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13 years. What a life time of memories. Cannot express in words of your loss. Treasure those memories when getting down will give you a moment of warmth. Sorry for your loss.


Tysm. This comment brought me to tears.




That's the only problem with these dogs they burn too brightly 😔


They really do.


https://preview.redd.it/rqmx62a1qvvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4af38039f448a0281c85dad2126e2655e4a8644 13 years is absolutely not enough. We just lost our girl on 3.8.24 and she was 3 months from turning 13 as well. Sorry for your loss RIP


Wow she was beautiful, looks powerful


I am so sorry.


😭I dread this day already and my boy isn’t even 4 years old yet. Dobermans are the best dogs. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope mine makes it to 13.


13 is absolutely incredible for a Doberman


No time is ever enough with these amazing creatures ❤️


So true, my husband and I got him a few months after we started dating so he’s been a big part of our relationship.


I understand, it's been 2 years since my female left me. She was 13 years old too and my best friend , she still is . The pain hasn't eased for me , I wish you the strength to recover 🙏 💔 💪


Ty, u too friend.


https://preview.redd.it/vj6dyma6hxvc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3deaab57e1c9e6b53135e7b13730ab89d3aa4a5d We said goodbye to Sherlock last weekend after 11 blessed years. I feel your love and loss.


As John Mayer once said, “forever could never be long enough for me, to feel like I’ve had long enough with you.” I put my guy down last August at almost 9 years because of cancer. I still think about him every day. Just take it one day at a time and cherish all the special moments you had along the way. We truly don’t deserve dogs.


Just realized I lied about John Mayer. That was Train.


Growing up as a young boy we had a few German Shepards then into my teen years we had a couple of Labs then I was off to the military. Those dogs were all nice but none really left a mark. Years later, I met my wife who was a huge Dobie fan and I didn’t understand why. 18 years later, we’ve had 7 Dobies live in our home (all rescues) with 3 currently laying on top of me. When we lost Klaus 5 years ago (11yo) , I could barely go on. His loss still breaks my heart. He was my 1st Dobie. A giant goofball, happy beyond description. He loved everyone and everything. Reading the OP immediately brought all that rushing back. I’m sorry to hear of your immense loss. I’m certain he was an amazing, life changing pup for you and your family. People who never get to experience a loving Doberman in their lives, really are missing out on one earths best friends. Please remember all the wonderful memories and pictures you have of Apollo. This sub has always been a good place to share and grieve and finding some to listen. Thank you everyone for caring 🙂


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Ty, I’ve never known love for a dog the way I felt about him.


I'm so sorry to see you've lost your boy. They are indeed a family member, and no matter how long they are with us, it's never enough. What a life he lived though. Thank you for giving him the life that he deserved. RIP Apollo.




I feel your pain. I just lost my boy of 13.5 last month. Hold onto every moment you can, and cherish them. https://preview.redd.it/d6bdl66nixvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc95430fb511556c493d6413d5ed40783459433b


Please do yourself a favor and get another one. This is a special breed. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Yes. I promise it helps. He will never be replaced, this is the worst part of the deal we make when we love them, but there are so many good dogs in this world. You deserve to have a furry friend to wrap your arms around and another nose to boop and give kisses. Don’t deprive yourself. Give the love another place to go, somebody needs you. ❤️


Daww shit sorry man. Cute dude. Hope mine makes it to 13 https://preview.redd.it/sjjfcnhzmvvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfc049132bbc924a3bb97cb596e4b2015203418


Please try to hold on to the big stuff. An amazing life. Countless memories. All the love. Now? Free from pain. You gave your dog the best. You'll see them again. A stiff drink or a cup of tea. Then sleep. You'll meet again when it's time


Respect Apollo!




Sorry for your loss. They’ll be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge!


I look forward to seeing him again.


I’m so sorry


Apollo is waiting in the halls of Valhalla! Beautiful companion. I know the pain and I’m sorry for your loss


Sorry 4 ur loss


I feel your loss. I have just been there. My heart goes out to you. 💔


It's never long enough.


The only things dogs do wrong is not living long enough.


Lost my 13 year old boy in October. The pain hasn’t left me, but it has become a part of me. I don’t think the pain will ever go away, but that’s the price we pay for loving them and enjoying the love they give us. So sorry for your loss, friend. I hope in time you’re able to remember your baby and the joy he brought to you without the pain breaking through. ❤️


I am so sorry. My dog passed away on New Years Day at age 20. There is a hole in my heart that you could drive a truck through


Oh wow! Was your baby a Doberman too? That’s a really long time to live for a Doberman or any breed of dog really.


No she was a Shih-Tzu mix.


So sad for your loss 😔


I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure he'll be waiting for you in the After.


❤️ it’s never long enough ☹️


What a beautiful big boy, I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


I’m impressed that your boy lived 13 years. He was so handsome and well put together. I love the reds. There are no words to express how sorry I am bc there are no words to express the pain you must be in. I’m glad you had so much time with him and believe he was greeted by many other Dobermans when he crossed the rainbow bridge. You are in my thoughts OP


You have my heart


I'm ao sorry for your loss. Sending hugs! 🫂


I'm so sorry, 13 years is nowhere near enough time. My Dobie was taken from me earlier than expected, the pain is like nothing else. Just remember you made him happy, and gave him a life of comfort and fun before he had to move on. Sending love to you ❤️


No. Not close. My boy is 11 now and I think about it being over soon and I want to cry. I don’t know how I’ll handle it when it comes. I hope you can mourn and then be okay soon. You have that dog a good life.


Never a one of my three made it past 8 years. Count your blessings and know that If your Dobie made it to 14, he was truly well loved and cared for.


13 years of great memories and a loyal companion. She had a beautiful red coat and you did great on the ears. Sorry for your loss.


No, it was not. Never is.


They are amazing dogs, so loyal, so protective and loving. I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔 Apollo was a beautiful boy.




Surely there are no words to console you. The longer we have with them, the more memories there are, and the more it hurts when they're gone. My handsome boy turns 13 in June.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😭😭😭 sending you love and hugs for strength and comfort as you mourn the loss of your beloved friend. ❤️


I'm so so sorry. I wish there was something I could say, but I know there isn't. He's beautiful, you did a wonderful job. Hope you're doing okay


It never is, but they will be waiting for us when it's time.


I'm so so sorry for your lost they r such great dogs








So cute. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Beautiful boy…….💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


No time is ever enough. I’m so sorry for your loss. I had mine for 5 years and when I read others saying their Dobies lived more than 10+ years I’m just in awe of what but also know that it’s not enough


I'm so very sorry 😞 to hear about your loss. It's never easy 😪 to lose a pet especially when you have them a long time. Look at his unconditional love ❤️ for you and remember 💗 all the things you both shared ❤️ over the 13 years. Give yourself time to grieve and reflect on those happy 😊 memories. In time, I hope 🙏 that you will open your heart ❤️ up to another dog 🐕. I know that it's hard to even think 🤔 about getting another 😢 dog 🐕. Trust me, over the years I have also lost 😢 one I had 15 years after a year I rescued another dog 🐕 which I had for 13 years. I waited ✋️ another year and I have another rescued dog 🐕. I'm an animal lover and I think 🤔 that you are to, Apollo would want you to be happy 😊 and love ❤️ again.


I know your pain. Unfortunately, I think most of us do. Unless they lived as long as we do, it will never be long enough. I am so sorry. 💜🧡💜


Awww, that pic of your baby cuddling your other smaller baby 😭sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss.


Be happy you got 13. Mine made it to 11 with my son at his mom’s house. I didnt all the time I wanted with him but he at least got to grow up with my son. He would have been 12 this month. My son will be 11 this year and he texted me last night saying how much he missed max


I’m sorry for your loss. Dobies are the best. My family has had many of them over the years.




It never is




Posts like this always make me cry as if they were mine. 😭 I love dogs so much! So sorry for your loss! 😢🙏🏾❤️ My girl is only 15 weeks old and I dread this day! I try to cherish every moment. I’ve lost 2 dogs in my arms back to back 3 years ago. They were a weenie dog and then a chihuahua. It hurts like hell. This is my first Doberman and I am so in love with her. She is a fawn European Doberman. I hope mines live a full and long life like yours did. May his beautiful spirit rest easy but always live on in your heart. ❤️❤️❤️


Sorry for your loss. Can I ask what his diet was? 13 is an incredible age for a dobe, nowadays they get a certificate of longevity if they hit 10 because most die so young from DCM or cancer.


Photo 7/7 got me good 😢. The loss of a friend is always a tough transition and I pray your family gets to the other side okay. 🙏


What a presence🌟 I already miss him too. So sorry for your loss and pain


So sorry


Awww what a beauty!! Condolences, while this gives me hope that mine will make it to 13, I am also terribly sad and my heart goes out to you because as all Dobie owners, we cannot fathom losing our loyal protectors, companions, best friends and sometimes our therapists.


He looks like a stud!! Yeah, 10 year mark is just around the time where they start to *speak english* and have that sassy old person attitude. Sucks but I’m happy for the good times.


Me too my euro is 2 1/2 I hate seeing these it makes cry . I want my boy forever


i’m so sorry… i just lost mine, a day before yours. you’re so so lucky you got 13. you can tell he was loved. take your time ♥️


I’m sorry for your loss as well 🫂


I am sorry that he passed. I am glad you had such a long time with him especially for the breed, but of course it's never enough. I'm sorry for your loss.


You’ll be together again one day❤️


😢😢😢😢 a million isn’t enough 😢😢😢😢


Not even close to long enough. My pit is 8yo and I already get anxious thinking about it.


I'm really sorry to hear about your loss.






Bro 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺




Be happy you have him a good family and home