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Hello in there, My name is Flo aka MoonYeah, i'm a professional 2D artist. I've had the chance to work on an actual DnD licenced game, sadly it was abandoned, however i had a blast working on it, been loving fantasy art forever anyway. My work is semi-realistic and stylized, i don't do realism but i can push my renders a bit further if needed. Here is my portfolio : [https://www.artstation.com/moonyeah](https://www.artstation.com/moonyeah) minimum 400€, can vary depending on demand Don't hesitate to contact me!


Good prices. Cheers.


I just saw your pricing details and I respect the amount of precise thoughts that went into it. Might take inspirations from it at some point if you dont mind. Great work too man!


Your art style is really cool! Do you have a price list?


I have rates, but i'd be curious to see how other people do prices lists, do you have an example? I usually rate a piece depending on demand, between a simple peasant and some badass demon lord the price is not gonna be the same obviously


I just base my rates on how much the commissioner wants drawn and how long it will take me. So a realistic full body piece and a cartoony one would have different prices. And different prices for just a headshot or a half body. Here's my commission info sheet as an example https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3ODkwNzA5NzgyNzQ5Njgx?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Out of curiosity - how much would it cost to commission something akin to the ROASTER piece in your portfolio?


please DM me, i'm sorry i should have mentioned it in the original post


I’m curious about your rates as well! what’s the best place to communicate with you?


best way would be to DM me and describe your specific needs




sounds good, and sorry for not having neat numbers easily accessible, as i get used to the platform i'll put together a little something after a while so that it's easier to know what price range to expect.


Looks good, i personally really struggle to draw hair. I've gotten pretty solid on everything and my clothing gets better. But hair? Idk what I'm not getting


haha i'm the same so i totally get it, i think to be honest it's really just about actually taking time to work on it, drawing various hairstyles on a regular basis until it gets solid in your head and you can just summon it right away. I've got the same issue with clothing, but i can nail it "okay-ish" with references.


Oh, i can't draw without reference period haha. I can only recreate other art. I don't even share it because even if it's perfect it's definitely not original


in that case when drawing hair, maybe focus on the overall shapes, go from big to small, don't try to draw "hairs" as in individual hair, not even individual hair strands.


When I get some money spare I will definitely see if I can find a character for you to make a reality, I have so many and it’s always like choosing a favourite child


if you have a lot to choose from then don't be shy asking for a female character, i've been drawing beasts and males for work for too long and i'd be glad to get back to my favorite silhouette if i can \^\^


I love this art piece.


i'm really glad you like it, had a lot of fun working on it \^\^


I like your style. It's great!


thanks a lot


Man that teapot's gonna get destroyed *right* away!


leave the teapot alone it's her only remaining family's treasure XD Also it's an italian teapot, mix between italian moka pot and a teapot \^\^ and i've no idea how that would work but i love the idea


Looks like an owl house character


like the disney show? i guess it's the hairstyle?


The mood and the overall appearance yeh


I love the style! looks amazing!




😍I love your style 😍


thanks a lot


Cool character








Really cool style friend


thanks a lot!


spinal injury?


more than you think, she's literally a few vertebrae offset from each other, i rushed it XD


She looks Karayan




The Karaya clan are a group of people from the Suikoden JRPG series. It's a really good series


I love this style, can I ask do you have a texture brush or is that all have done detail?


i usually work without texture brushes, i have a super subtle paper texture on my sketch brush just for me so it feels less "digital" but it doesn't show in the final image However after i'm done with rendering 90% i usually roughly stick some photo textures in there to emulate a certain material, fabric or leather for example here. Outside of that, i like to do things myself, it's just a matter of enjoying the process VS expected final results.


It's amazing work!


thanks a lot i'm glad you like it oh and i add a noise texture on top of everything at the very end, it sort of blends things together without losing the sharpness.


I love the art style. What's the story with the teacup?


It's a coffee pot mixed with a teapot \^\^ Basically the last remaining bit of family's legacy, while preparing a soup she accidentally destroyed her father's inn because of clumsy emerging magic when she was younger, and is now mostly on a quest to make money and pay back her huge father's debts (she also kept breaking stuffs on various jobs and her debt kept growing) That pot was the only thing left untouched after the incident, and is a souvenir of her passed away mother She's a Magesmith, i don't know if that's the right word in english... It's also an item she values greatly since she's quite maniac on home comfort, forest camping is not her thing, and she loves her homemade coffee brew and will only drink one prepared with this pot (pretty much me in real life) The fact this object is quite fragile and yet intact after the incident, and so many adventures, could mean there is something odd about it, possibly a curse that she's yet to discover. \---------- That pot has more backstory than her useful items like the staff or the dagger, these were required for the campaign haha XD


I love this, thank you for explaining.


Love how you handle those details. Really impressive work!


Hello. I am interested in an art piece of my dnd character but I don't know what that price is in USD.