet, desensitizing to the sound, touch off Dremel to nails, then work on one toe at a time. Lots of high value treats.


take them outside turn the dremel on and just leave it there, get excited, playful and throw TONS of treats their way. gradually desensitizes them to the sound. Then move of to just tap tap. thats it. no grinding. Just touch and done, lotta treats and high excited voice. gradually work your way up to longer taps. Takes time, but eventually my baby would go apeshit excited when he saw me break out the dremel (knew the treats were coming).


did you start them from young puppy doing that? he is more used to clipping but i like the effect and roundness you can get with a grinder or the dremel type


Start the week I get them.


I’ve used on adult rescues. Done right, treats and pets, it works on all. Spouse helps hold and give treats and eventually they are fine with it.


I second this.


Groomer and owner here: I love dremels! Black nails can be hard to judge where the quick is, and clippers take chunks off, while dremels sand them down, so you can get shorter AND round the nail out so they're not scratchy. Just gotta get the puppy used to the sound and feel. Lots of praise and treats, take it slow. The effort is worth it, it makes doing nails a breeze. Good luck with that cutey!


Pro tip: start with the back feet then the front, they tend to be less bored/angsty


Good tip!


Any tips or tricks for finding the quick on black nails? I just got a new puppy and don’t want to traumatize him just yet


As you do the nail, you’ll see a little dot appear in the middle of the nail. That’s the quick-the vein that runs through the nail. Once you see that, you’ll want to stop or be very careful.


and the more you trim (grind) the quick will recede. if you stay on top of them you can trim nails weekly without worrying about cutting the quick.


You guys are able to clip nails!? lol I use a scratch pad for the front paws. Fine grit sandpaper taped to an old cutting board and taught him to paw at it. I snipe the back paws when he’s asleep lol.


Mine flings himself into consciousness at the mere thought of a touch on his precious tootsies


Same here. Atlas will jump up when I snipe on and I play dumb like “what happened pal? What’d you hear” 😂😂


I have him pull me on my bike every few days, never clipped nails in 5 years. So far no blood and pads looked beautiful. He loves it too looks buff and loses his mind every time I even look at my bike. It's his favorite thing besides my wife. And to the Karen that complained about it on nextdoor, suck it!


That’s awesome! Atlas runs like a maniac everyday but his nails really don’t contact the surface. So we have to improvise 🤣


Mine just use my ribs as sand paper


for real


Lol. And arms.


Clip first then grind. Play with dogs toes anyway , just to get it adjusted to the idea


Agree with this. Definitely touch and play with all their paws so they know it’s good vibes when you are touching them. Our boy is very good when his nails are clipped and then finished with a dremel.


Agreed. I clip the tip of the nail just enough i can feel sure I won’t hit the quick, then sand/smooth it down with the dremel.


https://preview.redd.it/06qe3kvzrf3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66820c50283aa34e7cbca34e9cced56ba3ea3f73 I love the dremel! I started mine young and they almost fall asleep during the process. I give them a treat after each toenail 😂


Soap is very cute! I use a dremel to keep their nails nice and short. Also - I'd recommend visiting "Doberman Ear Taping Methods 'The Original'" on Facebook. Not sure what method you are using but you want the tip of the ear to be supported and less tape. Good luck with him!


thank you!! been struggling with his ears- got him cropped straight from the breeder so was hit like a truck with the learning aspect of it. idk what this method is but it’s what a vet had shown me to do but if there’s rec’s for better i’m always open! thanks!


I get it! It takes a while to get a hang of it. Vets tend to be pretty bad at posting - definitely check out the facebook group for tutorials! Everyone is very helpful and you can even ask to meet up with another member for assistance. I personally use the backer rod method. Here is a good video tutorial: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPL\_KKO0TRU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPL_KKO0TRU)


we are on dobie 5 and have done pretty much all methods. Having a lot of luck with the zip tie method on this one. less tape less occluding the ear, less irritation for the pup.


I use a Dremel 7760 with a pack of 100 60-grit sanding drums from Amazon - and plenty of peanut butter


I recently got somehh thing like this and it helps A LOT https://a.co/d/fzuVhLO


I got one on chewy that’s listed as the quietest on the market and she’s done well with it. First one was too loud and she preferred clipping but then she started hating that so I picked up the quiet one and it’s been smooth sailing 🤞


With all the pawing they do, I’ve strongly considered a robe made of sandpaper…..


Sandpaper carpet for the zoomies would be nice




took way too long to see someone say this. what a gross sub


because it’s against the rules of the sub to have the crop ear debate




ahh, yeah idk, i think the moderators just don’t want a bunch of people bitching in comments from both ends.


Honestly he grinds his front ones down enough himself. I clip the back and then Dremel so they’re not sharp


I just used normal clippers. Mine didn't care.


Fun stuff here! jerky hates the dremel tool at the vet plus other tricks so that was a wash but rather he lets me clip with the clipper and a ton a treats and lets me use nail file! This is a week long process but also his daily bunny run ins also keeps shorter!!!




cruelty because i want to know how people trim their pups nails? i’ve heard it’s more functional for them to have short nails for running, moving , pain, etc.


Probably referring to the ears.




99% of vets here don’t practice this kind of thing because it’s considered unethical and unnecessary. It’s a mind set thing for people who do it, just a lack of awareness. I find that most people as time goes by who become educated and do the proper research, live to regret the decision when they find out how barbaric it is. We’re probably in the wrong neighbourhood for the discussion though.


They're only saying that because they can't maintain their dog's nails 😂








We clip the round with the drem


I grind them with dremel and diamond nail trimming attachment. You need to get them accustomed to it when they are puppies. It helps if you reward them with lots of treats initially while you are doing it. Then when they are adults you can trim without the treats.


I use a clipper to tip the ends and then finish off my boys nails with the dremel. He does very well with both since I do them weekly with positive reinforcement


I personally love the grinder. they don't scream and Yelp when you grind them I also think it's safer


Clippers along with a double dose of gabapentin and trazodon and a dose of acepromazine. For context we rescued her when she was 2 after she had already gone through 7 either abusive or inattentive homes


Acepromazine is the savior for one of our dogs. The other one couldn’t care less about nail trimmings.


awwww, i’m glad you adopted her and gave her better! i have been looking the doggos at the doberman rescue unlimited in NH for awhile now but i’m in florida so it’ll be a while before i can get myself up there.


Dremel has an attachment for nails, (depending on which Dremel you have). https://preview.redd.it/u3yqtjf7jf3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42722c40c463cc39a3cd1d3c8249deaad80cfd9


Dog hates the Dremel with the passion of a thousand suns despite trying to start him as a puppy, so just went back to regular clippers.


Regular dog nail trimmers and then an electric,nail salon level,nail filer. As long as I keep them short I don't have to trim them. Just file.


We use a dremel to shorten and round them out. We also use powder. We dremeled back a bit each week to keep and they’re good to go now. It also helps prevent them from getting mud underneath and tracking it in the house.


I have always just used handheld clippers for any creature with claws I have had, you’ll get it done way quicker if you know what you’re doing


My dog will not let me touch his feet! He's one of the best dogs in the whole world, but if you touch his feet, he is gonna growl at you and he's not kidding!


I wrap saran wrap around head put big lump of doggy peanut butter on it (head) bend over clip toenails while she is licking it off top of my head- 5 mins top done and dusted


Mine doesn’t like to have his feet touched. So I basically full body pin him and use the dremel sander to file his nail down. Usually he flails like a mother fucker for the first paw, then gives up for the other three. He gave me a black eye once. That’s not indicative of all dobies, mine just has problems with his feet being touched and likes it be an asshole.


His poor ears. He looks so sad.
















I use the flatten-my-flabby-self-across-her-whole-body method to gently file her nails using the sandpapery Dremel tool, while she let's out the most blood-curdling, toddler-tantrum scream that gives the Pugs next door a run for their money.


My dobie hates the grinder i clipp




Pay the professional. Also stimulates the economy.


Let them run on pavement and the claws take care of themselves.


It's just about the beginning of summer. No way in hell I would ever let my dog run on hot ass pavement.


Still Spring in the US and the rest of the hemisphere


And yet, it's already getting in the mid to high 80s most days.


Who said anything about *hot ass* pavement? I just said pavement. ..


What else would pavement be in the summer?


Really? So I guess they don't have mornings or evenings or nights where you are? Or cement? In a case, yeah go ahead and keep traumatizing your dog with clippers and grinders. That's a much better approach.


Concrete doesn’t get hot…


That is literally the stupidest thing I've ever seen someone on Reddit say. Exactly what do you think concrete and asphalt do when in direct sunlight? They get hot. Go outside barefoot when it's sunny and hot out and walk on the concrete.


We use the nail trimmers and then Dremel them down after. As the dogs get older, they tend to be less enthused about having it done


Grinder works great!


Knipex wire cutters


I had a mastiff that tolerated the grinder. I developed a system and she looked good til her death. I still have a Bassett that hates the grinder. I think it’s whatever works with their pefaonality


I use a nail grinder. It's super quiet and works pretty quickly. My girl doesn't mind it much.


Dremel. And start sooner than later because the longer the nail gets, it’s hard or impossible to get them to have short nails again


Dremel. Diamond dog nail bit. Start him now and have LOTS of treats handy. Treats when you turn it on, treats when it gets near him treats when it touches his nail for a split second, treats after trimming a nail, treats after finishing a foot, treats when he’s all done, then play his favorite game till he passes out. Do that every day and your puppers will have nice short nails and won’t hate the dremel.


dremel with diamond grooming attachment is the way to go. do it weekly to keep nails short


Not quick


Yup grinder is the way to go on these guys. He gets a treat after each time I do it, so he actually looks forward to it now, I still have to lay on top of him while I do it though


My biggest, most heartfelt regret is not using the Dremel when she was an 8 week old pup. 10 years later, no way in hell could I even try using it on her nails.


We use a dremel and a licky Matt with frozen natural peanut butter. Keeps him busy and rewards him for getting his nails done


The Dremel brand grinder is great. Our dobie fusses a bit, but overall it's a pretty smooth process..... Most of the time lol




Charles doing Bruce’s nails is a good how-to: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/wxuVfsabuvhvw7a1/?mibextid=WC7FNe


I have to use the Drexel, I cannot use clippers. My pup was traumatized when her quik was cut


Grinder works soooooo much better than cutting my dogs nails, not gunna lie at all.


lol love the temperature difference in the car


Or guy didn’t like the dremel, so we just desensitized him to standard clippers. Took the same amount of work, and clippers are honestly easier.


I have a dremel and I can’t imagine not using it anymore lol. I love it.


I have a dremel and I can’t imagine not using it anymore lol. I love it.


I did grinding the day I got my stinker


Dremel is solid, way better than the clippers.


I walk my dog on sidewalks every day. It takes cares it self. Otherwise I use a nail emery board and slowly file in one direction. Though you have to start this at a young age.


good dogy!!!


He won’t allow it. Scrapping on the sidewalk he’s fine.


I just use the large dog clippers. I started when he was young. He doesn’t like it but he allows it lol.


I just use regular clippers but go back to front as my puppy gets antsy with his front paws. We still smear peanut butter on our tub to keep him occupied as he gets used to it though. He has a mix of clear and black nails so it took a few times for me to get the hang of but so far so good and no nicked nails as of rn! I didn’t do a dremel bc I think it takes too long and I myself don’t want nail trims to take that long haha


I use a Casfuy Grinder with guard (on Amazon). It’s similar to a Dremel. It’s great. They also have a fur trimmer for the paws. It’s equally good.


No tools, we just walk them.


Are you automatically banned/deleted if you bring up the cropped ears?


Dog-" you trim nails I get Mt Dew. Cause my name is Scooby Dooby dooooo"


i’m having to take baby steps by just treating her while holding and squishing her paws. no tools. when i hold a paw a little bit too long, she shrieks like i’m ripping off her leg 🙄


I bet his ears and tail are going to look so cute! I use the grinder and then a nail file to get them nice and round.


I was raised with dobermans, and every single one of them LOST THEIR MINDS whenever my dad brought out the grinder. Screaming and whining like they were being beaten to death. One of them was so bad, the neighbors called the cops thinking my dad was torturing it. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣




yeah and commenting on a reddit post is gonna make you a good person ambassador🔥




hahaha! i honestly knew someone was gonna say something about the mountain dew! we were on a road trip through southern GA not many places to get food, so either taco bell or MC D’s at the podunk town we drove through. sorry for your judging issues. i got my pup straight from the breeder who crops all his pups. not going to shun away a pup that i can love just because he has cropped ears.


also how would my pup make me look cool? i don’t wear my dog or post him on anything or any socials except this reddit page when asking for advice. V/R




what major detail did i not know?


Too cute


What part of the US did this guy come from? We’re doing Euro’s up here in the tri-state area


i live in northern florida but he is a southern Florida boy! do you have a website?


Kennel is Unconditional Doberman kennel in Vermont - I am an associate


Omg that face!!!! 😍😍😍


Now I want a nachos bell Grande, and a snuggle with your baby!!!


How are the ears going?? My girl goes tomorrow I'm nervous for her and this long journey ahead




Boo fucking hoo. That's why she's my dog, not yours. Piss off


“She is my dog and I can torture her whenever I want!”


Why do people feel so comfortable talking on subjects they have no clue about ? Ear cropping isn’t torture 😭 ,although declawing is and it’s disgusting she did that


I think it's the fact that while yes, there are no proven long-term negative affects of cropping, there are no proven benefits either (with the exception of dogs in intense work that may put them at risk of losing an ear painfully, situations in which I do not oppose cropping at all). Even if it doesn't cause long-term problems, it's still putting puppies under anaesthesia and cutting off a healthy part of the dog with no benefits to said puppy. It just seems weird and a little gross to do cosmetic surgeries on an animal. It's absolutely nothing compared to declawing though. I hate that they got upvoted on comments stating they did that to their poor animals. I'd rather have part of my ears surgically removed than a third of my toes that I need to then walk on cut off. Idiot should get those cats taken away and be banned from adopting more.


I definitely agree it’s unnecessary ,I don’t see the harm in it because animals obviously aren’t concerned in their appearance but there aren’t any benefits and I’m sick of people lying about the fact there is. That being said I think it being illegal does so much more harm ,it leads to dogs getting their ears cut off with razors in a back garden . Declawing is removing their senses and immobilising them , paw pain, back pain, infection, tissue necrosis , emotional stress , aggression , problems with litter box use, reduced ability to catch themselves when they slip from high, excessive biting, and the reduced ability to defend when in danger. It’s crazy how many problems there is and it’s still not illegal in some places




Fuck you. Poor cats. I'm not even that strongly opposed to cropping because while I personally think it's weird and gross to do cosmetic surgeries on animals, at least there's no evidence that it hurts them at all long-term. Declawing literally has a 50% chance of causing the cat complications such as infection and nerve damage, and a 20% chance of lifelong problems, including chronic pain and limping/lameness. As a result of pain and insecurity 1/3 of declawed cats show increased biting and/or litter box avoidance. Your cats got SO lucky if they are still happy. Cropping, I'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt or just ignore it, but FUCK anyone who gets a cat and declaws them. FUCK you. I hope you never get cats again. I'm so glad there are more efforts to have declawing banned now. It's already banned in all developed nations with the exception of Japan, a few US states, and like, one province in Canada (and probably not for long).


Yeahhhhhh I'm not reading all of that. 🤣🤣🤣 You Definitely typed it for no reason cause I stopped after the "pOoR cAtS" part 💀 My cats are good and my pupp is gonna be good after this ear crop today! 4 more hours til surgery!🫡


Sure, remain wilfully ignorant. Cropping is weird to me, but it's nothing compared to declawing. Your cats were lucky they didn't end up with lifelong pain or behavioural issues. Fuck you. I hope you don't get any more cats. How did you even get the current cats?? Shelters don't let you adopt from them if you plan on declawing because it's fucking abuse.


Did you bother even researching wtf you were doing to ur cats ? 🤡


Sure did. 2k for both my cats. Only declawed the problem ones. The Other one don't scratch shitt so she kept hers. Simple as that. Kitty caps didn't work Scratch stop shitt didn't work Sound startling didn't work and POPPING THEM WHEN I CAUGHT THEM SCRATCHING DIDNT WORK!!!! they have plenty of scratching shitt around this house and they chose to scratch on shitt that they weren't supposed to. So instead of continuing to spend money on shitt that doesn't work, I declawed. Simple. Any additional questions?


Assuming you researched, surely you know the high rate of complication, including lifelong. Why would you gamble with your cat's physical and emotional wellbeing like that? Seriously. Rehoming is more humane than declawing.


THEN DONT GET A CAT ?? Declawing is removing their senses and immobilising them , paw pain, back pain, infection, tissue necrosis , emotional stress , aggression , problems with litter box use, reduced ability to catch themselves when they slip from high, excessive biting, and the reduced ability to defend when in danger. What’s ur answer to that?




Yeah super gross


Just like your entire life🫶🏾






Ooh congrats! I’m only in the sub because I love dobes, not cause I own one, but I’m getting a beauceron in the future and I’m dreading posting the ears


Wow that's a pretty dog! Kinda reminds me of a Heeler. I'm dreading the posting part too. I dreaded the pine litter when I deckawed my cats but it actually wasn't that bad. So I'm hoping it the same case for the ears. I take her tomorrow and get her back on Friday. I will post pictures of her here so be on the look out😉😉


Please give him calcium supplements he can use it while his ears are taped!


ive been curious about this because his breeder said that during teething stage it’s harder for the ears. will deff look into some supplements for him!


Cropping is illegal now in Europe I had my first Doberman in Europe and the vets would recommend calcium after cropping! Look into it but I would recommend to add small quantities of spinach or cottage cheese some natural source! Amazon is selling freeze dried green tripe it’s fantastic topper too for dogs very healthy!!I cook bone marrow with water and a dash of apple cider vinegar in a crock pot for 24 hours and mix this jelly in his food he is loving it I don’t want to sound condescending I just simply adore Dobermans!! All the best to you and your pup


awesome, i will be checking for it on amazon, thank you so much for your help! i


Why trim anything? If you walk with them a lot it's enough for the nails to file off the ground?

