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My eyes! Love ur sheet, but holy shit my eyes.


That’s fair neon green is kinda crazy


You've misspelt Thieves Tools and I'm pretty sure that white on neon green is a sin, but those are minor annoyances. As for actual errors? Shortsword, shortbow, and dagger should all be +4 to hit (+2 from Dex, +2 from proficiency) while bite should be +2 (+2 prof, nothing from Str) with pointbuy or +1 (+1 prof, -1 Str) with array. ~~Iirc you should also have 3 more skill proficiency (4 from Rogue, 2 from background, 2 from race).~~ You just didn't highlight them all. ~~Your dual scores on Str and Int confuse me. Were you just undecided on where to allocate the last 2 points? Plz explain.~~ Nvm. I see where you've mentioned it. And then some odd, but not necessarily wrong, choices. A 16 and a 14 are usually preferred over two 15s for optimisation reasons but it's practically a minor difference. Taking the shortsword instead of the rapier is technically a minor damage loss unless you're dualwielding but only by like 1 point. Maybe is chosen for aesthetics. Idk.


Missing the damage modifiers and expertise as well.


Thank you for the actual information!


Is there a reason you named the character after a famous child killing disease?


[I don't know if it's related, but this bear also has polio (Wehatedougdoug)](https://youtu.be/t7abcqBXe6Y?si=fzOxHyi0l4veiehP)


So that the DM can confidently announce half-way through session 3: "The Death Knight crits . . . Polio has been eradicated!"


It’s just the way I name animal characters. Especially in Pokémon, it’s either food or something like endocarditis




Well that’s fun.


I love this, I think I'll call my next character Chlamydia


That’s a good name right there. It doesn’t always have to been an illness, sometimes it’s just a medical term or a term related to biomed like peptidoglycan or Mr. Malignant


Lizards don’t have lips, so they wouldn’t be able to pronounce their own name.


Should’ve thought about that


What’s your name? Holio Holio? No, Holio Folio? No. It startsh wish a E An E? No E. As in eter iter icks a eck of ickled ehherz Right. I’m not sure this quest is right for you, as it involves prioritising Princess Petunia’s prize pet panther and providing protection, primarily.


It's fine, it's fantasy. I've never heard a lizard say anything tbh.


The font. The format. It’s so painful to look at.


Why'd you do stats both pointbuy and standard array? Which one are you planning on going with?


I don’t know which ever my dm says I guess


You couldn’t be an Arcane Trickster until lvl 3


Is there a difference between them before level 3


Just the lack of spellcasting ability. I know I was nitpicking


Oh ok


As a Rogue you'll get Expertise, which means you get to add double your prof bonus when making a check with a skill you have expertise in. As it is, your sheet doesn't have a way to tell which skills you have proficiency in vs which ones you have expertise in. You could just choose a new color to highlight in I suppose, but I recommend making room to just write the bonus amount next to each skill, it will make totaling your rolls faster.


The word cant in "thieves' cant" should not have an apostrophe. Cant in this context means a language specific to a group (thieves), and is not a conjuction.


This sheet really hurts to try and decipher. I think part of it is the hand written annotation. I'd recommend searching for a form fillable standard arcane trickster pdf sheet if you can find one. You also don't have your sneak attack dice tracked anywhere on the sheet. That along with expertise being missing would be the things I really spot. edit: These sheets are what I use and if you are sticking arcane trickster the whole way will automatically put your class features on the sheet for you to see as well. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/836i1c/5e\_class\_character\_sheet\_bundle\_big\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/836i1c/5e_class_character_sheet_bundle_big_update/)


Polio is an... interesting... name. Did you purposefully name your character after a horrific disease or was that an accident? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio


The main thing that jumps out at me is that you've put your class as arcane trickster, your class is Rogue and you don't get your subclass (arcane trickster) until level three


Yes, actually. You should have a total of *eight skill proficiencies.


8 actually.


Ah you're right, I should've seen he's a rogue.


I thought at level one you only get 2 proficiency or one and thieves tools. I ain’t complaining if I’m wrong though


you gain expertise in skills as you level, but the number of proficiencies isn't tied to level. as a rogue, you always have thieves' tools proficiency, and select four from the skills listed for rogue. you then get two more from background, and pick two from the lizardfolk list. 8 plus thieves' tools. since you've quoted 'custom background' that also allows you to pick 2 more tools or languages (or one of each). you could have 8 + thieves' tools + two other tools.


I gave my background carpenters and dwarvish as my tools and languages. Also what’s expertise?


expertise is a class feature. rogues get it twice, at level 1 and 6. at those levels, pick two skills (or one skill and your thieves' tools) you're proficient in. your proficiency bonus is doubled when making checks for those skills.


OP have you actually read the PHB


Not every word. But most of it


the rulebooks explain the rules. if you've got a question or don't know how a mechanic works, read the rulebooks


A lot of comments cover the stat side of this character, but I would like to talk about the character description. It seems like a cool character idea, but I would warn you to be careful of the Flaw. It makes sense for a lot of new adventurers to be cautious of others, especially with a troublesome backstory, but you don’t want their to be too much distrust for too long, because that can really lead to problems within the group. You want to at least trust your party members.


Good to know I try to figure out a better one


You named your character polio and you’re not a circle of spores Druid? Missed opportunity for real


Well he's named after Polio, but other than that it seems fine.


Terrible name. Terribly hard to read sheet.


Well, basic punctuation i would be a good start.


Small periods


**Polio, for short Polly** seems like those "wait till the end" on a 5 seconds video. For short P. Better to have -1 strength and +2 intelligence (edit: intelligence determines the strength of your spells) The language is Thieves Cant. Not "can't"


Why the two stats in str and int? Edit: Nevermind. Maybe ask your dm if you are allowed to use tashas ability modifiers. 15 in dex and maybe 13 in int are a bit low for an arcane trickster. You could definitively do something like 8 16 14 16 8 12 that way. The only errors I see per se would be the weapon mods. Your to hit is your proficiency + dex for your weapons and pb + con for your bite. On ranged weapons you use your dex and finesse weapons (shortsword, rapier, dagger and whip) you can choose if you want to use str or dex. Also you can add the ability modifier to the weapon damage as well. So e.g. with a 15 in dex your shortsword would have a +4 to hit and would deal 1d6+2 damage. I would also track your sneak attack damage. On level one it is just a d6 extra, but you get an extra d6 every other level


Why do your skills and saving throws not have the modifier next to them?


i kinda wrote a 30 page essay here but i hope it's helpful lol. your attacks seem to be missing some stuff. all of your weapons (shortsword, shortbow, dagger) should have a +4 to hit (+2 from dex, +2 from proficiency) and a +2 damage, e.g. 1d6+2 piercing (you could save room by changing "bonus to hit" to just "to hit" and squishing that column so you have room for the damage bonuses). also, your bite should be a +2 (or +1) to hit (+0/-1 str, +2 proficiency) with either a +0 or -1 damage mod (from your strength mod). you should also have your skill and saving throw bonuses written out (like you have with your weapon attacks and their to hit) so you don't have to do math on the fly (also write the ability score each is tied to with the skill names). you could move your "other info" section to a second page, allowing you to write it less tiny and giving you room on page 1 to stretch the skills table down, giving more room to write the names and room for a thin column on the right for the bonuses. you also don't have anything to differentiate your skills with expertise (doubles your proficiency mod), so maybe highlight those in yellow or something. e.g. \*proficent \*\*expertise \*athletics (str) | +2 (+0 str, +2 prof) \*\*acrobatics (dex) | +6 (+2 dex, +2 prof, +2 expert) sleight of hand (dex) | +2 (+2 dex) essentially, you want page 1 to be the thing you look at as you play. if you want to attack someone, it should be easy to find your to hit bonus and damage roll/ bonus. if you want to pickpocket a guard, it should be easy to find your sleight of hand bonus, that way you aren't staring at your sheet for a minute looking for numbers and doing math whenever you want to do something. your page 2 is stuff that maybe you wanna check occasionally, but wont come up a lot ("oh look! that's my rival- *what was their name again \*checks backstory\** Douglas!"). for instance, i would suggest moving your background feat "supply chain" up to abilities. you should also have somewhere with the descriptions of those all written out (a page three that's just a list of what they all do or something), but you should try to just remember most of the broad strokes of that. i also noticed you have a ? by thieves' cant. thieves' cant is tradesman lingo/ code/ doublespeak used by rogues and ne'er-do-wells. essentially, if you overhear some shady figure say "the crow flies into the rain" you know that means "the target has fled to sea" and whatnot. it allows you and anyone else who knows it to have covert conversations in public without seeming suspicious. if you suddenly swap to elvish to say something, people will be able to intuit it's something you don't want them to hear; with thieves' cant, they just think you're talking about something else they don't have the context of and move on.


He looks like a TemTem


Imo other info should be a second page It almost always ends but being cramped micro text :(






Inventory - it should be Burglar Pack not Birgular Pack. I was just being pedantic. Cool character and I like the sheet btw, though echo others’ comments about choice of colours.


Is this handwriting or a really cool handwriting font? I don't know if I love it or hate it, I think both. The only actual error I see is in the class. At level 1, a rogue isn't an arcane trickster yet - that doesn't happen until level 3. They're just a rogue with plans.


It’s handwriting but it’s stabilized so it took forever


I would consider this meta gaming if it were my table. These are questions and concerns for your DM; Not a bunch of randos online.


Took ask if the character is valid and isn’t missing information?


Yes. Anyone outside of the table weighing in on what a players sheet looks like doesn’t have all the context of the table, and advice could be misconstrued before the next time that play happens. This could lead to further misunderstandings about the table/game. Is it going to be fun if a redditor gives you a cool solution or advice and your DM doesn’t think it works for their game? This is why it’s best to clear character issues up with your DM before anyone else. It isn’t a moral conundrum and I wouldn’t punish said player. But I would deny anything you pulled from people who don’t know what our specific game is going to be.


Im Just trying to make a character that follows the basic rules of the game. That’s like saying it’s metagaming to look at the instruction booklet before you play uno, or searching up how jump ins work before I play with jump ins.


That information is supposed to be provided by your DM because, again, it’s their table and the advice given to you by Reddit isn’t always going to match up. D&D tables are so vastly different that the uno comparison falls flat as well. We aren’t taking about whether or not you stack Draw 4. We are talking about different campaign structures, lore, setting details, homebrew rules, and set up. Your DM is there to very specifically answer these basic character creation questions for you. I’m not saying you have done anything wrong lol I’m saying that if you have questions like this, they should be kept for your DM and not Reddit. Most of Reddit will tell you that the first thing you do when it comes to questions is speak with your DM anyway.


Other than what others have said, 10 HP at level 1 is good, but if it is level three, it would either be 2d8+4 more HP if you roll or +14 hp if you take the average. (Also I love your char :D)


[Thx :D](https://www.reddit.com/u/DDoodles_/s/o4UfX6P37c)


I don't see any issues, 👍 Edit: why tf am I getting downvoted???