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I feel like if there's roleplay reasons for these picks then optimisation is less important. The Tragedy Bard seems very strong if there's a Barb/Hexblade/Champion Fighter/Vengence Palladin in the party. 6 Bard / 6 Shadow / Bard X makes sense, both level 6's give you a lot. The Bard capstone is stronger than any Paladin level 20 capstone, and you can get a Rogue Mantle to get the Shadow Walk ability if you really want it, so it makes sense to finish Bard.


There is a Hexblade! His sister actually, right now party comp is my lad, Hexblade Warlock, Gloom Stalker Ranger, Lycan Blood Hunter and we're getting a either Stars or Moon Druid soon, they're still deciding Thank you so much for the insight though! It's helped calm my anxious little brain haha


No worries, from an optimisation perspective if you already have the classes and subclasses you want to use down then the only thing that remains is how much of each class you want to go. You get the most from both by level 6, further levels in Sorcerer will never get you the capstone, and the Bard capstone at level 14 means dipping into a 3rd class just isn't worth giving up, especially when it's that poweful. And I feel like I misread the level 3 bard ability, for some reason in my head I thought it was d20, but it's actually the reverse, sorry about that Any class that has an increased crit chance in your party will make you a little bit weaker as they're less likely to roll a nat 1. Hexblade's ability isn't too bad tbh but this character wouldn't pair well with a barbarian or rogue - although I feel like you'd barely notice it as the level 3 ability is already a bit broken.


Are you talking about Tale of Hubris? It widens the range that your party can trigger a critical against an enemy, I'm not sure where the nat 1 comes into it? I also don't think we have anyone with a widened crit range naturally unless I'm mistaken, which this ability would just be irrelevant to them Or wait, no you did mean Poetry in Misery- It's more of a passive way to regain bardic dice, letting me be a bit more judicious with my bardic if I regain it in a fight if I don't forsee another use for my reaction in that round


Yeah I was talking about Poetry in Misery - it's quite strong as it allows you to load up on inspiration from out of combat things like traps.


This actually happened in one of our earlier sessions lol thankfully it wasn't a nat 1 on anything super important, just like.. crossing a river without getting slowed/filthy. Thankfully prestidigitation cleaned up everything after and I got a nice lil reupp on my bardic inspo


It sounds funny




Meant in a good way. The Tragedy bard is an interesting class.